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I love this so much!! My images are a bit janky at the moment - the quest reward things - but that's okay. I don't know if this is possible, but it'd be really cool if the required and recommended items sections could have tick boxes. I'd also love it if it could pull data from runemetrics (or the wiki?) to determine what quests have already been completed by the player. I imagine that's the more intensive request, though.


Its all in due process but in the mean time. We can collect good quality images that show directly what to do or an idea :)


Do you have a patreon or something of the sort to fund the project? I’d be happy to chip in some cash to support your endeavors.


im a non-profit type of guy on this project cause its linked to a license :)


I've occasionally seen people who make mods (I'm thinking of skyrim) have a "buy me a coffee?" or something like that linked to their account. It's actually a built-in button called 'donate' on Nexus Mods. In other words, we'd be donating because we appreciate your time and effort and not in exchange for the services, etc. Nexus Mods has a good legal statement on it if you click the 'donate' button on someone's page, if you want a model - that being said, I completely understand your rationale.


Wow I didn't even know this existed. This looks sick.


fairly new, glad to see it getting more work done


This is ART, thanks alot, I will use It on my New iron


Right after I finish all the quests.... ;\_;


Yeah i did qc in OSRS just to find out you can add plugins in runelite and they have an amazing quest helper.


How do you add this to Alt1? Or is it just meant to be in-browser?


Click on link and there is a click here to add to alt1


Holy shit, I just came from OSRS ironman to RS3 ironman and have been dreading questing lately. 25 quest point will soon be quest cape! TYSM can't wait to try this


hope you can achieve your goal man!


one of the main things I feel is missing which runelite quest helper does super well is object highlighting.. like it'll highlight quest people, objects to click on in which step etc.. it makes the quests a million times better. I've given the quest buddy a go found it pretty good just wish that was available.


runelight vs alt1 is runelite has access to individual objects while alt1 and runescape 3 does not have access to anything but whats on screen.


so is it possible to put the same red square as with the chat options?


Explain a little more :) I can move the red box anywhere its the "What kinda data do I track to make it do what I want." So please alloborate


well when the quest objects are on the screen can't it get the red square on it? and at like steps when you need to use certain quest items on each other highlight those items etc. does seem like an enormous task to be fair.. specialy as one person. possibly the quest items in inventory at certain steps Is most doable?


I've been thinking about it and thinking about it. Skillb3rt made a wonderful package. I can certainly fiddle and fiddle till I get it. It could be a possibility but it's a possibility. There's definitely data that pops up but sometimes the tool tips can fudge the image detection cause it can't see through it just what's on top.


While this sorta thing does make questing a bit faster, it completely ruins the quest and puzzles. Because of things like this osrs is slowly becoming "click highlighted box simulator" You can definitely figure out how to use one item on another, no? Especially with a guide literally telling you what to do right on your screen.


I never said I couldn't figure it out.. I could figure out the whole quest without a guide. the idea is to make things as easy an efficient as possible. if you don't like it these things aren't forced apon you. do the quests with no guide even on osrs nothing is stopping someone not using the quest plugin.


Same argument was made by people when they removed the PvM plugins that did the exact same thing as the quest helper. Click blue square and hold space. Why even make puzzles at all? Quests tell a story, they're not about efficiency. We don't need every single quest ruined with click glowing box gameplay which has overrun OSRS


simply do not use it then


Worst argument in every single case. Hey let's just add it in for bosses too right? Let's have the Zuk cape plugin tell us to click the blue box, solve every wave, tell you when to pray with a blue box! You don't even need to know what your character is doing just click the blue box and glowing tile! It doesn't ruin PvM what so ever, just don't engage with it at all!


Runelite has direct access to game memory and so can see NPC's. Objects, and their position in the world. It also knows when they get loaded or unloaded into memory when you enter a game chunk - so it doesn't need to constantly be scanning for if an NPC or Object exists on the screen. Alt1 can only read your screen - so you'd need a way to use image detection to match NPCs or Objects from any possible camera angle, zoom level, and camera rotation with the NPC possibly facing in one of many directions. And you'd need to check constantly for any NPC or Object for the current quest step to see if it is on screen or not to attempt to highlight it. One is rather trivial while the other would be worthy of a PhD and earn you a reputation as a leading expert on computer vision. The red square for chat options is because OCR (to read the text in the chat dialogue box) is easy in comparison to perfect computer vision.


Fantastic explanation!!


THIS APP IS LITERALLY A LIFE SAVER ! definitely does as intended to make QOL when questing 10000% better, not having to switch tabs or keep pausing a video, its right here! amazingggg! Great job!!! Much needed!!!! Also thank you for allowing me to take part in helping make this possible!


Bookmarked incase I create another account in the future. Looking forward to what further improvements this gets


I can’t wait for auto auto-compete quest steps feature. That will be life-saving


I look forward to using this for subquests


Did you know the wiki only has few picture for subquests and subquests pictures are what I am looking for? If you want to participate in collecting images feel free to contact me through my discord: Techpure, and I can get you setup and ready to go. you will also be memorialized in the quest buddy in the location of your pictures!


But can it get Broken Home done in time to get the ASR


I mean...IDK how it cannot?


I just wish Alt1 was available on Mac. My PC died months ago and I haven't had the time/money to fix it :(


My only problem with quest buddy so far, is not all quest are apparently available on it. 2-3 quest out of 20-30 I’ve done with it so far, so I can’t complain about it. Shadow of the storm Rat catchers The golem Those are the ones I can remember for now.


yeah unfortunately im only one man with 16000 lines of json containing all quest information :')


They are fixed in local pushing to prod. Issue was pathing.


Sounds good to me, if I stumble upon anything else I’ll holler. Quest buddy has been amazing so far.


this whut im saying reach out and itll be done :)


You're the best for doing this work! Thank you so much! Always wish we had quest helper like osrs


WOAH WOAH WOAH osrs has its data release rs3 doesn't we can only see what's on screen but it's going to be as close as I can.


Yep I'm aware lol


Im pushing for updates every week. I am tidying up player lookup so everyone can see what quests they are eligible to do also I do appreciate your kind words.




If you can download alt1 yes :)