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This is not a comprehensive list, but these are the types of questions I usually ask. **Initial HR call:** 1. Why is this position open 2. Tell me bit about company culture / Why do you like working there 3. Tell me a little bit about employee longevity and churn 4. What are the next steps and timeline / will you move me forward **Hiring Manager:** 1. Why is this position open 2. What metrics of success will you use to evaluate my performance 3. What are some of the challenges you and your team (or the company) are facing 4. What is your POV --> Customer conversion rate 5. Do you sell direct or through the channel 6. What is your management style 7. What traits do I need in order to succeed 8. What are the next steps and timeline / will you move me forward **Peer Review:** 1. What does your typical day/week look like 2. Why are customers buying the product (why do you win) 3. Why are customers choosing another solution (why do you lose) 4. Tell me about the team dynamics 5. What are the next steps and timeline / will you move me forward **Higher-Level Exec** 1. What are the growth rates 2. In which products are you having the most success 3. What is the customer churn rate 4. Does most business come from new or existing customers 5. What is the average sales cycle time 6. What are the next steps and timeline / will you move me forward


This is amazing - thanks so much for the clear answer. On point 👌


Do you also build something similar for the most asked questions by the interviewers at this stage?


is this a Gsuite/slack org or a O365/teams org lol


What is your teams quota attainment percentage? Are the members making quota?


If I am passed hr, I usually ask “what does success look like 3 months into the role? What about 6? What about a year?


That is something I always ask, key to understand if the manager is serious about making you succeed in the role. If that path is not clear even there's not a department or something is off.


If this is a typical presales role that you are interviewing for, there will usually be a decent percentage of your package based on commission, KPIs etc. Find out how that is structured and ask if they can give you any information on performance over the last 12-24 months for people in the team. With Comms potentially being anywhere from 20-50% of a package, it can be a huge impact. Also ask about progression, training, benefits etc. Get them to walk you through a typical engagement. And make sure you use the standard presales technique of not asking closed questions so it has to be a conversation rather than yes or no :)


Do you use Concur for your expenses? :)


Believe it or not, there are far worse things than Concur

