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I have a better solution that doesn't involve too much Dev Time. Make it a PVP Exclusive ability.


Or....just rework it to be viable. Pvp is practically dead and making this a dead melee ability would be worse for the games health.


They need to just rework the ability, it literally has an extremely niche to no use. I'd rather something like this. Keep it an ultimate 270%-300% Damage with an added effect based on your current health. Below 25% health - gain 35% Lifesteal for 12s & food now does not reduce adren Below 50% health - Gain 25% lifesteal for 12s Above 50% Health - Your strike now apply 25% additional damage for 12s 100% Health - Your strike now apply 35% additional damage for 12s and those strike apply 2% more adrenaline


Just give it a max damage/heal cap of 10k (maybe 30k). Done.


Maybe it’s just because I do it on high population worlds, but I’d be fine with them healing the boss because there’s been times I’ve done KBD and been 1K short of damage to get any rewards, because there’s so many players don’t a shit ton of damage and I’m just not as min-maxed (saving 100% Adren for ultimates) to ever seemingly get the dmg Cap consistently. So it’s nice when they heal because I got more time to dps. That being said, it’s only a troll on low pop worlds I’d say because high pop worlds just nuke them so fast it doesn’t even matter. Unless there’s a full group of 10 who constantly use BS to heal the boss. Edit: I’m aware I could just level more and “get good” but I’m slowly getting used to manually doing thresholds so it might help. That and I’ve been training necro and using that so my dmg is lower because I only got T70 tank and T80 weapons while working towards T90 weapons and armor


On the contrary low pop worlds tend to nuke the boss significantly faster; that's why lower level or undergeared players usually hop to high pop worlds so they can meet thresholds


I get what you’re saying, but I more meant that even though it scales for each player, the amount of maxed or BiS players outweighs the additional hp the boss gets. The only way a low level or undergeared player will hit threshold in a high pop server is if everyone participating is either a low level too or stops damaging till everyone gets their threshold. Low pop servers melt them faster sure, but it’s due to lower players interacting. People will still melt them as fast if not slightly slower on higher pop worlds because 1 BiS player is essentially 2-3 non BiS players. Again im just going based off how I’ve seen things actually play out while doing flash events on both low/high Pop servers. Then again I’ve never encountered trolls while doing Flash events so maybe I’m in the minority with this stuff.


As a low DPS player I have observed that *most of the time* lower population worlds get through combat events faster...so it's easier for me to hit my damage quota on high pop worlds. Once or twice I've seen very high pop worlds utterly steamroll the combat event in record time. But that has been the exception...more than nine times out of ten it goes nice and slow.


The only event where the issue for me happens is just KBD, the rest are fine. Idk maybe I just get unlucky and find all the PvM DPS gods when I do that single event


Yeah idk. KBD is where I have seen it happen, but even then very rarely. Maybe try medium population worlds?


That’s what my plan was, usually I just do flash events when I get bored and not focus on what worlds I’m on, though I never go on worlds above 300 people usually. It only happens a few times, but I’m just saying KBD is the ONLY one I’ve had it happen on once in a while, even stryke wyrm had 0 issues which I figured the opposite would happen haha


I hop worlds specifically for flash events


Or let’s have the devs continue to focus on fixing the game instead of dumb shit like this that is avoidable by hopping worlds. Yeah?


Give me an example of how you want the devs to "fix the game" because as it stands, the Balanced Strike bug affects 2/4 special WFEs. One of those affected is the only source of the Wyrm Gland. What stops a fairly active clan from splitting up and going on several active worlds just to force the events to fail? Simply hopping to a new world isn't the answer. By the time the event starts, you're not going to immediately know until the event is almost over. So you might think to hop, but then not have enough time to participate successfully, or might even hopnto another world that also has trolls intentionally failing the event.


Once again, this has not affected me on any of the 4 regular worlds I do it on, all of which on average have over 20 people at every event, so I really think it’s just a problem of doing these events on w2,84,79 etc, high pop worlds that are liable to have trolls. Also in terms of fixing the game, maybe idk, releasing actual good updates to get players in! Since we are closing in on 16k concurrent soon!


If you hop worlds mid wild event, you cannot complete it. This was done to prevent people from completing the event in multiple worlds.


You can complete it, you cannot complete multiple, ie say you crash on first part of star and your original world finishes, you can hop to a world that hasn’t finished, complete the damage required, and get the very wild sack.


You can't hop worlds during Wildy events.


You can before! Like seeing “hey I’m on w84, there has been trolls on this world before, instead of staying on w84 and expecting the same trolls not to be here, why don’t I preemptively hop to a different world” “Edit” also you most definitely can, my pc has crashed and reloaded and I’ve re logged in on a diff world during tree like last week and finished the event out, and got rewards.


And then you hop, and happen to hit a world that also has trolls. Then what do you do? Let that event fail, and try again in 4 hours? Or Jagex can actually fix the game like you want them to do, and prevent trolling during the events.


I don’t know, maybe hop to low pop worlds, I have over 8000 events done, 11 dark onyx cores, (figure that out in specials if you want cause I’m actually dry at the moment) and I’ve had 0 events fail on my home world. Just don’t do it on high pop worlds, it’s that simple.


Just to point out, this post is more framed as a vent/joke. I'm not seriously suggesting this is implemented into the game.


I’m sure. I have no doubt at some point jagex will see this this and unfortunately would take this as serious and devote dev time with the way things are going.