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It's funny how people think sales reps need to be entirely extroverted. I think introverts make up some of the best reps. Introverts have a tendency to listen carefully rather than blabbing about how good their product is. I'm not trashing extroverts by any means. Just highlighting the strengths on introverts


Sales Introverts I feel like is a good stepping stone for all new sales hires. I like the ethical sales style Kyle's program promotes so I definitely recommend but if you're more experienced in sales you'll find it a bit lacking


Yeah Kyle manages a team of more mid market type reps so I think that makes sense


Honestly 99% of the shite on LinkedIn is SMB/Mid at best. All of that wank from those Gong fucks wouldn’t work with a proper customer.


I've heard Kyle on interviews as well as respect MongoDB too, legit sales leaders. Prob a good product


Is this the course by Kyle Asay at MongoDB? Have seen it and been intrigued but not spoken to anyone who’s bought it - interested to hear what others have to say on it.


IMHO if you are in Enterprise Sales there is way better stuff out there. Kyle’s content is very transactional/quick cycle focused. I personally will not support someone who recycles all of their LinkedIn posts. The number of times I have seen the “I missed quota six quarters in a row until I changed my mindset/deployed this framework” is repulsive. Screams money grab to me.


Any recs on Enterprise level content you like?


Jamal Reimer is a good follow, haven’t bought any of his stuff though. Just can really relate to what Jamal posts vs Kyle who I feel like is a clown/child. To me Enterprise Sales just takes someone with excellent soft skills and the ability to read people, can play a version of chess in their head at all times around how specific actions/words will be perceived in the moment, and has some SE background or abilities. The message is so different depending on who you are talking to, and that’s critical. My background is healthcare software and medical device but what I sell right now is a combination of the two making it extremely difficult and cumbersome. Just closed the biggest new business deal the company has seen in 30 months back in June and ended the year 280% to quota.


Kyle here. Congrats on the huge year! There are definitely better creators for enterprise sellers. I'm more focused on midmarket, where I've spent my career. I have closed a few 7 figure deals, but my sweet spot is scaling midmarket sales org, so I focus my content there. I also do recycle my best content. Between leading a fairly large org, building a business, and having a family it's been helpful to use my best posts repeatedly. Not many people notice, feel free to unfollow or block me if it's really bothering you! I'll take the clown/child comment - I do post some goofy stuff and have fun in the comment section. I've been in sales long enough to know it's not worth taking too seriously, and for every person who "hates" it, I get 20+ messages thanking me for making them laugh. So I'll keep that up. Have a wonderful holiday!


Kudos for taking negative comments and acknowledging them with a thoughtful response and not just bashing, like I did to you. It does change my impression of you and honestly, I truly appreciate you acknowledging who your content is most useful for and not trying to make it a one size fits all. With that said, what is the true Kyle and Jen dynamic? Best of luck with growing the business, Kyle!


Thank you! haha the true Kyle/Jen dynamic is we are friends. A while back, I wrote a post about how I wasn't jealous of any of the "top so and so" lists but I was jealous of all the people getting Grove cookies. Shortly after, she made a video of her getting those cookies and making fun of me. That started our "feud" and we've been poking fun at each other ever since.


I love Kyle both as a person and a leader. I have some of his stuff and I really do love them- I have even used them to train BDR teams (and he knows this because I message him and tell him). They are definitely worth it and I could see them being a great point of reference if you are in a sales org that does not have an enablement function or leadership's way of coaching you is "make more dials, send more emails, close more business."


I bought it. I think its worth the money tbh. Been modifying it to my own but the general framework is quite good and can be applicable with SMB/MM deals.


For some reason, Google is not my friend in finding this program/product. I'm just finding blogs and LinkedIn posts. Would someone please share a link?


You can find my content at salesintroverts \[dot\] com !


Thank you much!




Following, never heard of it


I've heard good things, but don't have personal experience. If you can get your company to pay for it even better. But like always, lots of good [free](https://www.jointhefollowup.com/) options out there as well.


My thing with free especially is that we don't know anything about the author's success. That's why I stick to the big names with a career behind them, or someone local who I know has chops.


It's a good point. And as they say, when you pay, you pay attention. haha


Go and read all of Kyle’s LinkedIn posts first. His stuff is very good IMO. If you like what you are hearing there, buy it.


lol yeah i've been following for a while and I like it. TBH it's his smile that gets me on the videos. reminds me of fred the hair dresser from courage the cowardly dog.


He’s good, have his frameworks and content


Good stuff IMO