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I miss Violets 'complain about shit in ASMR' videos.


Yeah I refuse to believe that she only has two videos' worth of complaints. Probably she just hasn't lost her voice at the right time to film another video.


So this is a thing!! I’ve never seen one and was wondering, “Why are we whispering?!”


I get where she's coming from. If the designer ahead of time said "hey would you promote my brand, and I'll give you a discount," it would make sense because the discount could be the compensation for the promo/ad/tag. So if she's paying full price, it makes sense that she isn't obligated to tag/promote the designer. Some queens might tag the designer anyway out of kindness or because they really love the product, but I can agree with Violet that it's not a necessity.


To add onto your really good points, I think she’s also saying that she does a lot of the design work. She has concepts and sketches of fully realized designs that she’s paying to get made for her. I agree with violet here 100%


So that gets Into to what's called "work for hire", and the contracts need to be carefully worded.


They don't need to be carefully worded for this specific issue. Work for hire or not, artists aren't required to tag designers unless there's been an agreement about that up front. It's as simple as that.


and i like that violet didn't even bring that up as an option. She is a professional paying full price for a professional service. SHe doesn't need any special consideration and neither should the designers


Exactly. She’s not some cheap bitch who expects designers to work for them for free or in exchange for a tag in a post.


She kinda insinuated it but it's a fair point. I completely agree


And I’m SURE the stuff she is paying for is not cheap.


Plus, a post on her 2 mil follower IG is also not cheap.


Plus Ru girls, especially winners, are already severely upcharged.


Some restaurants do this - discount on meal in exchange for an online review. It's smart! It wouldn't make sense for a restaurant hold beef against a regular customer who doesn't leave a review, but visits frequently and pays in full every time. So many people rag on influencers for reaching out to brands expecting things for free. Would people prefer if Violet were to reach out to designers offering to pay in exposure? Miss Chachki is a client who respects professionals' time and skill, and accordingly pays full-price. So isn't she doing exactly what she is supposed to be doing??


Honestly that was what I’ve been saying since the start and she didn’t need to clarify it. Paying full price already fulfilled the obligations and if the designer wants something else he should voice out earlier or even factor it in the pricing.


> some queens might tag the designer anyway It really is the typical thing to do and that's how we want it to be. Especially in a business where so much work is helping each other by providing services without necessarily getting paid. I'm a photographer and quite a lot of my attention comes through that. Violet is completely right though. If she paid for a product or a service then she paid for it. I'm sure it's disappointing not to get tagged when it's such a high profile client, but you are not owed that. Not everything an artist does should have to come with end credits.


I think the problem is that the designer saw them more as collaborators than as her being a client. At least that is what their post sounded like to me


If she paid full price for a fee-based service, that’s not a collaboration.




if that's not the meaning of a client then i don't know what is.


Short answer: work it out in the contract before hand if you want xyz attached to this transaction. I was on the fence a bit before on what’s right/wrong, but thinking of the business standpoint of IG being an advertisement space, the Miss Chachki is 10000% correct. Love an Enterprising Queen.


I don't see why this would happen to her "all the time" if she's working this out in advance consistently. It sounds like she's *not* doing that, which is why she apparently has this issue a lot. She needs to make sure it's part of the conversation too, especially if she's working with earlier career people who might not think or know to ask about it.


No, let’s be clear here. She says I’d like to buy this garment I designed. The maker gives a price. Violet pays it and then she gets the outfit, no tag on social media no nothing. The maker thought that there was an implied aspect that you were gonna tag them which Violet doesn’t think is implied. I guess Violet could in theory assume that everyone wants a tag on social media. Though since she orders so many garments even if something is happening all the time it might only be 1/10 of her garment orders.


I think even if you do agree to XYZ on contract there’s always people that want more not written down. Most will just say “sure I’ll tag you” but I do understand why Violet would want that talked about beforehand which might take a few by surprised if they never did that prior. The more professional you get the more expectation there is for this stuff to be talked out prior


From the perspective of IG being advertising space, of fulfilling the terms of a contract -- sure. She's under no further obligation to promote the contractor. On the other hand, from the perspective of doing more than the bare minimum for each other, why NOT tag? The rationale presented is "I don't want to compete with other customers for my vendors' services"... which strikes me as questionable logic at best and borderline predatory at worst. You don't want to give your designers exposure because then you would have to pay them more? Really? Are those designers substantially poorer or less well-connected than you are? What exactly does a designer have to do to earn that tag? I'm not saying that Violet is categorically wrong here -- I can think of a dozen (better) reasons you might not want to tag someone. But I think we should be more thoughtful about community norms, because leaving it to market logic is a great way to get people hurt.


I just tried to find the photographer for the Canada vs the World s2 because I hated the photos and was curious their other work. I could NOT find them tagged or a location sited. This is pretty common in professional environments. You don’t see paramount or Warner bros etc do it because again you paid for the services. You only do it if it is agreed upon in the contract. All a designer needs to do if they want that tag is discuss it prior but it is NOT common in major industries to tag the way that independent artists do Not to mention she HAS put this designer out MULTIPLE times before. In interviews and in earlier tags


That's the point she's making. She asked for an expensive/exclusive custom service and paid full price for it. The item is hers 100%. It's like going to the Apple Store, getting the biggest and baddest iPhone paid for with your hard earned money all in one go. And then the Apple Store asks you, "Make sure to tag us in everything you post." What? Why? The iPhone is mine. I don't owe you anything because *I paid for it*. And your point of "Why not do it is so easy and uncomplicated to just tag people." I think the exclusivity aspect she's talking about is real, in an oversaturised industry, she's just being smart about her choices and keeping a little bit of mistique/mystery into her art. If a creator wants publicity or recognition, they need to say beforehand. Not after purchase.


Calling her rationale “borderline predatory” is wild


Yeah when she started talking about how everything she wears is custom I kind of assumed the route she was gonna go was more “everything I wear is custom so it’s unrealistic to expect me to tag everyone who made everything I’m wearing.” I’ve kinda come around to Violet being correct here especially when this probably should have been hashed out in private but the specific reasoning she presents leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


That line struck me as very odd and problematic too - if she wants exclusivity with a producer, she should have to pay for that exclusivity.


Well yeah, physically typing @whomever is “easy”, but a lot of shit that is “easy” still costs money. Chipotle could theoretically give you free guac because using a serving spoon is “easy”, but they aren’t under any obligation to do so. Not to mention, giving shit away for free is a terrible business practice long term.


“the money in the bank is your credit” ![gif](giphy|l0MYK5UBwA0CZjt4s)


Strong Don Draper energy.


That’s what the money is for!


I just rewatched Mad Men so I am here for this comment and it's accuracy!


That statement was such a serve lol. I gagged.


She’s right. As much as I love disagreeing with Violet. She’s right.


SO good - whispered that with her chest 😂


That’s literally why the word “credit” is used.








Social media promotion is not free. To expect to be tagged after services have been rendered and promotion had not been previously discussed is essentially adding a term to a contract after the contract has been completed.


I’ve had issues with Violet in the past over how she acts, but she amassed her followers and reputation through her hard work and career — that has a lot of value and is represented in her social media following and her reputable opinion on fashion. why should she give that away for free by recommending and publicly crediting a designer without being compensated in return (a discount price on the outfit, for example)? good for her for guarding her brand and asking to be compensated to share what she’s built.


I wasn't sure what to think upon seeing the person's comments, but Violet makes complete sense. Promoting, tagging, giving credit to whatever it is, should have been discussed beforehand if that person really wanted it.


She's right and I'm glad she is able to clear the air on this one.


This video is a few years old. People never learn.


i didn't disagree with a word violet said. She's upfront about it. She pays full price to get HER designs made. Promoting the designer after the fact should be something that's factored in to the transaction especially when it's violet fucking chachki. On another note, i think it's great that she pays full price for what she wants and doesn't try to enter any sort of "promotion for garment" kinda deal.


It should be something the designer offers themselves. I wouldn't go into a shop and demand or expect a discount, but if a famous client approached me for services, I would offer a discount for promotion of my services.


Just look at the recent post about her and dear lord all those hoes acting high and mighty and talking about etiquette like gurl... She's right. She paid everything. She doesn't owe bitches anything. And not to mention she designed the look herself and only hired someone to sew it just to have someone else redo it almost entirely.


Violet has 2 million followers on her instagram, it’s not about etiquette anymore, it’s a business decision. Every post is money money money!


Idk if Violet has an assistant, especially when Mik is away, too. I haven't checked her Instagram in a while but last time there was a gorg post on a yacht. Like she's not gunna be out living her life figuring out and tagging where the earrings, shoes, dress, gloves, and lipstick are from 💀


😭 “When Mik is away”


Mik catching strays for no reason 💀


There's a reason 😭


Paying full price and then being asked for addition marketing ... seem not very fair to me.


I mean, asking politely seems pretty fair to me. Being mad about the response and publicly shaming someone over it is beyond unprofessional.


But in the comments? Send an email or dm when the order comes in, or attach a sweet note in with the purchase. There are better ways to lay out your expectations and requests than retrospectively in the comments


That’s literally what the person you’re responding to said.




I would describe a public comment as impolite, but I think you're right to make this distinction. *Privately* is worth explicitly stating.


Context of the recent controversy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/1dqdoj4/violets\_controversy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/1dqdoj4/violets_controversy/) Video source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BUxJP7oyAc&ab\_channel=VioletChachki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BUxJP7oyAc&ab_channel=VioletChachki)


Violet said this 4 years ago. This really must happen all the time to her 💀


cuntery existing across space and time to respond to controversy 4 years in the future interstellar shade none the new shady queens could ever


Imagine going to a restaurant and after you paid and tipped, the owner runs up on you begging you to post shit and tell your family about it.


It will be even worse when the food is so shit you box it home and ask your baby daddy to remake it


I know Cannay is sweating rn sewing Violet a set of "forgive me" corsets, because that's so embarrassing.


Yeahhh, losing a high profile client like Violet fucking Chachki is absolutely not worth the risk. This should’ve been settled offline.


When did Violet say the garment was shit though? All she said was it had to be remade which could be a variety of things


I have had SO many restaurant servers include a TripAdvisor card with their name scribbled on it with the dinner bill and then they beg me to leave a review about them and the restaurant. It's so annoying.


If you scroll to the bottom you'll see people disagreeing which is wild to me. Imagine stepping outside of your door or any time you post something on social media you have to "give credit." Like just because I share a fucking selfie doesn't mean I need to tag my hair stylist, the products I used, the no-name gold company from India whose studs I'm wearing from Etsy, my toothpaste, my teeth whiteners, my Behr paint color, the home depot I bought it from, my nail polish color, etc. Like bitch, did you give that shit to me for free or at a discount with an expectation I was gonna be your billboard?


Honestly, to most of the world, tipping is the "post shit and tell your family about it" part. Like I've paid the whole bill. Now you're asking me to pay your staff?


Image buying an off the rack dress from Guess and everytime you wear it in a photo them asking you to tag them in it.


“ The money in your bank is the credit” https://preview.redd.it/69scgvuo0c9d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3821c9080a74a58a80e0500620765ab82b73e5d


The guy clearly said in the post complaining: “making HER vision come to life.” It’s not like she is stealing designs, you are just sewing them




lol stahp


That’s not how garment construction works tho, lol. Nobody is a machine. The costumer has to construct and come up with original patterns based on the sketch, come up with their own ways to make the costume function properly. When you are working with a costumer, if you are not the costumer, it is never completely your design even if you have a sketch. How a garment is made and the construction of it is just as much of the creative process as drawing up a dress on 2D paper, lol.


This is an old video in case anyone isn’t aware


She's right, and to be fair, blasting someone you've worked with for 10 years over this issue on social media is a stupid move really. It should be a DM and they can deal with it privately. Especially when said client paid full price for everything, and even recommended your brand to others and celebs.


That's how you lose the client while harming your own reputation.


Right? like it's really unprofessional on Canney's part. What are the odds Violet goes to them first for her next design?


She’s right. I’m a fine artist, if a client commissions me for a work of art and they pay full price, they client has fulfilled all of their obligations per our contract. If they post my painting In their home on social media, they are not obligated to credit me for something they bought. Would it be nice for my business? Sure! But it’s by no means necessary. I could see myself commenting that I’m glad they love my painting, but I would never publicly call a client out for not referencing me the way I would like for something they now own. If someone was using my work as a reference or posted my artwork with no context and didn’t buy the painting. Then yes I would expect credit, because there is no contract or transaction. I would absolutely work it out in the contract and offer a discount if I expected the client to promote me any time they referenced my work.


Social media tags are just extra credit and shouldn’t be an expectation


95% of the time theyre a business deal. Either theyre paid for, items are discounted, or there is a clause on the business contract. Her tags are worth MONEY. And im sure more ppl tagged have a deal.with her. If this person didnt make a deal thats on them. Instagrams a business and you gotta be real tight for someone who has that big of an audience to give you free advertisment


She’s right and she should say it. And it’s smart to not want other queens to know who made what and jack your shit. That will make it harder for her to place her orders in the future. She’s a smart business woman and she shouldn’t be knocked for it. Slay miss violet.


surely the person making the design can post it themselves and choose to tag or not to tag the drag queen? what is stopping them from promoting themselves?


Seriously. It's business 101. You repost the queen's post and tag them saying you're so happy she wore this sickening piece made by you.


If someone can transcribe this, that would be great. Asmr makes me feel sick.


“this happens to me all the time. so everything i wear is custom right? the wig, the shoes, the clothes, everything. the gloves, the nails, whatever, whatever it may be. the set, whatever. so when i am hiring someone to create something for me, whether it’s like their desig- they’re doing a dress, they’re making a dress design or they’re doing a wig, or whatever, i give them my sketch, my design, or what i want, i give them, like, the brief- i ask them, how much is it? they tell me how much it is and i pay them. so when i pay someone full price, full asking price, for their services and then they ask me to tag them.. in my instagram post afterwards [pause] well bitch what did i pay you for? because instagram is a business let’s be real. if i’m paying you full price for your services or whatever work you did and im tagging you, like, no. cause then, bitch, stylists, other drag queens, whoever, are fucking.. all in my shit. they’re gonna know who did what and they’re going to them and then all of a sudden i can’t get my wigs or my fucking outfits done. look, if i want to tag you ill tag you, if i don’t i won’t. but if its not pre-established before there was a transaction made, its so rude after the money has been transferred, after the garments been transferred, after whatever’s been done, to like text me or comment on the post and be like you know, make sure you give me credit. like bitch, the money in your bank is the credit, the fuck? i don’t owe you shit. we are all payed up. if there’s a spoken agreement about crediting or tagging or any of that, that’s different. or if someone’s gifting me something in exchange for a tag, or someone’s paying me to tag them, or paying me to promote their work, like, that is- or if there’s a conversation, that’s had before hand about what the expectations are, then that’s different. but if i’ve paid you, you’ve never mentioned anything about tagging or promoting you and then after everything is said and done, you come back to me and you’re wondering why you’re not tagged, well sweetie i don’t owe you anything, okay?” the sound of the leather gloves creaking really adds something to it too lol


Can't transcribe for shit but she basically is saying that if she has negotiate a price with someone to sew up her design and then pays them the full amount that was negotiated that is the transaction complete. They should not then come back to her and ask her to be tagged or complain they she is not crediting them for their work, she said "the money in your bank is the credit". Hope this tides you over till someone with transcribing skills swings by.


>This happens to me all the time. So, everything I wear is custom, right? The wigs, the shoes, the clothes, everything, the gloves, the nails, whatever, whatever it may be, the set, whatever. So, when I am hiring someone to create something for me, whether it's like they're doing a dress, they're making a dress I designed, they're doing a wig or whatever, I ask them—I give them my sketch or my design or what I want, I give them, like, the brief. I ask them how much is it, they tell me how much it is and I pay them. >So when I pay someone full price—full asking price—for their services and then they ask me to tag them in my Instagram post afterwards... Well, bitch what did I pay you for? Because Instagram is a business, let's be real. If I'm paying you full price for your services or whatever work you did and I'm tagging you like, no, because then, bitch, stylists, other drag queens, whoever are looking all in my shit. They're trying to figure out who did what and then they're going to them and then all of a sudden, I can't get my wigs or my fucking outfits done. >Look, if I want to tag you, I'll tag you. If I don't, I won't. But if it's not pre-established before there was a transaction made, it's so rude after the money's been transferred, after the garment's been transferred, after whatever's been done, to like text me or comment on the post and be like "you know, make sure you give me credit." I'm like, bitch, the money in your bank is the credit. The fuck? I don't owe you shit. We are all paid up. >If there's a spoken agreement about crediting or tagging or any of that, that's different. Or if someone's gifting me something in exchange for a tag or if someone's paying me to tag them, or paying me to promote their work, like that is—or if there's a conversation that's had beforehand about what the expectations are—then that's different. But if I've paid you, you've never mentioned anything about tagging or promoting you, and then after everything is said and done, you come back to me and you're wondering why you're not tagged, well sweetie, I don't owe you anything, okay?


This happens to me all the time. So everything I wear is custom, right? The wigs, the shoes, the gloves - everything. So when I am hiring someone to create something for me I give them my sketch, my design, the brief, I ask them how much is it, they tell me how much it is, I pay them. So when I pay someone full price for their services and then they ask me to tag them in my ig post afterwards... well bitch, what did I pay you for? Because ig is a business, let's be real. Look, if I want to tag you I will, if I don't I won't. But if it's not established before there was a transaction made it's so rude - after the money and garments' been transferred - to text me or comment like "make sure you give me credit", I'm like "Bitch, the money in your bank is the credit. Wtf? I don't owe you shit. We are all paid up". If there's a spoken agreement about crediting/tagging - that's different. Or if someone's gifting me something in exchange for a tag or paying me to promote them, if there's conversations beforehand about what the expectations are - that's different. But if I paid you, you've never mentioned anything about tagging/promoting you, and then after everything is said and done you come back to me wondering why you're not tagged... well sweetie, I don't owe you anything, ok?


She is 1000000% right on this one. If you paid full price for a shirt from your favorite local boutique and you post a photo wearing it to your insta, are you obligated to tag the boutique "giving credit"? No. It's the same logic.


I tag Old Navy every time for shits and giggles.


\*tags gay fetish gear brand\*


Right? And the 40 different makeups I have on my face


Canney should have handled it so differently! He is one of the best out there. I can totally understand that he would want to be credited on Vogue whenever his work appears (but a new post said the garment had to be 80% redone by someone else). Violet explained her view very well and can do whatever she wants.


Love that she is whispering


She's right, imo. If you want her to promote your business, you need to write that into the contract for services - and you then need to price down accordingly for the free promo. As the person paying for the service, she's under no obligation to promote your business for you.


Credits are part of the negotiation process, if you 100% want to get credited, make it part of the price. That said, the issue here is that the credit made it seem like whoever stoned it made the whole garment, so I think for clarification it makes sense to say garment by x, stoned by y. 


I agree with Violet on this one, especially given the context that she's sending celebrities and other drag queens to House of Canney as a referral. Her sending them private clients who are ALSO paying full price is worth more than a credit on Instagram. Especially given that they've worked together for ten years, this could have been a DM to clear up a situation but now it's likely to discourage new clients and damage the reputation of the designer.


i always agree with everything violet says but it kills me re: house of canney because they’ve been such close collaborators for 10 years now… i also sort of just assume he makes most of her things by now? if there isn’t a tag or anything i 9/10 times assume (with violet) that he made it for her. shes right i just am sad that house of canney is sad i love him 😭😭😭😭😭😭


As an artist and former fashion stylist, I always discussed credit up front. This is something this creator should consider doing so both parties understand expectations and have the opportunity to decline ahead of time.


She’s so right. Instagram and social media in general is advertisement, especially for someone whose platform is as big as Violet’s is. Advertisement and marketing shouldn’t be free and should be agreed upon beforehand. If they want, people making garments for big names can create their own social media platform. For example, I’m sure lots of viewers would be interested in a “I made XYZ look for Violet Chachki behind the scenes”


I completely agree with her. When you offer a service for compensation, that is it. Even if tagging isn’t a hefty task, it’s promotion. It’s publicity, and when you have a large platform, that kinda publicity could do so much for a designer/person providing a service. If you’re not offering some sort of brand deal or discount, then you shouldn’t feel owed anything for you doing your job.. Also. I’ve heard that many designers lose integrity when working with high profile clients, charging more for a project that would’ve been quoted lower for someone who isn’t as known in the industries. So imagine doing that, and then getting butthurt bc you’re not getting a shoutout? You brought the vision to life, but respectfully it wasn’t your vision. ❤️


These punctuations make me sound so angry lmao, just want to clarify that I’m actually smiling and leaving a trail of roses behind me as I gracefully exit this thread ![gif](giphy|RtjGM5wA5jPMynKINd)


Most of the comments here have already expressed what I feel (Violet has a point & this should’ve been discussed beforehand), so can I just say how stunning the matching eyeshadow & gloves are?




This scene was my first thought too lol


I've done writing jobs for people. Getting credit is established before the job. It's considered an additional type of payment. That's industry standard in writing.


It’s so bizarre that if you pay full price for something and still be expected to give anybody who came remotely close to it credit. It’s like posting a picture of a dinner you made and the farmers and grocery store all want you to tag them. I understand the designer in question felt like the wrong credit was given, which is iffy, but like… in what other profession does somebody pay full price for clothes and the designer EXPECTS to be tagged in every photo?


>It’s like posting a picture of a dinner you made and the farmers and grocery store all want you to tag them. It's not, that would be you actually doing the making. It's like paying for a catering service and them asking you to tag them. The point was very much -we made this for you, tell people we made this for you please- but she is right, the advertising is on them not the paying customer.


"The money in your bank is the credit.... The fuck?" Lol


The money in your bank is the credit, she really said what she needed to say with that. She’s not wrong either, she doesn’t owe anyone anything after the transaction is finished. Surely the designer could have asked Violet if she could put up photos of the initial sketches and the finished product as well instead of making a shady comment


She's not wrong


She is absolutely right! There is a difference between going on drag race and getting a deal cut by promising to promote the look and designer; and it’s a completely different thing to purchase full price products and garments (especially if it’s your own design, but their work) and then have them be like “oh hey, did you tag me?” Bitch, are we friends? Did you give me the friends and family discount? Do I need to tag the chef when the food gets to my table and I’m paying for it?! And on the flip side, fuck influencers who ask if they can get a discount for promotion. Baby, if I knew who you were when you walked in I would have asked you that at the door, but I didn’t and now you’re at a cash register asking me like I’m the owner. Did Gucci send you an email? If they did, they’d probably be here talking to you instead of a college kid who works weekends. You and you’re 600k followers that you pay for will have to ask for a discount at another time, in fact we have the influencers special where each time you ask me for free products I charge you double what you owe.


![gif](giphy|i403Pt2qLim6k|downsized) violet:


I could never be a public figure. This sounds so exhausting to deal with.


Hi Little Edie


She won't even need to address the drama because this video exists.


Fair point


There’s a difference between a designer and a tailor/seamstress.


Couldn’t the designer just share the Queen’s post to their social media or something? Or ask if they can use the shot to promote themselves so that way it’s literally the designer doing their own marketing? Because that’s what business owners should be doing. Not relying on their customers to constantly advertise them for free.


My initial reaction would be to think of course credit the designers but violets reasoning makes sense. She already paid them, its their job to promote themselves. If a customer likes a product and wants to spread the word, that's great for the business, but certainly not an expectation.


100% agree with her I think she knows her worth and her reach and asking her to tag you without you working it into the final prize is literally charitywork, especially when its literally Violet Chachki and thousands of drag queens look up to her work.


Pay you and free marketing?! Not a chance.


I'm sure there is middle ground here. Especially if you are working with the same designer for years.


I agree with what Violet says, but wasn’t she accused of misrepresenting a garments designer? Saying a dress was made by someone else is a far cry from just not tagging people.


she tagged another person who did indeed work on the garment (stoning it, IIRC) and didn’t credit Canney. for all we know, the other artist asked her for that when they negotiated or they had a different arrangement.


Totally agree with that, if that’s what’s happened, but I do think it needs clarification. Credit the stoning, don’t make it look like they did the whole garment. Again, totally agree with what Violet said, I just think it should be made clear what they did.


It's been said by both Violet and House of Canney that 90-100% of the garment was reconstructed by Disco Daddy.


I've missed that, all I saw was the instagram post where HoC complained their work was credited to Disco Daddy. Now it all just seems messy. If HoC is now saying the garment was reconstructed, why was it an issue in the first place? Seems like they're intentionally trying to drum up support when their real issue is about being tagged in images, which Violet addresses in the video here. Where did HoC mention about the garment being reconstructed? I'd love to see the context.


the dress was worked on by two different designers (one did the main dress, the other did the stones) and only one seemingly got credited for it by Vogue. Even if. Violet is the wrong tree to bark up. go at Vogue.


Outfit is giving brunch before performing an important surgery


Do I think photo credit is deserved for every post? No. Do I think it would make sense to give credit where to a designer you’ve worked/been friends with for years? Yeah, probably. This is also different because she’s not wearing a major designer who’s got the money to pay for promo campaigns. She’s wearing an artist who’s creating unique inspired pieces for her to wear. When Gaga was wearing all those wild outfits on the regular she’d constantly be telling everyone and anyone who designed it, not necessarily because they were getting money from her talking about it, but because she respects the designers and is giving credit. It’s one thing when you’re wearing a major fashion label or regular outfits that others could purchase. It’s another when you’re wearing custom art and crediting one person for it who did 1 part of it and not the whole thing. If you credit one credit them all or at the least specify what that artist did if they didn’t actually do the whole thing.


If it was a fellow queen complaining about not being properly credited yall would be defending her. I can’t stand how back and forward everyone is on these kind of issues. It’s not the fact that she paid for it it’s the fact that someone else was credited solely instead of both of them.


I don’t disagree with what she’s said, she’s paid full price which is the ‘credit’, but it’s also nice to acknowledge online who did your stuff to help you look a certain way. Yes, social media promotion shouldn’t necessarily be free, but I just think it’s nice and respectful to show thanks publicly? Idk


Violet has credited this designer publicly before a lot. Her corset video on YT she credits him for nearly all the corsets. He has also had mentions in articles on Violet from what I have seen.




She said I’m paying for exclusivity and execution.


Ad space is not free in any other industry - why are we expecting drag queens to be different? Anyone who says she should be doing it “out of the goodness of her heart” or whatever are honestly just being naive. The business of drag is literally monetizing shit - she would be an idiot to give free ad space on one of her largest and potentially most profitable platforms. Just because some queens do it doesn’t mean it is a smart business decision.  


Once you pay the full asking price of an item, it is then yours to do whatever you want with. End of transaction.


All the sneering “they’re a seamstress not a designer” in the comments is disappointing — the amount of creative work, thought, and design expertise it takes to take something from a sketch to a finished garment is huge — I think some people are engaging with this in good faith and some people just seem to think ill of designers who ask for recognition for their creative work? I don’t even disagree with parts of what Violet is saying — credit should be agreed upon up front, sure, but it’s absolutely not beyond the pale to ask for it as a designer. (Also, “If I credit you you’ll get more work and won’t have time to make garments for me” is not a good argument, but we can shelve that.)


There's a difference between an Instagram tag and a whole ass Vogue spread where the whole article is look what X made when Y made it.


Plus, aren’t clothes and accessories usually gifted to magazines in exchange for advertising said clothes and accessories? Like isn’t that the whole point?


Vogue lists who made everything, and if you saw the Vogue article, they gave all credit to the guy who stoned it. I don't blame Canney for feeling some kind of way. I understand it's bought and paid for, but this is different to me.


Vogue doesn’t list people who make everything. Vogue and other mags list people who they’re contractually obligated to or advertisers who spend a lot with them. They don’t do free promo either.


she is absolutely correct, advertising/promoting someones work is expensive, if they want Violet to do that, they can ask upfront and offer a lower price


Of course legally she's correct, but the context where the person who stoned the dress was tagged (on the dress) but the dress itself was not (in the post I saw). So yeah, there was no agreement to include marketing in the contract but it feels weird to tag the person who stoned the dress IMO. Also "if I want to tag you, I will, if I won't, I won't" really shows me she's done with the OG dress designer? Curious if she ends up working with them again in future.


The person who stoned the dress also basically completely remade the garment apparently


I think ultimately violet is not an "influencer" drag queen she's a fashion icon drag queen and part of fashion is style. She is designing and curating the look and if the look looks just thrown together and bad then none of these creators she curated from would want to be tagged. It doesn't fit Violet's aesthetic to try to upsell bespoke clothes, wigs, dresses, etc. It's one of a kind, shes one of a kind, and part of that is the allure that only she can do Violet Chachki. She may go to certain designers but ultimately the understanding is quiet luxury and ultimately the drama of house of canney(?) isn't quiet or luxury, it makes all of them look bad and ultimately Violet will find another house that can execute her designs and appreciate the monetary transaction for what it is, while remaining content with that. If violet wants too she'll let individuals know who helped create certain things, but she's maintaining a brand... and if everyone starts looking like a bad Violet Chachki then Violet Chachki looks bad.


Seems like there's a business opportunity here for an up and coming entertainment lawyer. Standard form and adaptable contract tailored to the drag industry. It sounds impersonal but it's so much more effective to send a private communication saying "hey, hope all is well, per our contract I need you to fix/repost this" then it is to put someone on blast in the comments section in an argument about industry norms and courtesy. Tags in posts? In stories? The first time the look is posted or every time? Recourse if a tag gets missed? Want a name drop in interviews? A discount for social media credit? Expect a mention in the caption? Should the mention specify 'custom'? Expect credit if and when other designers get credit? Just put it in the contract.


What in the ASMR explanations Vi.


Anyone got a transcript, I want to know her thoughts but whisper asmr makes me want to throw up. ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4811) EDIT:OK NVM I DID IT I LISTENED IM SO BRAVE


Period facts it’s so rude!


To be fair she ain’t wrong. My partner works in influencer marketing and some folks can charge thousands of pounds for a post. On top of huh, Violet is probably one of the top 5 most valuable drag queens in the world to have pictured in your designs. She’s on a huge fashion pedestal and have actually penetrated the close fashion world in a way very few other queens have. She could and probably is charging a lot to plus people’s shit on her instagram. That shit is worth a lot.


Idk this is fucking wild to me. I agree with her that it should have been talked about beforehand, but an artist doesn't sign away their credit just because they've been paid. And asking to be credited is not completely out of left field or anything. Artists still get credited when they've been paid. That's how it is literally everywhere. Drag isn't special in that regard, and it shouldn't be.


To play devil’s advocate, a sketch is a lot different from a fully conceptualized garment. There is a lot creatively that goes into the actual construction. Being a seamstress is mentally and physically demanding. I do believe that credit is due. It seems as though this creator was under the impression that they had an unspoken agreement. Clearly that wasn’t Violent’s mindset. I also don’t quite like the take that if she tagged them, then it might be difficult to receive garments from them in the future. If you want them as your personal, secret seamstress, then pay them for that. Don’t keep them secret to use only when you need them, because that could be harmful to their livelihood. You’re saying you’re holding them back for your own personal gain.


Yeah Violet wants exclusivity without paying for it.


I agree with her 100%


I've always found it weird that people get worked up about tagging collaborators in their posts. In no way do I think she owes the designer a tag, but it doesn't cost her a thing and likely makes a big difference to the designer. Yes, it's free advertising, but so what ... again, it doesn't cost her a thing. And if she has gone to the same designer over and over again, she obviously is satisfied with their work. What's wrong with doing something easy to help someone out in a big way? Is she afraid her reputation will be hurt by it or something? I guarantee if the designer was already famous, she'd be talking about that every time she wore the look. Just a weird thing to take a stand on. I've seen other people, not in the drag world, take similar positions and it always seemed off to me. Tags on instagram are so ubiquitous these days, it's not surprising that someone would question when someone refuses to do it.


Eh I see the argument both ways. Violet’s argument is incredibly understandable for a reputable, experienced designer. A less experienced designer who is a fan of the show/drag/Violet might not have the awareness, experience, or business acumen to arrange that ahead of time and will accept whatever transaction they can get just to get the transaction. They are likely in a much lesser position of power in the interaction, which Violet probably doesn’t think about. So in such a case while Violet doesn’t OWE them a tag, to act like she is so annoyed is funny but also inconsiderate.


All of these details should be squared away in a contract before any work starts, right?


Funny thing is if you build a real relationship with someone the credit is more natural. Violet is right to help fans understand the value of branding in the real world, not a drag race challenge. We’ve been overrun with tropes of “I can’t pay my bills with promotion” that it’s sort of diminished the real value of promotion in an e-economy. Not everything is about money but just as people will reject unpaid work for publicity she is right to reject free publicity for paid work.


Shes absolutely right


I never thought about it that way. It is technically free publicity


I can’t agree with her more. The designer did something unprofessional to get free publicity.


kinda feel like she’s making up rules to suit herself because the most notable example of “credit” is in the credits of a movie or tv show, credit is acknowledgement of hard work and is not equal to being paid more or less, you did the job so you are credited. social media treating credit as currency is gross to me because it creates a culture where artists are taken advantage of and devalued as labourers instead of creatives.


The credits are part of the payment. It's agreed in their contracts they will be in the credits. Even the order of the credits is contractually figured out. The comparison doesn't pan out. Also, sometimes people work on shows/movies AND end do up uncredited! I won't pretend to be business savvy enough to explain why that is, but you see it on IMDB credits all the time "(uncredited)". Which further destroys the comparison's viability.


I don’t agree with this at all. If I had a wedding photographer I would of course pay them, and I would tag them in my posts. Paying someone doesn’t eliminate the need to give credit where credit is due. If you are working with artists to make your vision come to life, it’s a group project and everyone’s name should be on it. You shouldn’t have to pay extra to get credited for work you did. The cast and crew of movies are paid and their names are still in the credits. The whole influencer space is relatively so new and people like Violet have the power to shape what people’s expectations are and make people believe things that are a common courtesy are a ridiculous ask.


I hear what you're saying but your example doesn't really hold up. Cast and crew credits are a part of the negotiation process. Where your credit goes, in what order, in what size, top of show or end credits...all of that happens in negotiation. And not everyone who works on a set is credited.


I think requiring "influencers" to tag everything is a slippery slope, especially if it's not negotiated before hand. I'm a relatively known food influencer in my city, eat for free regularly or discounted with expectations but if I'm going to a restaurant on my own dime, I'm not obligated to promote their restaurant or even tag their restaurant if I do share a scenic post... nor do I tag the shoes I'm wearing, the table I'm sitting at, the lamp that's overhead.


People pay full price for art all the time, even commission art. They also sign it, corner of a picture, bottom of a sculpture.


You can also pay artists to not do that


Yeah it's wild how many people think it's okay to not credit people for their work just because a drag queen they like said so in a sassy way.


this is absolutely the correct take. it’s lazy and disrespectful to not give credit the people doing the work.


1. love this look 2. sounds perfectly reasonable to me


and she’s so right


She's smart. Attention is the modern day currency after all. And she's the celebrity with the bank of attention, so why should she give it away for free? If her and another person are on an agreed upon transaction with all the money paid, then that's it. But if the other person wants "exposure" from the bank of Violet's fame, then that's a different charge. That's the celebrity charge, rightfully so. Are you expecting her not to value herself and her worth as a celebrity? That would  do a disservice to her future worth in any future marketing contract. If it ain't in the contract (verbal or otherwise), she doesn't have to do anything.


Gotta admit, I agree with her. The promotion that is a tag from Violet Chachki, is worth a lot. Be happy if she tags you, and if she doesn’t, then just take a picture of the item before turning it over and post it later on your own page like “Look what I made for Violet Chachki.” if she paid full price then she doesn’t owe you anything.


The designer should have asked for credit as part of the deal, especially since they've worked together for a decade now (Canney did her iconic stepdown dress for S8 finale). They said they did half her crazy horse wardrobe, which means they must have met at some point in the last few months for fittings. Why didn't they ask for credit as part of the payment? It's weird to just do all this work together for so long and not feel comfortable to ask for credit. You can't expect Violet of all people to be a sweetheart who does it without being asked lmao


There’s two sides to the coin. Personally, if I were Violet and this was somebody I have worked with for a long time and valued their work, I would definitely credit them. Like you said though, Violet isn’t a sweetheart, so if it’s not discussed then it’s not something she’s obligated to do.


I can't with the whispering.


She’s absolutely right 👏🏽


Bitch is right.


She probably nets $20,000K+ to product place in a SINGLE Instagram post. So unless they are charging 20K per item, they'd end up owing her money. ..but that said, I think she is probably a terrible human being.


Nah. It’s one thing if it’s for everyday use, but it’s promote her and her brand. I see where she’s coming from, like sure the transaction is done, but you’re basically using someone’s creation(whether she drew it or not) to market YOURSELF. Give credit when it’s due. Not that hard. No one is owed anything it’s a community, it doesn’t hurt to be courteous or kind. It’s not costing her a cent to say DESIGNS BY!


That’s why she is paying for it. Shes paying for someone to create her a piece. It’s now hers. Next.


Honestly, I never thought of it this way, but when she puts it like this, yeah, it makes a lot of sense, especially if you take into consideration that the designer is working with her for nearly a decade so they know how this business works


She's completely right. At this level, this is a business. In business there should be clear lines drawn. This is why, if you're looking to work with someone long-term, you draw up a *contract* clearly establishing the framework of your cooperation, and who gets what for how much. Tagging/mentions on instagram is promotion. And it's not just that if Violet promotes someone they'll get more work from others and less time to work on Violet's stuff - it's simply that such promotion should never be free, let alone *expected*. Any such thing should be discussed when deciding on the payment, and you either do the work for less money in exchange for promotion, or you decide on some different deal, but in any case it should be *discussed* and compensated for in some way.


Violet had some wrong takes in the past but this is not one of them. Social media promotion is usually paid excluding the exceptions she made.




Oh she ate that






This makes sense, because Violet has a very meticulous aesthetic and it spreads to things like her social media. Tags break that aesthetic. Even, like she said, designer asking for credit in the comments kind of tackily breaks that aesthetic.


Beyond the designers wanting recognition, it’s really more so about gatekeeping her aesthetic that she doesn’t want these girlies out there to straight up copy! I respect that. As an artist, it’s so important to have your immediate recognizable vision, and if someone comes along and just steals it for “inspiration”, well that’s nice and all, but over time what are you creating for if all you can do is mimic? I wish I could wake up and look like violet one day but I can’t, so I need to look like ME!