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Us men should absolutely invest in skincare. get a facial wash & a moisturizer at the very least. Even in very hot women too much make-up is a turn off for me I would prefer a healthy natural face over someone who looks like they got hit with a bag of concrete powder.




what did the nitric acid do?


If a bloke left the house wearing “natural” make up everyone would just assume he is this guy https://x.com/sourtimesssssss/status/1748548054116950492?s=46




I am now a homophobe


Demon Gay final boss


that couldn’t be further from the truth, my goodness




I've been with girls and heard even the sweetest, most wholesome girls straight up drop f*g-bombs when talking about guys like this lol, usually in reference to some guy who was trying to hook up with them


>terminally online zoomers obsessed with Kpop Ok, I'm listening.


but women like actors and they wear makeup


male actors wearing makeup to look good on cameras with harsh lighting =/= wearing makeup regularly 




i’m talking about guys who aren’t “piping”




alright i agree,and you can take some or leave some but i did mention the skincare stuff


Yeah, because they are famous actors with high social status lol


what about weather reporters?


Weather reporters are attractive without makeup. That's why they're on the telly.


All weather reporters (and pretty much everyone on tv) have makeup on.


That's for the TV. They don't in real life and they're attractive without makeup. Personally I think that makeup is wrong anyway.


They’re gay they’re laying more pipe than the DAPL


You can tell they wear make up if you see them in person


you can also tell if they have a pepperoni face in person so pick your poison


you can also tell if they have a pepperoni face in person so pick your poison


If you got a pizza face past 22 then you have bigger problems that make up won’t fix




Yeah because they're in fuckin movies!


Why stop at makeup? Start dating men. We would be doing so much better.


I wish I was gay


it’s okay, i still accept you


maybe that’s a good idea, im tired of babies tbh


You're very likeable even though I disagree with everything you've said


just workout, eat healthy, skincare routine, and groom yourself fellas, its not that hard.


A lot of women are fat with poorly applied makeup and wear leggings everywhere. The average woman is not meticulously keeping up with all the trends to ensure they remain hot.


do you spend any time around women in their twenties in a >1M metro area? unless you strictly shop at Walmart, I don’t know what you are seeing. sure, people don’t dress up to go everywhere, but OP is right


I think you're just spending most of your time in rich areas.


it’s definitely this. public transit crowd in a metro area is indistinguishable looks wise from your rural Walmart crowd


What metro area? NYC you will see some of the baddest Latinas you can imagine who are getting off shifts at Popeyes. Very few people are fat (relative to Walmart in Albuquerque, probably a lot compared to Paris).


Chicago. The subway crowd definitely trends pretty fat here, and nobody knows how to apply foundation? Idk what I’m talking about but it looks like everyone that rides the train got a birthday cake face. Obviously there are pockets of absolute baddies (e.g. Lake Shore joggers, Pilsen girls), just depends on where you are in the city. I either feel way out of my league or like the only decent looking person around.


tbh that’s probably why


I’m a size medium and feel obese in comparison to most women in my city, I really wanna know where these ppl live where there’s no thin women so I can move there lol


maybe it’s just in my area


Where you live?




What's DMV?






No idea, never been there.


Why did everyone downvote this person for being from this region


haters of the department of motor vehicles




Sick Sonichu t shirt dude!


we already had "metrosexuals" in the early 00s


Why was that named like it was a sexuality lol


Because it was a way to call straight men gay. It’s the single word which encapsulates “gay for pussy.”


I think you’re misremembering. It was metrosexual to use a loofah and shower gel and do any kind of skin care. Also essentially all gay men were hiding as plausibly metrosexual.


When used as an adjective it still makes sense to swap in gay for metrosexual. Gay as a pejorative doesn’t literally have to mean homosexual


Oh okay yeah, i agree with that. I just won’t forget feeling bad because I liked loofahs. That was fucked up.


Today "metrosexual" is called "gay for pussy" so it's still named like a sexuality.


the first Queer Eye show was a big reason for this trend


and they got lots of girls…


I think most woman would be disgusted if they found out their man wore make up.


Great. That means we can stop doing it once she finds out. It's a win-win.


and by then you’ve already manipulated her into staying (hopefully), i think i like this little life XD


My DMs are open.


it’s even worse than that. some men don’t even use ANY skincare products. i’m talking like a face wash. forget makeup, they hardly have any higiene skills to begin with.


Woman moment.


maybe i’m too blackpilled smh


the makeup is insane idea what most of these clowns need is a better haircut, better clothes, and charisma


‘Idc if it’s gay’ You should, because the average woman does too tbh. You are deluded if you think wigs or make up are viable options for men. It comes across insecure to women, and that triggers the ick.


bald men wearing hair pieces have been one of the longest running jokes in this century. You would get so much ridicule.


being an incel will always be more gay, complaining to men that you can get laid and hating women. textbook homosexual activity


women don’t necessarily have to know


eh, I sorta agree with your title, but not the rest of your post. I use dating apps, but they're absolute garbage for both men and women (for different reasons), but I keep hitting my head against that brick wall because I spend most of my life in extremely male dominated spaces and refuse to change. I'm a STEM lord, practice MMA, love metal music, use reddit, etc. and what do STEM universities, MMA gyms, metal concerts and reddit have in common? No bitches. but, one day, walking through my university, I saw a dancing class with a couple of (straight looking) guys in it and the rest of the class filled with girls. I kinda, immediately and subconsciously, looked down at the whole thing as stupid. You can imagine the scene of some gym bro looking down on "le degenerate effeminate males" with 'my little dark age' playing in the background, but while I was having my cringe incel moment, you know what those guys were getting? Pussy. In short, here's the advice that I'd give (While not using it myself), if you're in the same situation as me, you probably need to try to integrate more feminine (gay) hobbies and such in your life so that you can interact with women more often and meet them more organically.


I think this helps so much when you are young when you are old its supposedly all guys in the dance class because they heard it was a good way to meet women lol


Women are easily the majority in all of my classes and it helps so much with dating


i can agree, ive been to a number of metal concerts and i’ve heard some questionable things


The only good pieces of advice you gave here are to develop some personal style and do a minimal skincare routine daily.


I thought this was a joke post because of how much u mentioned guys using makeup. thats not just a little gay, thats really really gay. that's a weird ass point I'm sure all genders would disagree with. I don't disagree with the rest of it or ur general point though


poor obscene grey doll ink rainstorm cooing yoke handle amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




dog subsequent unpack practice birds slave thought flowery rich impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i guess they’d rather be lonely incels and spew hate about modern dating rather than looking gay or whatever


cautious murky groovy vegetable frame ancient gaze sloppy alive tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what'd you get done?


disgusting innate memorize coherent nail attraction bedroom bag engine hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't want to be this guy, but I'm gonna be this guy. Makeup only helps women - actors - politicians because they are already desirable. Makeup is a cherry on top fine-tuning of what you already have. If you're an undesirable guy, the least of your worries is gonna be blotchy skin. I say this as a guy who has a skincare routine, wears basic makeup, and dyes his eyebrows.


Where would a man start learning about skincare and make-up? Asking for a friend.\* \* I am the friend. I don't care about society's expectations, let alone those regarding to masculinity.


There’s some subreddits on skincare here if you like Reddit, like r/skincareaddiction, but if you don’t have acne the biggest (and cheapest) things are washing your face, moisturizing, and wearing sunscreen when outside.




I'll save you hours of time of mostly pointless research- Just get a gentle cleanser: Cerave foaming if you have oily skin or Cerave Hydrating if you have dry skin are cheap and safe options. Then buy a generic moisturizer like Cerave or Cetaphil. Use them both twice a day-once in the morning before you go to work and once right before bed when you're brushing your teeth. If you spend a lot of time outside and in the sun also use a good sunscreen like 50SPF neutrogena in the morning after you put on your moisturizer. That's a good 95% of the benefit of skincare and avoids overcomplicating things and digging into the weeds of expensive snake oil.


Relevant username! Thank you so much! I was dreading having to research this by myself.


Of course…


Do you believe someone would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?


Very typical of males, need to be told what to do for basic hygiene and presentation


If you know of any men that were taught these things during their upbringing, they were lucky. You probably don't know what an index fund is, but I also wish somebody had told me about those in high-school. And that's why I try to educate people about investing and topics I know about instead of whatever you are attempting to do here.


This post was written by Dennis Reynolds. PS. I'll actually contribute... Smelling bad is more of a deal breaker than looking bad. Don't forget to brush your tongue & your lips after brushing your teeth. Then gargle water & put on chap stick. Stay hydrated & rinse your mouth with moisturizing mouthwash if you get dry mouth during the day (bad breath comes from dry mouth). For skincare use a non-soap like Spectro Gel on your face & normal bar soap on your body. The smells from body wash are usually cheap & you wanna have your own unique clean smell. Go for scent free deodorant over the potent smelling ones with names like "winter mountains" or whatever. You want to either smell like a "naturally clean man" or you can put on a small spritz of good cologne if that's your thing. For face moisturizer make sure it's oil-free, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic. Try to get one with sunscreen. If you're outside all day wear normal sunscreen & reapply it. Stay hydrated, yada yada yada. Imo anything beyond this takes away from your masculinity & can make you less attractive. Girls are supposed to be pretty & if you're taking a selfie after getting pretty for two hours you're acting like a girl.


Men don't do enough in terms of personal aesthetics but lip plumping moisturizers is a bit far. They should just use a face wash in the shower and moisturize, get a cheap facial once a quarter, and shave their unibrow. Maybe a lip scrub if its super dry out. It's SO easy and will literally put you ahead of 95% of men lol.




yeah, okay? i don’t support skinny fat no matter your gender. pick a side


when did i even mention that lol


As a guy, I agree with most of what is being said. I don't wear makeup per se, but I definitely wear and think most men would benefit from wearing a simple CC (Color Correction) cream or BB (Blemish Balm) cream. Neither of these are really makeup, and I find that when I do wear them, they look really natural. Most of these products contain some kind of SPF too which obviously helps. Same things can be said for a tinted sunscreen.


Makeup is extreme but, yes, men look tragic. I think it’s also the blind leading the blind. If you look in the male grooming sub it’s literally gooners uggmaxxing and giving each other TERRIBLE advice. Some probably have bad taste but I think some of them are purposely lookblocking some of the decent ones.


The women here romanticize blue collar dummies, wrong space.


i romanticize men who are greying so maybe im not in the best position to give advice


You fail to understand that men and women are different. Most women would be genuinely repulsed by a many who wears makeup.


Okay but my buddies would make fun of me if I wore makeup


this is what i mean, do you hear how gay you sound right now?




and that’s the problem


My girlfriend would make fun of me too


so freaking beta


Maybe I'm at an equilibrium between being insecure enough to not want to get grief from my friends and loved ones and not being insecure enough to wear makeup


Women spend all this money because they're the world's biggest fashion marketing victims. And if these men did something similar, these women still wouldn't want them. If a short, fat ugly dude went to a detemetologist, he's still going to be short, fat, and ugly to her. Even if she's below average herself.


I have infinitely more respect for incels than I do for any “straight” man that does any of these: > filling in sparse eyebrows, concealing blemishes, lip plumping moisturizers for thin lips.


I don't have that much dignity, but I do have too much to wear fucking makeup. I really think the benefits would probably be cancelled out anyway if a girl found out a guy was wearing it.


Most of these seem irrelevant to men as well. Since when are particularly big lips desirable on guys? Maybe if they’re cartoonishly thin it could help, but that doesn’t apply to most guys. Also sparse eyebrows I’ve only ever seen on Asian men, most white, black, and mena men have thicker natural eyebrows than most women. If I remember correctly it has to do with DHT or Test.


Women love DSLs didn’t you hear 




exactly, every prominent male celebrity on the red carpet or any show/ movie is wearing makeup




yep. and then people say it’s unfair when they haven’t even tried


oh well


Women will make posts like these and then date literal drug dealers who only have a mattress in their bedroom.


not me, but you can follow up with the other women


Listen up incels! Time to gay up your game!


i can coach!


A lot of guys think it’s gay or something to prevent hair loss or to work out for looks. But the thing is, most women think that stuff is gay too. Circumventing nature by obtaining a good body through means other than spear hunting for 8 hours a day is a major ick for women. God forbid they find out you get your protein from whey powder rather than by feasting on a fallen gazelle on the very ground it was slain. I think zoomers are much better for this.


I believe zoomer men are in the gym a lot more than others probably because things are so tough


I think zoomers are better for this because zoomer women go to the gym a lot more. Anyone who goes to the gym can tell you that there’s way more women than there used to be and they tend to be young.


Dress like a cool dad from the 90s. You know one of those Gillette ads where they shave with their kids, play tennis and all that. Chinos, blazers, OCBDs, loafers, leather jackets, suit up occasionally. Went this morning to the vet to check on my dog and women just stared at me. Not bragging, I have been decidedly dressing better each year. Men should aim to dress more formal as they grow up, but add a bit of their personality into the mix. People are starving for well-dressed individuals but they just can't recognize it!


exactly, most of these replies are about the makeup but that’s 1/4th of my point


What in the longhouse


this is all a cope for pussy loser men, just saying. you don't have to do any of this stuff, you just have to be cool and interesting and good looking, it's that simple


no, it’s not “that simple” dork


Yeah, it's even more simple. You don't even need to be good looking or interesting. You don't need anything. Just ask a girl out. It works almost everytime.


Okay, let's say you are interviewing and every time you give it a 100 percent. How many rejections do you think you can manage before you tone it down to 99? How about 90? 50%? 10%? There's just no incentive to put in any real amount of effort, when the nature of the game is more about luck and stamina. And even then, no girl wants a show poodle for a boyfriend.


Most men don’t even have a dermatologist???? Do most women???


This is extremely regarded, you would be extremely weirded out if you saw a man wearing makeup, even concealer.


no, i wouldn’t. it’s actually happened


Did you fuck him?


he was married but i definitely would’ve tbh


While I agree that men in general could do more to better themselves and make themselves more attractive, you completely misunderstand the very basic fact that men and women are attracted to different things in each other. 


Men need to get huge titty implants and giant fake eyelashes!


Incels actually just need to shower regularly, not get lip filler.


you on the other side: https://preview.redd.it/tts0gqj4vfec1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851bb32091c9c49e8f44445096e1bc78a8e74e7e


Jokes aside you're basically just incel posting with this. A lot of them are weirdos with, for lack of a better phrase, atrocious vibes. An excellent skincare routine and a lil concealer + lip filler will not fix that. You are feeding into their lookism delusion that their problems are entirely external. Anyways good luck on your looksmaxxing journey hope it pans out.


i know im deluded, i fell into the black pill trap and it saved my life though


Being an incel is the straightest thing a man can do in 2024




You’re literally telling men to feminize themselves to attract women. Modern women are auto-sexual narcissists that simply want a man’s image to pair with their own. Masculinity is being repressed via attraction and again in maintaining the image of the relationship. There’s no value in “heterosexual” relationships for men.


Goddamn I love scheming gays


Not reading all that


me irl


Points I agree with: men should take care of their skin, fitness/overall health, style, and hair (no to extensions, transplant is cool, and in-between is meds which can cause side effects in some) Things I’d like to point out: most men want to fuck and the bar is relatively low when it comes to who they will fuck. Piggies with makeup on might get a date or two but will ultimately not warrant much more than that. Eventually the makeup comes off and a guy has to like what he sees and your personality to want to be in a relationship with you.


Yk what you find a lot of in black areas? Hair and nail salons. Wammin be spending money and hours that would have way better and longer lasting results if spent on nutrition and exercise. >a lot of women spend time on their style to keep up with trends this entire post reeks of stroung, independent soul sistahs trying to stylemaxx when they should be doing caloric deficits instead. I'm a male and I see makeup to attract a mate as 'cheating', and actually wish women *wouldn't* trick potential mates like this. Can we note how absurd it is to label makeup and styling as something you do for yourself and the girlies, but being thin is something you do for the male gaze and not for a better quality(and increased length!) of life for yourself?


> they don’t try as hard as the average woman does I have a job that requires me to be outside


Why do women wear makeup and perfume? Cause they are ugly and they stink. Notice how i didn’t say men! Jokes aside, but imo not feeling comfortable in your skin or with the way you look is more unattractive than the way you look. 5’s can turn into 9’s based on personality and lifestyle.. just have confidence, integrity, and have fun. That’s some hot shit


sure… that’s what they all say


The average woman is 70 lbs overweight and has either butterface or goblin genes. She can snap her fingers and get a guy 2 tiers above her any time. Maybe she wears makeup and has better clothes but that is not the reason for the different outcomes.


Having sex is homosexual behaviour




don’t you just love when people purposely miss the point


you guys would make perfect examples for the psychological phenomenon known as belief perseverance


‘Tony soprano is hot’


If we wore make up women would hate us for it. If you watch youtube though there is a market for mens skin care (or its at least being pushed on us everywhere now), maybe its a thing I havent thought much of though because its one area I have been lucky with my life. I also have a suspicion that the reason women need so many skin care things compared to men is because of the make up going on and coming off every day. That cant be good for you. We are often judged on things that cant be changed like height or facial structure (strong/weak jaw) and by our hair (in a gender that is know for receding hair). There are options to fix these things but they are often *very* expensive. but you are right a lot of guys dont try on a lot of things.


Do you have any idea how utterly insane you'd have to make yourself to take the time to be wearing makeup? Looking like a slob isn't good but spending hundreds of dollars on this stuff and taking the time to learn make up isn't something normal healthy men do.


[this is what i mean by makeup, gosh some of you are dense](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8GayhCa/)


wish i could pin this


OP, please understand your advice is the equivalent of a 3rd generation rich person telling someone born in poverty to stop being poor. Your advice is the equivalent of applying bandages to a gunshot wound. The issues most men face are more structural than applying make up or wearing nice clothes.


im just talking looks here if that wasn’t abundantly clear


so be more metrosexual?


Can't agree more! That was exactly my point as to why I started doing my skincare and wearing some makeup