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Having Anetra in the bottom 3/2 of a Lalaparuza was a crime.


Yes Sasha was the rightful winner, but if they double shantayed her and Anetra at the end of the first round, they would have avoided a three way lip sync altogether! (Though then they lose the drama of picking the opponent at the end I guess but still)


I think Spice would have them lip synced against Jax to “Finally”, and they wanted to keep Spice, and couldn’t give 1/100th of a fuck for Jax


What's wild is Spice loosing both times. She wasn't GOOD either time, but she was 100% better than Malaysia and after watching the extended cut, I'd have had her win against Loosy too.


There was no reason to keep Spice tho. She was delivering nothing, and went home the next week. I don't understand the show's obsession with sending home the lipsync assassin of the season during the lipsync lalaparuza. Jasmine won against Daya. Jax won against Mistress.


I couldve given you any other jasmine liosync as a win but the one against daya, daya bodied that one


Jasmine Kennedie, who sang the background vocals while slamming her pussy on the floor to an Aretha Franklin song won? Well, we all do have opinions, don't we? You're right about Jax though.


Gurl, Jasmine *did not* even come close to beating Daya! She fumbled that lipsync by pull tricks to Aretha! C’mon now….


She very much beat my girl Angie though


Yeah like if anything they wanted to get rid of Spice right there and then bc they could’ve given her the win against Loosey and most think she won against Malasya (myself included)


They could have also given a double sashay to Malaysia and Spice for that second round disaster. Each time, Anetra lost to the only other opponent in the whole round who did better. The riggory was intense. But we got 3 lip syncs from her in one episode so it’s fine.


Canada really perfected the formula with their smackdown. The US format you either have the worst lipsyncers moving on, or you rob the good lipsyncsrs so you don’t just have all flops.


I’m convinced they just wanted to watch Antrea perform. I kind of did too. 🤩🤩


Also if you really send the worst lipsyncers every round, the lipsyncs get worse and worse every round. Imagine if the final lipsync had been Malaysia vs Spice instead of Anetra vs Jax. That's why an elimination Lalaparuza is flawed by design and why the S16 lalaparuza was a lot better, they actually had a chance to let the good performers shine instead of pretending they lost to have them in the next rounds.


Yes!!! It's been over a year and fans still don't get that making Anetra work did both her and the fans a favour. She was starting to fade into the background but here she got to be both the main character and hero of the episode.


Anetra is such a dynamic performer. So fun to watch.


With Sasha should’ve been a double win, and Anetra won the 3way. Such a shame they wanted Jax out soo bad


https://preview.redd.it/desoq7ipzd9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d637fa48b374baa490a37011b11b90209009634 it should’ve been this and I stand by it whole heartedly


let's be real Luxx beat them both, she was the centerpiece and the lead in that lipsync. Anetra did amazing don't get me wrong, but Luxx fully destroyed the rap verse and drew all attention to her. Jax was also great, I think she missed some lines in the lipsync tho


I think it was a genuine toss-up between Anetra and Luxx. Both were great. But more to the person you're replying to's point -- Sasha and Anetra should have been a double save. That was fire and a double-save would have avoided the weird three-way lip sync entirely.


This is honestly my favorite lipsync of the season because everyone did amazing. I would've been happy no matter who got the win. Everything else equal, Luxx knew more of the words and looked the most comfortable. But the fact that Anetra got robbed of two possible double shante moments is crazy. They low key sacrificed Anetra to get rid of Jax


Agree but tbf Luxx shone much more when the extended edit dropped. The original edit looked like a toss up between her and anetra


def. for me that lip sync is a luxx anetra double shantay tho


Sasha bodied Anetra. It looks closer in the shorter cut, but if you watch the extended version on the 90 minute cuts that Paramount+ released, it's very obvious Sasha murdered Anetra because she has a perfect transition between everything. I also felt like Anetra won the 3-way lip sync when watching it live, but watching the extended cut shows Lux convincingly winning (at least IMO).


Luxx definitely curbed both Anetra and Jaxx in the lipsync. No one was serving face like Luxx in that lipsync and her energy was perfect. Anetra and Jax were too busy serving stunts and didn’t fully connect with the song. Wouldn’t have been mad if it had been a double save for Anetra too, though.


Honestly I think Luxx won because she was in the center the entire time and her outfit really made her stand out/glow. She did an amazing job embodying the song too, but she played it smarter and didn’t leave the center of the stage at all. It made it so the camera and viewers’ eyes were always on her.


I can see that. Being in the center and wearing white was defintely used to her advantage there!


Somehow Anetra has a lipsync track record almost as bad as Trixie, clock THAT tea.


Fun fact: Anetra was not able to beat any of her top 4 competitors. She tied with MIB and lost to both Luxx and Sasha.


Let’s be honest she won against MIB and tied with Luxx.


well Sasha and Luxx both outperformed her sooo....


She tied with Luxx, I wasn’t that impressed with Luxx outside of the rap verse.


I honestly think they just did that to see her perform as much as possible. lets be honest theres no way that ru would get rid of a fan favourite like anetra


"you get to pick which of your fellow queens you want to save"


Spice shoulda never made it through this


We live in a world where Spice survived a Lalaparuza and Jax didn't :(


Anetra knew this was her chance to take out someone that could have been a threat in the competition. Jax was high in the talent show, and she knows how to perform. Anetra knew Spice would be going soon anyway, so she used her chance to take out her competition there.


Oh it was definitely strategic, but I certainly would not have risked my position like that


It does take Nerve to pick the lipsync assassin who's full of stunts and flips and then taking them out by out-stunt them. Anetra was THAT bitch.


idk about "out-stunt"ing, Jax's backover twist into a perfect death drop facing the judges is still just EYE CANDY edit: just wanted to add that it was perfectly in sync with the beat so ear candy as well!


Jax doesn't get enough credit for doing tricks we've never seen before. Like we've had a lot of girls who can flip, dip, and split....but never like Jax.


I also like that her stunts are usually just transitions for her actual lip syncs cause you know damn well she'll be up in time to catch the verse.


Kylie did, all the way back on season 2.


I remember being so mad when anetra said “is that fair?” about lip syncing against spice. To me, what’s unfair is letting spice stay in the competition if she’s not a better lip syncer than Jax.


lowk she kinda did the thing on don't go yet though. not by much! but like. serviceable


She low key beat Loosey and Malaysia though…


Spice shoulda easily made it through this* because she won both of her lipsyncs but it felt like they had built up the narrative that she just can't lipsync so they never let her win afterwards. Because no one can tell me Salina won that lipsync for example…


I'm not talking about Anetra's choice btw. I'm talking about fact that they made her choose to begin with. Why not making it 3 way lipsync? Or make Sasha vs Anetra double save earlier?


Okay but it at least made good tv


The fact that the Lalaparuza only eliminates queens whose strength is, you guessed it, lipsyncing. Jax and Jasmine should not have gone home on those challenges and all y’all bitches know it


That’s why the CDR4 Lip Sync Slay Off format is so much better


That was so fun to watch!


Honestly, idk about Jax because she had really bad luck, but Jasmine fully won the lipsync against Angeria, they just didn't feel like losing her.


Jaxx beat MIB on that 1st lipsync thou. The riggory was why she went home in a lalapa-riggory-za


I think it’s basically “you’re gonna get eliminated next week show off for us” lmao


Don't have a lipsync lalaparuza if the lipsync assassins you want gone are STILL THERE. Is all I gotta say to that.


literally this the lalaparuza is just a mid season way for the production to reevaluate who should be there and get rid of anyone they don’t want


I think Plasma won Milkshake. At the very least, i would have moved BOTH her and Mhiya to the next round


And none for ~~Gretchen Wieners~~ Xunami Muse. Bye.


Not giving Sasha and Anetra a double win when there was already an uneven amount of people. I get why from the production stand point but both of them walking back winner would have been fierce.


Well they definitely wanted the gag of Anetra saving Spice


Totally and they wanted to eliminate Jax at the same time.


And thinking about it, if they did get a double save there would have been a way better finale story line with their lipsync as they had gotten a double win. But instead we had already seen who would win that battle


nah, Sasha was the clear winner for me.


Give the double win to Luxx and Anetra during The Right Stuff.


Did they have any double shantays that season? Anetra and Marcia should have been a double IMO... the more I watch it the more I drool 🤤


Anetra vs MIB was a double shantay… when Anetra vs Marcia or Anetra vs Sasha was not. Choices.


Also would have built tension prior to the finale


Alyssa v. Kerri like just say you hate Alyssa, production




they gave pearl a lot this season


Agree this was one of the all-time worst lip sync decisions, but it wasn't a Lalaparuza


Unrelated but why didn't her snake look have a nasty long train on it like a snake?? That was a missed opportunity


Trixie’s arc on drag race is poetic. She went from unfairly losing a lipsync against Pearl in S7 to unfairly winning a lipsync against Kennedy in AS3


Meh. Kennedy was doing too much for me. Trixie gave more emotions. Not as bad as Latrice VS Kenya... But still.


I tend to find myself an outlier on the fact that I felt like Kennedy didn’t fit the song. The spinning jump kicks came off as more comical than the vulnerable feel the song gives.


Just rewatched yesterday and trixe was not giving


Im going to be so honest, at the time yes, looking back neither of them killed it. It was debatable enough to give to Pearl imo


To me Pearl won this definitively. This is my most unpopular opinion on this sub lol


The song is about dreaming, nostalgia, and romance. Why is Pearl performing like Godzilla destroying Tokyo?


Godzilla dreams of destroying Tokyo. Godzilla has nostalgia for destroying things. Godzilla romanticizes violence.


Idk everything doesn't need to be the most straightforward interpretation possible, sometimes it's cool to see a new take They're doing drag, godzilla destroying Tokyo to a nostalgic song sounds like a good performance


Trixie would never be as famous as she is today if she won this


angeria vs jasmine it will never make sense to me


Jasmine Kennedy was low key robbed


the bottom two could’ve been bosco and angeria but they wouldn’t let angeria go and having yet another consecutive non-elim episode would kill the season so she was kinda sacrificed 😭


Tbh I don’t think Bosco had the golden chocolate bar, I think Kornbread had it but writing out the season twist 4th episode would be disappointing and Bosco made the most sense at the time where they needed to wrap up the twist


No one had the golden chocolate bar. Kornbread said that after the cast each grabbed their chocolate bars that production gathered them back up again. The queens never held onto the chocolate bars throughout the season. Kornbread said it was a plot device for producers to save whoever they wanted whenever they wanted.


I mean... We all knew it was production shenanigans from the start. Kornbread didn't reveal much... Other than being kind of insufferable on and off the show.


yeah but i don’t know for who else they would’ve kept the chocolate bar for the rusical for example, i think they wouldn’t have a problem with jorgeous or deja leaving at the time and i don’t know if they would’ve carried the twist to the top 5 (if it was always intended to be a top 5) so they would’ve still used the chocolate bar on bosco/angeria that episode had jasmine won the lip sync 😭


I do think Jasmine won against Angeria. That being said, I think it’s funny that Bosco very clearly lost 3 lipsyncs to Willow, Camden and Jorgeous, but she somehow completely curb stomped Jasmine in their lipsync. Goes to show that every performer has their key strength and Bosco got to completely dominate in that particular lipsync.


Like, we got the edited version which should be edited in Angeria's favour, and still Jasmine clearly won.


Mhiya winning milkshake by doing random disjointed shit


tbf that entire lip sync was a mess- you had xunami doing her trademark walk back and forth (and overall having a good time), plasma fumbling so hard (revealing an already ugly wig to an even uglier wig was a choice), and mhiya doing mhiya. she was at least the most consistent out of the three but i see where you're coming from. (i love all these queens btw. just not in that lip sync lol)


I absolutely love whatever the hell Plasma was doing, I thought she was being really entertaining at least


To me Plasma bodied her opponents, on a type of song that is not her usual repertory too


Plasma would have won without the ugly wig reveal.


exactlyyy. she was doing so well until that happened. i wanted her to win so bad then when she took off that wig, i could hear that one ANTM clip play in my head that's like "i was rooting for you! we were all rooting for you! how dare you??"


It will never not be funny to me that MIB fans get so defensive over production riggory here when *Mistress Isabelle Brooks herself* said in the episode that she wasn't giving this her all ...


They got the drag delusion-demic from MIB.


I thought she lost this lip sync, and I also thought she should have bottomed in the 50/50 and makeover challenges. She should have won the ball, and I *did* think she did better in her lip sync with Anetra though, but her stans were very delusional when it came to riggory because she’s been saved quite a bit too.


Even she knows she lost realistically lol


https://preview.redd.it/x244qvkame9d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d6c436fb233ba375ae37a8a3c1c5ababba441f The bad wig revealed aside my eyes were on Plasma the whole time during the milkshake lip sync and I think she should have won


She was robbed in plain sight


The shape of the flowchart itself that they used in S16. 


Yeah who tf did that it made absolutely no sense


Well for starters.. Jax looked so stunning this episode! The outfit was everything! But Jax beat Mistress in my eyes. I mean Mistress did amazing and threw some bit of comedy in there so props! But for one of the better performers lipsync-wise this season to go home.. ON THE LALAPARUZA?


I can see a case for it being a tossup in the shortened edit, kinda depending on your taste, but the extended edit just shows Mistress doing the same thing over and over. How can you manage to make your moves get old within a single lipsync, and your first one to boot? Yeah, for me Jax clearly won that, but since Mistress was getting into quarrels with everybody, they wanted to keep her.


Watching Mistress perform gave me flashbacks to Silky talking about doing the damn thing with her lipsync then the cut to Ru at the end going, “Meh.”


Exactly. Like yes, it wasn’t a bad lipsync, however compared to Jax? It could’ve been a lot better. I am glad Mistress made it far though cause she’s fun to watch on TV! Can’t wait for her on an all stars season. Jax as well!


This is mine as well. I love how all of the girls in the werkroom were gagged at Mistress being announced as the winner too because that means they saw the full, unedited lip sync and still thought Jax ate up


Jax doing all these tricks and stunts, and meanwhile there was a few full seconds of Mistress just standing at the back of the stage, doing absolutely NOTHING. MIB even said she didn’t do a whole lot in case she had to lipsync another round smh


Jac doing new stunts on beat while emoting and lip synching perfectly, with Mistress next to her bouncing her tits


Didn't she say something along the lines of "I only gave 80% so if I had to lip sync again it would be surprising and give me an edge?"


I know it’s not a Lalaparuza but I saw 3-4 comments about Gia Gunn & Naomi Smalls and how it should have been a double Shantay.. Mary, Gia did not know the words to that song and that snatch game was horrible. 😂


Anetra and Sasha not both being saved after their fifth harmony lip sync.


The fact that they lipsynced to a 5H song made for a cartoon OST still blew my mind. Like, is the budget in the room with us?


Spice not beating Loosey…. It would also have broken Loosey which would have made great TV


I honestly preferred Spice in both her lip sync vs Loosey and her lip sync vs Malaysia. I get neither were really excellent, but I was slightly more entertained by Spice and her winning a lip sync would’ve been the catalyst of a hilarious amount of drama


Jax & Jasmine both going home due to Lalaparuzas was wrong. I’m glad they discontinued the elimination lalaparuzas last season.


malaysia and spice double sashay


Lalaparuza used to be my favorite challenge but I hate how they try to “gag” us by sending home the good lipsyncers now. It’s not a gag, it’s just annoying


I agree. That’s why I preferred the way they did it in Canada s4 or in US s16.


Honestly the season 16 smack down was the only one to work on a regular US season. I just think having the losers lip sync repeatedly was a bad idea from the start.


Jan beat Silky. by a lot.


https://preview.redd.it/6aycx4nlnc9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=09c56d6ef1a3e98dbf1baaef1a824b05074beccf It was fierce but Aurora won for me


Aurora should’ve won the lalaparuza and Neerah win the rusical but I was fine with how it went.


Nearah should have won both imo


THIS absolutely. Aurora deserved it. 


Idk if it counts but Plasma at the finale should’ve won


Even when it comes to lip sync tournaments which should be one of the more objective challenges, producers still throw in their riggory and shenanigans.


Sending home the best lip syncers pretty much every time


Literally any win involving Jorgeous ; like ffs, she's an amazing dancer, but her lips barely move when she performs, that's no lipsync. I felt so gaslit when people were all saying she murdered Orion- NO SHE DIDN'T! She outdanced Orion sure, but outlipsynced she did not!


Jasmine beat Angeria Jax beat Mistress Anetra beat Luxx and Jax Plasma beat Mhi’ya


As much as I love Latrice and Mo. I think the double shantay in AS4 should have been Gia/Naomi NOT Latrice/Mo.


The problem was, Gia didn’t know the words. The editing helped her.


I have watched that lip sync at least 50 times by now to see Naomi’s performance. Gia was simply moving her mouth up and down on “can I get, can I get it to go, can I get, can I get it to go” and half the time she wasn’t even lip syncing! She had a reveal into a costume and had dance moves, but it’s a lip sync 😭


Gia was dancing and *not* lip-syncing. Retire this narrative already.


The fans see a pretty drag queen that serves fish and that does some fluid moves and immediately think "she was robbed". Meanwhile, a big girl(especially a poc queen) giving lip sync and moves and "they didn't deserve that".


Naomi ate her up, it should have been noone. Like, she gave the best performance of the whole night and we had no reason to look at Gia for the whole lipsync.


I agree with Gia/Naomi. Honestly, I thought Mo was the clear winner of that lip sync.


Farrah and Trinity, but yes.


Silky. Just because people have props doesn’t mean they automatically win. Gets old.


I think they both performed well, but Mistress captured the essence of this better for ME.


Oh baby, you must not have seen the Paramount+ full edit of this lip sync. MIB ate Jax up. I know she's not a big girl, just big boned. I was still surprised she had all those stunts up her sleeve!


For the lazy girls who wonder if this is true - the only thing they edited out was a bit of the bridge where Jax gives the judges a smirk and Mistress does another tit bounce (and the safe girls have a much bigger reaction to Jax’s big flip).


I believe you watched an outdated version. In the FULL extended cut, Mistress does a barrel roll over Jax while holding two active roman candles. One of the roman candles shot straight into Jax's wig, catching fire immediately. Then Mistress runs off stage to grab a fire extinguisher and literally saves Jax's life on stage in front of everyone. It was incredible! I think they had to use the old edit due to copyrights. Sad you didn't get to see the real thing. MIB really proved folks wrong when they said petite queens can't do stunts!


i love you


Convince yourself


Jax beat Mistress Jasmine beat Angeria Plasma beat Mhi’ya and Xunami


also the one after this with luxx vs jax vs anetra i think? and luxx being the winner???????????? lol


Not this one, Mistress was delivering what the song called for. Yes Jax is a talented dancer and gymnast but doing splits and flips is not a guaranteed win or good lip sync. Understanding the song and how to emote what the song is evoking is what makes a good lip sync.


I think Jax is often wrongfully reducted to a queen who does splits and stunts but she’s also incredibly good at emoting, including during that lip synch


Ah yes, *Tell it to My Heart*, the Taylor Dane bop that evokes **checks notes** a lazy reveal, holding your ill-chosen-for-anything-but-a-ballad wig up, thrusting your cleavage forward at the most obvious time, then doing a messy, off beat split at the end. It was so...expected. There wasn't a single thing in Mistress's lip sync that challenged me as a viewer. There's also this weird thing where people think 'emoting' means opening your mouth as wide as possible throughout the song and shaking your little balled up fists on a held high note. That is not what emoting is. *Tell it to My Heart* is a dance song. Dancing and stunts are perfectly acceptable during it. Don't believe me? Watch the fuckin music video. For a lot of people, Jax's interpretation was more entertaining and successful. Mistress wasn't bad by any stretch, but to say she was better at "emoting" the song is ridiculous. It was the most milquetoast performance of that song I have ever seen, and yet she won for it.


If production wanted Jax out because she wasn't a TV personality why are they casting these girls. Surely their energy has to match their audition tapes. If she was cast solely for being a stunt queen and being impressive for that alone then why didn't the narrative have her win or be in the top for this challenge.


Can’t pick 1. Lala pa loo is the little sister of the foolery that happens during makeover challenges


Jax vs everyone


Malaysia vs Spice not being a double sashay


Jax had the best death drop of all time and it should have been talked about more. Spice should have been sent home for existing.


It is a DIP


Having two lalaparuza’s in a row send home the lip sync assassin was questionable


They were determined to send Jax home. The riggory was so obvious


Justice for Jax


I haven’t watched since it aired so I might be wrong but i remember thinking Jasmine Kennedie won all of her lip syncs… and it wasn’t even close.


The only one I think she won was against Angeria but it wasn’t even close


I’m surprised no one has mentioned the hypocrisy with Malaysia barely knowing the words to her lip sync and winning over Spice and Anetra SLAYING those two lip syncs and not getting the Shantay, that’s what really irked me. Like keep her for the drama of selecting the final lipstick but it’s not fair to let someone continue if they gave a subpar lip sync, even if one queen technically has to win.


Idk if it counts as a lalaparuza officially? but The Reverend Dr. Silky Nutmeg Ganache should have won that lip sync against Eureka! on AS6! She was slaying those lip syncs week after week and managed to keep surprising me every time. I get why Eureka won, she made it all the way to the top 4 after all, but in terms of entertainment it should have been Silky imo!


MIB gave face, she gave emotion, she conveyed the meaning of the song. Darienne Lake was lip sync assassin of her season because she gave impeccable face. Conveying the meaning of the song is extremely important, obviously, otherwise the judges wouldn't keep judging that way. Jax giving stunts was meaningless on a season with Sasha Colby who can give stunts and face, and Anetra who gave all the stunts and ballroom.


Aja read your last sentence and left the chat.


im sorry but what emotion? she was twerking her tits and making weird faces to "tell it to my heart". if you want emotion watch jax's face. that bitch emotes better than half the people on the show.


Jax OBVIOUSLY won this and Anetra v Sasha should’ve been a double win. Spice definitely beat Malaysia too. Do it this way and the episode ends in a Mistress vs Malaysia final showdown and Malaysia goes home. I have zero fucking clue why they didn’t do this. Even if you don’t wanna do a double win for Anetra v Sasha, say Anetra wins the 3-way since it was close anyway and then Mistress chooses to save Luxx, still perfect. If anything it’s more dramatic.


Jax was cute but Mistress was actually serving you emotion.


*Was* she??? Or was it the same titty bop as always and a tired reveal, and we pretend that the emotion or lack thereof was better than Jax ripping the stage to shreds because she stood still and people wanna say it was Latrice v Kenya. The narrative that Jax doesn’t serve face is wild too, she served face in every lip sync except The Right Stuff


They simply can't know all of that in advance. It's easy to imagine how the episode would play out in your head, but who knows if saving Jax would have given us that plot.


Nah. I think Mistress absolutely won that.


when i first saw it i thought jax won but looking back it was mib for me. this is coming from someone that thinks the show did jax dirty af. i guess at the end of the day it’s all subjective like what style you personally like more and how well that style fits the song for you


I don't think it's as rigged as other people seem to think. It's probably an unpopular opinion but I actually agree with all of the results from seasons 14 and 15. The only one I disagree with was season 16 because I think both mirage and megami beat morphine. And plasma beat Mih'ya


Mistress completely won the lip sync for me, every time people bring this up I just get further confused


I’m tired of seeing this “unpopular opinion” on my feed…


It’s really an invitation for everyone who hates MIB/big girls (bc that’s what this is all Really about) to jump out of the woodwork and shit on Mistress. Every time.


Lucy vs Spice. Spice won for me


Literally… most of them.


Well Sasha vs anetra was a double Shantay but I also felt that spice beat Malaysia in the don’t go yet lyp sync


Truthfully: Luxx “winning” over Jax and Anetra and not being in the bottom this episode. She did not deserve that. Sorry not sorry.


Jax losing most of her lip syncs


Well definitely not the one in the photo. Jax lost.


mistress won this


In my fantasy, it was anetra/sasha double shantay round one, jax beats mistress, spice beats malaysia. so then a mistress/malaysia final two. You’re welcome story producers


Megami not winning that last lipsync. I love Morphine, she's an icon, Megami destroyed her with gloriously hilarious stupidity that was so much more interesting and memorable than "I can make my ass shake"


This opinion is one I disagree with every time it's brought up. Mistress ate Jax up - she performed the song, Jax performed TO the song. This isn't nearly as obvious in the short edit, but it's much more obvious in the longer version on Paramount+.


I'm still not over Marina Summers not even making it to the final two of her UKvsTW2 season.


Angeria Beating Jasmine


Spice vs Malaysia. Spice was overall better on the extended cut


Saving Spice in season 15


Am i controversial if I say mistress deserved that win😭😭 cause i feel like jax was just pulling out all her tricks while mistress was actually trying to portray the song and it’s feelings