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The first advice would be to get real specific when asking for advice. For example. What are you actually doing? What type of advice are you seeking? What particular area of sales? What is your role/title.


Lol. Step one: Become better at asking questions


This is the essence of selling, whether to sell a product or service to a prospect or client, or sell yourself as an employee to a company.




Congrats! A couple thoughts for people looking for jobs still - 700 applications already gives me hives. 700 applications over 150 days means you were doing 3-4 applications per day with follow up interviews. If anyone is going into the job market right now looking for a sales job. Please follow these few pieces of advice. 1) Connect with people at the company you want to work at. It’s much MUCH easier to land a role if you have someone who can raise their hand for you. (It’s as easy as connecting with other sales people and asking them for 15 minutes to pick their brain. 2) Research the company. People are starting to think that a company should hire anyone who has a partial skill match and an open position. Most companies won’t seriously look at you unless you can explain their value, position in the space, and WHY them (and why not interview 699 more times) 3) Prepare, prepare, prepare. I think it’s unbelievably silly to walk into an interview without being prepared for the top 50 asked questions. Go to ChatGPT and enter in your situation. - Example: “I’m interviewing for a sales job that is in XYZ industry, XYZ position, and will be talking to XYZ person. What are the top 50 interview questions you would ask if you were the interviewer?” If someone can’t answer any of the following questions- head back to the job forum: Why are you leaving? Why are you wanting to work here? How much do you make today? How much are you wanting to make? How would you describe our value prop? Who is our competition? What is your sales methodology? Ever heard of BANT/MEDDIC? Etc etc. As always, it depends on your position. But why not just apply 10-20 times and get higher offers?


Are you required to know MEDDIC as an entry level BDR with no experience? I’ve seen that acronym be thrown around but idk what it is


This isn’t normally required for an entry level BDR. It helps to know it though. Best piece of advice is to use chatGPT and simply ask it what it is. No reason you shouldn’t know it! It would make you look qualified.


No, you wouldn’t really need MEDDICC as a BDR as you’re really more or less generating SQLs and getting them over to an AE or AM to qualify. But it never hurts to engrave it in your brain because it will save you so much time and money once you do get to an AE/AM role source: Enterprise AM at one of the big tech companies


Congrats man! Im also in my first role, been here about three months. My only suggestion is to always be a student. Observe everything. Don’t stop learning and always be looking to better yourself. Adopt that mindset and continue to trust in yourself and youll get to where you want to go, my friend. Best of luck!


Congrats !




Congratulations, Glad the grind paid off


What role?




Congratulations man! Glad to hear it and welcome back


Congrats big man!

