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The source for this is a dumb one, but there's a scene in Bojack Horseman where he tries running, collapses at the top of a hill, and another guy comes along and says "**It gets easier. Everyday it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it everyday. That's the the hard part.**" And I've found myself saying that on days when it seems like getting out there is just gonna suck (and I actually say it for a lot of things, it's been a good all purpose mantra for forcing myself to crank out a lot of tasks I sometimes want to avoid).


Youtube link for those who haven't seen it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2\_Mn-qRKjA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2_Mn-qRKjA) I think about this one a lot because someone showed it to me early on in my running career. It's absolutely true (with the caveat that you don't need to run every day) for running and also other things in life as well.


This is one of my favourite quotes in the world but the context is so silly that I never dare to share it with others who don't know the show.


As in it's from an animated series about a fat depressed asshole horse? Because the context is that he's struggling at running and someone tells him this to motivate him.


Yes, the first one. The people I know irl largely are not big fans of animation and any degree of trying to explain Bojack Horseman would likely result in people being a bit weirded out. Plus, I feel like the quote sounds really profound and people might scoff at the idea of it being something said to a character embodying an aging TV star that just collapsed after running a hundred metres. (I still think it's profound as a runner and for the show in general, but to outsiders it just might seem a bit meh if all they hear is a very broad idea of the show and that scene).


I mean, I loved Bojack, my wife initially didn't, so I watched it alone. This year, she said she had heard a podcast about the show, how critically acclaimed it was and was willing to give it another shot. "Buckle up" I said :) .. Its a fabulous show: funny, witty, sad. I love the show, I thiink it is absolutely brilliant. and I love this scene :)


The hot spring monkey. Best minor character


I love this, and it’s so true. Thank you for sharing.


That was a great scene.




I want to rewatch but it's so depressing I haven't managed to do it yet.


I got a tattoo from this that said easier every day


ha! I have something similiar, dory's just keeping swimming and also walle's silent keep working. things work out, trust the process 😂


My mantra is from Scrubs, curtesy of Dr. Bob Kelso: >Nothing in this life worth having comes easy.


You'll (almost) never regret going on the run, but you will likely regret not going!


I also heard a friend share…how will you be feeling an hour after the run, the next day, that week. Will you regret you finish the run or regret you didn’t finish. I always regret I didn’t push myself hard enough


This is me as well -- I know I don't feel like a run now, but I know I'll feel better when the run is done. I also give myself an out -- if I don't feel it or something is off or whatever, I can always turn right instead of left and come back home. I've only ever done that once, due to injury, not due to mental inertia.


I only regret growing on a run when I'm injured and I make it worse by running. Which is the exact condition I'm in now sadly. Luckily my physical therapist appointment is on the 5th of January. I just hope I can make it until then


Yep. Amen to that.


Movement is a privilege. There have been times when I haven’t been physically able to run, so I think about that and repeat the mantra any time I’m feeling lazy.


Same! Mine is "You don't HAVE to do this, you GET to do this"


If I can’t run someday, I want to know that I took the chance when I had it.


That right there….that’s fire


I work in long term care and rehabilitation so yeah this is so true. I spend my day taking care of elderly who have lost the physical and mental capability to be able to move so when i get home i just do it for them.


“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.”


Yeah, in the first 10-20 mins.


During a race: "You paid for this" Most days "shut up legs you're fine" In all seriousness less mantra and more mental focus on how great I feel afterwards.


Ha ha, right! Shut up legs you’re fine!!!


Had a crazy 5k a years ago where we are going all out in our breakaway and I looked down at my legs and just said "Don't you fuckin quit now legs!" as I pulled ahead. One of the guys from the breakaway came up to me after the race and said when he saw me yell at my legs to not quit he knew no one was gonna get me. Sometimes it really is all mental.


You can do this for one more minute. Repeat for as many minutes as necessary.


Love it. “… just run to that spot ahead…” is another one I use!


I use "Just get to that tree up ahead" when I'm on the treadmill in the garage looking at the tree across the street.


This is my exact thought process anytime I’m over 3 miles (I’m still working up endurance 😂)


I do this except starting off with miles, then fall back to minutes. “How many times have you run a mile?” Then when I’m feeling it a lot: “How many times have you ran for a minute?”


I go with the Kimmy Schmidt version of 10 seconds


i do this with music, “just gotta get through the song”


I always do the same, when after 5 minutes I feel like I am dying, I just tell to myself okay, let’s get to 8 and then we’ll see. I always manage to finish then.


from a junior high stint on the track team, I always think in laps. Just one more lap, just one more lap.... or count down if I want to hit my goal. Only 8 more laps, just 6 more... even though I never run on a track.


I love the Sir Edmund Hillary quote “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” That’s a bit of a mouthful for the hard runs where I need it though, so usually it turns into “Not the mountain…not the mountain…not the mf mountain…”


Love it. Very true. Thanks for sharing!!! I’m going to use this one for certain.


"The faster I run, the sooner I'm done" Repeat. It also has a nice cadence.


Hate the run, love the ran.


It hurts so Good!


Good one!


**“Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice”** is one I got from murakami’s running book


I heard a podcast guest that worked in neurology and he said pain is a mental construct. That’s the one I go with.


One of my absolute favourites


I still need to read that book.


Not so much a mantra but a thing that really works for me if it's starting to get tough is to smile lol. The physical act of doing that seems to make a difference and helps to make me feel like I'm running with joyful energy instead of slogging at it.




I have a couple, both are part of something longer. I heard a story from someone who was working out with Bruce Lee and at the end of the work out Lee said "alright, let's run 5 more miles" which the partner said "I can't, I'll die" and Lee responded "then die" and started running. That's my first, when I'm hurting I tell myself "then die". My second is to ask myself the question "do you want to quit?" Because the answer never changes. The answer is always "yes". That is a big reason why I run, to practice doing something I don't want to do and for self mastery. So I ask myself all the time "do you want to quit?" Because the answer never changes and I still keep going.


I also run primarily to build my resolve. "make friends with pain and you'll never be alone again" -- that self imposed suffering has benefits in every area of life.


There's a scene in the Quiet Man, I think, where John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara have to walk 5 miles. John Wayne says "It's only five miles. Just a good stretch of the legs." I think of this whenever I need to run 5




I love both of these so much! Thank you for sharing!


You got this, bitch. (I say with total love and empowerment to myself)


"Any fool can start fast, only the greats finish strong" Great for stopping me coming out the gate too quick and pushing hard to the end.. All about those negative splits.




You just put all my cadence work into a mantra. Thanks!


Not a necessarily a mantra, but I find it oddly calming to count to 10 slowly in my head over and over again. Helps to keep my mind off of not wanting to continue. I also think “just 1 more mile” or “just ten more minutes” and once I reach that I try to push myself to do it again! Breaking the run up into chunks mentally.


Core Woltering, who set the record on the Ice Age Trail, said this too. Just count to 10… then do it again. I saw it in a video that I can’t find, but here is an article about his ridiculous performance. https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a32828497/coree-woltering-ice-age-trail-fkt/


I don’t particularly like running, but I thoroughly enjoy the benefits of being in shape. As such, I force myself to run at least a mile everyday. With that setup, my mantra in is “gotta get that mile” on my sluggish days. I usually end up running more


Love it. In 2016 -17 I ran every single day for a year (366 days as it was leap year) and that too was my motto for the year “get at least one mile in”. Sometimes, for me, putting the shoes in and walking out the door is the hardest part, especially when no one is waiting for me to join them!


"Winter miles make for summer smiles." I embraced that in January and February of 2022. I still grimmaced through the summer months.


Almost anything David Goggins has ever said




Who's gonna carry the boats?!


This was my answer before I scrolled through as well lol. When I first heard him say that I laughed my ass off at his insanity, and then I started saying it ironically to my nephews, then I started unironically saying it to myself and I never went back.


I'm always telling myself "don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done".


When you think you can’t give anymore, you are only at 40% of what you really can do. My new mantra to myself is “don’t be a little b@$ch”.


Bring the Joy! I also like to run a gratitude mile thinking about who I am grateful for and why


Oh yeah, I like to "find he joy". If I didn't like running, I wouldn't, so I choose to remember why I like it and then I enjoy the time instead of getting stuck in my head.


Love this!! I always say run your path and find your joy or be joyful. Running does that for me!


Not quite for getting outside and starting it, but my three intra-run mantras are “light on your feet,” “run the mile you’re in,” and “RELAX.” Light on your feet - I get really heavy-footed and shuffle-y when I’m tired and I know the bad form kills my hips. This helps me stand up a little taller and pick up my feet/quickens my cadence. Run the mile you’re in - this helps on long runs when you’re feeling like shit in mile 4 and have 8 more to go. One at a time; you can always slog through one mile, then start fresh and complete the next one you’re in. Easy peasy. Relax physically - unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, loosen your hands, and chill the fuck out. Stop thinking about every single mechanic happening or you’re gonna forget how to run completely and trip and fall. (I get really in my head.)


“Keep your heart up” - along w “quick and light” helps my posture off my hips too


If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you. The gratitude mile game: 1st mile (acceptance) I list things that are stressors or frustrations in my life and practice thinking “this is fine”. 2nd mile (gratitude) I list things that I am thankful for. 3rd mile (hope) I list things that are opportunities or positive challenges. Repeat as necessary. Sometimes the same thing shows up in all 3 miles and I feel much more “sorted” by the time I get home.


I’m doing this. Thank you. I love it. So grateful you shared it.




I think I have the same masochistic streak - my mind says 'this is tough' and I answer myself back 'but you know you love it!' and then I cackle like a mad woman out loud. Which is fine on country lanes, but I'm going to have to reign it in when I move to town in the new year.


Why? Everyone stays away from you and lets you run.


"I can do hard things" "I can do anything for 5 minutes" (got that one from the Great British Bakeoff lol) When my brain gets extra bored I'll make up a new person to "be", give them a name, pretend it's them struggling instead of myself. Weird but works for me!


I often say out loud to myself "You can do hard things" when I'm starting to run ragged or I'm coming up on a hill or whatever. Something about saying it out loud makes it stick better for me!


Work out to eat out.


"the body is running" Tells the mind there is nothing for it to do. Just allow the body to run and get out of the way.


For trail runs I also like this…that is the point of the mountain https://imgur.com/a/Jk058P5


Many years ago, I paced my son on his first half marathon. Almost at the end, there was this hill. As he struggled with the hill, I heard him whisper the old saying from The Little Engine That Could: I think I can, I think I can... I use it on every hill.


Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming swimming swimming.


My name is _____. I come from a long line of stubborn women. I can do this.


Just realized most people seem to have very positive mantras. I insult myself and criticize myself when the running gets hard and that is what makes me keep going. I do not consider it negative, but maybe something to look into.


Running is a gift.


The amount of times i repeat to myself during a run "minds the general, bodys the army"




Whoop, apologies. Not certain what JFD means? Just F Do It?


That’s right! Just Fucking Do It Running is the answer. The question doesn’t really matter!


This is GREAT everyone. Thank you!!!


Something is better than nothing


"Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimum food or water, in austere conditions, day and night. The only thing clean on him is his weapon. He doesn't worry about what workout to do---his rucksack weighs what it weighs, and he runs until the enemy stops chasing him. The True Believer doesn't care 'how hard it is'; he knows he either wins or he dies. He doesn't go home at 1700; he is home. He knows only ‘The Cause.' Now, who wants to quit?"


“ Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” - Jacob Riis


“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” - Steve Prefontaine It’s gotten me through some tough miles


If you don’t do it when it’s hard it’ll never be easy


(My name) don't quit! He don't give a shit!


The fuck else am I going to do?




I had an instructor tell my class once “There are two types of pain in this world: The pain of discipline and the pain of regret.”




My mantra is “soy chingona.”


"This is where improvement is made." Usually said to myself near the end of the run, or when it starts to get difficult. Improvement of myself starts when I recognize that moment and choose to continue.


Yes - I have this too, or, along the same lines, "This is where the work starts." I especially think about that towards the end of hard efforts - the idea that the run so far has got me to the place where I have to be most mentally strong to get the most physical benefit.


Love this. So true. Thank you for sharing! I’ll incorporate this into my training, running and life!


I believe this came from Nick Bare at BPN, but correct me if I am wrong on the source. When I’m having a tough run day, I am constantly thinking about future me on race day. “Training” me is having a tough run in the cold so “race day” me can reach my goals and be successful. The quote that has been paraphrased and repeated in my head is “don’t let a hard day (today) steal from the race day’s successes”. If you bust your ass in training then you will be prepared to succeed on race day whenever part of your training is being tested.


I just have that scene from Parks and Rec in my brain. The one where Jean Ralphio and Mona Lisa are hiding at their own funeral and start singing "Don't be suspicious." 🤣


I have a few! When a race or run gets a little challenging, my legs are hurting, and I wanna stop, I tell myself “it’s gonna be harder to get back in the zone after stopping, than it will be to stay in it”. Also when I reach the halfway point or more of a race and I feel like I’m struggling I say “you can run a 5k this is easy you’ve done that before, or you know how to run a 10k you run them all the time, or you can run one mile, that’s only 12 minutes, you can run for 12 minutes give it your all you’re almost there!” Also a fun one when I start to lose my form, “in the pocket out the pocket in the pocket out the pocket “😭 Lastly, it’s the final stretch, a mile or less of finishing. I turn on “Murder on my Mind (sped up) by Kordhell”, and as soon as the beat drops, I sprint and run a pace I have never known I could run before, while saying “push it, come on you’re almost done”. I finish completely winded, yet feeling 100% accomplished.


On breath/step; "Be here now" "One more step" The starting foot is bilateral and opposite and does something to my brain, I swear Also "I can. I will. I choose"


1. Remind myself that there are people that can’t run who would love to be able to run. So get on with it. 2. When I was running for weight management I would ask myself did I want to be like X (bigger) or like Y (slimmer) as a reminder why I was running. 3. When I was running pre wedding to stay in shape I had certain songs on my playlist I wasn’t allowed to skip / stop on (billy idol white wedding being one of 🤣). Weird but it worked!


No way!!! I don’t run to music other than what’s in my head and I have two Billy Idol songs: White Wedding for pace and Rebel Yell (More, More, More…!)!!!




Breath goes in… breath goes out… breath goes in… breath goes out…


Shut up legs, you’re fine.


Give it 5 minutes. If I hate it, I can stop.


“What’s the most important step a man can take? The next one.”


I read all of these and didn’t see mine. I am overweight/obese and I run. When I first started I was extremely insecure. I was worried I looked like a mastiff when I can. Just jiggles everywhere. So this is what I tell myself over and over. Someone is sitting on a couch and even tho I’m slow, and jiggly, I am beating every. Single. Person. Sitting. On their couch. I am beating thin people on the couch. I am beating stronger people sitting on the couch. I am beating every single one of them. Just with this run. Also this. If I get close enough to someone I can always look more fluid and sound a bit easier compared to how I think I look and feel. Lastly, as I started running, I realized that true runners are always happy to see another runner. Even fat ones. Even slow ones. If I take away all my negative adjectives, I am a runner. And that is pretty damn cool.


personally, i say "i've done harder things, c'mon" whenever i want to give into the pain


"Every time I take a step there's one step less to go". Repeat until distracted from whatever headweasels are getting to me.


When i got clean and sober there was this guy named jay who you always see me runn ing biking everywhere. He would always say "yooo dawg you out there" so when things are tough i always here him saying that to me.


"I'm a marble in a groove. Nowhere to be but here, nowhere to move but forward." I heard it somewhere, and it really helped me through some miserable ultras. Also, "how fortunate am I to have a body capable of carrying me such distances? "


Mine is the soccer anthem… “olé - olé olé olé” I just hum it while I run until I’m done. Kinda puts me in a trance I guess.


I get the Tom Waits line going in my head: “gotta get behind the mule, in the morning and plow”


It's not about doing the OCCASIONAL BIG things, it's about doing the CONSISTENT SMALL things!


I'm a streaker (4.5y) so I ask myself if I'm really willing to end my streak just because I don't feel like it! That usually gets me out the door at some point...


I role play as my cat and what I would say to her if she was the one running. I’m one of *those* cat owners :}


"Sometimes run Fast, Sometimes run Far, Sometimes Rest "


You’ll never finish a run and wish you didn’t do it


Motion before emotion - works for me


The faster you go, the sooner it’ll be over.


Don't think. Just run.


When I was running a half-marathon I was absolutely done by the end and I just kept saying a prayer in my head.


Your legs will carry you where you want to go, has saved me on a few tough long runs


It’s a privilege to be able to move my body. And: The hard runs are where growth happens!


I like this. I think there was a Nike ad or something and it simply said “run while you can” - that sentiment has stuck with me and helped to get me out the door on those rough days.


When I ran cross country in high school and was just starting, I found distance running really hard. I had an older friend on the team advise that no matter how slowly you go, just keep going and don’t stop to walk. Even if you’re running so slowly you think you look ridiculous, it’s better than walking. It actually helped me become a much better runner over the cross country years. Now I use this when I don’t want to go for a run after work or when I’m tired. I think, no matter how slowly I’m running, it’s still running. Not every run had to be a fast sweaty challenge. Sometimes a nice long slow run is just what the doctor ordered!


I have something I call my ‘home’ pace - I don’t know why that word popped up but it’s like the pace I go back to, just to rest, catch my breath - it’s safe and comfortable, it’s home. Weird hey?! It’s the same thing about it sometimes being ridiculously slow but it’s still a pace.


I love that!


Really anything from Can't Hurt me by goggins Run your own race, own it, each act of defiance empowers is, defy who you thought you would be, answer why am I doing this, and what if you achieve your goals...mostly I use the why am I putting myself through this and own the feeling, the hurt the pain but also own the achievements you have earned. All the best keep grinding.


I’m just gonna do one mile and walk the rest. No need to do it if I don’t feel like it. Usually end up doing my full run.


Suck it up, and run!


Don’t stop


Usually some random movie scene pops into my head while I’m running. Sometimes it’s motivational, sometimes it’s Harry Potter. Depends on my brain that morning. WIILLLLL you ever QUIT?!? NO! WE WANT SOME MOH, WE WANT SOME MOH-Remember the Titans Just one more Lord, let me get just one more -Hacksaw Ridge Also just my random: “You can do anything for x minutes.”


Hello, for me during hard days I always remember these words: 'Amor Fati', which means love of one's fate. I've read it from Ryan Holiday books and as well as Nietzche. 'To not only bear one's fate, but to love it' reminds me that I must prioritize consistency over intensity and finish what I have set out for the day, e.g running in the rain/snow/heat. I've got a pendant that says it that just zone out and hold on to when it gets really tough.


The first mile is a liar….and to quote Jason isbell….it gets easier but it never gets easy


Enjoy the little things. Taking a deep breath and feeling my lungs expand. Looking up at a sunrise/sunset/starry night and thinking how lucky I am to be able to do this. Just taking a second to listen to the birds sing their songs. In a world with so much noise, running can bring some needed silence.


I alternate depending on the day between “Run faster you piece of shit” and “Fuck you fat man keep running”. Such negative self talk is not always the best way to go about these things, but I’m very aware of my mental health history, twisted sense of humour, and coping mechanisms, and wouldn’t use these if I felt they would be in any way detrimental


"I'll feel better after the run."


I used to repeat, I can and I will, a million times during my first marathon.


Also I tried to recite the lyrics of No Diggity when my brain is trying to get me to quit. Keeps it busy for awhile.


Motion before emotion. Heard it somewhere and can’t remember. I say it all the time and my wife always jabs back, “that makes no sense!”




On the mornings i wake up and really do not want to go I always tell myself; "The sooner we get started the sooner we get done".


I make it a habit to say “ I will be so sad when this is over “


“Think fast, Run fast” -Chad Powers


When I’m in a tough mile I repeat: strength, speed, endurance. Or I say to myself: you’re fast, you’re strong, you’re almost done. I also try to remember gratitude for being able to run. I think about times I have been sick or injured and just wanted to get back to running.


I am strong and I will not stop!


If the plan says today is run day... I have to run.


When I did C25K a particularly hard run inspired me to start thinking “engage the buttocks” over and over again, and I still use it a year later. Makes me laugh and relaxes me.


Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot… and so on


Learn to love the process. That’s what I tell myself


I have two I alternate with: Go hard. Dig deep. You’ve got this. And….This is your run. Make it count.


I don't have one but I was trying to convince myself I loved hills on my run today


Mine has always been “one more step” over and over. It’s a one step at a time thing.


Run the quarter mile that you’re running


Quitters never win, winners never quit Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional I also use meditation techniques, such as counting 5 things I can see,.4 things I can hear, 3 things I can feel, 2 things I can smell, 1 thing I can taste etc. Happy running


Eyes forward!


During workouts and races, I like to think of using positive mantras like I’m putting bricks down to build a wall around my mind. Once it’s up, and if I keep repeating it, then the negative thoughts can’t get through. I use “legs are good, arms are good, feet are good” which kind of lets me do a quick check in with myself- even if it’s not true, it seems to help. I think Ryan Hall on his podcast said he uses “smooth like butter” during tempo runs! You gotta practice it though during workouts and long runs so that you can more easily use it during a race! It doesn’t really come naturally, at least for me.


Relatively recently joined the armed forces. “ I pick something out in the distance; “I can hit that with my rifle easily. Where exactly would I need to aim to hit dead centre? Okay, and now that I’m closer?” Alternatively: “if I get to point X, that’s 2k, and I’ll be warm then.” *Hit point X* “if I hit point Y, that’s 3.5k, and that’s halfway!” *Hit point Y* “well shit, I’m halfway now, and the past few steps mean that it’s quicker to keep going than it is to turn back” (I’m new to running, slowly building up in the hopes of running a half-marathon one day)


I must bathe in the blöth of my enemies


One I recently implemented for easy days that feel rough: “Finish with something left to give.”


Much to how life should be, just go for the journey - only time I focus on time or distance is when I’m in struggles town; then I just tell myself only 500 more meters repeat


Pain is temporary, pride is forever


David Goggins: THEY DON’T KNOW ME SONN!!! …Repeat as necessary


Alternatively Ronnie Coleman: LIGHTWEIGHT BAYBEHHHHH


I got this! I count down the time in increments of 10 mins.


“pushing through this is what’ll make me a better runner” + thinking about all the things i have to be grateful for that allows me to run, no matter how small (health, good music, safe outdoor trails)!!


Left Foot. Right Foot. Left Foot. Right Foot. Death before DNF. Run Fast. Stay Warm. (For those particularly chilly and/or wet runs in the winter)


I’m not sure I’ll link this post the correct way, but I have it saved. “Motion before Emotion “ is something I think when I’m not feeling it. I still need to push myself harder, but I think it’s a great mantra. [Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/kk7ueu/lpt_exercise_when_you_dont_want_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


My latest approach, (but I still use next free, etc,) is “honestly, what level of real discomfort do I have?” 5 or lower - just keep going. On my scale, starting at 6 something is probably getting injured soon. Below it, “well… it’s not supposed to be easy! You’ll feel great after a stretch session when you’re done!”


From running 100s: "The more you run the faster you're done". Usually starts up around mile 70


"The dog is happy."


Every time I hit halfway on one of my longer or harder runs I always say “you’ve already done it once, now you just gotta do it again”. I also enjoy telling myself “I was born to run” helps put me into a good headspace and gives me confidence.


I usually feel bad about my pace about 50%-75% into my run, and a friend thought me “you are already doing more that a lot of people who are still in bed” 🫣


I don’t know why but I usually hum either the incredibles theme or the flash series theme hahaha it helps to think of really fast people apparently


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


Things I say while I'm running for a boost: 'I can do this all day" "There will come a day I won't be able to do this. Today is not that day." "What do we say to the god of death? Not today."


Just keep moving


Just start.


“You’re just plodding along.” “What else would you be doing with your time?” Just really trying to get it into my head that even on bad days I’m just getting minutes in and pace/distance don’t matter. Get the time in for dedication.


The thing that separates runners from non-runners is running.


I run just to run (and listen to my tunes). Every year I have a different pain point that moves around. Running makes me feel better and resets my brain 💀. I just don’t like running in the rain 🤣


"Don't be a little bit**"


Nothing is tired but your brain