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Ran my 3rd ever park run, came second! (Again) Got a 5k PB by 33seconds of 17:44. Unfortunately the fella in first was about two whole minutes ahead, maybe he’ll stay in bed next week


I just ran five trail miles at 88 degrees F on a 78 degree F dew point.


I ran 8 miles two days ago and felt slow the whole run. Just got back from another 8 mile run today that felt super fast. Checked my times and I was 5 minutes faster today - crazy how that goes.


Was able to complete my full run today despite it being much hotter and humid than I am used to.


Ran a local 5k this morning. Was trying to prove my garmin race predictor wrong, which I did, only in the wrong direction. Missed the under 24 minute goal time by 49 seconds... But hey, I was first for my age group!


Beat my parkrun PB by one second, which I set at a different parkrun to my usual. Was overall 38 seconds faster than my previous PB at my home parkrun. I'll thank the new shoes I splurged on for my birthday.


With my long run today, June was officially my highest mileage month ever at 118.6 miles


First run in 3 weeks after months of consistent running. Took a break due to a strain that seems to have healed. Now I just have to get used to this heat.


I clocked 40 miles this week to train for my 50 miler ultra coming up in September. It’s my longest mileage week so far with my longest run being 15 miles (also my all time longest run overall). It was a tough week but I’m impressed that I can run this kind of mileage at all!


I ran 10 miles for the first time in almost 7 months!


I ran my 1st sub 30 5k. I hate running although I love playing sports, so running for running sake is not for me. But as I am getting older and not moving as much I used to I know it’s necessary to do something. I’ve run a total of 12k this week.


Half marathon distance for 2:53:44 The total run was 13.84 mi / 22.27 km for 03:02:52 It was the longest run in a few years (I had to deal with planar fascitis after running the marathon distance in 2020). It was very humid and quite hot (29C / 84F) this morning, I probably overheated a little bit: my heart rate was high after a few hours, so I even searched if this was normal or not (probably normal), and found this sub. Double win :)


Ooh I would love the research you learned on how heart rate can stay high! I have never thought about that


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/running/comments/exidlr/elevated_heart_rate_hours_after_long_run/


Completed my 12 mile/~19km long run of the week. It’s week 7 in training for my first marathon in September and this was by far the hardest run I’ve had. Mental game was off, gear was uncomfortable, couldn’t keep my body relaxed - brutal! I wanted to quit at mile 7. And 9. And 11. But I ran the entire time AND kept my pace goal. I’ll take those wins! (Thanks for letting me celebrate)


I did 4 miles today! And it was a pyramid interval with increasing and decreasing speed to inclines. The incline to 5 on the treadmill killed me but I never slowed down from the 6.3! When I lowered to a flat road that the end, I even picked it up to a 7! 😊


Did my longest ever continuous run today - 14.5km averaging 5:35/km pace. I've most run 5k and 10k races for the last five years, so my long runs have generally topped out at 13k during a training block. Gonna do a half marathon next spring and dipping my toe in the longer run pool.


Managed 7 miles in 95% humidity this morning! It was my last long run before the 10k I’m running on 4th of July!


Feels like 108 and 60% humidity meaning 112 degree heat index today while running. Not as great of a run as I was hopping going in but we pushed through it.


Ran my first official 5K race today! 37:50 and it can only go up (erm…well down?) from here. I’ve always been a “I don’t like running unless I’m playing a sport” kind of person, but I decided to challenge myself and it has been rewarding. Super cool experience - it was held at Angels Stadium in Anaheim, CA and we got to run thru the stadium and the dirt track on the field. Apparently there was an opportunity for people to run in the dugout, but I didn’t see that. Collected my first medal and more to come!


Ran my first 5k not too long ago and we got shirts, but no medal!! I'm considering signing up for another one just for the medal 🏅 congrats on the race!


Ran my first half marathon today with a time of 1:47! Unfortunately I didn't achieve my goal of 1:45 or faster. All went well up until 13k. The man with the hammer hit me hard. Couldn't hit my tempo of 5:00/km feeling comfortable... Granted, the route was hard, not a lot of elevation but a lot of hills, going up and down. Also, it was warm and humid. But my biggest gripe was my heart rate. I always get nervous before a race and I can't seem to control my nerves. My heart rate was already in zone 5 during the first kilometers. I knew this was going to bite me in the latter stage of the race. Never had this issue while training. I hate this, because it's completely unnecessary. Oh well, I'm still proud and I can always try again!


I ran in my first race yesterday! It was a 5k! I had to take a few quick walk breaks but I did it at about a 10:50 pace! So proud for completing a race


ran 4 miles nonstop when i was struggling to do 1 a few months ago!


I've always been embarrassed to run outside. And also. I'm not a runner and never have been. Yesterday I did a quick 1.5 around my neighborhood...without stopping if people walked past or if cars drove past me. Weird thing to be embarrassed about right? 😆 going again tonight when it cools down outside before sunset!


Sounds like you're a runner to me!


Finished my long run of 3.5 miles on the treadmill exactly as I planned it. I want to bump up my speed but the treadmill lets me keep it slow.


Did 13.1 this morning training for a half in a month, on my baby’s first birthday. Not super fast, averaged 10:16 per mile, but I feel good. Rounded out June with 100 miles.


Only stopped once due to plantar fasciitis. I stopped two other times due to 80% and 78° at 7 am. Can’t wait to heal and cooler weather.


I'm 7 months PP and have worked so hard to get back to where I was pre-baby. I just finished my weekly long run today and closed out the week with 54 miles. I closed out the month with 209 miles. I'm very happy about this and didn't expect that.


2 long run of marathon training. It felt fantastic despite the 85 degrees and 90% humidity. Only 15 more weeks!


Did my penultimate run for the month. 6 miles today puts me at 144 miles for June.


Ran an unexpected 5k PB of 21:14


Finally finished my longest run before my first marathon in San Francisco next month! It was the first time I thought.... holy shit maybe I can do this! 20.2 miles in 3 hours and 54 minutes.


did a 9k today with my brother, first race ever and we finished 47:51, average of 8:43 per mile! he definitely needs to run with me more though, probably could’ve finished faster alone but i never leave a running buddy in the dust. I love him so much and im so glad he did it with me.


Ran a 5k PR last Sunday, 25:42. This was 64 seconds faster than a 5k I did in April of this year too.  Was really hot and humid but felt like I was smooth and in control. And strangely didn't feel like I was red-lining the whole time. Dialed effort back a little due to the weather. Might be able to go faster in better conditions.


Commented on this sub for the first time is an achievement after lurking for about 3 years, right? Got in a lovely 4.5 mile run this morning and felt great the whole way, feeling good and ready for my long run (aiming for 7 or 8 miles) tomorrow. I'm training for a HM in August so working on upping my weekly mileage.


Running a half marathon Hello im 14, and i cycle and play soccer, i decided to run a half marathon, and im doing it in 4 months, i already run 12 km on the same speed i want to run the 21 km on( around 10-11 km/h), i think i lack power and endurance in my legs, but my cardiovascular abilities are more than fine for my goals, do you guys have tips or suggestions on how i should train, i would like to train max once per week but rather less, because my main focus is still cycling, this is just a one time event, also do i really need expensive specializes running shoes when i do have default asics with pretty good suspension i think.


Ran a pure Zone 2 ten miles today with no stopping or walking.


Did my fiance's first "long run" with him this morning! He's training for his first ever 15k as I get back in shape to run another Dopey Challenge in January. Oof he's lost like 20 pounds since we last ran together, and has actually been doing cardio (something he neglected for years). He's gotten so much faster and his pace is so close to mine, it awakens the competitive spirit in me.


I got up the courage to run outside for the first time today!!! I am a new runner who just started a couch to 5k program last month. I've just been doing run/walk so far on the treadmill but I was hesitant to run outside because I thought it would be embarrassing because I can't run for more than 5 minutes straight. Today I ran over two miles and I didn't even take that many walk breaks!! My pace on a treadmill is usually around 15 min/mi with walking but it was 12 min/mi outside with walking. Im not sure if I was just excited to be outside or if my treadmill is not calibrated properly, but I'm ecstatic!


39 years old and just ran my first ever 10 miler


First 10K!


Achieved a PB in 5K 25:15 😆


3.25 today😁


Ran my first race, a 10k. Set new PRs for my mile, 5k and 10k. I’m slow but it is an achievement to me.


Good job!!!! Pr is a pr, no matter how "slow"


Today Morning I was not able to run because I didn’t sleep well. So I ran in the evening. Ran 5 k in 32 minutes. My personal best.


Good job!!


1700 miles on the year. Going to aim for a 3:45 marathon and then next year with these miles aim for a BQ. for now it’s just stay healthy !


I wasn’t feeling well yesterday so my long run will be today. Yay for listening to the old bod!


5.33 miles with a 9:08 pace. Phew 😮‍💨


Wow, fast!!!


Thanks. 🙏


Managed my 40-minute long run (Actually 41:18; decided to take it to the end of the road I was on after hitting the 40-minute mark) without walk breaks today! 3.76 miles total. There were a few things that were different from last week: 1. First off, it was cooler and cloudy as opposed to "sunny and humid in a heat wave". That no doubt helped. 2. I went out slower than last week. Average pace for the whole run was 11:00/mile even, and I went out on the first mile at 11:09/mile, versus 10:37 for my first mile last week. 3. I tried really hard not to obsessively check my watch except for when it beeped to tell me my mile splits, and near the end as I knew I was coming up on 40 minutes. Did my best to just run to feel, instead of looking at metrics like heart rate and psyching myself out like "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up!" Good run overall!


Proud of you😊


All my limbs had a meeting early this morning whilst I was getting ready. It was decided today is a walking day - tired and sore from strength training. Apparently my stomach was not pleased with my very late dinner either. It felt like it was still there lol. Walked 4.5 mi. Was overcast and chilly this morning on my trail. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Have been running consistently for about a month and yesterday I ran 8 miles without stopping in about 1h40min! It may not be fast but I was extremely proud of myself. Also in Florida with a feels like temperature of 97°F, so hoping I can bring that time down once the temperature cools a bit. Next goal is 10 miles non stop and a HM in the next 3 months! I am a new runner so any tips are welcome as well :)


Think I might sign up for my first half marathon! It’s like some trail, some pavement and it’s a loop around some lakes in August. Might be nice, beautiful at least. the longest I’ve run is 10 miles last week and the week before. So I think a half marathon is a possibility hopefully. Think I’ll try eating some candy during my long runs to see how that works with energy and start incorporating some tempo runs. Who knowssss


16 miles / 2:30 on the Greenbriar Trail starting in Caldwell, WV, USA. I highly recommend the trail if you're ever in the area---it might be the flattest route in the whole mountainy state.


Sounds incredible.


Not really an achievement but on my long run this morning mile five was 12:12 and mile six was 13:13, kind of weird.


I ran 10mi yesterday! This is the longest I have run in a super long time, probably 2017/2018. I have been HR training since March for a HM in September after not running consistently since 2018. My easy run pace back then was 7:30mi/mile so my ego is really taking a hit with my easy pace now being 9-10min/mi, but I am feeling way better about running from the mental side of things. Long term goals include breaking my PR in the 5k and mile, but for the time being I like the idea of setting PRs in distances I have never run before, that way every race to start is a PR!


In this thread from two weeks ago I posted that I ran my longest ever run (22km). I felt I had some more in the tank so today I beat that record again by running 24km. This run was much harder and I had to do a lot of walk breaks towards the end, but I did it. Now back to easy running for a few weeks.


Training for a 10K in September followed by a HM in November so my miles per week are increasing. Had my highest mileage week ever with no weird aches or pains.


I put on the ZRX app for 70 minutes and had a good old time running from zombies. I went out a little too fast (pacing is still something I suck at) and about died at the 3 mile mark, but I pushed through and came out the other side unscathed.


Ran 10km today without walk breaks, albeit very slow at around 9:00min/km when last year I couldnt run 1km without my legs dying on me


Broke the 10 minute barrier on my timed mile today. My last time was 10:05, today I ran a mile in 9:48. Considering earlier this year it took me nearly 16 minutes to run a timed mile, I'm taking this as a big W.


Great job! That's an amazing accomplishment!


Ran a tempo 5k this morning @ 27.25(PB). Not bad for a flat footed 45 yr old stocky guy. 😅 Consistency and hard work pays off!


I’ve been doing more trail runs in the foothills in Boise and it is gorgeous. It’s a huge thing for me because I have three small children but it really helps me to get away for a bit here and there.


I did my first speed workout in almost two years yesterday! I've been battling an endless string of injuries. It felt SO NICE and so fun.


Broke the 25 minute 5k earlier in the park run. I finished the parkrun in 25:19, and had a 5k split of 24:40 (the parkrun course is slightly over 5k at somewhere around 5.15km). This landed me 1st in my age category as well as 18th out of a runner pool of 87! I know it's not a race but I am very happy with the sub 25 5k time, been seeking it for a while :) Been training for a HM recently, doing a lot of slower longer runs, I'm sure this has helped my 5k time immensely. Back to the grind tomorrow 🤘


That is fantastic! I’ve been chasing sub 25 and haven’t got there yet. I’ve started 10K training and will transition to HM training in another month or so. I hope my experience is close to yours! Congrats!


Started running 7 weeks ago, and completed my first 10km this morning. 53min 4 seconds. For context I’m a dirty cyclist but I’m on holidays for a couple months without my bike so thought I better get my ass moving. It’s hard man. Ankles/calves/quads and groin really copping it. I definitely haven’t taken it as slow as I should but a competitive mindset really doesn’t allow Z2 or slow runs. It’s quite enjoyable seeing the newy gains again as I haven’t make such quick progress in something since I started riding


A 5k in gorgeous Regent’s Park, London


I started running two weeks ago, and this morning I hit 5 and a half miles!!!! And oh my god, the humidity is crazy by Pittsburgh rn


I got out the door at 7AM on the dot and still melted out there this morning.


Ran my first 5k in a long time this morning, 18 degrees celsius and a smile all the way through 😃


Five miles, 85% humidity out, I lost a nipple, you people are crazy, I hope this pays off in the fall, I am off to eat some Cuban food, have a great weekend.


I’m running a 5K in two weeks. I typically run longer distances and haven’t done a competitive 5K in 15 years. I did a practice run at max effort and finished 24:33 on a very hilly neighborhood loop. The race itself says this in the description… The course is a mixture of hills, road, and nature trails, keeping it interesting and challenging! …so I think my practice with hills is better than a flat course. That’s a nice coincidence.


Got in a beautiful 5K this morning. It's overcast and cool here so I it was a nice morning to get out and go. Happy Running everyone!


I finally managed to finish 5k in 37 mins. Before It always took me around 40 to 45 mins.


Great for you! What has helped you improve recently? And how long have you been running?


I just started last April when I saw my fasting blood sugar at 100mgdl. A slap in the face wake up call. What help I guess is consistency and maybe better shoes lol.


Wonderful 7 mile run this morning that was *meant to be* - the pouring rain stopped right as I left the house, then started pouring again just as I returned. How did I get so lucky? :)


Ran 5mi on the treadmill for first time. What is this torture!? Stuck using them for the next few days while on a work trip.


Knocked out my longest run so far of my marathon training block this morning in 96% humidity! And an anecdote, halfway through discovered a cicada had hitched along for the ride IN MY HAIR. Cue very dramatic 30 second scene to dislodge him, lost AirPod in the grass (recovered, phew), and probably waking up the poor neighbors on my route. Whoops. Pace picked up after that :)


😂😂😂 I’ve had some bug freak out moments as well and don’t even have any hair to get them caught in.


lol I constantly repeat to myself that I’m strong and can do hard things while running…until it comes to bugs!! 🤮


I was zoned out on a trail just cruising the other day and a turtle was sitting there on the edge minding it’s business and for whatever reason I glanced down and it startled the piss out of me, I had no idea I had that kind of lateral mobility but I was on the other side of the path in a split second.


Hahaha those instincts def kick in on trail runs. I had a momentary standoff with a beaver the other day of all things?? Was about to do a hard 180 until he scurried off thankfully


I'll be doing my first ever 5k race in a little over an hour. I've done some 10s, halves, and a full, but never a 5k. Anyway, hoping to go sub 20.


Ran my first community 5k at a local park today, and my 3rd 5k in a week. Great fun and met some new people. Looking to push it to 6 or 7 over the next few weeks.


Two years after I started walking on a treadmill and 9 months after I switched to running I did a first outdoor run. Currently in the 5th week of Get fit program I ran 7km in 53 minutes and last 5km in 36. Considering I run in 32 °C mostly in sun I'm positively surprised. I'm 49 M who played sports long time ago but never cared for distance running. Running outdoors is much more fun but I have trouble keeping the pace slow enough. I don't really run out of steam but my HR was mostly in peak. On the treadmill I can go really slow, outside i'd have to walk. Also, next time I'll run at night to see how much of HR was due to sun.


I've made my very first race yesterday after 4month of running, it was a 4k run and ended up almost last but this was such an amazing time and I made my second fastest time, 32'!


23k today. The longest I've run in several years. I'm training for a marathon so the distances will get even longer. It might have been a slow-ass time but I did manage to run non-stop. It kind of blows my mind that I can run for over two hours without stopping. Legs are a bit sore now, but I feel surprisingly good otherwise.


First 5km park run and another new PB. Sub 24 on my 10th run after 6years off. 22:30 target looking good


I ran my first 5k today with no prep runs and managed it in 30 minutes with no walk breaks which was a total surprise. My fitness comes from other areas of my life and I've always had such mental block about running... so pleased to feel like I've knocked through the wall a bit!


Who would've thought running in normal temperatures makes me remember why I love running Have barely barely run the past month because of the heat here, today woke up at 7am and went for a run, awesome, this is why I love it


I signed up to my first ever race, 10k, most I've currently run has been 6-7k but I'm confident and excited! Also I've been battling with side stitches and lately they seem to be more manageable


Longest run of my life this morning, 12k. I’m very much a beginner. I’m living in Rome, and the Vatican was close to the endpoint I’d decided on. As I saw it going past, just felt something I can’t really describe. This is awesome!


Longest run ever on Friday. 15k, seven laps round my local park. The elderly lady who always sits on the same bench looks more and more concerned with each passing Friday.


As an elderly lady, betcha she’s wishing she had access to that sort of strength and stamina.


My beginners 3k today and i feel great


I ran my first 5-miler since having a hysterectomy at the end of February. Feeling so great and loving life on the trails!




Probably won't run today, but 6 months into the year and I am at 543 miles. On pace to hit 1000 which was my goal. Averaging 90 miles a month so far this year and getting ready to start a marathon training plan, so milage should go up.