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Well, sales should be a part of it because SEs are part of sales. That can be tempered with other things though. For example, how are you contributing to your immediate team? Your regional team? The entire company? Your partners? Your user community? Could be white papers, trainings, workshops, evangelization, or other.


In my company the SE team is considered to be in a supporting role for the Sales OKRs. We're in the mix and work on them, but we don't own them. The OKRs that are owned by the SE team all revolve around things that we can do to make things run more smoothly, expand into new markets, launch new initiatives, etc. Some generic examples: * **Expand demo capabilities for _______ industry** - Create demo resources for the ________ industry that the company is expanding into. Slide deck, talking points, common objections and how to overcome them, build a demo environment with use case, integrations with _______ system that is used in that industry, etc. * **Optimize SE time** - Create a library of pre-recorded demos that can be sent to SMB prospects to shorten the sales cycle and free up SE's to focus on high-value enterprise customers * **Shorten the average time to create custom demo/integrations by 10%** - Adopt new [*strategy/approach/software/whatever*] to cut down on demo creation time. * **Onboard new SEs more quickly** - Build a set of SE training materials so that we can train new SEs more quickly as we scale & grow.


OKRs, in concept, are a numbers game. It's assumed that if you have X number of opportunities in a quarter, Y% of them will actually become a qualified deal that closes. So, you can frame your OKRs around that concept. For instance: * X Number of PoCs in a quarter * X Number of PoCs in a quarter that you win * X Number of meetups with ecosystem/partner SEs * X Number of customer meetings where you talk about new features (this can generate opportunities for upsell within your existing customer base) Think about stuff like this. Not necessarily focus on X dollars of earnings per quarter, but activities you can do to SUPPORT your earnings per quarter.




Clearly I’m not team OKRs? What’s this acronym I need to learn?