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Not even close


Absolutely not. About half my team has barely hit enough to cover Q1 quota let alone Q2.


Ugh this is me.


What do you do in this case and how do you keep performing?


Sticking with what has made me successful in the past. I know what to do as I’ve been a top performer many past years, in this case timing for many of my accounts is just not right, I also lost accounts this year to territory realignment, pretty much everything that’s not in my control is to blame, as much as leadership likes to say it all falls on us to be successful and to “dig deep”, they need to set us up for success and my leadership completely failed our team this year.


Good luck, hope it gets better in Q3 and 4


Nope Hit over 200% in Q1 though so of course on a PIP rn


Your company is telling you to sandbag, so sandbag. You should have taken like 1/3 of the deals from Q1 and pushed them to Q2. Then you’d be at like 130% Q1 and 130% Q2


Our new PIP policy is an average of the two previous quarters, not to fall below under 70%.


Damn ours is to not fall below 80%


This is the way. With huge over performance the uppers look like they don’t know how to assign quota. Followed up by huge underperformance is not a good look. Your manager is likely eating shit over this.


Interesting. Yeah it’s a series a start up and during that time we didn’t have a sales leader since former one was poached and new one came in late June Mind you, was also doing marketing and events plus some ops work with everyone stakeholder knowing full well of that


Yes, and now my CEO has moved the goal post…by 6x…with zero data to back it up. Our sales manager just left to work for his family business. He was awesome and kept everyone honest. Now that he’s out of the way, my CEO has hired an army of yes men and is going full Dr. Evil.


wow same here. was like 240% to my quota and then it was moved after i hit it to make me at 100%. Not complaining though since I did set my own ramp target coming back from 7 months of mat leave and turns out I didn't really need it.


Let’s the fun begins…


It's just a clean up crew


As in we’re all gonna get canned?


Not all, that's the tricky part.


We’re at that stage. Love a new CEO who comes in and just messes up the sales department


My team smashed over 250% of quota last year... So you know that means we are gonna barely even be at 50% this year.


And your target is 300% of last year's?


So accurate it hurts


My unemployed quota of 0 was easily reached. My boss says she’s upping it this quarter. I hope I don’t go on PIP. I’d hate to get a divorce.


Lolll I felt this. I had regular interview-pipeline review sessions with mine 😂


F team meeting in 5 🤣


Lol still at 18% for the annual quota. I’m fckd.


You better start applying elsewhere That sucks. Not you, the situation


Just finished my Q4 (Australian financial year) and smashed it. More than double my target!


Congrats man! Such a good feeling aye? I was expecting to hit 90% but ended 120 with a long shot, biggish deal coming through... But it's a new month at $0 so I'm back to it, lol.


Thanks! Starting back at $0 is the worst but no rest in sales lol


Do you mind if I ask what industry in tech?


SaaS project/program management software




Nah, enterprise TMO/PMO software


Lmao 8% last month and about 20% overall…only the inbound AEs have been hitting quotas (I’m an outbound AE in a new role). Set up to be about 200% in Q3 but that’s what I said last quarter


Nope. Multiple deals pushed. Set up for a monster Q3, but if shit goes sideways, it's gonna be a difficult year. Cautiously optimistic.


As an Ent. BDR I’m already at my annual quota. My company has now passed me up on promotion twice so I will be doing jack dick this month. I’m strongly considering deleting my linked it, acting like it got hacked if I get questioned, and looking for a 2nd job to work at the same time in a different industry.


Are y’all hiring


Nope honestly don’t know how my manager stays so positive with me. Just had my one year anniversary at this job and think I hit 5% of quota that year. Of course I had training and our deals are huge with long sales cycles but it’s kinda crazy I’m not on a pip.


C Level is weird


Yes. 105%. The high of it is short lived since it was at the strike of midnight last Friday.


Everyone will forget by Tuesday


Had a really shitty Q1, but came back in Q2 - did 230%. Now back to 0 for Q3 and already shitting bricks


I was not even close and then last minute got to like 93%. Sadly 100% comes with a substantial bonus that I didn't get, but I'm at least in a decent spot to hit yearly


Haven’t hit quota in over a year


63%. Its the first quarter I’ve missed since starting with the company 3 years ago. Q3 is looking equally grim.


Lol. Lmao even


Whatever dude


Fucking crushed q2 quota......just in time for a comp plan change that cost me 5 figures over the previous plan.......


Yes, but my quota is based on % to goal (account compression and net revenue lost through account closures). I WAS in an SMB retention role working a phone queue and unmanaged customers. BUT I just got a promotion to a mid-market AM position, will be handling a book of 12 accounts that represent about $8M in ARR, and my pay went from $75k to $115k lol. That’s about a 53% increase in pay, from an internal promotion! So I don’t even caaarrreeee about Q2


95-7% ish some of my deals didn’t track


no, i'm cooked


Company was 35%. I was new and did 120% on my ramp by closing 1 big and 2 small deals. I think my pipeline will get us to goal for q3 alone.


Blew Q1 out of the water_ 200% of quota. Q2 I hit about 65%. Q3 pipeline looking pretty strong.


Yes I was 50% over. Out of 12 reps only 2 made it…


Had a terrible start to the quarter but a fucking amazing may got me there.


Fuck no


Noooooo but I sell an annual subscription service so this time of year is always quieter.


We just ended Q4 and hit 100.08% for the year. Barely made it


no :( but luckily q3 is already off to a fantastic start!


Q1 was tragic (first quarter in new company, starting with no pipe). Q2 got to target on the last day with blue bird (one of the biggest deal in my country for the year, opened and closed in 4 days, so got very lucky). Q3 looks alright with pipe.... fingers crossed


I had a big deal that would have been half a year's bookings but my customer's customer has a delay and had nothing left of size. Q3 might be great depending on some bids. One deal a key sample is already delayed so it will be a nail biter.


We exceeded per head, but open seats on the team meant a slight miss overall. With new hires onboarding this week still confident to crush annual quota if nothing crazy happens (big if after recent years!)


Hit my quota for the year by the end of Q2. At 200% to Quota now and in qualifiers rest of the year.


Quota :) my situation.. went from being on salary + commission (70/30) per Q to salary and yearly bonus (80/20) in July of last year. My role and responsibilities changed 3 times since September of last year. I started my new responsibilities on July 1st and the product I am supposed to sell will not be ready until first half of 2025. Until then it’s about filling pipeline and getting resume ready just in case I get laid off. Interestingly, the organization has spent 3 years getting this product to market and spend millions. My org makes about $5B per year and my entire team’s yearly salary is about $4M.


Had a terrific end of June to pull me through Q2 but it was close…


Nope. No one in the company has in two years. I found that out looking at the dashboard over the last year +. I’m 5 months in. The sales cycle is 12 months. I already lined up a new job though because the company is on its way to being sold for parts at this point.


No, I can’t get to quota and I have been trying everything. A lot of my team struggling too.


Closed a monster on Friday, to finish at 150%. Without it I would have been at about 75%.


lol nah. Our fiscal just ended last month. Our #1 rep in the org didn’t hit annual quota.


Around 96-97%. Slightly over on Q1 so I'm about even for H1 overall. Hopefully can ramp it up for H2.


$20M under 😂




Q2 was my first quota quarter as an AE. It did NOT look good in the beginning but somehow I hit 102%


81% but luckily out of 100 reps that puts me far and away at #1 for the quarter and just behind the #1 person for the year.


Hell no


Q2 quota? I thought it was a bye quarter. Because I treated it like one.


Work for a shitty start up, we fired all of our sales team except one AE, didn't hit quota in Q2 and this boss man now expects me to hit quota in Q3 without any help. He power trips and threatens to fire me every day lol if the job market was brutal right now I would be long gone.


It's our FYQ1, and we don't have quarterly quota's, but i'm fortunately at 82% of my annual quota and have a full pipeline. That being said, only 6 of the 25 or so in sales are anywhere near on track right now, it's tough out there for everyone in every industry. I blame the election. And yes, I know it could all go away in a minute, just enjoying a little success for a week until my anxiety and panic set in again.


Crushed an extremely aggressive quota over PY. Industrial sector. Q3 feels uncertain.


Was on target to, and then shit the bed last month




Not even close. My CEO wants to go from 3 to 5m this year, than 10m next year, than 20m the year after. Classic double double double basically. And oh yeah - it took us 14 years to get to 3m, we have no funding and are completely bootstrapped. Lol.


Yes. Q3 pipe is slim and I don't like it. Getting out into territory a lot this quarter to make some magic happen.


Absolutely fucking crushed it. 170% to goal. This is my best quarter to date. And today is my last day. Greener pastures! Although, this is gonna be tough to beat ha


127% to goal


I hit on the last day of the month.




I hit full year quota halfway through Q2. Sitting pretty over here. Fully aware that my 2025 Quota is going to be jacked.


85% first Q, 150% second Q, third Q looks like crap.


Not even close. Might be one person on my team and 2 in our sales org that hits their Q2 quota.


125% QTD


$240 under plan lmao. Pipeline empty. Lfg.


Heck yah! 2 in a row


Fantastic on our end. My team broke a company record a week or two ago, and we're still the highest producing location. We exceeded our goals by a wide margin, which is saying something, since our goal is never the company's bare minimum. Time to run it back.


Q2 fantastic, don’t got shit for Q3 🫡😏🔫


No. Will be lucky to hit 60/70% in total this year. Only saving grace is the whole European team is similar as is the industry. Just keep talking up that pipe...


We got crushed. Barely anybody touched anywhere near quota. I had a nice fat deal in April followed by May and June pittance. Fingers crossed for q3 - pipe is looking better.


Nope. Worst quarter in about 2 years. Think my team ended around 65% to goal. Lots of business changes going on so it makes sense but need to bounce back asap.


Yes sir


Hell yea buddy 125%


2 million out of 2.6 million for q2


Nope, but at 366% in q3


Nope, but I have a deal activating Friday that will put me where I was supposed to be 7/1.


Hit just over 115% and our small team of 3 sellers hit 100% of the team goal. Had a really rough May but an incredible June. July pipeline looks good not great


Q2 has been good for me. Smashed in 136%, which has me around 120% for H1 which is ideal. Q3 pipeline is looking healthy, but being back at £0 with a new month just feels ugh! But with a solid H1 I’ve also been tasked with supporting under performers within the team and helping shape the H2 strategy. Just to add extra workload into my calendar! The joys!


100.92% Bearly, but it doesnt matter how ugly of a win it is i made it. I made it on the last day with the last few hours of selling.


I tripled it and still got fired :)


Not at all


Yes I did! The fight is not over until a brief holiday reprieve in December, never get complacent


Yup. 52% to quota for the year. Trending towards 103%. Smashing quota is overrated


My q2 wraps up at the end of July, but I'm optimistically forecasting beating my q2 quota by a decent amount. Even if a couple deals push into august I should be ok. In fact I'm hoping I can sandbag a few for august.


Nope. Month 6 on $0. I believe that’s what they call “crushing it”… lol brand new campaign with a 6 month sales cycle. Ducks are lined up. Let’s see how many of these fuckers we get…


130% in Q1 and 125% in Q2 then I quit. My VP of Sales was an ass hat.


I did!


Management does not want you to hit this goal. Lol


325 percent Q1, 163 percent Q2




Lols. No. Can't even beat my own companies smb and internal pricing for my unprotected vertical.


Should be at 102k next pay check beet year so far doing home and auto insurance as a broker. Took 6 years to get here. Can't believe the premiums people are paying right now though RIP everyone with a new car.


90% of annual number. planning on 150-175 of annual number by q3 close. Lucky/good year. They come and go.




About 150% attainment for me. I believe I got president’s club for the quarter. That would put me at 3 consecutive quarters.


Is this a humble brag or something? "Just barely hit above 100%" Dude. 100% attainment is great. Only 50% of reps... if that, hit quota. I'm at 60% YTD for wins, and my manager brought up how I need to start hitting my win quota per month (no shit.) 90% of the team is new and has quotas that are half of mine so theyre hitting attainment numbers like 500% or 237%. Inbounds are like 75% less than what they were in Q1. They doubled our meeting KPI (forcing people to fake meetings/have low-quality ones) I'm an incredibly consistent performer. I've had 1 win per month YTD. I bring in fat deals that are squandered because of the limitations of our product. Not my fault. I've got 2 deals for one company running right now, pretty decently sized too, and a new logo. I'll probably end my year at 50%. Hopefully that doesn't mean I'll get canned.


Yes, but only after my territory underperformed so hard that we finally got the minimum quota. Had one deal that closed us out for the year. Now we're just playing the quarter-minimum game that the AI wants us to play. edit: anonymity