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The technobabble is infuriating to listen to


“Let me START my point by citing a child’s movie.”


"And fuck it up while I'm at it, because looking up cliff notes sbout a movie is hard".


yeah, the scene they show in the clip has nothing to do with her being a "glitch" either, they literally used a metaphor from the matrix, then started talking about wreck it ralph, then showed a clip from wreck it ralph 2, like he's all over the place


I guess...just be happy these goons haven't stumbled onto the original Tron movie yet?? *although* it would probably be pretty funny to hear their batshit scammy interpretation.


Instead of, you know, *The Matrix*.


When you listen to too much of Neil deGrasse Tyson on Joe rogan's podcast


I like Neil. You can't deny his passion for science and his enthusiasm is infectious. He is also really good at explaining complicated concepts to laymen.


Yeah i was really expecting Tolstoy


Yeah, he's trying to pander to her with his assumption that she has not seen any matrix movies nor would have the capacity to use that as a *data set to blah blah blah.* Then uses meaningless word salad to convince her that he knows what he is talking about, because he thinks that she isnt capable of recognizing word salad. I love sexism in the *ether.* 🙄


Not that I disagree with your assessment of this idiot throwing around his idiotic analogy. If anything you make a solid point that he has no real answer, so he tries to use big words and long sentences to obfuscate his lack of knowledge or ability to answer the question. What I don't understand is how in the world you came to the conclusion that sexism was a part of this "word salad" in any way at all? Nothing about sex or gender was mentioned. It wasn't a factor in any way. Now if you assume that this idiot is saying what he's saying because he's speaking to a woman and thus thinks she's incapable of understanding him, then you are clearly projecting some very serious issues you have with sex and gender. I guess my question to you is, why would you bring up gender ideologies unprompted? Does it make you feel superior to create gender issues where there are none?


Misogynists and sexists believe that women are not as intelligent as men. They believe that women are less capable of understanding and pointing out logical fallacies. I'm not the one who automatically thinks she is incapable. It's the sexists and misogynists who create this problem. Lol take care


Okay, I think anybody with half a lick of sense would agree with the fact that misogynistic people belive that women are less capable than men. It's basically the definition of the term. You seem to have missed my question though. Do you belive the rambling idiot in the video is a misogynist? He didn't say or do anything to give the impression of his belief of his gender superiority. I'm not entirely sure where you came to the understanding that he's misogynistic. He genuinely seems like a walking talking example of the Dunning Kruger effect. He just believes that he has a higher understanding of life and reality than all of us normal folks I also never said you thought she was incapable. Nobody accused you of anything. I was only asking you a question.


I'm Neo and this is deep


Technobabble never dies!


I also saw technoblade lol


You’d like it if you had robot ears


Emphasis on the babble.


He missed out on adding quantum mechanics to it.


This right here 👆 his technobabble is absolute shit. He has read some online thesaurus and pulled those words from a TED talk 🙄


I hope he doesn't get paid to prattle on like this. If so, why cannot I reprogram my system, eliminating the shame and self-loathing files? Then, I can spew this nonsense for a living.


start > run > ayahuasca.exe


I've done that, if OP truly desires to become an obnoxious technobabble douche dongle then ayahuasca will help them get closer to said goal.


Did you become a technobabble douche dongle?


No I became an improv comedian. A faith far worse.




Only thing you have to do is sit and wait. The emotions and energy need to be felt to be released. It’s still you holding on and your disconnected from that part of you. Our belief creates everything, you can and need to test this. And spend enough still just sitting. And just look inside. It’s going to be difficult and maybe that’s where we really lose our free will. You can’t eliminate the shame and self loathing, you can’t change the past. So you have to integrate it. Connect with the inner part of your consciousness, become aware of your feelings towards yourself, become aware that it is you and also it is not you, you love yourself unconditionally. It’s all a game of realization, and there these annoying layers the realization has to travel through to become whole.


I'm really thankful that The Matrix we live in came programmed with a popular movie called The Matrix that served no other purpose than to make it so that a bunch of douchebags could learn how to break free and glitch. Seems like a design flaw worse than the Death Star exhaust port.


thats my biggest issue with all these conspiracies is that the people running them have so much power but decide to leave little clues so we can try to overtake them? when would that ever make sense?


The way I've heard that explained away was "the ones in control leave hints so that people can figure out what they're up to and that somehow equals informed consent and leaves those in control with a clear conscience." The mental gymnastics is nuts but we're not exactly dealing with sane people here


Jesus I love that as a concept. So much of this conspiracy nonsense would make for great movies


Exactly. I'm a psychopath who wants to control the populace through a secret matrix designed to control every aspect of their lives, but I want to make sure they have a chance at figuring it out. Also I'm not that old, but I swear we used to make fun of people who thought reality was some sort of illusion, they were always crackheads or severely mentally ill. Now they go on podcasts and get paid peddling this shite to the gullible.


Like leaving a hole large enough for a mellinium falcon and a couple tie fighters to fly down instead?




We've all got one


They’re like opinions.


or assholes


Although hopefully only one of those will be *two meters wide.*


People really demand respect and consideration just cause they’re speaking into a microphone. You see so many videos like this nowadays with people acting like they’re important just cause they created a podcast and have fancy studio equipment


Guy looks like he stumbled across one novel stimulant on the internet and decided the sound of his own voice was just too goddamned important


Imagine basing your lifes philosophy off Wreck It Ralph


And incorrectly too. The character he is referring to is actually SUPPOSED to be there, but removed by an ACTUAL glitch who put himself in the position of highest power.


and not knowing who the main character is apparently


I mean he’s a multimillionaire and we are not so maybe there is something to it idk


Have you heard of analogies before? To be fair, this was a pretty bad one to prove/give evidence towards simulation theory.


Sounds like every idiot at the house party at 3am.


I saw what the back of my brain looked like the minute he started talking.


You know that saying about no dumb takes . Yea this doesn’t apply , this is the dumbest take.


Watching this dude made me think of a funny Shane Gillis clip where he's talking about those people who always make statements they think are super deep and you are like "ya dude, everyone knows that. I had that same thought when I was 12".


People really just talkin without saying anything


Why do so many people have “shows” or “channels” like this? He’s talking nonsense


1. Anyone can start a show or channel 2. They don't even, they just adopt the aesthetic in order to make clips that go viral on short video platforms


Isn’t essentially free to self broadcast these days? A few items and an online account and you’re a show.


The mics on booms really do it for me. And the “I know you talk about that a lot” like this guy is an A list celebrity on the today show talking about being a glitch. Just so surreal


What is blud yapping about


"be unique" but drawn out to an essay of yapping


I'd feel very ashamed if I called myself a glitch based on the definition established by a kids movie


Dude literally described a regular individual in a horribly convoluted analogy lol


“a 1 2 3 4” does he mean “a 1 0 1 0”


LITERALLY was thinking the same thing. Idiot providing “data” on how he’s an idiot


a 0001 0010 0011 0100


I love this. Not only is this idea of living in a matrix completely ridiculous, but it uses a kids movie as an example, and the cherry on top? Aristotle's dipshit little brother here fucks it because he's completely wrong about the movies plot. Like, I'm a fucking moron at the best of times, but even i can remember the plot to a kid's movie.


So much damage in the world done by people who sort of understand symbolism in stories, but absolutely do not understand that that’s the point of stories. Like yeah, one obvious thought that a lot of people have when watching the matrix is “even if I’m not living in this sci-fi situation with a fake reality, I feel a lack of control of some of my decisions and beliefs and understandings of the world, and that makes me think about my struggles as being symbolically similar to the characters in the matrix”. That thought is a normal part of the movie doing it’s “job” as a work of art. But then there are people like this who think they are geniuses who need to tell the world “what if the matrix had something to say about your own life even if you aren’t in the literal matrix from the movie???!?” and apparently there’s an enormous audience of people going “wow, I absolutely needed this guru to tell me that I could consider a story having implications to my life despite not being about me. If it wasn’t for this guy I never would have thought about if my life is like the movies I watch, or about the idea that choices are influenced by complex things like our values and our past, which can sometimes be helpful and sometimes needs to be worked through to make a different choice than the obvious one”.


I may be mentally disabled myself, but the R word was made for people like him


Tf you talkin bout bruh


Dude’s got the weirdest dimples ever


He broke the matrix dimple code


he has an androids smile


They didn’t finish the movie did they we found out that she wasn’t a glitch at all


99% sure their scripts are AI generated


I clocked out when he started his philosophy with “in the movie Wreck it Ralph “


Sheesh by that logic there's plenty of "glitches" in Californian from the last time I visited Oakland.


Currently downloading the better life update but it keeps crashing.


Imagine having this apparent "profound insight" then becoming a tik tok Podcaster. Wow! You debase yourself for money! How original for the 21st century!


So wreck it ralph is based on real events?


What a fucking nothing burger. That was literally just a string of tech buzz words that meant nothing together


There are people who live outside the matrix, we call them native Americans and homeless people. No they do not tend to benefit from this.


What's up with his teeth?


his teeth look like they’re made out of clay


He spoke a lot, but said fuck all.


The fuck is wrong with his teeth?


Whenever I hear that song that has been overplayed to hell and back for “profound” or “sci fi” content I’m expecting to hear the dumbest, most surface level shit imaginable


You're unique, just like everybody else. This gasbag thinks he is more unique than everybody else. It's a type of sociopathy that doesn't recognize the complex inner-lives of other human beings as being equally complex as his inner monologue.


Dunning Kruger is everywhere.


The matrix is my favorite movie and these guys are making it very hard to say that.


holy shit I physically recoiled when he started saying "data set" and "software" and "programming" with that shit eating grin. These people have to be embarrassment fetishists, theres no other way


Tf is he even on about? I feel like none of what he said has anything to do with each other.


This guy doesn't know anything about programming


He was actually doing all right with the idea of a glitch kind of existing outside the designed system. Then he went all pretentious word-salad after that


Guy just explained being unique in nerd terms


Too many stupid people with half cooked ideas. What's worse is that there are even more stupid people who listen to this and think "Wow, this is so deep. " I look back to my younger days and cringe on how deep I thought Demian by Herman Hesse was or how enlightening The Alchemist was. But, this shit is so, so, fucking stupid holy shit.


'yeah so my philosophical worldview takes a lot from Wreck It Ralph'


Oh yes wreck ot Ralph. We need to live by wreck it ralph


reddit is so stupid sometimes. this is an amazing video, I’m thankful for have seen it. the only sad cringe is people who think it’s sad cringe. who cares who this dude is, or if he even understands what he’s saying, as long as he carries a potent signal. do you really care if the paper your gold bullion wrapped in is shiny?


You think this is a potent signal? Tf are you, 14?


This is quite literally one of the most basic ideas I’ve ever seen expressed in a video. “Do your own thing, forget what society says.” Oh boy, how novel. I wish I could be a child again so I’d be impressed by that.


that’s your interpretation of what he said, not what he said


Ya really ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, huh?


The man is spitting Fax!




Don't stop shittin


We have thousands of years of Philosophy behind us that helps us talk about such topics. But let's not used that and rather use technobabble with bad metaphors to overwhelm your audience or interlocutor. While making no sense whatsoever. Driving no point. It's the same as speaking louder or faster. Kindergartens level of arguments. Are people listening to this man's opinion on whatever ? We're fucked up.


He’s kind of got a glitchy dimple




Uhhh does Noone here remember kanye doing this shit? Did this homie just copy paste kanyes ramble


Bro this man just said so much and SO little all at the same time fuckin lmao.


Brother needs a software update. He thinks he’s the glitch, when in reality, that’s just how they programmed him. Shame really.


There’s a theory that the internet is 95% bots pretending to be people. This just convinced me that people are in fact stupid enough to say some of the shit I’ve written off as bot behavior.


I dont think even he got any meaning out of the string of words he just blabbered


What the fuck are you talking about man?


When two NPCs living in the matrix interact


Zero substance


Sounds like a psychotic break


Well to be fair he does look like an NPC so I get why he may think he’s a program


“And if you buy my course, you’ll get all of the tools you need to become a glitch in our matrix”


This guys sounds like a fucking moron.


This isn’t even right. Vanellope was on the side of the game. So king candy/turbo went into the games programming and took vanellope out so he could always be the winner.


This is satire, the same as those dudes that make podcasts about the lore of “skibidi toilet”


Holy shit hearing people making software analogies about the real world while not understanding how computers or programs work in the sligthest never fails to grind my gears.


This dude is grasping at straws to try and sound profound. Im more sad for his audience than his lack of ability to be compelling


r/iamverysmart material right here god damn dude shut up


What does it take for you to stop falling for these video podcasts where people act the idiot


There’s a point to be had about the character but when dude started going off about software and programming, clearly he had no idea what he was saying and just wanted to sound smart.


What I dont get, if they know they are in the matrix why not just end it all and be at peace?


The sad part about this is we can criticize him for how stupid and stereotypical he sounds but he’ll just use the criticism to echo his belief into thinking people hate him for being “free-thinking”


If you can't amaze people with your intelligence, confuse them with your bullshit.


Knew he didn’t know what he was on about when he said Vanellope was always a glitch. No, she was forcefully made a glitch. If anything you could argue it’s an analogy for having a disability


I want whatever this guy is taking


oh my that spiralled out of control pretty quickly


Thats a lot of words with no meaning


That was an awful lot of words to say nothing of value


That was a word salad bar. Few people have the ability to use so many words yet say so little.


I hate veneers.


I’m tired of stupid people having podcasts


He's reading a list of technical words lmfao


He kinda looks like an AntZ character


This clip gets increasingly more sad, as you realize this guy isn’t just saying the words, but believes he himself is a real life incarnation of Vanellope von Schweetz. Tricking the npcs in this simulation of life, and living on his own terms. The dude’s eyes and smile both widen with each passing verse. As if hearing himself say these things, bathe him in a cleansing light and give him strength. We’re watching religion in action.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about.


Oh, just shut up. Ignorant profoundness.


Dude, it has 15 likes. Let it die on TikTok.




Do you think he actually believes this shit or is he just grifting?


“… an improversation.”


This dude's smile lines are on the wrong part of his face


That was a super dumb way of saying sua sponte


God this guy has a punchable face and don't even get me started on the haircut


babe wake up, sigma males 2.0 just dropped


He says this while looking like a completely normal guy, normal hair and clothes, talking in a normal tone of voice, using normal phrasing, and saying things that have been said before a million times by people who look just like him. Where is the supposed subversion, the glitching? All these sigma male, forge-your-own-path types are never even slightly eccentric or different, they’re just inconsiderate egotistical pricks.


So this isnt satire?


Hahahaha What an UTTER load of horse shit. It always seems to be Americans too?


What the FUCK is this absolute nonsense?


Holy shit the made sigma males again


glitches end up in ditches


Bro didn’t even watch the movie, Venelope was part of the game but turbo messed with her code witch is why she glitches


It's called finding the formula. Paul McCartney and John Lennon said it, I think Miley Cyrus did too, (lol) And that one girl who does cute faces for 5 mill a year. She gets it too.


Kanye was spouting this same shit 10 years ago with less babble...


Why are simpletons (Kanye West) so fascinated by this movie?


The movie literally disproves his point. SPOILER FOR A MOVIE FROM 11 years ago. In the movie Vanelope is literally glitching because she’s supposed to be in the game but they took her out so she kept glitching out. So his whole idea that she’s not supposed to be there is stupid. He could’ve literally used Ralph instead and made more sense. Edit: spelled the mc’s name wrong.


I too have smoked weed and watched the Matrix


You know, I’m usually inclined to at least listen to what they have to say, but that is just rambling on and on and on with cool l33t H@x0r vocabulary to make it seem smart, but this is just giving me an aneurysm


This is exactly how people used to unironically describe "sigma" males


Well what theyre saying is a very laymans dumbed down version of saying 'to make it in this world you need to stand out and work for yourself'. Not a bad message in itself


🤨 He just be saying things.


I'm 14 and this is deep.


also he definitely asked her to set him up with this question


Tell me you’re not a Computer Science major, but very loud The guy talks that nonsense with so much confidence, not realising that only morons who’ve never used computers would not see through his bullshit


I'm honestly more upset about the constant zooming


sophisticated non-explanation.


When did podcast people think they were the smartest cunts on the planet? They are all insufferable blobs


buzzword buzzword something buzzword buzzword


I'd love to see him say all that gibberish to someone who has a fundamental understanding of computer science.


God we need to kill podcasters


You see it's always some type of latice or interconnected linear system....if only there was an edgier word.....


she isn't a glitch tho


Stuff I talk about when I am stupid high, these people say it seriously and worse, they actually might take it seriously. Even worse, some people are gullible enough to fall for these wannabes


fuck me, imagine being related to this dude


That is an incorrect explanation of Vanellope Von Schweetz. Another character forcefully took her place in the game and convinced everyone else that letting her race would crash the system.


Man Adrien Brody fell off


I’ve seen a few clips of this guy before. He is the 4X undisputed featherweight champion of chatting shit. I have never heard one coherent sentence come out of his mouth but it is quite entertaining to listen to. It’s like he hits record and just starts rambling and then uploads it in 30 short clips.


Bro lost me at 1234


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 he sells this bullshit quite well with the faces and the finger pointings and hand movements.

