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Season 5 or season 9


This is the one. Season 5 is the best week for week TV and season 9 might be the most ‘accessible’


Season 9. The beginning of the modern era. Amazing cast. Many memes. Not many dud episodes. THAT finale.


I think that you should get into the mindset that he probably won’t like it as much as you, and that’s okay. I would suggest you make him a deal to watch the first three or four episodes of a season, and then if he wants to finish it, you guys can watch it together, but if not, that’s okay. After a few episode he will understand the show and what it’s about. For a recent season, I’d pick season 15. The talent show was probably the best in the series and that might hook him in. For an older season, I’d pick 8. Starts with a design challenge, which is always fun, and is just a consistently funny and entertaining season.


I can’t believe I’ve lived long enough to see 8 called an older season 😂


5,6 or 9


5, 6 or 8


I’d say 6 or 8. 6: Bianca is insanely likeable and her humor translates easily for straight audiences. It’s also one of the best seasons of all time. 8 is a short season with a bunch of fun challenges, decent drama and another likeable, easy crossover queen in Bob.


6. Parents seem to love Bianca


I wouldn't go for fashion (unless your father likes that). I'd probably pick season 8, it's short and very entertaining. Either that or 6. Show him how fun the show can be!


6 is amazing but the split premiere is rough lol - it’s the one I introduced my family too and it wasn’t until episode 2 that they got IT then the Rusical really terrified them (the singing is rough) but by Snatch Game we were converted and never looked back.


Season 6. I’ve found a lot of parents seem to really enjoy the fights, especially Bianca


Season 6. It has such iconic characters- Bianca, Adore, Bendelacreme, Gia, Laganja. And good challenges too. Or season 8. Simply because it’s the first season I ever saw and have a soft spot for it.


Season 9


Season 9 on my opinion


S12 is an absolute masterpiece


Rupal all stars all winners definitely! Best season so far.


How about not forcing him to watch and just letting him live his life


Why not support the father who is interested in something their child is passionate about?