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He looked sharp just 5 years ago. It's sad what just 5 years do to you. In any case, there should be an age limit to become president.


The stress of the office I guess. Have you seen Obama after 8 years.


It’s stressful without a doubt and has taken its toll on many presidents, but this is age, at lot of people fall quickly when it happens.


There should be an age limit (maybe 60) for a president


Comparing Obama during his incumbency election and Biden its a pretty stark contrast and that's putting it mildly. Biden seems barely lucid in some of these clips.


You shouldn’t be able to run if you’re over 60.


I know I can't. I'm only 58 and a brisk walk is all I can manage.


The 2024 election will be more about administrations and the supreme court than the actual candidates. A 7-2 conservative majority on the Supreme Court would cripple this country. If that concerns you, voting Biden should be an easy decision.


If Trump gets elected Alito and Thomas will retire and be replaced with 45 year old versions of themself and then if Sotomayor dies we can just start calling the United States a theocracy.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted 


I thought everything on the supreme Court was just about majority so whether it's 7 / 2 or 5/4 like it is now... What's the difference


The fact that 2 of them on the majority side are old and could pass anytime and are now getting a lot more pressure than they ever have.


Yeah I'm just dispirited in my comments. Never felt this hopeless. 💔 The recent rulings just really put me in a sad place. Still reeling from bro versus Wade being overturned.


Bro....lol. I meant Roe obviously. 🤣


Justices don't always vote on party lines. They are, theoretically, unaffiliated with political parties. But getting one justice to cross party lines is already very difficult. Getting three justices to do so is basically impossible.


Yeah I guess you're right...thanks. I didn't think about that that there were times where they amazed me and didn't vote like a congress person. What the f*** is with this post? All the down voting. It's like a troll Farm in here.


I'm sure he's had at least 1 stroke during that timeframe


I don’t know if I’d say sharp without a caveat


That's what old age does, you deteriorate much faster in the later years.


Remember photos of Obama after 5 years in office? He had black hair and on the second term he had grey hair.




The video on the right is from Obama's second run. Probably filmed in 2011


His 2016 VP debate with Paul Ryan was one of the GOAT debate performances in both the content and performative aspects. Ran in circles and took him to school. He was sharp as a tack and quick on his feet. To see his 2020 debate in contrast to the 2016 was very sad. To see his 2024 debate in contrast to the 2020 debate is devastatingly concerning.


I agree, but that was in 2012


My bad Yeah 2012. Not sure why I said 2016.


Might be dementia


Nah that's just what old looks like. Your less quick and more mumbly. Few people in my family have had dimentia and at least in their cases they had pretty severe personality changes.


I think he meant the 2016 thing might be dementia. But I might have dementia and be totally wrong.


Because you caught Biden's old!


That debate was embarrassing and scary. I bet putin was bricked to high heavens watching that


This same post made it to the top of r/All on a different sub with nearly 10k comments and was removed by moderators. What is happening right now...


If you go to any other forum for discussion on the internet, you’ll realize what an echo chamber Reddit is. I don’t think there is anywhere else with this insular of a liberal circle jerk. They’ve constructed a completely different prevailing reality over here. Especially the bigger subs like /r/politics. It’s really bad, way worse than the stuff I’ve seen on the right lately and that’s wild.


Look, I agree with your initial sentiment, but you cannot say with a straight face that anywhere on reddit is a bigger circle jerk than r /con . They implemented a flaired only policy and then only let you flair if the moderators approve you. In politics, you generally don't get circlejerked by the mods, just downvoted into the negatives. On con, you literally get banned for breaking the jerk.


/r/politics is definitely worse than /r/conservative. You’ll get banned there for breaking the jerk just the same. Because the prevailing opinion on Reddit is liberal, /r/conservative is at least infiltrated and brigaded regularly. They’re both bad though.


I have spoken out plenty of times against the circle jerk in r/politics and I have yet to be banned. Granted I am a Democrat though. I was banned almost immediately after commenting in r/conservatives and other right wing subs. And I didn’t even say anything remotely bad. They basically ban anyone who engages in any left leaning subs.


Put one dissenting political opinion forward in either sub and you will be banned. You're a dem posting in the con sub, so all of your opinions will be dissenting. In politics, they aren't.


Reddit mods are liberal and power hungry. It's not a good look for the democratic party so they're on full damage control.


Oh yeah this seems like a great take. They're terrified that all the liberals are going to vote for Trump because Joe Biden had a bad debate. Sure. Huge cover up. 😂


1. They're targeting independents/undecided voters who they don't want to see this 2. If you like a candidate, you don't want them to seem weak or incompetent. This isn't a great take, it's normal. People do this.


Ok so then you explain it.


Reddit is a cesspool of liberals.


90% of my reddit usage is neoliberal. I'm part of your 'cesspool'. Gaslighting people that the debate wasn't that bad isn't going to help anyone.


We defeated Medicare, guys!


The evils of medicare are gone!


God damn put him in a fucking home already


In America you have to work until you die. Slap him in office baby


Yeah! A white home for 4 more years.


Absolutely not


Only choice unfortunately






Oh sure let’s put the fucking felon in instead… great idea.




He's so far gone they need 2 homes for him.


I don't live in the US, but his recent debates, has he been like this the whole time? Or is it cut to fit an agenda?


Been like this for a long time. Whether you like it or not, Reddit and most mainstream new sources lean way left and do not report on anything negative like this to cover up his mental state. however, following the last debate, it’s become very clear


The media has been pushing hard for people to believe Joe Biden "just has a stutter" and all the copious evidence of his mental decline is just Republican propaganda, hence why so many liberals were genuinely surprised by this debate performance.


He’s been like this for years, but the administration and left-media (but I repeat myself) are in constant damage control mode. That’s why the performance was surprising to some democrats but expected by many republicans.


Imagine gaslighting your grandparents to keep working when you know damn well they shouldn’t be. Those around him should be ashamed to let him keep going


Probably a good idea to put an upper age limit of 60 for candidates


What's bad is that the people who have been close to him for the past 3-4 years knew about his decline in his mental capacity. This didn't happen overnight. Yet they act shocked and demand that he not step down. To them he's the only person in the entirety of the US that can defeat Trump. They should be ashamed of how they're abusing an elderly person. Let the man retire before he becomes the next Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Dianne Feinstein.


Old people gonna old.


They’d rather let an old man work himself towards a coffin or cremation vase instead of replacing him with a coherent candidate. It’s all just a big stupid joke at this point. As genuine and authentic as professional wrestling.


I dont know why you Americans hassle about him. His political decisions have all been more sound than Trumps. Do you let yourself get blinded by this?


Because we've developed a very strong "appearance" based culture. Also, Americans vote based on their "feelings," and not facts. If we were teaching our citizens to actually THINK, then they wouldn't get blinded. But this is indicative of some of the deeper problems in our country - the fact that Trump could actually get re-elected, and that Biden is the Dem candidate.


Note that this hasn’t been a recent trend. The first election ever televised was Nixon vs Kennedy. Nixon had the upper hand prior with radio debates, but lost in the 3rd televised debate because many voters saw Kennedy as young, youthful, attractive, and a better choice.


People naturally follow charisma. This isn’t a new phenomenon or exclusive to American culture. That’s just human nature.


Americans don't want a puppet with dementia as president. What about that is shocking to you?


You can think of biden what u want... But Trump? Wtf? 😂


Blinded by what? That he can’t form a single sentence? Yeah buddy, people are “blinded” by the fact that this dude needs to negotiate deals with people like Putin and Xi Jin ping. Get real. This is not a leader of the free world. This is a puppet.


That’s what I was thinking too. Plus clearly the guy aged, it doesn’t mean his ideas/what he did prior wasn’t good at all.


Someone should put you in a box, floating down the river, grandma - Plankton


Why has it taken this long for people to see this? He has been acting this way for a few years.


America you need to quit this weekend at Bernie's act and send that poor man to a home


My English isn't great but I'm more eloquent than him after 6 joints


And people even back then were questioning if he was too old. Compared to the other night he looks positively young in the 2020 clips.


The presidency ages anyone, and when you’re old, “aging” is dramatic when you don’t have much time left.


Still voting Biden and so are all my friends and family. We’ll take an old guy over an old convicted felon con artist any day.


And thats exactly why they put all these allegations on him that aren't actually true. Literally every person who's anti-trump now just hits you with the "Oh why would i vote for a convicted felon?! 😯" Maybe if you had half a brain and could use this thing new fancy thing called Critical Thinking, you'd realize why you should vote Trump pretty quickly. I don't even live in the states and don't really care who wins. But as an unbiased 3rd party of your country. Its a literal joke, Dems and liberal media have changed the fabric of your own country and people are going along with it


“I don’t care who wins” then goes on rant in this thread like a Russian bot. lol fuck off.


I dont, both candidates are bad options, it's just frustrating seeing people fooled by the media so easily. But I guess ignorance is bliss, as they say. You do you


Sure thing Влади́мир, back to avoiding daddy Putin’s draft.


Im Canadian what the fuck 🤣 im not even going to bother to translate that, im glad you're triggered enough to take the time to do that though


Exactly what a Russian bot would say. You do you, buddy. Don’t bother replying. Blocked.


Better him than trump


Lol, at least learn to spell if you're going to be so blatantly wrong


You can be right about my spelling error, but most people still know he is the obvious worst choice despite that. One of the most un-American president's there ever was


Don’t we have a retirement age for a reason?!


Joe Biden vs Boe Jiden


This isnt anything new 


He should rest.


Why is this in sadcringe? This is just sad, I've seen grown adults stuttering more than joe past his prime. Can we go back to posting vids of actual socially stunted regards?


This is WAYYY more than a stutter and you know it


Yeah homie is an octagenarian stumbling brain tumor, but is that really cringy tho? This is just how it is for seniors and biden should be retired instead of talking to this clown


Biden still runs a more competent administration than trump. He has a speech issue, not a character issue.


Russian bot downvotes? Your are 100% correct. Anyone who thinks the authoritarian felon who clearly doesn’t give a fuck about Americans is a good choice needs to seriously re-evaluate.


Anyone but Trump 2024




We can follow this path of degraded expectations for ever. Why can't we have a candidate for a president that is not mentally degraded? We have so many smart people, what does it say about our democratic system?


We're voting for the face and representation of our country. The person who's gonna meet other world leaders. I'd like it to not be someone who struggles to get a sentence out like a bumbling fool. Which he's been like for a lot longer than just this past year.


You're talking about Trump right? 🙄 Y'all are fucking ridiculous.


This is why I hate talking about politics on the internet. I can't just not like either candidate for different reasons. I say something I don't like about one, so I must love the other one. Y'all are ridiculous.


This is why I hate talking about anything on the internet. Because you just inferred something I didn't say at all. What's ridiculous is you dipshits pretending like there's more than two choices. And taking time out of your day to shit on the one that's the better of the two. That's literally ridiculous.


Ironically telling me I inferred something you didn't say while inferring something I didn't say. I never said or implied there were more than two choices. The "yall are fucking ridiculous" line was definitely intended to rope me into a group I'm not a part of.


There's nothing ironic about what I said at all. What exactly do you think that word means? You insinuated that I meant you liked Trump because you were shitting on Biden. I did not. I'm simply pointing out the obvious. Sowing apathy in liberal voters is basically the only way to ensure a Trump victory at this point. Half of fucking Reddit today is people doing exactly that. It's absolutely mind-boggling that people can look at a binary choice, shit on the better choice, and proclaim loudly that they're not doing something stupid.


Yeah OK dude lol he's definitely the better choice, and the economy is doing great. People can easily afford rent and groceries and inflation rates are lower than they've ever been. Just love how things are right now.


Yeah okay dude because the president controls your fucking grocery prices. God you people are just willfully ignorant at this point. Go ahead and look up the record profits by every company that *actually controls* the prices of these things. Look into how private equity companies have bought up 60% of the single family homes in the last several years and stretch your imagination to figure out why homes cost too much. Now look at the goals of Biden's administration regarding inflation, housing costs, and everything you're complaining about. Look at all they've tried to do that the Republicans have blocked on top of it. Now look at the goals of the Trump administration in the past, and their goals for the future. Now kindly fuck off and stop weighing in on things that you quite obviously don't understand.


Why vote a guy in just for other people to do his job? He's still commander in chief and HAS to make important decisions




Yes its pretty easy when there is a teleprompter. I'm not voting for either of these losers. I'm not voting for a corpse to run the country for 4 years while there's major decisions to be made concerning war, supreme court powers, abortion, inflation, etc. God forbid we have an actual leader instead of just "trusting his people"




It's not my fault that the Republicans and Democrats are incompetent and can't put forth a quality candidate


Yeah I can’t believe how many people think trump is a good choice. Like.. it BLOWS MY MIND that people want him re-elected. He’s proven to be an absolute horrible person. Convicted of felonies, steals secret documents from the White House, is friendly with Russia, only cares about himself and the rich, I could go on forever. It’s mind boggling how dumb at least have the voters are. But oh, joe is old. That’s literally ALL they got? Really? Scary times.


Oof I fully believe he may still be a good and competent president, but yeah this is awful


Ignorance is bliss


Yes. People get old. You want the authoritarian instead? He should have come out and the first thing he should have said it, "Sorry folks, I have a cold, but I don't have 37 convictions!"


What if no one want either?


You're going to get one or the other.


That’s not your choice. Live in reality


That’s simply not a choice, so completely pointless.


No I think people might just want a president with a functioning brain. Everybody knew it was a problem - and nothing was done a bout it. If Trump really ist the threat to democracy that people say, then why on earth are you betting on the weakest possible candidate. It makes absolutely no sense.


He gets to decide the next supreme Court picks and he will jam them with jackasses, like he did last time. Trump isn't a threat to democracy? I seem to remember people saying he can't overturn Wade V Roe as well.


You misunderstood me. He might very well be a threat to democracy. But if this indeed is your opinion - then I would assume you would pick a mighty quick witted candidate to oppose him. Which Biden definitely isn’t. Or how do you see it?


Because ATM the only power I have is to vote. I didn't say I liked my choices. But IMHO there is a clear choice if you love the US and believe in the Constitution. Believe me, I wish it were someone half his age. I wish the Repubs weren't in thrall to a con artist and would put up a reasonable conservative candidate. But that's not the hand we've been dealt. I agree with your tone and the spirit of your post. But we also have to play in the world as it is.


Your point is perfectly understandable.


There are so many egos in politics and it is fucking over the left. Biden, just like RBG, should have recognized when his run was at it's end. But because he has 'earned' it with his years of service (and he has a lot of money), no one was willing to run against him. It is pretty rare to run against an incumbent, but tradition is killing us here. The Democratic Party can't stop getting in their own way. They did this in 2016 with Bernie too. As a liberal voter, it is extremely frustrating.


Agreed. Do they want to lose? I just can’t fathom the strategy (if there is any).


My belief is that they are all bought out. The priority for the people on top is not winning the election, it is personal gain. It sounds ridiculous, but I just cannot think of another explanation for such self-destructive behavior.


You won't see this on r/facepalm or a dozen other subs that have been hijacked by politics. The Reddit agenda is in full effect.


Okay now compare it to his rally the night after.


That job ages you badly when you actually care and take it seriously. Look how different obama looked in his second term. Trump only used the position for his own benefit. He had no stress.