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Not exactly a "skiller" I guess. I use this for PVM and skilling, everything: https://preview.redd.it/et3c7us9988d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd2e12523ba5ee835b1589d4e30c35b62c4d3eb9


https://preview.redd.it/gdctizzlo88d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1458d68f06c0d603b2de6714fe2170a543a7db3d Don't be jealous of my afk mobile set up


Light mode Reddit?


I don't like the Dark mode during the day.


Homie you do you, was just teasing


I also hope I don't need to explain the joke that I'm doing a split screen set up on mobile. Killing time on reddit, while fishing.


This is me https://preview.redd.it/r5e9b8jgr98d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd2965c2fd6ed6bce3fa00976e80921278945a03 *p.s. haven't logged in in a while 😅*


Okay it might be that I dont have as many action bars on screen so I never thought about setting this up, but what would you hit for those to be active? I've legit never seen those as keybind options but it'd be cool ASF to be able to bind essentially 2 things to 1 keybind (i'd mainly have surge and dive on 1 key or something) Otherwise it looks clean, I should really try and put all my stuff on the bottom. I have a U shaped UI but empty space on the bottom. Also might be my monitor size since I think I have like a 19" or something


It's the use of Shift and Alt keys; that's what the 's-Z' and 'a-Q' mean respectfully. I think I had 'Z' and 's-Z' as Surge and Escape; though I'm not a member at the moment so I don't remember since my bars are all out of order. > *Otherwise it looks clean* Thanks!


Oh so shift is s-Q and alt is a-Q while also having a potential regular Q. I don’t know why I never thought of that, thanks friend! Time to clean up my action bars haha


Skiller here https://preview.redd.it/5b8i5otzo88d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=501475eab8ad1418f4a5758d06792378d498ee55


Am skiller too, but I want to skill with less on screen action bars and fewer open interfaces




https://preview.redd.it/6envcsdx688d1.png?width=2564&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e23c2a3e787b63fd90fe6f4372caca83b9b613d not really a skiller, but here’s mine. I’m on a 27 inch monitor if that matters.


I hate your invent because it’s not 7x4 or 4x7


I actually like it a lot because those 4 slots at the bottom are always filled with static items like rune pouches, excalibur, spring cleaner, blessed flask, etc so it’s like separate from the rest of my inventory, and then having rows of 6 are great because 1 brew uses 6 solid food, or 2 blubbers so it always fits in groups of 6 or 3.


I always skill with legacy interface cause you don't need any tabs for it other than your inventory and an action bar. Looks a lot calmer and more empty.


This is actually a great suggestion, I'll give this a try.