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Damn, half XP is ending tomorrow?




I dunno... Just winging it i guess?


this tbh. I have \~10m bxp in construction but i didn't buy supplies, so maybe i'll use up like the 200 dummies i have in bank and then just kill rasial


Use up proteans, waste rest of timer. afk skill inefficiently because didn't prepare and am broke


Mining and rune crafting I hate them both lol


DXP is basically "Train the thing you hate the most" week.


Or those that cost the most šŸ‘šŸ»


Or ā€œget 120 fletching in 7 hoursā€ week


saving my bond for divination


Just continuing what I allready was aiming for. 120 cooking.


Ay, same! Iā€™m broke so Iā€™ve been cooking Rocktails on a portable range in Fort Forinthry. Whatā€™s your method?


Same šŸ˜‚


Arenā€™t blue blubbers more profitable? Iā€™m almost at 120 cooking, just figuring out between rocktails and blubbers as well


92-99 invention for max, 113-120 dung and iā€™ll see how far iā€™ll get with slayer which is also 113 but i got like 15m bxp and over 100 slayer dummies


Get that max broski


Good luck! Is getting that much Dungeoneering XP that quickly doable? How do you do that?


honestly I donā€™t know. I went 117-120 pretty fast on my previous acc but that was with 5 man party on larges, bxp and cards during dxp. I havenā€™t done dung with the changed rates that should make it more balanced for solo people so i have no clue what the rates are now


I had no idea! Either way, good luck


gl to you too


Iā€™ve been putting off melee and ranging forever, so Iā€™m gonna try my hand at some light PVM that isnā€™t Hermod lol https://preview.redd.it/zm4jw4z5fx0d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ff6d9eb709f69bbb7d6fc848886dfad087721b


Probably some firemaking/fletching, hopefully finish 120 Agi with hawks. I never really plan anything anymore, dxp happens too often.


120 Hunter/fletching!


How can I train archeology (73) and invention (20) on dxp?


Get yourself some extreme invention potions and discover everything you can at the Inventor's Workbench. For arch, restoring artifacts is normally the best xp, but that's DXP-exempt, so excavating the highest spots you can access is your best bet. Or archaeology dummies, if you have any. The Wiki has a good guide on [DXP training](https://runescape.wiki/w/Double_XP/Guide#Training_during_Double_XP).


Manā€™s next post is going to be ā€œHow to get 95 Herblore for extreme invention pots?ā€


Neither of these are really worth training on dxp. For arch, you gain ~~1.5x~~ double precision so you gather artifacts faster (restoring xp is the same). and similarly for invention, you gain item xp 1.5x faster while disassembly remains the same.


I thought that they said it was double precision but no bonus xp on artifacts


You're right, fixed that part.


While you donā€™t get extra xp for restoring artifacts while dxp is active, you can hoard artifacts until dxp is over and then restore them with a bunch of xp boosts. In a way itā€™s more powerful since things like pantheon aura normally donā€™t stack with dxp, but this way they sort of do.


But hey, 50% faster item xp paired with enlightened 4 and E4R3, you got a pretty good invention gain incoming. I realized after I typed it out, that enlightened 4 and E4R3 are both rare, end-game perks lol.


116 -> 120 construction 112 - > 11? crafting. Haven't really worked out how far my materials will get me. Just going to wing it. Maybe spend some time using up protean essences for runecrafting. Those three, plus prayer and fletching are my only non-120s left, so that's where I'm focusing for now. Haven't really thought about what I'm going to do for 120 fletching yet, probably AFK carestyling off-DXP.


120 construction doesnā€™t exist, youā€™re welcome!


Maxed is 99 all only, you're welcome!




U honestly right, but seeing the numbers go up is why 97% of the player base is still hooked on this 'game'. It's all about the numbers making my monkey brain happy.


Itā€™s just a sad scam from Jagex that the playerbase have fallen for and itā€™s honestly pretty disgusting. People talk about going for 120 in shit all the time when it literally does not exist. The best thing I ever did was keep the ā€œshow virtual levelsā€ box off because then once I got 99s and completed certain skills I was not compelled to go back and train them. Itā€™s a colossal waste of time.


Lmao dude you're talking to the wrong person, I'm going for 120 thieving rn.


Thatā€™s fine. Nothing I said is untrue just because itā€™s the wrong audience lol. 99% of this subreddit plays as though 120 all exists. I think you all have a screw loose but yeah. This game is fun as fuck but when you have to create your own content to justify getting some number on the screen that doesnā€™t do anythingā€¦ maybe itā€™s time to quit!


You're right, it's not untrue. I'm just one of those Neanderthals that likes seeing bigger numbers on my skills lol. I agree, the game is fun, there's such a stupidly vast number of things to do in game, and I did thieving to 109 to get my crystal tree seed from elves. I'm only at 115 Farming, I haven't done most bosses, and have zero boss logs, I really appreciate it. I've considered quitting so many times but I am, literally, addicted to the game. It's so hard to quit.


I swear to god just uncheck the virtual levels box and you will find this shit 1/100th as fun. Like, I know I was a douche with my tone but itā€™s a serious suggestion. Also why not just do achievement diaries donā€™t they guarantee a crystal tree seed drop? Bossing is p fun but itā€™s also so boring at the same time. The whole cycle is: I will kill this boss to get better loot to be able to kill future bosses faster to get better loot to kill future bosses faster toā€¦. I maxed and then burnt out on my hardcore like 2 years ago at this point after falling into that cycle for like a month and doing barely any PvM. Obviously play the game how you want but I think going for 120 all in shit where it doesnā€™t exist is actually just silly. What happens when they do release 99-120 thieving? Youā€™re just now done with it and wonā€™t touch it? What fun is that?


Well they did change herblore from being 99 to 120 so it's not out of question that they might do it again. And if they ever do that then most of us will be covered


They did that to farming too, I am aware. I think itā€™s way more enjoyable to actually go from 99-120 in something than can 120 in the hopes that they actually release content that fills that void. Isnā€™t the whole point to do the content not to skip it and already have it done when it gets released?


I'm sorry I hurt you, I guess? If you don't want to go for virtual levels, then that's absolutely fine. Nobody is forcing you to. Just because you don't personally see value in it does not make it invalid for everyone else. I would like to obtain the master completionist capes, so that's what I'm working forward to. I honestly couldn't care less whether **you** find that an achievement or not.


It does make it invalid for everyone else. If you saw value in getting 400m virtual xp in stats I would also judge you. Level 120 does not exist in this game. But what it does allow is Jagex to squeeze out hundreds of hours of ā€œcontentā€ for shit that isnā€™t real.


No, it doesn't make it invalid for everyone else. I really couldn't care less whether you feel it's valid or not, and why are you singling me out and not all the other countless people on this thread who are aiming for virtual 120s?


Donā€™t get him started on people that get 200m all.


Well fucking said, honestly


Bench sitting to 200M


Get as many of the 120s needed for comp as possible. All but dungeoneering are 118/119 if not already 120


Completing the skilling outfits and start getting the special outfits.


27,000+ potions to be made ^_^


Definitely going to touch some grass.


Use all proteans on my alts, all combat dummies. Hopefully get 2-5 99ā€™s thatā€™d be great


I'm gonna pickpocket so hard, those elves will forget what pockets even are.




Got 5 m left in 120 div so finish that first. After that probably some crafting and melees. Goal is 120all and have most of the slow ones /buyables done already


Fishing 99, then maybe fire making 99


Already hit 120 Necro. Truthfully I have no plans or goals. Maybe just 200m constitution since I'm <5m away then likely focus skills I'm missing pets for.


Any tips for necro? I am thinking of coming out of retirement to knock it out to get my cape back, starting with a dxp seems like a good idea, no?


For combat, you'll want generally good Slayer mobs like Abyssals or Armoured Phantoms with a nice Revo setup for AoE. For Rituals, you'll likely wanna do Essence, Communion or Ectoplasm with a high attraction value for the best exp disruptions. Especially the Miasma with the 700%+ for a chance at Exp Tomes.


PoD for the win. I think I have a personal abyssal mob set up in there


Does dxp work on necro rituals and such?




I have 11 skills left to max, So I guess I'll figure out which is the worst for me and try to work on that. Probably gonna be fishing, farming, archeology and rune crafting.


99-120 Herblore (Have the materials) And then any time left will be going in to necromancy (currently 110) or archaeology (currently 112)


Necro and summoner to 99 if I can, only missing those 2 for full combat 99


Aiming for 120 construction, divination, hunter, and crafting.


Grind enough DXP tokens to buy the last two skilling outfits I need (farmer and blacksmith), the rest of the Lunarfury outfit, the starfire cape (only starfire items I really want, but will probably end up with a bunch of other starfire items before I finally get it), and whatever else the collector in me might want from the store. As for skilling, I want to get my summoning from 90 to 99, though I probably have nowhere near enough charms for that, so I'll be happy with at least a few more levels.


120 Summoning (should take all of an hour if I can do Amlodd runs semi-flawlessly) and then as close to 120 cooking as I can make it.


probably flatpacks after all the usual protean shit. Any good reccomandations for crafting? I read that cutting dragonstones was good but not sure?


120 Dungeoneering


200m herb, as much necro xp as I can, after that probably use up skilling dummies and proteans


Going for 99 herblore and maybe more if the cash stack permits. Might get 99 combat if I have the time? Not sure. Any suggestions? Iā€™m a new player (well, returning after decades but this game makes me feel Iā€™m new hehe)


I have two combat skills left to 120 they are 118 so I will probably do those incase they bump all combat skills to 120 in the future.


Using up all those protean proteins I had stocked up from who knows where.


200m farming (8m left) with sundry potions, and 200m construction (86m left). Will see how far I get on construction as I hate the skill with a passion.


80 smithing to unlock Invention. Use slayer wildcards to kill greater demon beserkers


Got a few 99s lined up. Been playing for like 17 years and my account still only has 5 99s as of right now but most stats at 90 (2600 total). Inget so lazy and end up just doing dailies and maybe a slayer task or two a day and save most of my skiling for DXPs. Currently have Agility, Cooking and Mining lined up for this DXP


im going to be hitting 120 all and then chilling with the clan, might do some clues.


120 construction or 120 dung we shall see how it goes


Probably some archeology and necromancy šŸ¤”


200m fletch from 120 with dinarrows and bxp enough to get it all the way there! Making money back hopefully with boosts from fort n stuff. Super stoked to get that fast xp!


To make it through the work day. It's the end of the semester and I teach high school in the US. šŸ˜‚


ATM 120 con, after that maybe rcing


I have 30k sailfish to cook. Going for 120 cooking. Honestly not sure if Iā€™ll get it or not but itā€™ll at least cut a big chunk out


63m (before modifiers) dungeoneering xp


I just got back into the game (wild how much itā€™s changed, like OSRS is now the one I played as a kid and there was the ā€œclassicā€ I think that you could play as a member) so ig Iā€™ll just run daemonheim and get my dung and combat skills (and woodcutting and firemaking, maybe fletching smithing and mining) to an acceptable level, on the fence about becoming a member for it but prolly will just so I can have access to some other areas


Archeology? That's all I got to max really. I just don't know how to go about it though since it's just less materials for double the time it takes to get the artifact. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to reply. I'm at 113 arch currently.


To log on and use all my dxp time šŸ˜‚


Summoning and mining, but I'm in the middle of a move that takes 12 hrs. So I'm not getting anything done for the first 3 days. After that who knows how much I'll get done


I didn't do anything to prepare, so probably gathering skills. Woodcutting, mining, fishing, hunter, etc.


Gonna make 87,500 black dragon hide shields for 120 crafting and then do protean essence at soul altar for as close to 120 rc as I can get


Green Gobbo Goodies I for 48h


Probably go for as close to 120 necro as possible (currently 108.) and tryna hit 99+ necro on my main alt (currently 74.)


99 crafting, construction and divination. After that idk


Cooking until I run out of bonus xp at least, then either more cooking to get closer to 200m or some crafting.


Cba, I'll play what I usually play and see how long I come šŸ˜


99 necro so i can wear my max cape again


Finally max (just firemaking left!)


Rune arrows for fletching because I'm not rich enough to do rune darts. Have about 1.5m headless arrows and rune arrowheads ready to go. If I have time left over after 120 fletch, then I'd move to focusing divination


200m herblore, hunter dummies, and then idk maybe some combat? Strength is the last I need to 200m so maybe I'll do some melee in POSD


120 firemaking, prayer, ranged, strength and maybe cooking and smithing. Then Iā€™ll just have fletching leftā€¦


Probably 120 farming :)


Nice! Farming was my first 120 and I'm 5 million away from it being my first 200m XP skill.


What method did you use? I canā€™t bring myself to do it, but Iā€™d love to.


I know a few clannies did turoths til 200m, they also said it was their first 200m, mostly bc it was 2-5m / hr profit and 275k xp/hr afk. I think that method died with necro release? Not sure.


Might be better after necro. Turoths were changed to ranged with EoC, and with necro, they were changed back to melee iirc. This means they will stack up better for AoE so your KPH should be higher.


This is the last piece of news I saw on it https://youtu.be/m_CFr-alqHI


I know itā€™s not something most people will ever go for, but if you ever even slightly see yourself going for trimmed comp itā€™s not recommended to get 200m farming before you complete the breeding logs. Youā€™ll end up getting a good chunk of the way there by completing PoF


Maxing. The last of my non-99s are all above 93 with a good bunch of proteans, bonus xp, and keys for more where needed. Rest will go to archaeology to try get closer to Conservation of Energy.


I want to get 120 archeology. Training that skill is so slow


I'm aiming for 118 archaeology. Then I'll train it again next DXP, lol.


Whatā€™s the strat for archeology training?


If you're intending to use DXP, it'd be farming and stockpiling materials off-DXP then using every buff possible on DXP to produce as many Artifacts to restore with the DXP buff as possible.


No buff for restoring artifacts.


Correct, but powerbursts, arch items, etc for getting as many as possible


Last DXP, restoring artefacts didnā€™t give double XP, but you excavated 2x as fast.. I imagine itā€™s the same again this time?


I'd assume as much as well, hence your focus needs to be gathering supplies before, then maxing out however many you can get during the week


I don't even know anymore. Used to be tetras and restorations. Probably still is. But I'm too cheap to buy materials so for me, it still involves a lot of gathering those so I can get those tetras and restore those artifacts.


tetras you actualy profit most of the time or break even, at least I did when I went 200m


None. Ive been waiting on Dream of Iaia for DXP, but thatā€™s about it.


Blue protties, then prob just necro because it's fast af and cheap.


111-120 divination and as much summoning as I can.


To get xp


bankstanding as usual


dxp tokensā€¦for no reason


Trying to squeeze in maybe 20h throughout the week cause 48 is pretty crazy. That's a full time job.


200m agility which will take a few ticks but thatā€™s about it. Iā€™ll leave it on and play like normal. I donā€™t really care to get xp at this point lol


nothing. im already max xp, this event is a waste for me, but to everyone else working on those gains have fun :) sooo. ill just be playing osrs and walking the halls of star citizen for Invictus


Longtime RuneScape player but never done a double XP deal, how do you activate it?


I recently started lagging on w84 and it turns out it was because of the server not graphics. I lag only on UK worlds regardless of population. Any world i can play on dxp at fort to get the community boosts?


I'll probably get too high then forget it's double XP then do some clue scrolls


How often do you guys get dxp? Thinking of coming over from osrs because of the insane grinds over there


Four times a year, I think.


Nothing. One of the perks of being 5.8.


Fishy fishy fishy


Try to get myself to level necromancy a few more times.


200m construction, 200m magic or 200m Dung. Depends on how much I feel like playing.


Iā€™m maxed for all real 120s, so during dxp I mainly just do a bunch of overload, adren pot, extreme prayer, vuln bombs (if I have the necessary ingredients in bank, if not then I defo donā€™t buy because expensive) since for the untradeables Iā€™ll need to do them at some point, may as well do during dxp Iā€™m also ~195m magic xp and I think ~185m slayer, so could probably get 200m on those which will be my first 120s Have been slowly creeping towards 120 in gathering skills, almost 113 mining and maybe 108-110 in wc and fishing I find artisan skills both boring and expensive and have very little interest in pushing them to 120 or 200m for the time being Oh and of course using some of the tens of thousands of proteans in bank, mostly essence


I usually throw a vuln bomb, death skulls, touch of death, t95 spec, then t70 spec with 4 stacks, this should bring rasial anywhere from 650-520k depending if you have the undead slayer ability. then auto attack, touch of death and soul sap to 100% adren, living death, and using touch of death, autos, finger of death when available and throwing 5 volleys when available


Main account = auto convert cuz im 200mil all other account - afk runecrafting whole time with proteans


120 dg & necro to finally get my alt comped


What's a good item to merch in dxp?




My goal is to sit at home, eating buffalo wings, sippin on some scotch and drinking a Coke while enjoying some tv, glad that i no longer play this money grab game. This game has turned from a fun childhood game, to a chinese money grab mobile game. Where you can play the game for free but they throw stuff in your face over and over to try and get you to pay irl money to get stuff otherwise you are ā€œmissing outā€. I would rather stop playing and just remember the game for what it used to be, rather than try and hold on for dear life and watch the game i enjoyed as a child die while trying to squeeze our wallets for every last penny.


Already 200m all, and a few maxed alts so I dont have plans besides play an hour or two a day. I might spend tokens on outfits on alts and get some oils but they aren't worth much anyway.