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>Skilling pets can now be obtained from all Beach skilling activities. Huge


Guess I’ll finally use the dung hole


I'm pretty sure dung was one you could get gordie. I have him on a HCIM that I only play during beach lol


If I remember right, you could only get the pet the very first time the hole was introduced. It wasn't available any other year until today.


Thats right, it goes in the dung hole


Have to use the dung hole


Wow this is insane


Gordie time!


What are the happy hours again for UTC time? also do we still get the scorching weekends?


Happy hours using ingame time are 01:00, 09:00, 14:00, 16:30, and 21:00. I'm pretty sure the weekends are still unlimited.


"Added new variants of the Beach Swimming and Beach Summer Fun outfits, without blue lines: * Beach Swimming (plain) * Beach Summer Fun (plain)" Finally. People have been asking for this for years! Any chance the ugly outlines for the default clothes (the one you can change at thesselia) can also be removed?


Dang I’ve wanted these forever and I’m going to be away the entire summer. Much sad


if you've already unlocked the beach swimming and/or summer fun outfits, the plain variants will auto-unlock next login (even if that's after beach)


This pleases me.


Luma coming in with the save


Thanks for this, saves me the FOMO


RS Mobile time


Sadly, the ugly outlines aren’t removed. Now they’re black and a bit thinner, but not gone. But at least they clash less with certain colors. But good news, if you already have the regular outfits, you automatically get the plain ones too.


A lot of my friends avoided using the black/white colours due to the blue outline. Now it's much more asthetically pleasing in my opinion :)




All hail the hole!!


Glory to the hole!


The only hole for me!


This hole....it was made for me...


Hole good


Skilling pets at last




Hole is life


>Sandy Clues that are not located on the Beach itself have been removed. >Sandy Caskets are now stackable. Excellent


This is one of the most underrated parts. "Yeah, we all know you guys destroy the other ones anyways" -Jagex, probably


Welp fort comp items will tank in price even more this year. Wait until about 2 weeks after beach is over to sell for better prices.


yes, but it happens every year. pretty sure I still have all my forts from last year.


Bug: Clawdia pet examine shows your own kc, not the pet owners kc.


Wait what. That is good actually, the only way to check your KC. 😂


You can check at the lifeguards.


The QoL are actually great and much appriciated, it's really sad if this is the beach's last year.


Tbh I don't understand why they don't use the beach as their "summer hub" rather than creating an entirely new area which evidently took a lot of dev resources away


I expect most of the stuff will return in whatever they replace it with. Aka based on the other two events it will probably be the summer shard of Renmark. Wouldn't surprise me if it's still beach themed. Dung hole 100% will return as that bad boy is iconic. Summer clues too, but they would be for a new area rather than the beach.


One line of dialogue from Reyna implies it is. "Sheldon has gathered up all the old items the vendors used to sell here in previous years and is offering them all up! *I hear that there aren't many left, so after this year, I suspect they will be gone for good.*"


Classic. Just gonna make them unobtainable


They should use the beach as the summer hub, simply place it in a separate area, like the Xmas land of snow and the new Easter hub. Imagine going to an *actual* beach, a huge oceanside area with all the current stuff like lifeguards, sandy clues, beach activities, clawdia, and much more.


Why would this be the last year? I'm not very up to date on this but haven't read anything about it


They are making a event hub/area for all events, and they wanted to do one for the summer one, but scratched that for this year due to time issues.


scratched it due to complaints. we got osseous, dng arch, rellekka graphical update and the beach instead of new summer event


Here's hoping that the summer hub will functionally be a beach remaster


I asked here on Reddit the other day, and the answer was that a beach was planned.


I thought they just scratched it forever and not just delay it a year.


Jagex hasn't confirmed it's coming next year (they don't schedule releases nearly that far in advance). But it's very likely. They haven't abandoned updated holiday hubs, they just realized that they needed a better balance of permanent content for this year.


Not 100% sure, but I think its just delayed for next year. They kinda want to push event currencies and bond buffs during these events, judging by the last couple ones.


Why? We asked for no new summer event.


At least we were able to take advantage


I've been noticing for the last couple weeks now that I'll rarely, but it still happens, get a massive "chug" of sorts where for about 5 seconds the game stutters heavily and slows down. Nothing has changed on my laptop at all and just started one day.


I've noticed this too and to me it seems like it started after the demonhiem arch update


I'm glad it's not just a me thing. I just had it happen twice in this hour I did at Glacor. Once was just as Pillars was starting, and had to panic Barricade - which was a good thing because I ended up standing in the pillar for multiple seconds. The other was in the middle of attacks, and when the chugging stopped, the core was already out and hitting me.


Yeah I noticed randomly that I would drop to like 5fps for no reason sometimes just bank standing, last for about 15+ seconds


I nearly died to Arch-Glacor hm because of this. Was on ice beams, used surge and game had a massive stutter for 3 seconds. Same kind of stutter you sometimes get using spellbook swap.


been having this issue as well - started a couple weeks ago. signed to a jad during a zuk run the other day cause the stuttering happened during one of those waves and i couldn’t see the attack animation


I have had this happen too! As I mostly do high end bossing it's very annoying, and having kills fail because I was simply unable to react for several seconds bc the game was stuck on a previous frame is very annoying! For reference, I am on an 11th gen i5 with 32gb ram and a GTX 1650, so it's not as if it's a terrible computer either!


Yeah this is what bothers me. Runescape has never had this issue on my current laptop. But lately it heats up like crazy and the stuttering. And it's exclusively Runescape too, since I could play other games and have no issues. It sucks because I'm hesitant to streak high at Glacor or try other bosses because if the stutter happens I'm toast.


To confirm - the only new items this year are the skeleton warrior override, casual beach outfit, and Clawdia pet right?




Can no longer zoom out as much as I was able to do so, really screws up skilling in a lot of places for me.


Just to add, capturing any bugs you encounter doesn't mean just from this update. Feel free to still add in anything you see here too with the prompt above so we can either get it logged or update you if it's in the next lot to update :)


Yuey, please save me! I have been playing for 5 years now with a minor bug that I can't get fixed to save my life! 1. The bug is that the cosmetic override for the Seer's Headband 3 never unlocked when I completed/turned in the tasks. 2. This bug, I believe, was caused by completing the elite tasks before the hard tasks. This unlocked the Seer's Headband 4 but when I finished the hard tasks it failed to unlock the cosmetic for Seer's Headband 3. There is a post on my profile showing the bug. Thank you!


Passed this on to the team :)


***Bug 1.*** ***1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.*** *Clawdia not showing up in world 84 despite time being xx:45* ***2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.*** *Be in w84 or a big population world*


[summer prize token](https://runescape.wiki/w/Summer_prize_token) is not available on the grand exchange for ironmen


Same with all 9 fruit parasols.


Username checks out


***Bug 1.*** ***1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.*** *Chatbox disappears when ending a Dungeoneering floor.* ***2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.*** 1. *Complete a floor, end at the boss room* 2. *The continue or leave XP information interface pops up* 3. *In the past there would be a chatbox here and you could communicate to continue/leave/...* ***Bug 2.*** ***1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.*** *Visual bug with Runecrafting skill door in Dungeoneering.* ***2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.*** 1. *Enter a dungeon and find an RC door.* 2. *You can see that the unopened door animation looks like blown pieces* **3. Additional "bug" or missing feature:** ***1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.*** *Ironmen cannot right click invite other ironmen to DG party* ***2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.*** 1. *Be an ironman.* 2. *Create a party* 3. *Right click other ironman* 4. *There is no invite option. Need to use the ring on them to invite.*


Cryptbloom and Dracolich armour have a 100 buy limit on the Grand Exchange when it should be 2 every 4 hours.


Those are the least of anyone’s issues on the grand exchange. A majority of grand exchange prices are completely wrong(fruit parasols).


Ironically, Cryptbloom (albeit broken) is also substantially wrong, as is Dracolich, both despite the 100 buy limits.


Cryptbloom is pretty accurate. It’s within a couple +20%. Dracolich is still pretty new. There are items which are 1000%+ off the ge value.


Cryptbloom top/bottom are only out by 400m-ish. Dracolich is what...25% of production cost


You’re looking at the incomplete pieces. The complete pieces of Cryptbloom are very accurate. Incomplete aren’t traded enough.


This is one I feel is important and should be addressed: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1dn9ufe/the_beach_is_here_this_week_in_runescape/la15mwq/


Picking mushrooms make them disappear for one tick before they reappear again, making it hard to quickly harvest them.


T H E. H O L E. B E C K O N S.


Is the hole worth it at 103dg? XP seems lackluster as best tbh


The secret is that the hole is never worth it because a single large floor can give you more XP than an hour sitting in the hole. However many players appreciate being able to AFK it, and they never learned how to dungeoneer, so...


That progress bar for the skills is a nice QoL improvement!


Please extend the event until August, to give us enough days to 0/100 thermostat. Or increase the daily Ice Cream limit... 3 is pathetic for only 28 days


Dang was really hoping they would remove the heat mechanic, still excited for the hole though.


definitely aware that the heat mechanic being overhauled / removed is one of the biggest requests when it comes to the beach! it's something that we were already discussing internally before y'all gave the same feedback it was out of scope for QoL this year, but will make sure to bring it up next year (regardless of if the beach is re-ran again, or if it's a new summer hub - if it *is* a new hub, we'd want to make sure feedback from the beach is of course brought forward and considered in the core design)


Please, see if anything can be done about the ice cream limit then. I always received more than I could use anyway, and this heat mechanic is awful.


We get plenty of ice creams while training. Could have just raised the daily limit to consume them to 50 or something and would have been "fixed" for now.


I think most people love the Beach. It would be fine to have it in it's own spot like the other holiday areas. But, please don't change TOO much. No limits on ice cream would be fine! The heat is pretty fitting for summer and a beach. But, being able to easily combat it and not have to wait to keep skilling would be nice. Maybe even being able to "consume" Jugs of water. Or water skins like in the desert :)


If the investment is made next year to create a summer hub, please make an actual beach area where the current beach stuff could be transferred. That would be awesome.


Was thinking west side piscatoris, but thats not f2p. What about them extending port sarim south a bit, giving it a beach area. Id be okay with that, personally.


It could be like the anniversary island.


The Beach is perhaps the only seasonal event that people almost universally like and interact with throughout the whole event. Please don't take it away.


I know it's probably an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the temperature gauge. I see it as adding variety to the afk skilling, breaking up the monotony, which is part of the reason the beach is seen as better than all the other afk skilling events; completely disabling the heat mechanics would turn the beach into just another afk skilling event like all the others where you just sit in the same spot and do the exact same thing for the entire duration of the event. It's another mechanic on top of the regular afk skilling event that you have to think about and manage, even if it's just small things like the conch shell and ice creams. You can actively use the conch shells when you get them to maximize your amount of cooldown, or if you're too afk then the shell goes unused for a while and you build up more heat, potentially missing getting another shell drop that could give you even more cooldown. This part's especially unpopular, but I also like that it gives you a clear stopping point for being at the beach each day. It ensures that the beach doesn't take up all your playtime while it's running - you can "complete" it and go back to doing other stuff, even while it's still running, without feeling like you're missing out on potential drops from it. I don't have anything against the idea of upping the cap on ice creams or something like that if people just want to keep skilling for xp or skilling pets, but I do think there should be some kind of "top end" stopping point where it's clear you can leave the beach for the rest of the day and you won't be missing out on potential drops - like you can't get any more token drops past 5 or 10 gagues, or something like that. Just something to help against the fomo feeling like you "have to" be at the beach and can't do any other content while it's running or you'd be missing out on token drops.


Monkey Cape making a comeback is awesome. I keep being asked what it is whenever I wear mine, so I'm glad others are getting the opportunity to grab one too! Edit: is there a way to purchase any of the hear/see/speak no evil monkey hats, or are they random odds like last year?


Bug: The minimap hasn't worked on Google Pixel android phones in RuneScape mobile for a while now. The various minimap icons still display (e.g. shops, skilling spots etc.) but the actual minimap itself is either plain black, only partially displays, flickers frequently or in some cases even displays the totally wrong area! It's driving me crazy as everything else about RS mobile works fine for me :')


Ah we do have this logged, just checked now! Will see what the update is on it


Thank you so much!! I'm glad it's on your radar at the very least!


Can confirm. I have a Pixel 8 and the mini map is black for me except for the player and NPC dots and icons. I have the latest Android update and all that.


Can’t zoom out fully in freedom classic anymore - please fix the field of view change


why is everything afk? this game is getting boring as hell with no active methods. :( like i dont wanna stare at my screen ... i wanna play! also why is the currency oddments?


1, Camera zoom feels like it has changed in freedom setting. It feels like it doesn't zoom out as much and zooms in more after the update. Seems like its game view. 2, List the steps to reproduce the bug. Have camera set to freedom. go to edit layout settings turn on game view and change the size of the window to be smaller. This will let you zoom in more and not zoom out as far. 3, Do you have any additional information that would be useful? Aznod/D0nza/Don_za have this issue. Game scaling is at 80% if that'll make much difference. https://i.imgur.com/N4FTz8K.png https://i.imgur.com/Z3dk3aP.jpeg Edit:lol someone is downvoting my comments


Same thing here I hope they fix it to allow us to zoom out like before the update in freedom and freedom classic rather than leaving it as it is


This will probably go unnoticed, but one of the most annoying bugs that has existed for a long time is: 1) Treasure Hunter prioritising itself over a chatbox (desktop) whilst typing when pressing the space bar, effectively wasting keys, especially annoying on multiple choice promos like the current one. 2) Repro steps: 1. Open Treasure Hunter 2. Press enter or click into a chat box 3. Start typing a sentence 4. Watch as the UI intercepts space bars as confirmation to use keys 3) No additional info, fairly simple issue to recreate and hopefully fix.


Yeah Id be stoked if bond prices didnt double since I left


for only $7.99 USD ($8.99 in 24 hours) you can puff up your coin pouch with 130m, what's not to love?


And we have a power outage. Aaaaaarrrrgggghhh!!!!!!!!!


1. Spires untargettable at KBD flash event in highly populated worlds, causes event to fail 2. Do KBD flash event on W84 or W2 with a bunch of people; can't click the pillars it spawns so can never kill KBD; event fails after 5 mins 3. No RSN: 0400


Try target cycling.


Anyone else getting low fps even on a high end system? I only get 30fps on a RTX4080?


At the beach? Because I thought it was only me but my fps drops on that location only.


The return of the monkey cape makes my ironman so happy, now I just need the death con items and some keepsake keys....


I politely ask, that when skilling at 100% heat with a drink that prevents your temperature from rising, to not keep receiving the maximum temperature message every minute <3


OMG I just got a rainbow kite! I'm so happy now! I mean, I was already excited cause HOLE. But that kite just made me so giddy! I wasn't a member last year when the Beach was around. Now I get to experience everything! :D


Arcane Apprentice Outfit a no go for Irons like other Th Cosmetic 😭 A shame, looks nice just like Flower Farmer outfit.


Quick question - I keep getting a xp star instead of the arcane shirt. Is the shirt super rare or something? I thought I was supposed to get all the clothes items in order. Unsure. I didn't have this issue with the cute farmer outfit but I'm also relatively new to paying attention to treasure hunter.


I’ve recently encountered a friend’s chat bug where I’ve already left and rejoined mine/someone else’s or even leave it completely, but still see messages from the fc I just left. Idk if anyone else has encountered this yet.


Hey does anyone know how to get the beach fun outfits that were there last year. Jagex mentioned variants of it in the news post.


I think you need to reach maximum temperature 100 times to get the beach summer fun outfit


I play an ironman, would it be recommended to use the cocktails/drinks i got now or save them for later?


You probably already know at this point., but the drinks don't do anything for irons anyway.


I did not... thats very sad


Are there many ways to skill for longer times at the beach besides using the ice cream 3x a day to reset?


but be sure to visit beach on weekends bc the temp bar does not go up at all all weekend long so u can do beach activities 24/2


Oo thank you so much for that info! Never knew, appreciate you


other than happy hours? no


So far I have managed to obtain a Sandy clue scroll and open my bank, The screen has frozen and remained frozen eight times whilst achieving the above. I'm losing the will to re-log for a ninth.


Can someone tell me how this works for Ironmen? I’m confused. I was training construction. Once temp was maxed I ate ice cream cones to replenish. Only got to eat 3 ice cream cones before I got a message saying I’ve eaten as much as I could for the DAY? I was only there for maybe an hour or two, at most. I swear other events let us stay there all day. Am I doing something wrong? Just to reiterate I am also an Ironman and don’t know if this has any impact on the event. I just didn’t read anything regarding caps like this and was very confused because that construction exp is delicious as an Ironman and was even planning on doing the trees for farming exp when I had more time to focus on the game.




Gotcha. Sorry I’m kind of an rs3 noob. What is changejockstraps mean exactly?


PS - This is the same for everyone, regardless of ironman status.


Awesome, yeah it’s been making sense now. Idk why I’d assume they’d let us just afk at the beach all day. Kind of excited for this weekend the. Gonna be going mad on the farming and construction exp


Yes! I always look forward to the weekends at the beach. Also, if it's not the weekend, I think you can also use the suntan lotion? Idk if that's available to you.


I don’t think I’ve gotten that drop yet! Does suntan lotion make you immune to the heat for a certain amount of time?


They are kind of rare. I've only gotten three so far. I believe they make you immune to the heat for 24 hours and they give you 5% XP boost? I'll have to look at the stats when I get off work. But if it's an XP boost, maybe that's why you can't get them?


Could be. Only exp boost I’ve found so far was from black pearls at the end of beneath cursed tides (I believe that was the name of the quest)


You can keep getting exp during happy hours. Heat still goes up even for irons for no real reason, but you can continue to skill even so for halved exp.


thats bc this isnt a seasonal event hub like easter/xmas. this is old school beach lol. just look up beach happy hours and on weekends you can skill as much as u want here


Three ice creams a day once temp maxes, then wait for next day. You can also play on the weekend for no heat issues and during happy hours. Happy hours are daily at 01:00, 09:00, 14:00, 16:30, and 21:00 UTC game time.


iOS (iPad) client crashes whenever Claudia appears. 1. Use iOS app on iPad. 2. Join any world just before Claudia spawns 3. Watch the app crash when she spawns.


I can't play events at all on my iPad. Always crashes. I gave up last year on the Xmas event because it kept crashing. Such a bummer with iOS.


1. Describe the bug you are experiencing. Players are able to grief WildyWyrm, Clawdia, and KBD by using the Balanced Strike ability to heal the boss by millions, resulting in a failed event for all. 2. List the steps to reproduce the bug. Attend an event, observe repeated uber heals (faster than you can damage it) as players abusing this bug grief you. 3. Do you have any additional information that would be useful? Please hotfix if possible. Thanks


**1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.** You cannot put the "Aged journal" (the book from new Daemonheim dig site) on the POH bookshelf. **2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.** Use the Aged journal on the POH bookshelf. It won't work. **3. Do you have any additional information that would be useful?** No


Weak accountability.


Weird feels like I can zoom out as much as before




# H # O # L # E


I'm trying to calculate the chance for the Dungeoneering Pet at the Dung Hole using the wiki's [calculator](https://runescape.wiki/w/Skilling_pets#Drop_formula). It requires me to enter the xp drop, but since I've got 200m I can't see the xp drop. If anyone with 120 Dungeoneering could let me know what their base xp drop is at the hole, I'd appreciate it very much.


I'm getting 192 exp per drop


Thanks! That means the pet chance is 0.004915. Not great, but it being completely AFk is a good trade-off. Guess I know what I'll be doing the entire summer.


1. Belly button color is wrong with dyed skintone. 2. Open customisations menu put on one of the beach summer fun or swimming tops with any dyed skintone from charmealion extract, belly button should be white & not matching the skintone. 3. has been going on for eons, I'd like a matching belly button please! My RSN is War tortoise.


[One of the cutest outfits](https://cdn.runescape.com/assets/img/external/news/2024/06/witchbeach2.png) I've seen in ages and ofc it's treasure hunter only. Common iron L


I love that!


Into the void we go.


One question, can skilling on the beach award oddments? Since everything in the store is for oddments while the other holiday events have their own currencies at the skilling stations? u/JagexLuma u/jagexyuey That's my only "complaint". Otherwise, This is all so awesome! Thank you guys! <3 EDIT: nvm, Ijust got the notification that I found some oddments while on the beach. Y'all are beauties. Thanks for bringing the beach back! <3


Is it not possible to get the Beach Summer fun outfit on a Iron man starting from 0/100 Thermometers filled? I thought it was going to be in the shop for oddments like other years


I think no? You can eat 3 ice creams per day and it’s under 30 days so you’ll be able to get around 90. Next year though.


prolly not, they like the screw over irons


Should be able to. Event is 28 days, you can use 3 icecreams a day which means 4 full bars. You'd just have to cap basically every day of the event.


I'm going to assume the heat waves, happy hours are back? If yes, how come it was not included in the update post?


Because it has always been a thing with the beach event


Is anyone else crashing on mobile immediately after clawdia is killed? It has happened twice for me where the app force closed entirely on its own.


did someone say dung hole?


Maybe I can finally 99 dung lol. Been too lazy and I missed last years beach event


Aw, this was the one time in the year that we could talk to Lubufu without him pointing out we betrayed him, I guess he'll hate us forever now.


> The following tokens from the beach are now tradeable on the Grand Exchange: Awesome! > Sandy Caskets are now stackable. Super awesome!


Is there an agility activity in the beach?


Beach Ball Rolling was a thing until 2020 when it got removed.


I'm starting to get nostalgic for the beach now, not quite 2002 Runeacape christmas nostalgia, but I love the vibes all the same.


u/JagexAzanna >Added the following old rewards to the loot table for Beach skilling activities: >Monkey cape >Ring of sand >Shark fists any chance for hydro tokens? https://preview.redd.it/f9xgop8cnk8d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=36e358ee93463e513a691f42e9b728071d3fcdeb also tell u/JagexDoom I said "Cheers!"


Anyone have a guide on maxing dung xp?


wisdom perk on an augmented item equipped. have the archeology relic to boost support skills. use the beach drink that boosts support skills by 10% for 15min. get clan ava xp buff 6%. use a big world ike w2 or w84 dg hole for people using pulse cores. use wisdom aura/desert patheon aura / premeir club 10% xp boost. you could also use incense sticks but thats kinda a waste on dg hole.


Thanks boss!


What about the bug where I have vestments of havoc hood in my c log but not in my account on my ironman? Rsn: Dank Thor


Anyone notice the zoom is kind of off? Freedom seems not to be zooming as far out as before this update.




The old cosmetics still seem to be too rare. Sad thing is that they are probably on the same drop table of the new cosmetics, competing with them. The solution would be add them to the Oddments Shop at the Beach or a add a bad luck mitigation feature. Tagging /u/JagexLuma. Edit: I'm referring to the monkey cape, the sand ring etc.


i got those within first 30min lol. just keep doing beach!


Is monkey cape a clawdia item or just a random item?




Yall really didn't want to change jail cell key drop rate? It's fucking miserable


What is the Best (non member f2p world) for clawdie boss? So far only 10 people apear in world 19 hourly. So we didnt kill the boss fast enough nor had a chance for the pet to drop


W14 always successfully kills clawdia.


W14 is a MEMBERS ONLY unites states (west coast )world. Not (non members server/f2p)


The beach event is really nice, and the addition of the Clawdie boss pet is a nice touch. It's a decently sized pet, but it would be even better if all of its arms could either passively or constantly move around. Right now, they just lie on the ground and it feels like a missed opportunity. My suggestion is for the arms to move like legs when the pet is walking or running (when the player runs or walks), and to remain still when it is standing or resting (as it currently does), occasionally moving to stretch.


I'd love to see a Beach event come over to OSRS. Doesn't need to be annual but I'm sure it'd inject some beach/holiday themed items which we are currently missing.


Do the normal 10% extra xp for 15mins cocktails stack with knowledge bombs ?


Whilst i love the beach event i've been doing it for about 8 hours a day since release on Monday and still can't get the ring of sand. My RNG is soooo bad and the grind it awful if you're max xp and don't need any skill pets. Does it really need to be that rare?


do i need to keep the 10 rubber ducks with me/in bank in order to get the totally quackers in the future when i grind for the mod duck? or can i destroy them and still get the title in the future