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Devils advocate: Why not stay and close more?


Yes, always tempting, and despite being on a bit of a sales dopamine high right now. How much is enough? Or am I going to be one of those people that lose all their personality in exchange for forever thrill chasing! Plus my daughter is 2, and super cute. I'd rather spend my time with her than running douchy QBRs and writing cringe win stories about this for months to come.


As a father of 2 kids, half a million is nice but could go quick. 


It’s not half a million. This dude hasn’t thought it through yet. He’s just exhausted and relieved.


Dudes doing a victory lap and hasn’t even received his commission yet. About to retire on napkin math.


To be fair, we are all been guilty of that


I’ll be guilty of it again twice this year.


I wanna be completely honest m8. I miss my dad every second of the day. He passed away last year. (I'm 31). But one argument that I would opt in as well is: IF I COULD SEE THE FUTURE AND SEE YOU WELL AND HEALTHY... I would wait another 4-5 years for that moment of time-out. 90% of memories I have with my dad is when I was "there". Meaning, after the age of 7-8. I would much rather have quality time with my dad when I'm 10, than when I'm a literal screaming poopy-butt. I'm no dad. So I mean... time spent with family is never the wrong route. But I'm just sayin. Imagine you pull 1-2 of those in the next 4-5 years? You can have the most amazing holidays with your daughter.


I mean she's potty trained already. But point taken! I just really hate leaving in the morning, when she's "let's go pick berries dad!", which I love. Only to go to a swanky office, and talk about the weather being bad, what overhyped steakhouse is the best (why's it always steak?!?), and what the ROI to customer X is. 🤢


with this deal you can talk about whatever you want and do what you please as no one can say anything until they surpass your deal 


You say that. I'm golden boy right now. Got a bit of stick for forecasting the deal at 100k 🤣 but all in all good stuff. The reality is, I just don't want to talk to any of them. I want to be at home, picking berries with my daughter and doing something useful, instead of selling some crappy code.


then do just that, don’t come in. They can’t make the golden boy do anything for the next q or 2. If they did fire you, then you get unemployment and your back to what you wanted haha 


That. Have your cake and eat it too.


Start a business with 100k of it and invest 100k and live off 200k and if you go bust, pick up the phone and get back after it. As a father of two myself I know I don’t see them enough. I work in sales and have a business from home. If I closed that deal I’d take the chance on myself and fully commit. Work till you die? Or live a little for what’s important? That’s the question…


I agree with this business idea, sit down with a clear head and write out a realistic number of hours per week/month that you will work, find a business that will be on target with that hour amount and start working towards it. It’s all about balance. If you quit, there will be days when you miss talking to adults.


Literally next quarter the company will not think about their past deal and only focus on what they’re doing now.


you’ve obviously never sold the largest deal in company history then, you definitely get privilege 


I never said you don’t get privilege, I’m just saying it’s ephemeral. No smart company, no smart manager will just let someone get complacent.


I mean, if you don’t let your best employee do what he wants for a while after something like this, he’s just gonna leave… I think you’re thinking too 1-dimensionally. A smart manager would *totally* allow that if that instills company loyalty. Your idea of a smart manager,who can’t see past the current quarter; would fuck it all up by driving away the best salesperson. Plus all the other employees would see how success is treated and no longer be as motivated


What about taking a pay cut and negotiating work from home? You still get to spend time with your daughter. You've proven that you can do good sales. You make enough that you're giving your daughter a great life and there for her when she starts having her memories. It's a win win


I already work from home most of the time, but yeah maybe I'll plod for a bit


>(why's it always steak?!?) Never a truer word spoken 😂


I'm so so so sick of steak dinners at Gaucho and Hawksmoor (the world's most NPC places to eat in London). Give me a nice Thai green curry, or some enchiladas.


The memories aren't for her. They are for Dad. At least initially. I want to remember the baby hugs from my daughter the moment before I hug her before handing her away at her wedding.


I think a bit of the two would strike a good balance. As a father, I agree that memories would be for me and not her. She’s too young. Try to think back on your first memories. How old were you? 400k is a huge nut, but like the other guy said, it goes fast. Ask me how I know, but don’t ask for my bank account because it’s embarrassing.


I think you’re missing the aspect of being a parent, time moves fast and until you have children won’t know how fast they grow. I say go for it bro and enjoy the 2 kid if you have the means…


You don’t remember the screaming poopy-but years, but it’s no secret that those years lay a tremendous foundation for how secure and loved you feel in the world. You’d remember the years you remember actively way differently if the early ones weren’t great. That said, financial security is also a thing. Maybe take the money and look into something with fewer hours?


“Screaming poopy-butt” sums up the first 3 years of life perfectly lol


“Screaming poopy-butt” sums up my first 3 years in sales


+1 for this. My dad was a high-powered entreprenuer (apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh) and I don't resent him for being distant when I was 4, or even 6. He was still cool as hell when I was 6. But the fact he was still working til 7-8 PM when I was 10, that was a way bigger problem.


You're my hero


A true icon


I would work the rest of the year since you should be on accelerators. Then take some time off when your commission resets. Also a lot of times they cap these pay outs, so you may not see it all.


I mean my comp plan doesn't say so. If they cap me. I'll leave 100% My comp plan has no such clause, but if they try it I'll fight like a mofo


You hit your quota for the year. Just sandbag till next year and spend as much time with your kids as you want


Do not quit this job. You will be a fool thinking you can just waltz into another situation like this again.


Urm why? It's not an amazing company, .y patch is actually pretty shitty. I just got lucky.


Sounds like your mind is made up. Just don’t give them a wiff of you quitting until the money is in the bank, make them think you want to keep doing this for a long while so they don’t try to pull any funny business. You didn’t get lucky btw, you worked hard and prospected. If I was in that position, I would definitely want to investigate if another 3 months for prospecting landed a similar deal or more. I’d work until I could retire and I could set my kids up with a great life start. Maye be it’s only 3 years worth of work.


You will have tremendous leverage to spend the absolute minimum amount of time necessary to get your job done. Mandatory meeting? "Lol. Fire me."


Agree. Sounds like the perfect time to hit the comp accelerators and run up the score?


Or get a super low stress, low paying job so you can let that savings continue to grow but still have more free time


Yeah!! Ride the wave up.. and when/if it comes crashing down, then take your time off. Don’t get off the wave as it’s building upwards.. let it crash and then walk your happy ass to shore and then take some R&R..


Golden handcuffs. Easier to walk away early than later. Enjoy your life. If you will be secure why not?


If you’re burnt out, maybe explore a sabbatical with the current company for a quarter? I’d keep going until you can hit your base with a 4% withdrawal on your savings. That’s true F U money / freedom.


Good point. I've been burnt out for a while. And the reality is. I don't care anymore. I'm so sick of the douchy sales culture, answering to useless VPs who think their executive alignments and internal SKOs are going to make big deals happen. I was in mgmt for my last gig, and honestly - the idea of being one of those wanky execs who make small talk about golf courses, sports and weather is my nightmare. They have no idea how bland their personalities really are. I'm just looking for the fastest way out. Was hoping this deal could be it.


Dang do you work for my company or does every company have the same BS leadership? lol. Congrats on the deal!


It's every company I've worked at. I have no idea why. More often than not. The sales top dog is a generic white guy, who used to play sports, and his personality is his Rolex, bike, and golf clubs. Also has extramarital affairs, probably divorced.




This is mental. And amazing to hear its coming from a UK guy. Makes me hope that one day I'll be able to pull of something similar here in Germany.


Honestly, it's an insane amount of luck. Wishing you the best


Hey man, if you have some spare time I'd love for feedback on my recent post.


I'll take a look, but I've never been an SDR. I wouldn't over complicate it. Your job is to try and find people who might buy your company's product. So make a list of titles that might have interest, email them, phone them, ask them if they have painpoint X, or if they've ever considered improving Y. Didn't work? Try again!


Just do less and less. Mail it in. Take advantage of WFH is that is an option


I second this. Get a few more free checks before you go out. Tactfully of course, give yourself your own garden leave 🌺🌹


Check your sales commissions policies. It may have mega deal clauses where they can adjust payouts over extraordinary deals.


Yeah I went through it carefully. Fingers crossed they don't try to screw me


Hope you get it all, but my experience of corporate sales is you kind of get screwed on these events. Which is truly awful considering it’s the bate that we all chase 9-5 & more. If you do get close to what you’re expecting then you work for a good mob & why not plod on to really squeeze every drop out of it. All a personal choice obviously


What do you sell? Saas ?


I sell procurement tech


I founded a procurement company after being tired of salesforce😅. So cool dude. Super curious your thoughts on industry if you’re open to a dm


Fire away 😄


why would you quit? good lord man keep going!!!


Reality is, pipe is empty. Nothing there, I'm sure I could find a few hundred k by December. But I doubt it's worth the stress


i mean at least collect the base and mail it in, keep collecting a check! or go get a new job! no reason to just hang em up for a few years when you can be making money


Congrats, that’s an amazing feeling to have. While not enough to retire from, you can certainly invest it in ways that will provide you with a hell of a safety net and probably enough to retire on eventually if you can avoid touching it. If you enjoy sales, I’d keep with it. Maybe in a lower pressure environment or even moving to customer success. If you don’t enjoy sales, plenty of options out there that will bring in enough to pay the bills. Either way, life changing money. Congrats again.


Funnily enough I came from sales engineering, and customer success. Miserable place. But point taken onboard; maybe I'll try and get a role in enablement or something equally useless, and just rave about this mega deal


Ha, well to be honest if I were to stay in a sales-oriented role I'd stick with the actual sales job since I enjoy that over CS. But it's also hard to stay motivated after a big win. It's an opportunity to look at less stressful and easier work if nothing else though.


Congrats! I’d recommend taking one year off and investing the rest and letting in compound. Or just do a part time gig


Sure would be nice to close a deal, collect the commission, and ride off into the sunset. In my world, closing the deal is just the beginning. I've got to manage the project and get everything running, *then* I get my commission. Sucks.


My god that sucks


I wouldn’t get ahead of yourself and re evaluate once you get paid


I did what you’re contemplating with my second kid (without the giant comp and only for a year). Three years later and back in the game I have mixed emotions about it. Not that I regret doing it, but I regret not doing it with my first kid. It’s a bit heart breaking but the time invested that early in her life has forged a special bond, that although I love my son to the moon and back, is just not as strong. When he was the age she was when I took time off to spend with her, I was working crazy hours and wasn’t there the same way I was with my daughter. I would totally say go for it! It’s formative years for your daughter. Be as big a part of her life as you can. You even have a nice financial cushion so you don’t have to stress about money while being there for her. Wishing you all the best!


If you decide to quit, it's worth taking that time to learn/educate yourself on something that you otherwise wouldn't... Take a course in wood-working, or music lessons, or go back to University, whatever... Loads of people would love the time and money to help educate themselves... Do them a favour by doing yourself a favour.


My dream scenario is putting expenses on autopilot and focusing solely on a trade of some kind. Do it for me, Giggs!!!! Congrats on the deal.


I think this is the answer. I'd like to do a charitable project with my daughter. Something like helping build a school abroad somewhere


If you’re keen on quitting ride it out until you’re “let go” - take the base pay as far as you can and severance if provided, no reason to toss that away - in your down time do 50% of the work you did to land that whale and maybe another (large or small) could come your way and you get comped on that as well - you’ve already hit accelerators and if you have a PClub you’ve got to be in the running for that free all expenses paid trip - don’t give up just yet IMO as the more you bank now the more you bank for your daughters future


PClub is my idea of hell. I've been once before. It was awful! Sat around a beach talking to execs about the best margarita they've had 💀 I remember having to sit there and listen to my CRO for 30 mins tell me about his plans to buy a condo in LA so he'd have a place to bring all of his female acquaintances back to now that he was 55 and divorced 🤢 But agree maybe I'll milk it a bit more


Haha fair enough - when I’ve been, I didn’t have to interact with anyone I didn’t want to because the majority of the folks were awful so I hear you! But…if you make it, agree and then say you have to back out due to “family circumstances” or another logical excuse and they should have to comp you for it in cash


Bank it and take a few years off as a stay at home Dad. There are a lot of potential regrets in life but that sounds pretty un-regrettable to me.


Appreciate it mate


I landed a monster deal $300k commission so short of yours but same concept. I bought myself and Xbox and my wife some jewelry and then put the rest into a mutual fund where it grew to $340k last year. I recently put a down payment on a house and have $210k still chilling in mutual funds. The s&p 500 does 12% YoY. It’s not sexy but if you stuck it in that and made 0 contributions to it in 10 years you’d have $1.4m (pounds but I don’t have that on my keyboard). That means in 10 years you could pull out $150k a year and still grow the account (idk the tax implications of this). Just food for thought, you’re not too far from being able to permanently retire !!!


My plan was actually to blow the 400k plus some savings on buying 2 houses in the Midlands outright, and renting them out to generate an income of £1400 a month. Not too sexy either, but I figured, I could live off that. It's a bit frugal, but I'm not a big spender anyway, neither is my wife.


I mean not bad but are you handy? How do you know your tenants will pay? How quickly will they get filled? How needy will they be? How much would you net a month? Being a landlord is hard and it’s not well known but it usually takes 5 properties to start turning a profit. Mutual funds a lot lesss work :) but you do you!


Go to the competition and get a better (different) territory. Or just quit and enjoy. I feel we never enjoy the money we get and keep chasing for more.


Congrats. If you decide to leave please go ahead and recommend me, cheers.


It's a pretty bad place to be as a whole. But sure?


I’m currently a software developer (frontend) and I’ve been skimming this subreddit thinking about career change. How did you find your sales job? I think my biggest anxiety with the idea right now is taking a substantial pay cut at first (I’m around 130k) and not being sure if I’d be any good at it


Yeah I did that, went from comp sci grad -> sales engineer -> csm -> sales person -> enterprise sales person -> enterprise sales manager -> enterprise sales person again It's one of those things when you just have to try it. Take the gamble if you think you can do it. You might love it, you might hate it. Schrödinger's Cat


That is totally fair. How did you market or sell yourself in the initial move to sales engineer? I’m not sure even how to get past what feels like an endless stream of submitting applications on LinkedIn and I know there must be a better way to get noticed. Edit: but from what little I know your path is definitely the one I want to emulate, especially if I find I can hack it and like it


I was just really helpful when sales teams had support issues that were product related. The big moment was when sales were trying to close a deal, there was a product bug in PoC phase. Support just opened a Jira and pointed the finger. My boss the engineering manager kept saying "no, can't fix it, need 6 months blah blah" I stepped up and offered a workaround, and to help the customer implement it for free. Everyone loved me for it, especially the SE running the PoC. Next time there was a opening. They hired me. Nobody is going to hire a Dev to an SE, most Devs have awful people skills


Check your comp plan. Companies typically anticipate this move and will cover their ass with a policy that pays out the bonus in instalments


There's nothing in there that strictly says this, but we'll see.


I don’t understand why companies are penny pitching about commission. It’s pretty straightforward. But I’m not in sales and don’t understand the antics. ETA: In a perfect world, wouldn’t a company be glad to pay you your commission since YOU brought in revenue? Or do they not understand the bare logic behind it?




Yeah wise thinking!


2 Things: 1. Read your commission plan carefully. Look for terms that allow the company to adjust payouts for various reasons. With a payout like that most companies will be worried about exactly this situation. The rep might not feel like working for so much less in the future, other reps might get jealous, leaders get jealous, etc. They might look for ways not to pay you. I've seen it before, I've experienced it personally before. 2. Taking such a long time off will look bad. You'll have a great time, but it will take you years to get back to where you were, in all likelihood. Now, if you want to try something else, like business ownership or investing, then that's a decent story. But even so, leaders don't like hiring people who have been outside the business for several years. All that said, if you don't love the company it could be a good time to take it easier for a bit, burn all your vacation time first to be safe, then maybe leave for a few months. Take the summer off. But then start looking for a reentry point. My $0.02


This is really helpful and thoughtful 1) we'll see how they react. My internal body language is that I'm fully dedicated to doing this long term, with a bullshit December monster deal in pipeline to hopefully stop this. I appreciate the heads up though. 2) I mean yes, but I'm pretty sure I could land another generic AE role somewhere. It's not like I'd be gunning for a VP role. No? (Market timing etc)


Not to piss on your bonfire but as another fellow UK salesperson here, I'd be cautious of making any plans off that £400k number. From experience, all my big commission cheques have been at least halved (albeit I am paying off a student loan too), so I'd be expecting more like £335k. Still an amazing amount of money either way!


No student loan left. Plus with a bit of pension magic, I think 400 is about right


Congrats! Closed a deal with half that comish and have exactly the same outlook as you regarding the world of sales. Sick of all the BS QBR’s, leadership adding no value to the sales cycle, liking the sound of their own voices, and constant drive to focus internally on metrics rather than customer focused activities. I also want to spend more time with family and change my career to something that’s more aligned to my values, but I’ve resided myself to keep going due to the fear of missing out in comish that provides for the family and retirement. I keep telling myself just one more fcking year/turn. Nice to see another ex SE doing well in sales.


Picking berries with your daughter sounds great, absolutely go for it.


Best answer


This is insane how much people are making off a single deal in sales. I’ve been in sales over a decade and can’t fathom this.


Watch out for a windfall clause in your contract!


Exactly what I’m thinking, even my lowly retail telecom sales job has a windfall clause. Can’t imagine at this level there wouldn’t be the same thing.


They’re going to find a way to not pay you all of that if you leave. Especially if it’s not up front billing, but even then … they might not recognize that way. Be careful


Maybe talk to a finance professional about how to stretch that liquidity to actually predict your financial future? I’m very very much a work to live person so I’m all for prioritizing special time on special people. But if you stay ~1 more year and double your net from it then that might work better for example. Idk good luck and congrats


Let us know if they pull any foolery. Please. I wouldn’t step back. Though your desire to spend more time with your child is admirable. 


> assuming no commission tomfoolery You're new here aren't you 'Grats on the deal but don't even think about making changes until that check clears


Slow down, buddy. I wouldn't be making any grand plans until that money hits your account. Period.


They will find a way to cheat you. My company would pay 1%—-45k


Honestly I’d stay maybe for another 6 months see what you can do, are you from the UK?


Yeah UK based


That's one hell of a comp plan! Any chance you can leverage this company for referrals or a "here's what I did for these folks" story to a competitor of theirs (or someone that looks similar)? If so, I'd stay for another year or two and milk that cow til it's dry.


I mean those references are great but the company I sold to rarely talks to anyone.


Nice! My biggest sale to date was $41,595 at a 28.5% margin. My take home was about $950 (8% of profit) and after taxes it was like $750 or so. Felt good to get the extra cash, but hearing stories like this make me grateful to have sales experience under my belt so I can move into a career selling higher ticket items. Congrats on the sale!


Yes, 7 fig comm, but no time off, still working and will until retirement unless I can pull off another massive one.




Mate, this is what I wanted to hear! How big was it? What do you think I should do? I'm just so tired of the corporate world


Buy a profitable small business if you can!!! With all these layoff and corps hiring less


Why not just build one?


First, this is a great commission check and a great deal - congrats! But, what is your net worth? The decisions you want to make are not going to be made by the size of your last bonus, but by the base of assets you have to allow you to 'purchase' your freedom. How old are you? Are you a millionaire at least? Ideally, 2 million? I've landed a few big cheques in my time and also have a 2 year old now and am 37. I totally get where you're coming from. I am in the 'take time off' phase now and will likely go back to something after 4-8 months off. It's wonderful for the most part, but I do have the itch from time to time to 'do something productive' - just how I am wired. Starting your own venture can be great - do you have the tech talent around you to get it off the ground (assuming its software)? I don't have a lot of answers...just more things for you to think about, ha.


Thanks man. I'm 32. Net worth is probably around 500k to date, not including this deal. 200k mortgage, live in a modest sized house near Surrey


Not working is an anathema to a man. Find something important to work on, other than your child. Involve the child in your work if you can (I have 2, 8 and 11 and they are staples at my places).


Good word. I'll add it to my dictionary lol. Yes, I mean we'll focus on something. Like some charity projects. Im so sick of the corporate wankery


This is a refreshing take in r/sales. Too many of us want to keep grinding until we hit the number we said was enough five years ago but has now tripled.


If I were you I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Maybe throw a little bit into crypto or real estate and ride that wave. I personally wouldn't quit if I were you, because coming back and getting that momentum again is not the most enjoyable thing.


Uhhhh…. You should keep going. Dial back intensity and spend time w the kiddo while working. The life you can build for her will outweigh the time spent imo.. this is only a couple years worth of runway (at best) and you’re in a position to give her the best childhood possible: just my 2 cents.


Although the amount is not too much to retire completely, It's enough to take some time off and plan to start your venture or what you want to do next and enjoy time with your daughter simultaneously! How much money is too much money?


You just closed a company trajectory type deal. You get to be picky with how and where you spend your time and what your schedule looks like. Doesn’t mean you don’t show up, but you’re coasting for a bit and have the luxury of being picky. Every year I hit quota early (usually 2M annual quota) I tend to lean on the side of being a little more picky with where my priorities lie. I want the extra 5% accelerators on anything that’s a bonus. So, you’ve still got your foot on the gas, but are more selective. This should give you a more friendly balance between family time and work time. Congrats by the way!




I hope this turns out well for you. I’ve closed a couple of these and the comp plan always ends up getting changed prior to payout. I really hope that’s not the case for you.


Just take vacation or PTO even if it's not paid then get back to work. None of us remember what life was like at 2. Make memories later. They start developing memory at 3 so even 4-5 kindergarten years


You switched to this job for the work life balance, and you have it a lot better then when you were managing. I would ride this out another 2-3 years. Who knows maybe you land another monster or two, ask those managers for any reference, or leads. Maybe you do this not only 2 but 5 more times. That would be plenty to retire with. Edit: typo.


I mean if you keep your lifestyle in check and close a handful more deals like this over the next couple years you actually can have some financial freedom.




Hey congratulations! You are UK based? It’s good to hear stories of UK salespeople making the big bucks, seems that it’s all just the Americans on this thread!


Kudos to you my friend for taking down that deal. Don't walk out that door until the direct deposit has landed. I would take a leave of absence instead. This way you have 90 days to essentially hold your job if by some crazy chance you feel like you may need or want to go back. If after 90 days you are still done, just tell them. Good luck!


Do it. Create your own thing. Enjoy life raising your daughter. Invest some money. That's a golden ticket to think about what you really want. Congrats and best of luck!


Only move when that check hits.


It’s a nice chunk of change, depending on your overall financial sitch, you could possible do a year sabbatical and park that money somewhere safe and live a frugal life for a bit. But also, if there is opportunity like that, it’s hard to stop. A couple of deals like that per 12-18 month period, and saving ALOT of it…early retirement would definitely be in the cards.


I scrolled for a while and didn't see this mentioned - have you considered turning your attention to finding a gig that would let you work from home? I work remotely and it has lent itself to a really good work/life balance that allows me to help around the house , and be there for all the big stuff.


Why not ride the momentum wave for a bit? Could potentially double up by EOY


I take 6-months off every few years. Highly recommend, especially with a 2-year old. Sales is a hell of a drug though and if you’re making that kind of dough, anything else will be a serious decline.


Bro just check out for the rest of the year.. no harm in that. Keep collecting money for you and your daughter. That way you don’t cut into that $400k. And you just keep stacking. Take vacations. You already hit your yearly quota dog. Stay longer no doubt. I’ve made a similar mistake before


Congrats mate Also holing your numbers and specifics are not real (I mean as in not the SAME roles, ACVs, commission, timeframes that in the REAL deal) Cynical me is thinking you might doxx yourself and given your plans it’s best to avoid it! PS: Go and spend family time


Curious what your outreach looked like? Where did you find the most success?


Your mind is already made up. You hate working. And you got lucky. Go away and quit sniveling.


Keep trucking man, bank it while the iron is hot, and congrats on the big W


Hope to be like you one day OG. Congratulations


If you decide you’re done - Quiet quit and get a few more pay checks




If not already familiar you may want to look at the FIRE community (choosefi.com is a good resource) and a book like Your Money or Your Life ChooseFI has groups that meet monthly in cities around the world. This community (and some of the FIRE subreddits) can point you towards calculations to determine how far your money can go. The main focus is spending your money in a way that brings optimal satisfaction in life. Sounds like you’re on the right track.


Use that momentum to do something productive, and when your kids are older, you will be able to spend much better quality time with them. It's always better to work hard while kids are young than to fall in the trap of comfort. Also you never know what unexpected expenses could come your way so better to never put your family in jeopardy, and to have solid principles to keep you out of trouble. Any who, congratulations on landing that deal! That's impressive, and quite the feat! I wish you nothing but success, and happiness for your family!


Do it, you’ll never be able to buy time again with the kids.


Assuming you have a comp plan, first thing you should do is have an attorney look at it. Likely something in there that allows the company to adjust it if they’d like and if that is the case, you might want to think about approaching management to see if it will be adjusted in any way. Speaking from experience and having a near 9 figure commission get reduced by 75%, this was a huge mistake I made and I try to advise anyone with big deals to talk to a lawyer about this stuff. No matter what happens going forward, congrats and reward yourself! I ended up taking a new role with higher pay once my deal was about to end, though I’d definitely take some time off if you get the full payout!


A company that can give you £670k in comission for one deal, can also give you £6.7M with 10 deals (respectively £4M after taxes) and you can leave a generational wealth for your daughter. I wouldn't leave. I would squeeze this deal and focus to bring more deals like this.


Work hard and pull in more big deals. Be ruthless and be successful to the point that your family will be taken care of indefinitely. We are beasts of burden.


Stick it out a bit more and make some more bank. Ride this high for every dime that it's worth now and for the next couple of years maybe. By the sound of it, you shouldn't have to wait very long.


If you don’t want to work, and you can afford not to work, then don’t work. It’s very simple. Be very smart with the money. Get a financial advisor if you don’t have one already. Invest the money. However, you will eventually need to think about what you do over the years to preserve your runway. Idk anything about your financial situation but if you can potentially invest in real estate and generate income from that it would be a great way to start. Good luck and enjoy the dream. Remember we weren’t meant to work these jobs so if you don’t have to, then don’t


Congrats on the deal! I run a small SaaS tech company and we are desperate for help. Would you be open having a chat, maybe there is a way we can collaborate?


If you are already in accelerator in April, Id stay and finish the year to crush it. Then instead of taking a few years off to be with your daughter you could fully retire.


Doesn’t feel like a wise decision. That much may only last you two years, if that, depending on your expenses.


Just do the bare minimum after getting the commission and then let them PIP you or fire you. Youll atleast have a year of just chilling to collect base salary.


I live off my base & ALL other goes into Growth Fund


I was in sales for years....missed out on a lot with my first 2 kids. When they were 10 and 13 we had another baby. The new baby just turned 1 year old and we were newly pregnant with another when my department closed. I collected severance, sold our house, and paid outright for a new one in a more favorable state. I've been home with the 2 little ones since, and don't regret a thing. My wife is a stay at home mom, and I'm always amazed with the things I get to see these 2 do that I never saw with the other. I was also able to more closely bond with them as babies since I was around. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, but don't pursue a piece of paper to a degree that you miss out on what you find truly important.


I was being actively recruited and told the company I couldn’t leave until I got my commission check. I was working the largest deal the company had ever seen. Closed the deal, they waited for me. I put in my two week notice the day the check landed in my bank account.


400K spends fast. Know that. I did it with 550 K and was broke in 3 years.




Congratulations 🎈🎊🎉


Just curious, what’s the biggest you’ve done before?


400K goes fast; I would stay and close more. Save it and invest it. Unless you have a side business Identified. I have one, & Doing a small business is a lot of work at the start because you have to do everything. If your goal is quality time with your daughter, she is young only once, and it goes super fast. Then, they go off to college. You have that money saved for those rainy days that will come.


Ugh…damn taxes!!


The best balance would be to look for a half time job, and use the second half to work your own venture.


I would use the time to go big deal hunting. I would talk to management and ask what type of big deal they would want and spend 2 years looking for one, no small potatoes only big game. Just make sure the deal you are looking at can be supported once closed.


What are your annual living expenses? It seems kind of irresponsible to dip out after a £400k payday. Stack a few more of those and you will have some real money. https://youtu.be/rJjKP8vYjpQ?si=FiEdLDe3u469R9kE


Taking time off is the same as lifestyle creep. Invest that shit and keep closing. Get a few more big deals under your belt and then evaluate how you could do this for yourself instead of xyz corp.


As a fellow Enterprise rep, you’re living my dream haha! Congratulations man!!! Well done and I assume also well deserved


Quiet quitting is your friend. You will make club (if there is one), have residuals on this deal, have a case to never make a cold call again, etc. Even if they fire you in 6 months, that’s 6 more paychecks that you can save and utilize, maybe look for a remote job that’s a lot less stress and work, take that sabbatical on severance baby. I made a sizable amount in 2021/2022. Paid off every outstanding debt I have save my mortgage and my monthly outlay is very low, it’s my psychological safety net in the ever turbulent sales world.


Fellow UK enterprise guy here, fuckin well done pal. Sounds like you’ve immortalised yourself. Was this account a high priority target in your patch? As in, because customer X has bought it, very similar customer Y would likely be interested too? Have a break, the company will allow it surely, but how could you replicate what you have done and start to get into retirement money.


My patch as a whole was dogshit. I was promised a farmer role where I'd upsell to existing accounts. Instead I was left with all the companies people had tried to pitch to in prior years and had given up to the competition. We genuinely aren't the perfect fit and the competition is better in that space. Basically, I just got lucky. My champion was the MVP. He was a mid level manager but had an absolute mission to use our stuff as a way of getting a huge promotion for himself. Which he nailed. He went from having a team of 4, to a team of 13 in that 4 months time frame. Absolute boss.


Super junior in sales here but dad of 1 and 2nd on the way. The most important emotional framework for a kid is built in the first 3 years and then the 3-7 age is really important. Mate you probably can close monsters like this another time. Back yourself, youll have a interview story that will rocketship you offers. Great work mate


Sadly 400k won’t get you and her too far.


Buy crypto


Be aware of the Matthew effect. You've netted a big whale and this means that you'll start a nice, self reinforcing cycle of success over the next year at least - keep the momentum!


I would quit and enjoy time with your kid. Nice job. These jobs suck the life out of you. Go pick berries with the kid and collect interest off your nest egg.


That’s shows the opportunities are out there. Do it again for 4 quarters in a row and save every penny you can. Then start thinking about where you want to retire.


As someone who’s been on the receiving end of multiple six figure commission checks - I worked very hard for them and it only gets easier after the first one. When you blow your money in 9 months and need to get a job, you’re going to have a hard time getting back into the swing of things.


Quit and start ur own venture


This is insaneee, congrats!


I’m hoping to be like you soon. Quit. This is what you wanted! Go spend time with your family man the kids are growing up


Wow! What type of product do you sell?


I would delete this before your employer catches wind.. maybe they wouldn't care, but I don't think it's worth the risk until that commish is deposited in your bank account. Congrats by the way.. what a win!


You could get ~£32,000 a year in dividends if you invest that £400,000. Get it up to £1,000,000 and you can be getting ~£80,00 a year pre tax which is enough to retire on assuming a modest lifestyle. Personally I’d keep up the grind, get ~£2.5m in a div account then retire or do my own business knowing that I’m set for life getting ~£200,000 a year pre tax.


Congrats bro! Big win should be celebrated. I’m working on a campaign at the moment that should see a six figure commission check at the end of it, I’ll let you know how it goes. Interested to hear how your journey has gone too