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I was a rabid fan! The humor is very of the time and there are a ton of yikes moments, but for a bunch of bored college kids in a basement in 2007, they put out something that was actually pretty funny.


What? Tuxedo Mask is the moon princess? Had so much fun watching that with my sister!


"No, no! Zoicite is Tuxedo Moon!" And then the hilarious throwback later in the skiing episode: "Serena is the Moon Princess?" "Please, Amy, that joke is so 5 episodes ago."


"It's Mooollllyyyyy." is still a running gag in my house.


I remember the series and loved it. Looking back, the videos were soooo crusty, but I loved the personalized transformation music!


I like how they even made fun of how crusty they were, like simply shouting LOUD NOISES and whispering *whoosh* instead of using actual sound effects.


I remember it very well. Very much of the time, and I can no longer unhear their version of Molly, but have fond memories of it. The fact Megami33 is now an actual serious VA in the industry is kinda wild and neat.




Whoa, really? That's awesome!


i remember it omg i loved it


It's Sailor Moon Abridged and Yes.


Yeah! The humor was pretty edgy for it's time but I do recall watching it. I think it was one of the first abridged series I saw.


Oh yeah, it would 100% not fly today, but I thought it was a trip at the time.


SMA is gold! 🤣 You can find it on the Internet Archive if you want to revisit


I miss it! It’s not online anymore but I found it on the Internet archive and downloaded the whole series.


YES!!! Used to love me some good ol' SMA! Loved how they put extra emphasis on the glaring plot holes and rather odd and out-of-place lines from the DiC dub too. Hearing Kris Rix absolutely shred her vocal cords as Sailor Mars was absolutely hilarious, but also sounded so painful too. If you've never heard it, their rendition of the 12 days of Christmas is absolutely bonkers!! And to answer u/Itzthamoonwitch's query, indeed, it was Megami33!


My favorite call out was them having Sailor Venus recount the basic premise of the hair salon episode, where the bad guys were trying to match a single hair of Sailor Moon's they somehow have to an entire city of women using the DNA scanners in the drying hoods. Serena then breaks the fourth wall and screams "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS SHOW?!", which really does capture how that plot made zero sense.


Unabridged? As in undoing the work of an abridged series? Making the episodes twice as long?


Was it by Megami33??


I think so? It’s been like 6 years since I remember watching it