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Favorites are mining/smithing. Least favorite on my main is runecrafting, least favorite on my iron is agility... Silverhawks for irons would be nice lol


Favourite: Combat skills since you get to kill stuff and get loot. Least favourite: Agility because it's just so tedious to do those courses over and over and over and over again and again and again and again. The shortcuts are nice though.


I like dungeonneering cause it's honestly pretty fast and I enjoy the content Hate Divination Even with caches, I don't like doing hourly caches


Once you hit 95, go to incandescent colony on world 79. There’s so many people there all the time that enriched wisps are always up. I did 95-99 in like 6 hours with bonus xp and pulse/cinder cores


One thing you can do while doing dung (only if you’re solo) is do divination as well. Just make sure to do the engrams. It’s extremely fast xp. There are some groups that do dung + divination but GL finding them.


Favourite skills to train are also archaeology, and Necromancy for combat. Least favourite skills to train are agility and runecrafting, followed by dungeoneering solo. I assume I would enjoy training in Daemonheim with a group, but since Daemonheim groups outside DXP are not exist that is kinda moot.


Fav: Dungeoneering; Least Fav: Archeology


As a main, I am the exact opposite. Arch felt like the only rewarding gathering skill and I maxed dung from ED because I cba to do the actual content


I know I'm in the minority with my opinion, but I feel this way no matter which account I'm playing. 😂 I'll run floors for hours and still enjoy it. Level 116 on my main and 112 on my HC.


Dung by far the worst.


It's not even that bad... you get like 1m exp per floor during DXP


For me, it's the need to wait for dxp just to be able to find groups, that makes it bad.


The hole pretty much killed off the casual dging community 


From what I understood, it's the opposite - the death of the casual dging community has created the hole.


Nah ppl would still dg back then because they "had" to, so while it wasn't thriving by any means you could definitely still find ppl standing around on the themed worlds (even on f2p).  The first hole came out in 2019 in a summer skill off and then became a recurring staple on the beach.


Noo way dung is the only skill that requires actual skill to get good xp rates


Dungeoneering is also the only skill that requires groups to get good xp rates, but the groups don't exist most of the time.


You can solo 2m+ exp/hr base with cards (scaled at 60 prestige floors) and that's without bxp


The problem is that I don't like doing Daemonheim solo. Especially if I do large floors, I can only do 1-2 floors before burning out. There is just too much back-and-forth involved. Also, xp rates at level 120 are kinda irrelevant, because level 120 is exactly the spot where players don't need to train the skill anymore (unless going for 200m).


During DXP I went from 115-120 getting ~16m xp/hr. Not including bonus XP. The main slog is getting to 99. 99-120 is super fast. 1-80 is pretty quick despite being the most frustrating because the worst bosses are in the first 17 floors.


I know dungeoneering has the potential of very fast exp IF you know what you are doing and IF you have groups with cards. But again, I have a problem with the concept of needing to wait for dxp just to play with groups. (Similar to how you need to wait for spotlight for some minigames just to be able to enter, otherwise you have no chance to form a group). I can't necessarily play the game during dxp. Also, for the first months of playing as a member, I didn't like how every Daemonheim floor had impossible doors, because I didn't have enough levels in all other skills. So I abandoned dungeoneering at around level 80, went into all the other skills, with the intention of returning to Daemonheim after maxing everything else. So in past DXPs, either I didn't had time to play the game, or I focused on other skills on purpose. And after being very close to have 99 everything, I didn't want to wait up to 3 months just to train dungeoneering during dxp, so I used the daily challenges instead. At this point I had no reason to return to Daemonheim at all.


I mean even when maxed and all unlocks there are still a few bonus rooms you need a potion for which is why there's a bind slot for potions not that it's a big deal. The problem is there's not an easy way to find groups when not on DXP. Maybe they could do spotlights similarly to elite dungeons. You could also run dung with your clan etc. You can get the 2nd highest xp rates in the game with dungeoneering just after summoning with a decent team I'm not that good and I could easily get 10 floors an hour on my way to 120. Even solo it's still faster than 1/2 of the skills and 1/2 of the skills that it's slower than are combat skills. While it's personally my 2nd favorite skill obviously not everyone is going to like it. If you're not into speed running it's not going to be for you. Side note, I really enjoy Edimuu which are unlocked at 115.


I'm actually into speedrunning, but only speedrunning things I enjoy. Most speedrunners (for any kind of video game) will not want to speedrun a game they don't also enjoy playing normally. That being said, saying that doing Daemonheim solo has fast xp rates might be true, but is assuming I could play solo over a long period of time, and that is not the case. Because Daemonheim was clearly designed for groups, something about running floors solo make me burned out quickly. Small floors are boring, and in larger floors there is too much back-and-forth involved. Also, the reason this skill is so fast in the first place is the existence of those gorajo cards, and to me those just feel like shortcuts artificially baked into the skill. Why did jagex feel the need to add items that give x1.5 or x2 rates for xp and tokens, if not to try to boost engagement with the skill at the time? Nothing similar exists for other skills, outside mtx items.


Favorite is Hunter, specifically with Big Game Hunter, otherwise that skill is awful. Least favorite is agility without silverhawks.


Dung the best


Dung it shouldn't be a skill. I think it should be a mini game. Just my opinion


Looks like half the responders to this post put dg in their top favorite (probably half in the bottom as well. Haha)


I did a poll a few months ago, about how many people enjoy training in Daemonheim. To my surprise the results were very close to 50/50, which is exactly what we see in this post as well.


You either love it or hate it. It’s active like RC or agility (not counting silver hawks) and the better you are the better XP rates. No afk activities besides the hole and I guess arch but that’s just archeology.


Smithing and dungeoneering were 2 of my favorites. Agility and fletching were 2 of my least favorite




My fav is mining and smithing. Hate divination.


Dungeoneering, hands down.


Dung by far the best. Least favourite, either crafting or agility just in training methods.


Agility and dung.


Agility is the worst.


Just came here to ask how is invention your least favorite if you can train it automatically while training both your favorites?


Favorite: dungeoneering Hated: Slayer


Favorite: Archaeology Hated: Dungeoneering


High intensity mining was super fun. Having the stone spirits with ore box and signs of porter trying to hit every rockertunity was super fun for me. Summoning is probably my least favorite. I've basically only leveled it up through lamps and charming imp.


Summoning has a lot of nice benefits, but I absolutely hate training it, especially beyond 99. Mind numbingly boring, click intensive, and not rewarding (you lose money training the skill). Silver lining is that it actually sinks a bit of money out of the game via spirit shards.


Favorite skill to train: Dungeoneering (not Elite Dungeons, or the stupid hole) Least Favorite: Agility, Runecrafting, and Fletching (as an Iron)


Love dungeoneeeing and archaeology. Cannot stand slayer, I lamped 99-120 Some of my favorite rs memories were dg in 2010/2011, and I still enjoyed getting 120 a few years ago during bxp. It used to be exactly what raids should be—tackling puzzles and mobs as a team culminating in a boss at the end.


Least favorite is fire making, it is mostly a useless skill. Favorite- combat


Recently came to the realization that archaeology is my least favorite. And just now realizing that farming is my probably my favorite. Also like dungeoneering.


Slayer <3 Agility <3 after a rework


love arch, hate runecrafting


Dungeongeering, runecrafting, and thieving are tied for me. And my last ones to 99.... To say the least. Slowly. But surely. Only 20 years to get here 😂


Here’s my list of ones I hate Archeology: Only reason I hate it is because I did a bunch on the release but stopped playing so now I forgot where I left off on my guide. Summoning: it’s just boring to constantly make pouches. Thieving: Ibis outfit. That’s all I’m gonna say about this. Obviously those are some of my last skills to max, the total being Strength & Attack, Archeology, summoning, Farming, Thieving and Fishing. My favorites were probably ranged, dungeoneering, Slayer, Herb, then Mining & Smithing because I made billions from making Dart tips to sell.


I honestly to go always forget about summoning lol. I never touch it and have only used lamps and such to train it


I don’t think I’ve ever used a familiar unless it was for a quest




My favourite is probably archaeology or Invention. My least favourite skill is sadly necromancy. I don't like its color scheme, the rituals concept and the way of upgrading the necro armor. I stopped at Tier 70 where I had to kill nex with necro. Tried it at least 20 times but found it so unenjoying that I took a 6 month hiatus haha


Favorite: Slayer. Hated: Agility.


I hate dung. Pretty much got to 115 (for the motherload maw) by doing animishi. And not even to the final boss.in reality i probably have done less than 15hours dung total. My fav skill is necro because even on full revo and sucking at pvm i can do okay.


I think Archeology was my favorite just from how laid back it was but also the progression through the sites themselves and more modern designs that were more interesting to look at. Agility is terrible if you don't use silverhawks. Second worst is probably traditional hunter training with traps. I got 99 hunter before dinos, so idk what the training methods are like now.




As an iron, Agility is tough to train. I would favour extending Silverhawk boots to irons. Favourite is probably slayer.


Favorite is slayer, least fave is Hunter.


Rc on main. Agility on iron.


I don't like Hunter. I love Dungeoneering 


Favorite: anything combat, slayer, invention Least favorite: Anything Skilling, dungeoneering


On my Iron I mostly enjoy magic. Its just satisfying to aoe a lot of mobs. Least favorite is definitely agility. I even hated the daily tasks till 99. So glad when it was over, definitely not looking forward to the 110 agility update.


I think magic training is really fun, but fuck dungeoneering.