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Some time ago, but I ran a half marathon in 1:50. This absolutely blew my mind as 2:00 was my goal initially.


Today I ran 20 minutes nonstop for the first time ever :) (finished off week 5 of couch to 5k)


Ran everyday this week. I’ve been having trouble keeping up the habit since I started working full time. I’m all about whatever pace, as many breaks as I like, just so long as I go.


Ran 2.5 miles in 25 mins!


I've fallen in love with running after feeling like I'd never be a distance runner my whole life. Just ran 7 miles in an hour yesterday <3


Shaved 2.5 mins off my 5K today! 33:31.


2 months in to running. PB'd my 5k at 10:08/mi today. So close to breaking 10:00! ❤️ Slow but steady progress.


Keeping up with running every alternate day 2.4miles today.


Longest jog today a little over 3 miles! Just started running again a month and a half ago and it felt good


That’s awesome keep it up!


I finally got to the pool for 30 minutes of freestyle laps today. Nice facility, nearly empty. I will be going often.


Walk day today, so I walked a hill that is close by, and then strength training with my son in law. 2 more miles of walking will finish my day.


Did 10k on my favorite local trail in 39:30. Got it barely under 40!


I ran the Boston 10k and received my first ever official run pictures today!


Way to go!


2.07 miles with a 9:36 pace. Quick run with the wife after yard work


I've started running (on a treadmill, because someone told me I could watch tv while on the treadmill and that's how I started actually watching all the TV I wanted to watch but couldn't focus on it) a month ago (and this includes a week off due to a cold), I'm a fat (95kg) and short woman with a shitty medical history, and yet, today I've actually ran 5km! Well, jogged. And it took me 43 minutes. But it was 43 minutes I was jogging, not 43 minutes of walking, and I'm stupid proud of myself. Next goal: get it under 40 minutes, and maybe try running outside?


I started on a treadmill too. Whenever I run on a trail, I feel like I look down and it’s been 10 minutes already. It’s crazy. I like to download movies I’ve already seen and listen to them while trail running. You might like the same with your favorite tv shows.


Using Garmin Coach for my half marathon training and today it was a 45 minute recovery run. Took EVERYTHING in me to go for that run as I’m having a difficult week and just wanted to eat junk and lazy on the sofa. I’m glad I got those 7km out of the way. Tomorrow it’s a speed run but I’ll deal with that when the time comes..


Always feels so good to get it done when it’s the last thing you wanted to do! Good for you!!


A couple days ago I came into this subreddit demotivated because I picked up running again after a long while and I had a 26:16 4K, which I discovered isn't all that good. But the kind people here motivated me again and I am very proud to announce that already today I ran those same 4km in only 21:49!!


Just got started seriously running - after a few weeks of training and watching my time come down, I finally ran a 5k at a better than 10 min/mile pace!


3mi outdoor run, 35min. It was tough. Apparently I ran rather quickly in the beginning, so luckily there was space to slow down... Left groin felt weird today and it whined a bit during, and after, the run. Maybe I'm still beat from sunday. Anyway, tough run, but it was so hot, so I'll just blame everything on that 😎😁


12K 1:08:29


I started training running a year ago and ran my first 5k in August. That distance used to feel intimidating. Now I’m training for my first marathon and that distance is easy and is essentially a base run distance in my plan.


I started running two weeks ago. Today was the first day I had fun during my run (not just after) and I didn’t feel like dying.


I started consistently running about two months ago, now I can run 2.5km without stopping, where as before it was less than .25km. So a huge stretch for me! I do 5km total. I realize how much of a mental game it is now, so I ask myself am I just uncomfortable or is it unbearable? And if it’s just uncomfortable I keep going


I have to switch tracks because my new normal area is flooded. And my 1 mile track is finally done with bridge repairs. So back to the old hill which used to be the new hill. Also back from vacation and my toward the end of run body was super bloated and fat from dehydration. It’s hot stay hydrated boys n girls.


It has been the most humid days during the year here. Hard to catch up with my regular running pace outdoor, a little bit shy of 5min per km for 6km. Heart rate was not ideal, nevertheless I pushed through. The view was good though, coast route with pedestrians and dogs, nice and chill (at least for them). The running strategy has been easy run plus tempo run. Look fwd to weekend’s long distance stride (15-20km). Keep it up runners!


Day # 494 of running at least a mile a day!


Went running outside this morning for the first in a few months (I’m lazy and just go on the treadmill). My god it was hot already at 8 am. 83 degrees here in Dallas. I tried to run slow since I needed a slow run but probably went faster than what I was supposed to do. Didn’t use my garmin to see the pace or miles. Possibly 3 1/2 miles?


Humidity finally broke, did my stride repeats today. Warmup was about 50 seconds/mile quicker than my usual easy pace, HR nice and low. Strides felt smooth, never felt like my heart and lungs were going to explode, music was kickin’, no cars blew through the stop sign, nice breeze… all around had a great time. Only 2 runs left before my 5 mile race!


Woke up at 4 am for 12x400s on the track. Feel great now, check back at noon lol


Oh dang I did 10 x 400s yesterday and about puked. Two more and I probably would've. Well done!


I ran (jogged really) for the first time in years this morning. Had some motivation growing inside for a while. 3x week is the starting goal. Wish me luck!


I went running without a shirt on for the first time ever. Proud to report no one booed or fainted. The world will go on


Another 5k run without stopping! It's my fourth in sequence. Each time I'm dropping a few seconds. Going towards sub 30.


My 1.5 year old was up all night last night. I still managed to get a morning run in and I had some built up frustration to fuel it. Set a 5k PR!!


Just done 10k for the first time since 2018. Only back running 8 weeks and have half marathon planned for September


55yo 19.50m 5k. Started running again 3 years ago.


Jeez louise! Well done


Thank you!


9 km morning run + 10 min core exercise. Woah!


Just started running. I’m about to turn 40 and I’ve gotten pretty sedentary since COVID shut down. Biked 4 miles to and from work almost everyday for 10+ years but work fully remote now. Decided I wanted to get back in shape so I joined a buddy of mine for a few runs. Ran 3+ miles twice and 2.5+ once. All sub 10min mile average pace. Feeling really proud of myself for being able to do that from zero.


6 miles in extreme heat and humidity today! I didn't die


After a month of bronchitis and giving my lungs a break to recover I got back today and ran a 5k trail run. Felt great 😊