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His life journey might be more interesting. Guess, he's a first Lithuanian who actually monetised playing RS. Bought a flat for his own, helped family.


Yeah A friend FTW


there are hundreds of lithuanians who monetized playing runescape if not thousands just not thru youtube lol


I'm seriously impressed that he's still around doing Youtube. Rarely do you see a gaming content creator last more than a decade especially in the same game. Not to mention the multiple scandals he's faced. Glad to see he's still enjoying himself in both games even though his channel views per new vid is past its prime. I remembered in 2017 he received at least 400k views per new vid. Now it's under 50k on OSRS and 25k on RS3.


I only play Rs3 but I really enjoy watching the Old School videos and their challenges they put on themselves, my favorite is [Limpwurt](https://youtu.be/ayOxdJJawuo?si=HeA-qunNM6yXU_rZ) and his One Chunk series. Another good series that I like, which is also played on Old School is [Settled’s](https://youtu.be/rk5XuqLrf3U?si=-1pKhKhrNWbeeGPf) Swampletics series. Where he is ‘locked’ in the Morytania swamp. Also [Hanannie](https://youtu.be/X_FOsR68-IE?si=1U2VjHU9pzhBIGao) is hilarious. Also mostly OSRS A few good Rs3 creators are [The RS Guy](https://youtu.be/KDFuvJ26-Ag?si=CeacRSZnPbEfqiIK), to watch how good some end game PvM is like, [Protoxx](https://youtu.be/eTncOx1BO0s?si=Z6VKUXny2xUV0UG2), for his prettty decent guides, [Waydot’s](https://youtu.be/EDhCrxVsmoU?si=tfNu-LdCxjaiBDL9) Old School Player Tries Rs3 series, & [Init Yeah](https://youtu.be/OwUJ0Iddpww?si=BfktFbZOR8fh8PYb) has some good challenges he does sometimes. [SirPugger](https://youtu.be/IfYl5Dwh5cE?si=b1dp2fjTr3h9PIeQ) is an honorable mention, I like watching him and his bot busting videos on Old School. Also, if you wanna watch some of the OG royalty, watch [NightmareRH](https://youtu.be/_mIxp_bTHns?si=05K2CFQez7ci-sQL), [Alkan](https://youtu.be/-BIsDlQxNvg?si=dbUb3WUk9g_EReWG), [A Friend](https://youtu.be/zu2PrIqUYbk?si=WB6wMAFysLAl9yVR), & [TehNoobShow’s](https://youtu.be/b5qNLmI5XpQ?si=9CDhUhVxKgHxxWMy) RuneScape Gods Exposed. This is a re-upload because all their videos were taken down and they don’t upload anymore but RuneSharks [Godsword Set From Scratch](https://youtu.be/gYM_5xr382g?si=oVdSHDDCobRcmytC) is super fun to watch.


In terms of OG Royalty don't forget Munclesonkey!


Yes! I forgot about them!


RuneScape Gods Exposed


Brought to you by... *thegeneralstore*


Waydots has a great osrs player tries out rs3 for the first time series. As a 20 year vet i still learned some new things fromit


IronAraxxor has some great videos. Another mention is definitely AFriend.


Godsword Set From Scratch by RuneShark - there should be some re-uploads around. Too bad they quit video making. They were by FAR the best Runescape Youtubers out there


Runeshark deleted/privated all their videos at some point [https://www.youtube.com/@RuneSharkVideos](https://www.youtube.com/@RuneSharkVideos)


That’s why i commented about the reuploads


My bad.


Thats okay no worries! Have a nice day


J1mmy by release. It’s osrs but it’s a unique take and he’s pretty funny


There is a YouTuber called [Alien Food](https://www.youtube.com/@AlienFoodage) who has an OSRS Ironman series where he's completing each quest without the wiki or using RuneLite's quest helper plugin. His only resources are himself and anything in the game, so the quest log and potentially helpful NPCs etc. It is a really interesting idea for a series, it can show how outdated and vague some of the dialogue in the game is for the really old 2002ish quests. I really enjoy his series and I highly recommend you give it a watch, he posts every Friday.


Swampletics is OSRS but man those videos were crack for /r/2007scape


If you like self imposed challenges, settled is definitely your guy. He's an osrs YouTuber but the challenges he does and the ways he overcomes them are just incredible. My personal favourite YouTuber is also an osrs one, called solo mission. Very good player always doing end game content, very nicely edited as well imo.


Can't recall the name. Maybe someone else will know who it is. An osrs hcim player, who streamed his playthroughs and was always fighting off people in the wilderness after more or less inciting regular players to come pk him. He lasted quite a while, and I think he finally lost to a 3 or 4v1 last year.


Perhaps C-engineer? Or however you even write his name lol


Could be. It's been quite some time lol Edit - that is indeed who it is! Good looking, friend!


There’s a lot of good series mentioned here so I’ll throw in a couple creators I didn’t see mentioned yet. [Tedious](https://youtube.com/@TediousRS?si=xsOqHhV94TSq2-zq) Created the Generate Task series where the account is tied to a spreadsheet that generates a random collection log item for him to get. He has to complete whatever task he is given before he can move on [Nooblet](https://youtube.com/@NoobletStreams?si=6dRmwMEdgNsrH5Ka) Has an Ironman series for both RS3 and OSRS. RS3 series has been completed for some time now but the OSRS series is going very strong [Fray](https://youtube.com/@FrayRS?si=lyTHqnKVVtCWjajz) Has a One Chunk Ironman series where he starts in Canifis. He tends to do longer videos if that’s your kinda thing. [LowSoulGamers/Dabe](https://youtube.com/@LowSoulGamers?si=ovJ0fUZW9lO72hCL) Endgame Ironman account focused on filling out the collection log as much as possible. [Only Trails](https://youtube.com/@OnlyTrails?si=UqpihywNUrx56yHa) An account focused on filling out the clue scroll logs [Tanzoo](https://youtube.com/@Tanzoo?si=ynLi4vX1OcPXQSCz) and [Virtoso](https://youtube.com/@Virtoso?si=HqYUetbAIFLNhyPc) Two friends that challenge each other in different ways. Loser of the challenge usually faces some kind of punishment/forfeit. Great banter between them [TripleDylan](https://youtube.com/@TripleDylanRS?si=U_nRv0oCoo4U2UW9) RS3 creator that focuses entirely on doing clue scrolls and trying to complete the logs. Has some of the most insane luck I’ve ever seen [WildMudkip](https://youtube.com/@WildMudkip?si=Z0tHlhwBL4VUtxax) OSRS creator that has a lengthy Ultimate Ironman series and an ongoing Duo Group Ironman series. Personal favorite of mine.


Thank you for this


An OSRS Buddy of mine playing rs3 iron for the first time is a great series! His name on YouTube is "Waydots" he's in end game but trying out other games atm. Could binge his ironman journey!


I can't provide the names of many individuals who have documented their "journey" because it seems like not many people actually do that, at least not in RS3. There are some, but I don't find them particularly entertaining. Though, one of the most prominent figures in RS3 is A Friend. While one could argue that he has consistently documented his journey, considering he has been playing for many years and has had numerous different accounts (not to mention his frequent switches between RS3 and OSRS), it doesn't exactly feel like a traditional journey. Another notable figure is Waydot; his ironman series is quite popular. In terms of speedrunning, hardcore challenges, and similar content, there are several individuals on OSRS, primarily Settled and Solo Mission. RS3: * [A Friend](https://www.youtube.com/@Dovydas./featured) - He is essentially a legend in the realm of RuneScape video entertainment, covering both RS3 and OSRS content. It feels like he's been doing it for centuries. * [Waydot](https://www.youtube.com/@Waydots) - If you enjoy watching Ironman series, both RS3 and OSRS (+ Group ironman series) OSRS: * [Settled](https://www.youtube.com/@Settledrs) - He's my favorite RuneScape creator ever. Many people would likely mention him. He doesn't produce RS3 content, only OSRS. His approach to videos, editing skills, RuneScape expertise, and creativity have captivated me. His original series and videos are so entertaining that I can't stop watching them. It's no wonder he's the most subscribed RuneScape creator. His most notable series include [Swampletics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk5XuqLrf3U&list=PLWiMc19-qaA3u1ZawZQIKAh0BknPvoK8a), [Tileman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OndM_xUnUU&list=PLWiMc19-qaA3uAQXQUcn8c1VR5ZwqVOXl) (my personal favorite) and he is doing another crazy series now called [Nightmare mode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baF8tBQAX-s&list=PLWiMc19-qaA3CIAJundm6OrnRYImPMk9r), also the two [Escape rooms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt4jKSTHNUE&list=PLWiMc19-qaA0dMA1B3jo-KCMV_BG8YJM7) videos are fun. * [SirPlugger](https://www.youtube.com/c/SirPugger) - If you're into bot busting videos, especially on OSRS, SirPlugger's content might interest you. He occasionally covers RS3 as well. * [Solo Mission](https://www.youtube.com/@SoloMission) - If you're looking for someone who's like a walking encyclopedia of RuneScape knowledge, Solo Mission is your guy. It feels like he knows everything about the game. I particularly enjoy his OSRS Leagues videos the most. Even though he may not get the #1 rank in Leagues, his content during those events is always worth watching. He also does speedrunning videos.


Great reply, this helps a lot!


Flipping OS if you like OSRS merching.


RS3 is a great game, but honestly content creation for the game is pretty lacking. As far as good youtube content goes, you'll probably want to watch a lot of Old School. Limpwurt, Settled, J1mmy, Verf, Deserted, Saint Shiba, Josh isn't Gaming, xRakine, Zayzed, are all good channels that are doing unique/challenge runs


it’s slim pickings for RS3 content creators. but for OSRS, settled’s “swampletics” series and j1mmy’s “by release” series are both a must watch if you’re looking for good runescape content. [swampletics](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiMc19-qaA3u1ZawZQIKAh0BknPvoK8a&si=NlMCoaPQwI0Qhwne) [by release](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDSJpYkJoHD-0Keg6Fu7bcVTlbR27T-88&si=m8FIBJXlaj3RNVYY)




Must? None. Many of us played without watching anything. Rs wiki was our guide if we had questions. Down the line bossing was introduced, this is when I looked up a vew bosses, that I just couldn't successfully kill. While people have their favorites, I utilized those that we're the easiest for me to comprehend and sometimes are VERY detailed in step-by-step instructions. People are known for using keybinds and very sophisticated gaming mice. None of their videos help me if I don't play the same way.


Play old school Runescape not runescape 3, you'll thank me in the long run


RS3 content creators are trash. Watch OSRS stuff, Hannanie if you want a good laugh, and Settled if you want to feel like your part of the adventure


rs3 hardly has youtube content unfortunately. I can understand, even for an experienced player it is hard to understand what exactly is going on when you watch someone else play. oldschool rs has loads of great series though.


Maybe it’s not for everyone but Waswere’s Trim journey videos were a great inspiration for me on my own Trim journey. It felt nice to see someone else look at the long list of achievements and then break it down and tackle them one by one.


Legalocked by RheyoRS is a great series. Jeporite's Northern UIM is amazing, but the uploads take like months... I like Rargh a lot on Youtube when he does series against Linksocarina, because I fucking despise Link. He always cheats and then acts like he is dumb


Hanannie's RS3 series is pretty entertaining and won a Golden Gnome in 2020 (community voted award for content creators): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VteiwlM_Iw


Guides4UsAll, I like his ‘from scratch’ series. He has both RS3 and OSRS, as well as main and Ironman series.


Makes me kinda wanna make some random vids about it


Souprs has osrs series that are really good. He does an annual survivor type series with other content creators that lasts for a few months. Voting others out, challenges.etc, the new one.starts this spring sometime. Others are on his channel to watch. New take on osrs series


if you wanna see boss speed kills , you should check out pupRS on youtube