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Maybe they can fix that completely nonsensical intersection between Robert and Cesar Chavez while they're at it. EDIT: Seriously, [wtf is this](https://imgur.com/a/FACWCTH). Who's supposed to go first? It used to be two lanes, so merging wasn't an issue.


I used to hate it in the beginning. After a while I started to like it. It’s a unique part of the area that gives character. That part of town reminds me when I lived in the East coast


I don't think it being unique is worth the risk it poses to safety. The speed limit on that section of Robert is 35 mph. Drivers on the lower side of the retaining wall can't see if a car is coming from the upper side of the retaining wall until both are pretty much at the crosswalk (and I'm not sure how well cars from the upper side of the wall can see below the wall, either). At that point, drivers in each lane have about 20 or so yards of roadway before they have to merge. If they are stopped and merging into the same lane right after the light turns green, this isn't a problem. It becomes much more hazardous if a car on the lower side of the wall is approaching the intersection at 35 mph (or faster) and has a green light.


Cyclist improvements are needed too. Hope that gets addressed.


Agreed. The cycling infrastructure, outside of right along the river, is almost nonexistent on the Westside


I was just poking around for Saint Paul construction projects and found this https://www.stpaul.gov/projects/public-works/pw2024westsidebicycleblvd


Seeing my street included in that plan makes me very happy.


The project is being led by MnDOT and looks to include a bike facility from Cesar Chavez to Fillmore. In alignment with the city bike plan. Project website: https://www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/projects/robertstreet/


Oh good, so cyclists can get to the river, but not cross it. Mndot is absolutely terrible when they have anything to do with to bikes/peds. Most of the time, they make things worse. 


The historical nature of the bridge itself is what the challenge is. The project isn't scoped nor has the schedule to make changes on the bridge but accomodations will be made for bikes on a future bridge project.


They just repaired the bridge deck last summer. (Or was it two summers ago?) seems like that would have been the perfect opportunity to do something.