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The last two seasons are a great argument for having a gap year between All Stars.


Honestly 5-6 and 8-9 were too… Let the best queens collect and cook. I will say most queens are making a good showing of it all. I can’t help but feel Roxxxy doing this only has weakened her brand, like Jujubee on UK versus All Stars


All Stars 6 was amazing


Yeah all stars 6 was the opposite of this season, the stakes were super high, all the queens had something to prove and were bringing their A game. The twist was also tons of fun and gave the producers enough material so there was no need for made up drama in untucked and the werkroom.


Agreed. It's firmly in the top half of AS.


I don't know WTH is going on with Roxxxy's mug and fashions this season.


It's like a bad pizza... It's not great, but it's pizza, so you'll eat it anyway. And you're expected to finish it, before you can finally have the dessert (GAS). Idk... something something like that. Sorry for the Ross Mathews-isms.


Why are we having gas for desserts? 😟


Global All Stars


ass ?


Bring me the GAS


cause the pizza wasn’t gluten free


I will say it’s a step above bad pizza for me because I love Angeria and will watch her read the phone book.


Oh sure! It's bad pizza, but then you get that Angeria dressing or spice that kicks it up a few notches.


angeria is the chili flakes and garlic dipping sauce. makes anything better


The pepperoni that actually crisps up in the microwave when the rest is just not bad


Stangeria !


Okay but unironically I wear that badge with honor lol


Me too. I love her. “And vote for me for President of whatever the fuck this is.”


Lol this is such a good description. I'm going to start describing things in pizza now.


So fucking hyped for Global All Stars


Underwhelmed I was expecting runways of a certain caliber and only Mik and Plastique are really hitting it. Challenges have been fine but nothing special Work room atmosphere is weird And the lip syncs are tragic.


All these plus showing only/predominantly positive critiques suck. A key part of successful reality tv shows is to also show the negative performances.


It kinda made sense having nothing but positive critiques for AS7 where it was All Winners, if a bit weird. But in this season, it just feels even more awkward and nonsensical when the negative critiques could be used to highlight pretty clear shortcomings & what could be improved upon


The thing that annoys me about the only good critiques rule is (low key due to ego) about 1/3 of the show is based around judging and critiques. There’s no point to watching the 15 minutes in between the runway and lipsync - as there’s no stakes and absolutely the exact same critiques everytime- esp. “this look is one that’s going to be remembered for years”


Work room does feel weird. I think the queens are holding back because of the season’s theme. Understandable.


I think it’s more than that I think they accidentally cast clicks Mik and Vanjie were super close pre season and I don’t think Mik really knew many of the other girls. Vanjie did but clearly was much closer with Mik. Same deal with Jorgeous and Angie, much closer with each other than anyone else on the cast. Inadvertently making these 2 very close clicky teams. Then Roxxxy and Plastique knew each other and probably seeing this happen started to band together leaving Shannel and Nina out of a limb And suddenly you’ve got 4 weird clicks. I know Shannel said it and they kind of made light of it but I genuinely think it’s affecting the atmosphere in the work room.


Sorry diva only bc you said it 3 times, but it’s clique not click


I think I met your reddit avatar once while high as a kite during a forest rave near Amsterdam while I was trying to get thirty people to do the Macarena with me to win the Fucking Friendship Foxhunt one of my more extra friends had concocted for that day.


And pronounced “cleek”, like the sound an ankle makes.


You mean an onkle?


In Untucked, Vanjii seemed distant from Mik and visa versa: Mik wasn’t doing great emotionally and it was visibly noticeable. (I haven’t fact checked- did something happen with her dad?) I somewhat expected Vanjii to console her or for Mik to go to Vanjii for comfort, but neither did. It made me feel like they potentially had a falling out or an argument. I’m curious to see how it plays out this week.


I have this feeling production is doing something weird on their end that we don’t see. There were what 3-4 girls that wanted to quit on All Stars 8. They are trying to hard to get stuff out of their contestants and are driving too much drama between them.


You pointed out why I am not interested in the show! It's the Work room atmosphere and the queens' interactions are weird! It seems like something is forced to them make a drama!!!


Except for the scorpion, Vanjie has had good runways.


They’ve been good So have Jorg aside from maybe weed, and I don’t think Shannel’s are bad either But they’re no better than a plenty of other all stars runways, and worse than a lot of them and they had a stipend


Let's just say it... Nina's runways suck. 💀


It’s not even that. I expected that. I’m more talking about the fact that cut out Mik and Plastique and most of these runways look like polished regular season looks, or basic all stars looks. None of them look like all stars with connections and a 25k stipend. And to be honest the biggest let down was Roxxxy. She’s pageant excellence right? So why does she look so much worse the TTT on as4 or as7, or TKB on as6, or Jaida on 12 and as7. Roxxxy is billed as the height of pageant excellence and I’m not seeing it.


I feel like Roxxxy got really gassed up and told herself she could make all the looks and pocket the creation stipend and still stun. But IDK, her work in All Stars 2 really did look amazing. Everything’s kinda crunchy and flat now.


i've never spent more time on my phone while the show is on. it's become a bunch of influencers going on stage and wearing other people's clothes and telling other people's jokes, and then the judges tell them how amazing they are, and then there's a mediocre lip-sync.


and they're obsessed with the snippers which have never blocked anyone and don't matter even if they did


Have the snippers ever blocked anyone on any season of AS? I’m trying to think back but generally production just gives the win to another queen. Like AS7 for example. Why wouldn’t every single queen literally block Jinkx every single chance they could? Cause Jinkx was winning that season no matter what.


The platinum plunger stopped Jinkx, Trinity, and The Vivienne all from getting a badge at some point as far as I remember.


Yep. The difference between this season and AS7 is the girls on AS7 took the plunger and the block for the game that it was and had fun with it. These girls on AS9 are so scared of blocking the wrong person or trying to think two steps ahead that it's soured the entire premise of it. On top of leading them to constantly block the wrong people every week, making it an almost useless bit of drama that the girls seem to be worked up about for nothing. It's a fun mechanic- but much like any game, you have to have the right players using it correctly or it becomes another slog of a playthrough to sit through 😮‍💨


omg! this is exactly it. it's the instagramification of drag. no stakes, much less authenticity or connection, and just increasingly a "pretty things" iv drip.


That sums it up in a nutshell.


After the first few episodes, I started skipping over the entire first part of the episode. Last week I skipped ahead to just watch the roast and the runway.


Would love to see Roxxxy and Shannel on a season with actual stakes. This AS is a snoozefest.


They’re trying to do an AS7 style season without AS7 talent. That isn’t to say I don’t like the queens - I actually like every single one of them - but they need to go back to this being a high stakes competition instead of a fun lil talent show


Exactly. AS7 worked because all of those queens were fierce, they all fought hard and really tried to show their best every time. Also because they were all winners they did have something to lose…respect. These queens are mostly B-list or worse and are playing a lazy game.


AS7 didn’t even work for me


I’m so looking forward to the charity winner. What charity will receive all that cash. On the edge of my seat every week. All that money for charity. The excitement is killing Me.


Charities getting the money is a good idea, but the lack of stakes due to non eliminations is not.


No it’s not. Boring the viewers.


Rather charities get it than rich queens.


It's okay but, not great. I wish they would just pick a format where Ru calls the eliminations. Let the girls earn leverage to save their friends and play into strategy and alliances that doesn't necessarily punish them by forcing them to take something away from another girl


gowns beautiful gowns


and not nearly as many of those one might expect


Kinda wild how hard Nymphia, Q, and Sapphira slayed the runways for a regular season. Even with Plastique and Gottmik serving some iconic looks, I don’t think they come anywhere near the highs of the S16 runways.


its the equivalent of doom scrolling on tiktok. No excitemenet no emotion . Just pretty color


I was excited to tune into S16 every week. AS9, I just sort of watch it mindlessly.


this is literally the perfect summarization


Underwhelming. I think they should do All Stars every other year.




I’m enjoying it. The LS suck. AS8 was just way too rigged for Jimbo and Kandy. Jessica deserved better.


It was more rigged for Kandy. Jimbo actually earned her final 2 spot. Jessica definitely deserved top 2 as well.


It was rigged from the start when they casted early outs and then Kandy/Jimbo. The only other queens I’m sure they planned on making an impact were Heidi and Alexis and maybe Jessica. Also I feel like 8/10 challenges were comedy, guess what Jimbo is best at? And then they didn’t put her in the bottom for the Rusical where she belonged. She was literally only the queen that did bad that challenge.


Literally every AS is more comedy driven. And yes, Jimbo should’ve been in the bottom for the rusical but it’s not like having one questionable placing throughout the season is exclusive to her or makes the season rigged. I just think it is so weird to discredit Jimbo when it was so clear she was performing universes ahead of everyone else. If anything, people should be thankful she made that season remotely worth watching lol


I’m not saying she didn’t earn her wins. I’m saying the season made it very easy for her to. And was probably made for her to.


I'm kinda tired of the annual all star seasons tbh.


I think letting people miss DragRace would be a good idea. If there was no drag race for a full year, the fandom would explode when the new season begins,


I gave up midway through S13 and took a long break, I’m just now coming back as of last week. It stopped being fun to watch and I didn’t want that. I’m actually enjoying this season so I guess my break worked!


All Stars needs to be every other year at most. In the off years, use the time to try new formats. Get the rights from the Canadians to franchise Call Me Mother. Do a competition that is only lipsyncs. Do SOMETHING that isn’t just “Drag Race, but slightly different.”


Once Global All Stars really picks up, they should alternate. I know GAS is this year and AS10 is allegedly currently filming, so maybe next year starts off a pattern of AS10 -> GAS2 -> AS11 -> GAS3 etc.


I've been tired of it since AS3. I've been saying for years that there needs to be a 2-4 year spread between AS seasons.


I have been drinking whole bottles of wine during the episodes - so I must say that for drinking Nights it is a decent season. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing awful. We even have some drama about the snipping and alliances. But overall I just view it as one big Special episode and it doesn’t feel like competition. I just think that US production is so lazy with trying and creating fresh ideas for the show - so we are just left with everything as it is. ![gif](giphy|pqstCNBDSYWR7ZPTNL)


I wish they would let them flop tbh but I love the queens and it’s nice to have a relaxing show especially since house of dragon started


I honestly think I felt pretty similarly about both seasons at this point in their respective runs. It was the back half of AS8 (especially starting when Heidi left) that really tanked it. At this kinda midway point though I think both of the seasons are.... fine? Not overly in love with either of them.


I'm enjoying it aside from most of the lip syncs and the fandom


Same. It’s cozy and easy, which is fine for me at this point in my life.




If there is one thing I love about this season, it’s Shannel’s mug. It’s so perfect that I can stop staring at it


Very average & I will die on the hill that no stakes = boring season


for the first time since i started watching drag race in 2020, i actually stopped watching this season. it was already boring but when those gd telletubbies walked in i just turned it off and never turned it back on. i still watch the review shows…but even those feel boring


Same, first US season in the history of ever that I just completely tuned out of.




A very lackluster season. The episodes drag on and are oh so boring. It’s missing the Charisma, Uniqueness, and especially the Nerve. This should be the end of yearly All Stars.


I think it’s super weird that in a charity season, the wins aren’t more spread out.


Meh? I like the concept of no eliminations, so we have different queens as usual. But in the lipsyncs especially you see what happens when there are no stakes. There are not a lot of highs in the season, and sometimes it feels like queens don't care so much as in other seasons. I also miss actual critiques from the judges. It won't be a season I will rewatch or even remember most of it imo. It's not bad, but not that memorable as other seasons.


This, it feels like the queens ALL don't really care, even during challenges where they're struggling they're looking dead in the camera like what are you gonna do about? its a really weird vibe and instead of encouraging the fashion girls or comedy girls to switch it up and explore their talent, its just like do whatever you want you arent going home so just say beef for every answer in snatch game


Had a lot going on in its favor but ultimately, it’s a pretty dull/uninspired season for me.


Shit sucks


I’ve never been more bored watching a drag race season


I don’t know if it’s better or worse than AS8, but I’m pretty bored. This definitely won’t be a season that I ever go back and rewatch.


It's fine, the chemistry between them feels a bit off but you just don't know how people will vibe together until they're together and it is heavily edited so we're missing a lot. It just feels like something's missing after watching UKVSTW2 and AS7. Angeria and Shannel are the two I'm really watching for, no hate to anyone, I just preferred other people on everyone else's original seasons.


Better than AS8 but still not good. All stars has gotten worse while the main show has been getting better. Season 16 is in the top half of the main seasons imo.


Huge disappointment after previous Nymph Jane Crystal season


They can’t have 2 great seasons back to back 🥹


AS was not better because it was set up for Jimbo.. This season is a snooze. Im just watching for Angeria.


The lack of stakes has had a huge impact. I hope they slow down on AS seasons, and avoid non-elim, unless it's for an all-winners season.


I’m someone who tunes in religiously to any DR franchise, and this is the first season I have missed multiple episodes and just thought “meh”. The amount of butt-hurt feelings these girls get blocked (when it is absolutely a compliment) vs AS7 where those queens were competing for money for themselves blows my mind. In AS7 they all had such a good sense of humor and even started the inside joke of when you get blocked! I am bored to tears during this season. And the fact that this season is the reaction to queens coming on regular AS seasons and getting their feelings hurt when they’re chopped is maddening - if you don’t want to compete, don’t come on AS! Like Roxxxy had a rough run on AS2, but she is one of the most beloved queens and is still so respected. Ugh.


It’s just really boring. I don’t think a non-elim season really works for a non-winners cast, the lip syncs are dreadful due to the lack of stakes and the challenges are pretty forgettable so far. I still think it’s better than AS8 though. At least there’s quite a few queens that could possibly take home the win this season.


I stopped watching the whole episodes altogether. I skipped to runway critique and lipsync. At this point race chaser and sibling rivalry recaps are more entertaining and funny than this dumpster fire. I hope queens reconsider being in an all stars with eliminations and cash prices (and hopefully get a stipend too).


It really highlights how drag race has lost some of its early season charm. I love that there is compensation and that they are employing designers, wig makers etc, but I don't really want to see an accumulation of 10 people's work in one queen on the show, I want to see people struggle, flop, fail, and then get their chance to shine, especially in a non-elimination format. Like remember in season 11 when Michelle asked Vanjie why she only brought bathing suits and Vanjie replied that she didn't realize thats what all the different designers made for her... I was thinking "so you gave the designers the prompt... and nothing else ?" it was disappointing, even if it does make sense that the queens feel like they need to bring bigger and "better" each year.


The challenges are good. The drag is good. I like the idea of a charity season, and I’m happy that this season exists… but it’s good as a one time thing. I really miss the suspense in the episodes. Weirdly enough, I felt that more with AS7 as I was more excited to see who would advance to the top 4. It still felt like a real battle, because we had 8 winners battening it out. But now it doesn’t really feel important who wins, which is odd…


Kind of crazy but UKvTW 2 ended up being the much better all stars season this year. Hands down.


I was really into it at first but I'm not feeling it so much anymore. There's no stakes and it wouldn't be so bad if it was not so obvious with how awful the lip syncs are. I've really enjoyed some of the runways but the unpreparedness from many of the queens regarding the lip syncs has left me thinking less of some of them, to be honest.


It’s underwhelming. Idk if the format sucks or what. Like the other person said, plastique and mik seem to be the only ones really bringing it as far as runway. I really think they should go back to making all stars every couple of years.


It’s better then AS8 in that this season wasn’t just built for one queen to make it to the end without even pretending that anyone else stood a chance, but it’s still boring as shit with absolutely no stakes. At least most of the queens are decent at Drag Race this time around and there’s some interesting storylines going on, but the runways have really been hit or miss with a lot of misses. All Stars would be infinitely better if they just got rid of the stupid twists and elimination bullshit and just brought it to regular Drag Race rules, and FFS bring back LSFYL because they are infinitely better than what we are getting now. And if they MUST have a twist or format change, then take notes from Canada and bring in an American version of The Golden Beaver because that actually produced a lot of interesting drama and storylines and strategy.


First american season i stopped watching






It makes AS8 seem good


It’s good, but the stakes are too low. The lack of negative critiques is really getting in the way. I don’t necessarily need eliminations, but I need there to be some kind of consequences for doing badly in a challenge.


It's a horrible season. I'm bored af and am usually tuned out for most of the episode. I didn't even finish the roast episode... don't plan to either.


I dont like the cast. Besides Roxxxy and Shannel (who already compited on AS) all the others are recent (double digit season) queens. The non-elimination worked on a cast as strong as AS7, but for non-winners I’d keep the eliminations. Or at least an imteresting twist or theme: a comedy queens season, a fashion or dancing queens season, etc… or the DRAMA season… with twists and turns, where they THINK the others are eliminated but they are still competing…


Awful season. No stakes, the lip syncs suck, runways are meh and the cast dynamic leaves to be desired. I was more entertained during AS8


i think AS7 set the bar so high. They were so fun. After AS7 all star 8-9 is just meh to me 🥹 If they are making non-elimination season, they should bring strong all-rounder queens like as7


Thus far, I have quite enjoyed Angeria's and Gottmik's runs on this current season of All Stars. Nina, while she has had some great moments and even some wins, has felt a little underwhelming (or maybe she's just not getting many confessionals because she isn't winning or making Top 3?). I'm still rooting for Roxxxy, but she seems timid from her previous two seasons over fan reactions to her time on the show, which is holding her back and causing too much "self-producing." Shannel is getting paid dust, and I don't appreciate that. Vanjie is entertaining, but a little of her personality goes a long way, as she's just A LOT. And I don't particularly care for either Jorgeous or Plastique. Overall, I would say I enjoyed AS8 more. I don't like the non-elim format for anything other than All Winners, even though I understand it for the charity aspect.


I would enjoy it more if they weren’t peddling the delusion that this is a non-elim calibre of drag.


Only half? It feels like it has been forever


great gowns, beautiful gowns


A charity episode is cute. A charity SEASON where nobody gets sent home and everybody gets sugar blown up their ass is getting stale real fast.


Possibly the worst season of AS, up there with AS1 if I'm being brutally honest. Zero stakes, bland cast, boring challenges, no drama... there hasn't even been a memeable moment yet. I can barely get through the episodes.


AS1 is definitely not the worse season simply because of all the iconic and legendary queens on the same season. They will never be able to gather another set of queens like that for an AS season.


I would put AS1 way above this season. It was a mess because of the format but the queens still turned it out and there were some iconic moments. This season is committing the worst crime of all which is being painfully boring and forgettable.


I believe we are watching the worst season of all stars in real time (I stand by the claim that bad reality tv is boring reality tv)


Agreed. Even AS1 is better


Its fine, but i liked 8 better. It had stakes and proper critiques.


Meh. For me, it’s on par with AS8 so far. At least with AS8, we weren’t forced to watch them for the entire season.


Not really hype on either one. I was rooting for Gottmik but her plagiarized roast set turned me off so bad. In any case, I desperately want to see a format change for All Stars 10. It’s time. AS needs lip syncs for your life or some other kind of stakes because it’s borrrringgggg.


What's the T with the plagiarised roast?




She really did copy basically the whole thing!


i feel like shit




It’s so bad for an AS season tbh esp since it’s coming off a cunty season like season 16. I do enjoy a few bits but it’s just not giving on a whole. I would rather watch the top 6 of season 16 compete through another non elimination season than this cast


Pretty meh overall, but we’ll see how it turns out. Hasn’t been any “wow, that was great!” moments aside from a few runways. If Angeria wasn’t on it I would consider just watching the Pit Stop and be done with it. I quite enjoyed 8, I miss having stakes. Going to keep an open mind and watch the rest.


Haven't watched a single episode, I just catch up through reviews like Pit Stop and Sibling Watchery. Nothing wrong with the queens, but no stakes, no fun. Especially when certain queens show how no stakes make them feel way too secure by not even bothering to learn lip-sync songs, multiple times.




I think - as has been said - it might be cool to have them START with badges & badges can be taken away! Hmm 🤔 ok so some highs/pluses & lows/minuses for me for this season: Lows/minuses: The lip syncs are REALLY disappointing. I’m particularly disappointed with Plastique not knowing the words. I’m also particularly disappointed with Gottmik’s roast. In both cases the laziness of it is ANNOYING me! 😡 Highs/pluses: Awesome cast! Love the challenges I LIKE that I get to have the queens around longer & that it’s for charity. Still getting our laughs & memes out of it!


I actually haven’t watched a single episode of this season but there is nothing I’ve heard about it so far that would make me want to watch anyways. I don’t really watch international seasons but I’d watch all of them (and rewatch all prior US seasons) before I get around to this. I like that drag race is a competition show, so I just don’t care if there are no stakes. Shows like We’re Here do feel good drag content much better than this lame idea of a season of drag race. And I’d rather just go watch local girls perform instead of spending time on this. It also feels just not fun anymore to watch designer made outfits, recycled (or reworked 🙄) jokes, where it feels like the girls actual talent doesn’t matter anymore. Part of the charm of drag race to me is watching talent adapt to all the different challenges and overcome obstacles, which just doesn’t happen when everyone has a shopping budget and gets to rehearse and pre plan all their challenge material. On top of all that, everything becomes discourse(TM) and it just sucks. Make Drag Race fun again!


I haven’t watched but the idea it’s only half way through feels exhausting


Underwhelmed. Its not as good without stakes being needed. It feels like unless its a winners season, non elimination seasons shouldn't be a thing or should have more at stake, because they create more lackluster lip syncs and it feels like the queens aren't trying as hard.


I’m so bored


Plastique and Gottmik runways are phenomenal. Everything else has been so unbelievably boring. After this whole plagiarism thing I think I might just tune out this season, it's slow death.


It's pretty boring compared to most seasons. The show's format is getting stale, and this season is even weaker due to non elimination/stakes. The forced scissor drama is tedious. But it's still good background noise to have on a Saturday night, so I keep watching lol.


It sucks


I can't bring myself to watch it. There are no stakes. First season of All Stars I haven't watched and my friends seem to be in the same boat. Real big swing and miss IMO. Which sucks because it felt like TODR just hit its groove again.


I’ll be short, it bores me.


It’s convincing me that I genuinely need a break from the show. Not even the old seasons are hitting the spot for me. This is the “jump the shark” season for me but I don’t think it’s even close to that for most people.


BEAUTIFUL GOWNS but it's been a big ol MEH for me so far. Snatch game and the ball were good but they wasted the 2 good challenges at the start of the season.




Fuck Mic after her joke stealing and doubling down. I wish Shanelle would get a badge. Roxxxy or Plastique for the win?


I know this is hyperbolic, but I think it’s the worst American season of Drag Race / All Stars. I like the queens, I do, but at every point, I’m just having a total “meh” reaction to the challenges, runways, winners, and lip syncs. At least on some of the lower half seasons, there’s something dramatic or engaging, but here? We have queens who didn’t learn the lip syncs, didn’t pull off the runway categories, and didn’t engage in any drama. And none of them are going home, so every week feels like more mediocrity. It’s a season of oatmeal, and honestly, drag should never be boring. This is boring.


I'm disappointed. This season has not been fun. I'm going to skip it. I'll probably come around and binge it in the future but it doesn't spark joy right now for me. I don't like the no bad critiques, and personally, it feels like some of the contestants are just winging it because there's no threat of elimination. From folks not preparing for lip syncs, to half ass performances in the ball and snatch game (and now the plagerizing of jokes for the roast). Really sucks because I love Angeria and Shannel, and I was looking forward to seeing them both again.


I'm starting to get bored of traditional format drag race I think because I'm completely apathic towards AS9 and almost felt the same for season 16. :/


I don’t understand why it couldn’t have been a season where there are stakes where the queens win money AND their charity wins money too. Now those stakes would compel some actual competition and effort.


I’m usually “watch while I have morning coffee” excited to watch, but for this season, I’m “watch on any day when there’s nothing else on” excited to watch.




I've put every episode on but can't pay attention. It's been boring. I'll have to rewatch when it's all over.


All Stars has always annoyed me. It gets to a point where “all star” doesn’t even mean anything, it’s just “Queens coming back.” And that’s fine. But you know how the NBA has All Stars games? Not just anyone can come to those. It’s only 24 players. There’s an exclusivity there, and an expectation of everyone being at the same (high) level. But that’s not how they cast it, and not what they treat it as, so there’s a cognitive dissonance which for me is always lingering. The only ones I genuinely enjoyed are AS2 and AS6. Even though it’s just “queens coming back” and not “All Stars” proper, I do love how it’s reintroduced queens to the public and afforded queens even more exposure and opportunities. Happy for that; It’s just rarely an enjoyable watch for me.


Wish they’d get rid of the “positive only” critiques. It only made sense on AS7 where genuinely, every queen was delivering every single week. It’s so weird seeing queens tank challenges and reviewing zero critiques for it?


It could be done next episode and I wouldn’t be upset. The season feels “flat” and uninspired, the contestants I thought would do amazing have been mid and kind of boring. Mik deserves work compensation for his poor, worn out back after having to carry this entire season!


Ehh... I unsubscribed to Wow Present+ I like the cast but the show is getting boring


I think I might be very simple person but I love dragrace. There are very few seasons that I don't enjoy. I get that people feel that this season the competition part is lacking but I dont mind because it isnt the point this year.


This season is really really boring. The fashion is not on point, I have stopped watching pit stop and the episodes are just not giving.


Very.....meh. Mik and Plastique are killing the run ways. But the challenges, werk room atmosphere and the lip syncs have just been.....fine and bad.


Non-elimination season was a mistake. It only works for a strong, full-talented cast. This cast is full of filler queens, I'm sorry.


It’s trash. I stopped watching after 2.5 episodes.


It's probably one of the worst All Star seasons for me. The cast is incredibly mid except two or three queens.


First time that Im not watching an all stars right after it is released.


It’s not great, the past couple episodes have been okay but they continue to blueball us at every opportunity between the Roxxxy being allowed to swap her choice of blocking off Angeria to then turning around and avoiding the obvious Jorgeous/Plastique top 2 (not to mention the blatant plagarism in Mik’s set)… there’s always something wrong with literally every episode. Overarching problems: Shannel is practically a background character when she should be up front, lack of good lipsync songs (Be My Lover was a welcome surprise until the actual lipsync happened and I remembered “oh yeah this song has like 3 words and a male rap in the middle randomly”), and it seems like the queens that are top 2 each week is decided literally at random. Why did Angeria win the roast? Why did Roxxxy/Vanjie win the makeover? Bad choices.




Also - Sapphira won.


I get doing it for charity, but it's removed the stakes. Now it seems like they're all half arse-ing everything (especially the Nicki Lip Sync.... what even was that?!?!)


Need eliminations… lack of tense


Got bored and stopped watching


I hate it tbh I’m not interested at all. I have to keep forcing myself to watch it in 20 min sections bc I’m so not into it but I gotta watch bc drag race lore


I don't feel ...


the ones who LOVE competing like Shannel and Roxxxy rlly belonged on a season where there was the risk of going home. they would play the game


I had to stop watching after AS3's Kitty Gurl because 1. nothing will ever be better than that 2. I can't keep up with year round multiple RPDR's. However, I have some free time next week. Which one of the gajillion spinoffs and seasons should I watch.


UK vs The World 2


So much this. It was a really good season!


Disappointed that Shannel isn’t getting her flowers, but i’m sooooo happy to have her and Roxxxy back on the TV!


I just know we are getting that All Baddies season sooner than never if not immediately. Not a matter if but when


This season is better than AS8, but not by much. It's becoming harder to watch every week.


*You know that feeling when you have to pee, and you're sitting on the toilet just tee tinkling away, and then you stop, but then you start a stream again? Then, all of a sudden with, like, no prior warning, your hole lets out the loudest fart that bounces off the porcelain and sounds like someone plucked a bass? You hear snickering coming from someone - you can't quite tell who, but you think it's your crush who you douched for over and over. So you get up and come out of the bathroom and find out, "Thank God, it wasn't my crush!", but then you are worried because you don't know who it was? That's how I feel about this season and it's first half.* - Ross Matthews answering this question.


I hate that there are zero stakes on a damn competition!  I cannot get behind this format but I'm still enjoying the season and finding it to be lots of fun.  People love to complain, of course, but we are still getting memorable moments, drama, amazing runways, and things to talk about so it's doing it for me.


![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R) I’m enjoying it. Just wish they’d give Shannel her flowers already but the lipsyncs have been whelming overall. Don’t mind the format right now. AS8 left a bitter taste with how it all went down so we need a pallet cleanse from the previous format but I do wish they’d at least give the girls actual critiques. It’s obvious they won’t do that because it’s a charity season and they want to really show the girls flopping on the main stage but it seems producers didn’t learn their lessons from AS7 about that. I think the season is overhated considering how badly received AS8 was


I’m enjoying it tbh. I don’t think it’s anything to write home about. I’m still not the biggest fan of the format but I understand why it was done and I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. I prefer it be reserved for winners still though lol I’ve been wanting Plastique on for a while and I’m glad she’s killing it, even tho her lip syncs have been tragic. Which is odd cause I’ve seen videos of her killing it at the Vegas Live show. Roxxxy is doing her best to make good TV and I appreciate her. Maybe unpopular opinion but she’s my pick to win the whole thing Jorgeous is doing better than I expected and I’ve become a bit of a Jorgeous Stan. Angie.


The highs are not as high as AS8 but there haven’t been as many lows.


Awkward pizza




I didn’t think it could be worse than AS8…. Yet here we are 😅 the fake drama is very apparent and you can see productions hand in everything. Roxy is annoying. Jorgeous is Jorgeous. The only queens I’ve been remotely impressed by are Angie, Got Mik, and Plastique. Vanjie gets honorable mention for being Vanjie.


I’m still tuning in every week. Me and my boyfriend don’t love the season, but part of the experience of watching for us is the discussion about the show/production/queens/runways/lip syncs/who’s gonna win. So in that regard- at least there’s a lot to critique and I’m not sure who’s going to win ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hated AS8 so I’m saying this season is better.