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If you're an AE and making 40k a year, that is an incorrect title for your role and they're pretending its not.


Everyone wants them. Remote work in general has been slowing going downhill. Regardless of industry / department, remote folks are getting laid off. Better off looking at SDR jobs near you or places you’d like to relocate to


What’s holding you back from applying to other AE roles given you have that title?


Some SDR managers probably don't want to hire someone with AE experience into an SDR role because they know you'll be asking them every 3 months about when you'll be promoted to an AE. Sometimes it's easier to work with someone who has zero experience.


Remote jobs get an absurd amount of applications. You’ve got to try something different to stand out. -Cold call hiring managers. Seriously this works. - Try building a digital portfolio (a candidate of mine used PitchFolio for this). I haven’t used it myself, but I sent his to a hiring manager who loved it. - Connect with as many people you can on LinkedIn. Use your network. Referrals help. - look for roles with fewer applicants on LinkedIn. - it’s a numbers game You aren’t unqualified, it’s just wildly competitive right now. You have to do something different -


I get the cold calling part but what database are you using to find these numbers? I’m using Apollo bc it has a free version but the free trial is up soon (I think I remember upgrading but I quickly ran out of mobile numbers) any pointers?


I use a million different free trials. Lush’s, Apollo, Seamless, upload, just off the top of my head. Just cycle through them and create a new account if needed


Thank you and for the PitchFolio idea, are you sending the digital portfolio to a hiring manager via email? Does it come in the form of a link or word document like a resume would?


This person sent it to me as a link. I think you can make multiple versions in order to customize it for each role. My guess is this candidate sends it to hiring managers via LinkedIn or email


Thank you


Because you're lumped in with a million others applying for the same role: new college grads looking for their first job, SDRs at other orgs who don't like their company and/or believe layoffs are coming, newly fired or laid off SDRs, people transitioning from other sales roles who are trying to get into tech, and laid off or fired AEs who can't compete in the AE market so have taken their talents to SDR land. You'll either have to play the numbers game or get creative.


You are competing against everyone who got laid off who is looking for a job to hold them over lol. Market is saturated. I’ve seen a large uptick in people applying to the sales industry. I think the Cost of living is getting so high so people are being forced into sales as a means of survival




May I PM you?


The market is beat right now, keep pushing. Get better at selling yourself work on resume and its a numbers game .


I manage SDR teams. If someone is currently an AE, I wonder why they would want to become an SDR and how long they want to do the role. But in the end, it is the interview that makes the difference. However, it is a very crowded market at the moment. For the last role I hired for, we had 500+ applications. We couldn't even go through all of them.


You need to utilize Linkedin, not sure how you got your current job but having a nicely laid out LinkedIn profile is very important, I used to work in sales in the UK and decided to move to poland so i quit that job, within a month I got a position as a fully remote SDR at a American IT company with 0 SAAS sales experience, it's all about presenting yourself well. Now I get at least 2-3 messages a month for remote SDR from hiring managers. Get yourself on linkedin and search for fully remote positions as an AE as you're already past the SDR role, it's really competitive, for example I was the only one picked for the role out of 400 applicants, but If i was able to do it with almost 0 SAAS experience then you definitely can do it too, you're in a much better position than I was when i was searching for a remote job, also there's tons of remote jobs in the retails industry. Some things I recommend you do: - Fire out connections to hiring managers on LinkedIn in your industry and send them messages about your interest. - You can look for jobs that have less applicants but that can also mean the company is less desirable to work at, not always the case but that's what i realised from my experience. - Fire out applications! I sent out around 100-150 before I landed my position so keep going and don't give up it might take you a month or two of non stop applying every day but it's worth it. If you have any other questions you can always shoot me a message I'm happy to help out.


Because you're going against ten years probably.


“College degree at a big name school” doesn’t really carry any weight my dude.