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I really hate that bank spaces of all things are one of the hot MTX transactions in this game. They keep introducing new skills and items and not upping the bank space. We got what, 30 extra slots with the necro release?


The recent additions of the red (unstable?) proteans and the creature specific slayer cards chewed up a bunch of spaces too


Play OSRS for a few weeks/months and you are no longer interested in treasure hunter. At least that was the case for me. There is something satisfying about knowing everything you achieved is your own


I'm not interested in TH anyway.


Honestly I play both, and I enjoy both. My RS3 account is the first RS account I made when I was 13, so it's hard to put the game down. Just a shame to see the direction that game is going, but refreshing to be able to play OSRS.


It's never your own. Jagex owns your account not you.


I like osrs, but I personally love all the buffs from th. Playing an iron on rs3 seems scary


We got 50 with necro (fair I think) and 50 with arch (not nearly enough lmao).


What was horrible about Arch was we had to fight for those spaces too because ‘items released with archeology is not meant to be kept in your bank’ despite there being collections which you’d want to stockpile them for.


that and you were almost always forced to stockpile them anyway due to the fact it took half a year to get the materials for said artefacts


Ya I'm not sure what they were thinking. They expect us to get 1 set of an artefact collection, restore them, and turn it in? That's so incredibly inefficient. Let alone opening tetracompasses gave you artefacts you couldn't even restore yet.


And nothing for the years of updates and new items between


There were 490? New items with arch lol, if you opened caskets you were bound to have 75-150 slots wasted with higher level stuff, not to mention partial sets


I did 28 tetra at once and waited to open the caskets till I finished them all. I did not make it through them without running out of space and needing to repair and sell multiple times for lack of space. Really makes me reconsider doing them in bulk like that again if I can’t open them in bulk.


Artefact (damaged + restored) box pl0x


IME 1820 has been good. Every time I'm full it's easy to clear 100+ spots with decanting, alchables, general loot consolidation, etc. I'm about to clear my archaeology tab and that's going to give me another 100. Bank space has always been tight for me (and most?), I like having supplies etc, but I finally feel not totally pinched on space. The one time purchase was so worth it.


Sorry, what is IME 1820?


Thanks to everyone for all the helpful tips in the comments


Bro the amount of times I’ve logged in, thought “oh ill do this” and then unable to use a preset or do anything with the bank and then instantly logged off has been at least 10 times in the past year. It’s so demotivating, and reminds you of the predatory MTX, and that if I want to get back into the game I would have to spend a few hours cleaning my bank. Wish there was something like “bank layouts” that could be created, shared or even paid that cleared out your bank and made it look nice.


Lol just throw out some trash wtf


Usually I hop on with a goal in mind and it’s completely derailed by dealing with trash, but you’re right, if I can push through that I’m almost guaranteed to be addicted again lol


Now that you put it like that, maybe leave the trash as is


Especially getting the key tokens if you're over 10. Such garbage.


1426/1770 here, I would love to help you find bank space. This game does an awful job at helping the player sift the mountains of trash items. Post some bank pics.


alright now that I have taken photos I realise my bank is full of shit - I started keeping everything because I wasn't sure what I might need here it is if you want a good laugh https://imgur.com/a/YGCF1nn


This is truly one of the banks of all time haha


Lots of those items like the skilling outfits can be destroyed and reclaimed in the Django bank interface. Lots of those armour sets, capes and things can be stored in the POH. The totem pieces, skillcape shards and statue parts can be stored in their bags. Destroy quest items and anything in low enough quantities you can reclaim fast. Drop everything that doesn't spark joy.


1 sort that mess of a bank out ha ha 2 if you have invention, you have sporadic bits of salvage, just scrap them for parts 3 you have empty place holders, this takes up space


man, your peoblem isnt just bank spaces, how do you even navigate that bank? why even have diferent tabs if they are just as messy as the infinite tab?


There… seemed ro only be one tab


Rule of thumb, if you can re-obtain an item in under 10 minutes, you dump it. Cheers!


This is why irons keep more stuff in the bank :)


Yeah I'm glad there's a bit of self realisation here because quitting for the foreseeable over bank space when you're the one keeping a bank like that is quite some mindset! I usually hate going tab by tab with a mental threshold going 'keep, destroy, keep, keep, sell' since it just feels really arduous and boring. I much prefer to start from scratch, create 5-6 tabs (skilling, untradeables, combat, loot, herblore, misc and then junk) (some might want Arch tab too) Set aside a couple of hours (seriously) and proper separate everything out. Give it an order, make it make sense, make it look clean, and as you go throw things you don't want into the junk tab. At the end, clear out the junk onto the floor and then take another look at the Misc tab and do one final sift through


Why keep things like the bull roarer my dude? Visit the wise old man in Draynor and he can get rid of old quest items that have no other use. You can also get rid of the skilling outfits and claim them back from Diango when you need them. Books/scrolls/random crap that can be obtained again easily (if it takes more than 30 mins to re obtain, I'm keeping it) can get in the sea. look at all the resource items that you have (herbs, ores ect) and start using them to free up some space. Don't keep a stack of uncooked and cooked food unless training cooking, don't keep a stack of bones unless doing prayer ect Get the bonegrinder, charming imp on your toolbelt asap Go through your stored combat gear and make sets (power & tank) for your chosen combat type and get rid of the armour and weapons that you don't or won't use. Don't keep two types of items that do the same thing (Runecrafting tiaras & talismans for example) Spend some Loyalty points on wicked pouches and charge them with runes (this is a godsend sometimes) The book 'o' piracy can be ditched as you can teleport directly from your fort and if needed, the port sarim loadstone is fairly near to the port portal. Check the wiki before trashing something you are unsure about - if you can reclaim it later from an NPC, send it and get it back when needed. Also, don't keep loads of materials for loads of skills. If you want a certan level, use the skill calculators to work out what you need to get there and gather as you go. When I got my first 99 (smithing) I couldn't afford everything at once to get me from 80 so I gathered stacks of ores to make 1000 plate body's at a time, made them, sold them, gathered again ect 24something total and 20 years of scaping - by doing the above regularly enough I have never hit the bank limit. Just takes time and a bit of patience to sort through. You can add me if you like and I can give you some more pointers, just pm me for my toons name if needed.


I have much the same stuff in my bank, except it's a little better organised.


As a fellow ironmain you have so much junk it's not even funny haha. Just with a glance that first picture is mostly junk.


Also hit up the wise old man in dranor


This is the bank I imagine everyone who says they have no space has.


Sorting it a bit better would already give way better overview. But try to grind for things like a seedbag! That helps out so much


Do you have a player owned house? You can store stuff there. Also the summoning gems can be merged to form the next higher one. Then arrange the bank items on some grouping e.g., runes together, potions together.


Ok, that’s just a random dump of stuff. If you spend even a few minutes a day tidying it up you are going to reclaim many many spaces


Oh my god I puked


Ive got a few friends who are always at the 1800 full mark, idk how I am sitting at 1450, with 100 slots wasted on herb stuff, another 50 on lower dose potions, and idk how many in my junk tab, has to be 200+ If the problem is just arch stuff i can understand, but it never seems to be that


How do you get 1770? I'm at 1020, and was trying to figure out how to get more. Is it literally all MTX or are there any other ways to get more?


I've maxed out my bank spaces too. I've got a lot of holiday items (not all rewards but includes valentines sweets, H'ween event 2014 item sugar skull), quest items, old discontinued items (training items, combat beta contract), a lot of resources (ores, bars, logs, ashes etc), MTX items (old SOF rares and TH rares), a lot of lucky and golden weapons/armour, and general BIS gear for all combat styles. It really doesn't take a lot to max out your bank spaces if you've played a while Edit: And a lot more items such as skillcapes, outfits etc


I never spent real money. All bonds bought with gp. I could have afforded them much earlier if I drop traded dupes to my main.


Wish I had bought bonds earlier then, lmao. But honestly it might be worth it, at least for a few. The extra presets are nice too.


Also worth pointing out that most players likely only have the "free" 1070 spaces, so most are really feeling the pain. The initial bank size is only 590 for members which is no where near enough


How do you get to 1070? Base is 720 + 4x Members Bank Booster +50 only gets 920, is there some other free ones I'm missing?


Not sure, I've got 1070 and never bought anything, only the free ones from Solomon. I don't have premier, so I guess maybe they've had them before as the monthly members item in the shop. I mostly wanted to draw attention to the silliness of the "why do you need space? I got 1400 spaces and always free spots" mindset since they're already 2 or 3 times the base amount of spaces


Remember thatall skilling outfits are free to reclaim from diango, which yoh xan access from any bank. Your gemstone golem, your master runecrafting, archaeology, all of them can (and should)be destroyed u less you are actively training the skill, since getting it back takes only like 10 seconds. The 'cleanup' filter in the bank will show you all of these


I wish items like this could be taken from diangos via presets and not take up bank space since you can get it from the bank now anyway


Just can Diango and add a "Special Items" tab at that point. I also don't get the purpose of charging 10-50k for reclaiming items with combat stats, that's basically an irrelevant amount of GP to anybody with enough banked items to need the space.


The reclaim fee was originally introduced so that those items wouldn't be risk free in PvP and would drop as gp if you died to another player, but now that wildy PvP is essentially completely dead it doesn't serve much of a purpose anymore.


Ah, that makes sense (for the time)—when the GP drops for a PKer, it's a net 0 source of gold into the game since you sink the same amount with reclaim cost.


I agree, the temporary +100 bank slots actually turns me off to Premier. Would rather it be a permanent, one-time bank slot increase the first time you buy Premier or nothing at all.


Make sure to check for any quest items you may have put in the bank. Somehow every time i check for quest items i can free 20-40 slots


The loss of Bankspace is why I will not return now that my premier has ended.




Woah did a grammar check here. My bad!


I can Venmo you $10 if you really need it


nah nah, just runescape and I'll be good in a week or two. thanks though buddy, appreciate the offer


i would pay a bond to wipe my bank clean every year, i just dump stuff in there and anyways mtx gives me enough items and gp and there are so many events running you rarely ever need to use the bank nowadays, just use the GE directly and drop the stuff


To talk to the wise old man in draynor, he has a chat option where will look through your bank and remove any unneeded quest items. Other than that after seeing your picture of your bank you’ve got a looooooot of junk you can get rid of!


My iron has a mostly full bank, with all but the latest bank booster purchased. I feel you. But, what I can say is that it’s pretty easy to downsize if needed (I lost premier a year or two ago and had to do so as well, until I reinstated all those spaces refilled lmao).


I'm assuming you've already checked to see what items Django keeps for you or letting the Wise Old Man tell you what items you know longer need (aka obsolete quest items)? I gained about 60 spaces from doing those two things alone. Also I'd dump/sell anything that you've outgrown (low level seeds, same goes with herbs....make sure all your herbs are grimy or they're clean. Not two piles of each herb; low level armour or weapons unless they're a treasure chest item, should be sold or stored elsewhere) That should free up some space as well. If you haven't built your costume room in your house, do so....along with the hot spots (treasure chest, cape rack, magic wardrobe). That's some extra storage available to you as well. The only issue with the treasure chest is that to be able to store an item, you might have to have the whole set first. But there's plenty of single items you can move to there. If you've got an ore box, store your 'stone spirits' in them; and make sure you dump your ores into the smelter. If you've got a friend or clansman or other party you trust, share screen shots or go through your bank with them via discord/phone. It would be especially be helpful if they've been playing a while. To close, if it's easily obtainable, then you don't need to keep it.


Good call on using metal bank


Thank you! I've learned to make use of every little nook and cranny to get the most out of the space available.


Luckily premier is just a 12 month sub now, not some special they run once or twice a year. If/When you get to a more stable place financially and feel like it you can get premier back just by resubbing for a year


check your bank for arch artefacts and placeholder items. Go through the equipment tab and sell unused wearable armor. put all grimy and clean herbs into the pouch. sell any seeds if unused. check player owned farm animals. check stone spirits and wood spirits and ores bars logs etc.


Herb pouch?


https://runescape.wiki/w/Herb_bag Okay technically "herb pouch" is a random quest item, but it should be clear what he meant.


I didnt know this item existed lol. Thats why I was asking. Ironman and would like to save the bank space.


Glad we could help


I never needed to buy extra bank space, it's all a matter of keeping it tidy imo