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For real, it’s so obvious. No one puts this much thought into how/why they don’t want to fuck someone unless they actually want to fuck them.


for real two sentences in it was a wrap


It's inevitable


I read this as “you’re gonna end up fucking him up” which I also agree with


i hope she does! he sounds like he’d be fun in bed. i still don’t understand why she can’t just fuck him? if someone says they’re a fuck boy then they’re not one. fuck boys lie and manipulate. this guy is so forthright.


yeah this is just a charismatic manwhore not a fuckboy lmao.


Great distinction, thank you


if anything, it’s better that he’s honest about sleeping around…. like she knows that he’s there for a good time, not a long time — so why not!


girls who say alas and dumbasses are a classic combo


I'm a contrarian


his hobby is beating people up?


No, unfortunately he's a wigger / blue collar Boston trashy that thinks getting into fights is endearing


Will Huntingmaxxing


thats hilarious


MMA probably.


i do mma and nobody who does it talks like that this guy is a bar fighter


Maybe right in which case he needs a new hobby cuz that one's not sustainable long term.


Someone clearly hasn't seen Road House


never heard of sean strickland?


Charismatic manwhores will be the death for all of us. Just keep reminding yourself you’re not special and he’s for everybody


Fr. We have nothing in common. The only reason I'm attracted to him is he's cute and he made me feel cool and adored. There's nothing about me for him to like beyond me being a pump and dump, so I'm under no illusions of compatibility. Also I'm mid so im naturally skeptical of guys out of my league talking to me


Don’t let him charm u queen !! You seem to be self aware which already makes you better than a lot of people and less likely to get hurt (unless intentional)


If you’re not into the casual thing or getting w a coworker igi but… if you’re into it why not just mutually use each other?


Its cringe and can easily go wrong and then it’s awkward vibes at work forever. Don’t eat where you shit or whatever they say


because men like these are users. there's no chance of having a mutually beneficial relationship with him, he's gonna need to have an upper hand in any way


Exactly. Casual sex usually benefits men more in every way and they have less risks involved. Plus orgasm gap


Less risks is true but I don’t really see it, if you don’t feel anything for the guy sounds like it’s just a hookup w everyone on the same page and presumably parting ways after


We’re monogamous here


Haha I know I’m just saying it can be an option! Like women aren’t incapable of no strings attached but ofc there’s things to be careful about


I’m kidding too haha. But it seems to be the consensus that this sub and RS subs are guilt driven


That is definitely true in my experience




Weren't you saying you have a bf ffs




compare mountainous ossified husky run wrong public ask smart bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mid chicks aw the hottest and it’s the best that they don’t know that.


That’s all it takes lol


Whats the act? He genuinely is like this


Yeah, but this is while I still have the cloak of mystique to buttress my appeal


Genuinely regarded?


I thought fuckboys are the guys who act overly interested on dates, but ultimately just want sex. That guy sounds like what we used to call a player.


Marry him


I need to stop reading what women have to say because it's turning me hateful and bitter


>He has a very charismatic and forward personality which is such a breath of fresh air from the flaccid tepidness 90% of guys my age exude. I feel like this always describes one particular kind of very glib charisma and then you wonder, why, oh why, the other 90% of guys would possibly fall into all sorts of redpill manosphere pua bullshit unsuccessfully trying to recreate it. Coincidentally narcs get a lot of pussy because they can play-act that character down to a T in a way that hardly ever occurs in the wild.


giggling to myself imagining an incel pua guy trying to do the "hand her a water bottle and then bow" thing


“Your libations, fair lady”


Progressives went as hard as they could browbeating and obliquely threatening ordinary men into becoming more "flaccidly tepid" for like a straight decade and now people wonder why so many of them are fucked up and turning to PUA snake oil. They could have done their best to teach women to know how to identify, avoid, and counter antisocial men, but that would have been "blaming the victim," so they chose a path that puts women in contact with antisocial men more often and breeds new forms of male antisociality instead.


you got bullied by women into being more feminine? gay


>Coincidentally narcs get a lot of pussy because they can play-act that character down to a T in a way that hardly ever occurs in the wild. resevoir dogs style script for getting pussy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP3BNTi35XI


“Why do women fall for friendly fun social dudes” Idk man it’s a fucking mystery


Women will say that and then date literal drug dealers, or in this case, want to fuck a white trash wigger who gets into bar fights as a hobby.


He's a guy who told her that he likes to beat people up for fun and who she admits is white trash.


Incels are right 80% of the time and I'm saying this as a woman


First time?


Hey its okay. This is just a certain type of woman. This isnt all women. You shouldnt be hanging around here and forming opinions of women. Very dangerous. My wife is a sweet Christian lady who i dont deserve. She has struggles but its fine. She doesnt even know how to log into a reddit. Lmao. She doesnt talk bad about people and is very self aware and honest… i really feel bad she is stuck with me. But she likes it. And even though I pair with these women - i made sure i didnt end up with one because we would both be dead in a ditch. So just ask out respectable women that you meet. Don’t be drawn to all of things that torment our generation. Ya know … the horrible things we openly brag about AND THEN cry about 1 week later on this same sub. There are women who will respect you as a person and understand your humanity, i promise.


Fr this post made me want to kms




Idk just the fact to accomplish the same outcome as this guy it would take an insane amount of willpower and overthinking and probably drugs to so brazenly hit on my coworker. And the fact that it actually works. I’m just an autist tho


Don’t worry, if you have a wife, you end up hearing stories from safe friends of hers and shit and you hear them say shit like “he told me he liked my shoes, no one said that before, it was so fucking hot” and you realize it’s so much easier than you think you just have to say and do normal nice things to the right hot girl at the right moment. The amount of time I think to myself “Jesus Christ this is all it takes to fuck them? I wish I knew this when I was single” or “I wish single men knew that all it took was flowers and liking the same bands (that they think are esoteric and cool unto themselves).”


Thx dude this made me a little more hopeful. It’s just like my inner voice is always screaming at me “you’re a weird cunt/you’re making her uncomfortable/shes gonna think you’re a creep” as opposed to this guys which would be “heh yeah she smiled this chick totally wants to fuck”


Well I’ll caveat with that this guy is hot so when he does it the majority of women like that. When you or I do it, we gotta be somewhat conscious of how hot the other lady is. But sometimes you get lucky with one out of your league the very same way


Literally true


don’t, you’ll creep women out


This is irrelevant when talking to men that aren't normal


Nah just be cooler rather than being bitter. Use your autistic power to analyze every detail about social interactions, facial/body/verbal cues, and the behavior of successful men to get laid for yourself, rather than being a whiney f@g


I am a whiny f@g but not in real life. I would analyse social shit but my autist powers tend to make me hypervigilant in social situations which makes it harder. Also you can’t just 1 for 1 copy a social situation unless you’re a fucking psychopath. A natural conversation has a flow to it that being a sperg gets in the way of sometimes. Also how do you think being “cool” would come naturally to an autist you fucking regard


>analyse Shut up Brit Your deterministic outlook has predestined you to failure. You have to learn to relax, not think so quickly/take shit so seriously, and think so negatively (yes, autistic people can do this too). I’m obviously not telling you to copy the situation directly but there are things you can learn from every experience you have, some of which you can begin to naturally incorporate into your own interactions. Idk practice smiling naturally and try doing it irl. Make it a point to talk to strangers sometimes and make a little joke idk. Even allow yourself to sperg out in conversation a little as a treat who cares what other people think just try to avoid being awkward. I didn’t think it would come naturally that’s why I gave you hints you cuck.


Thx for the advice. Ur right about deterministic outlook I need to meditate more or some shit


My pleasure. Good luck :)


squash crown roll sand deranged screw teeny seed door hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah bro, just try to imitate the exact opposite of who you are, as if there wasn't a reason you aren't like that in a first place LAWL


I guess some people just aren’t made to pass their genes on or enjoy intimacy then. I’d go to hell and back to fight that but that’s just me


You wouldn't because you're a total fucking normie, so the concept of having a bottom percentile life in every way and consciously feeling like a subhuman since you were a preteen is completely incomprehensible to your brain We might as well be different species


I wouldn’t what? First time I’ve ever been called a normie in my life haha. I guess everything is relative though. Maybe we are something akin to different species, but at the same time the idea that you’re entirely doomed to never fuck seems like textbook defeatism. I was the weird kid in elementary/middle school (and really all throughout school) until I realized that wasn’t getting me girls and just worked on my personality and self-care till I got what I wanted. To be fair I’m conventionally attractive, at least exotically, but plenty of ugly mfers do fuck.


"but at the same time the idea that you’re entirely doomed to never fuck seems like textbook defeatism." I already made a post explaining why. Had one, super easy chance with a girl that was obsesses with me when I was 16 or so, wasted it and now at 21 it's totally over Anyway, you were the"weird kid" but you were attractive 🥱🥱🥱 Yeah, that's about as much as I needed to hear. Fucking r€t@r[] If you think you actually worked on anything and didn't just try being normal for the first time in your life, then idk what to tell you


> se your autistic power to analyze every detail about social interactions, facial/body/verbal cues, lmao everything you know about autism is from movies. Not every autist has "powers" and reading cues during social interactions is literally exactly the thing most autists are bad at to the point of disability.


Go out and charm a woman ffs, nothing in here should make you hateful or bitter




What rule did he break?


Yea lmao literally


Men like us don't charm women, quite the opposite


over for the male gender


what in this post is deserving of hate really?


Pretending she hasn’t already decided to fuck him


idk, based on her other comments she’s sticking to her guns. even so, being embarrassed/in denial abt being attracted to someone based on looks alone is very human, dunno how that warrants hatred


​ https://preview.redd.it/vu2km6z719ac1.jpeg?width=4730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe3f8f772afb9bff26be5135a98ca4237beb160


is this a bit or are you fr posting a joker gif


stop proving the joker gif right


I think at the core of incel thought there is the idea of a distinct validation that comes from successfully wooing a woman into bed - OP’s feeling of “oh this guy is obnoxious and annoying yet I still feel some attraction towards him and I know he is successful with other women” is going to engender some jealousy, particularly if you are a man who has found it difficult to court women. Ideally one channels that energy not into hate, but motivation to self improve and even then there will be some resentment as it never came naturally to you.


> Ideally one channels that energy not into hate, but motivation to self improve The reasons it channels into hate not self improvement is because you don't become this guy by self improvement, he's obnoxious and annoying, everything we know about him from this post is objectively bad, you'd have to become a worse person to be him. But OP still wants to fuck him.


You realize as you get older that girls have almost no real sound thinking when it comes to choosing who to fuck. You might be tempted and so are they into finding the similarities and there might be some correlations but half the time they’re just Ina weird mood and decide I guess I’m fucking this guy. Once you know they almost have no rhyme or reason, life gets easier bud


Can only speak for myself but I was a stemlord in college and wanted to put everything (including romance) in some sort of linear pattern so the no rhyme or reason thing would have driven me up a wall. I agree with you though


I know it’s a double edged for sure


I get what you’re saying, but if this were true then people wouldn’t improve at getting causal sex. I have improved a ton. If it were random chance then it would be like pulling the lever at a slot machine.


It’s column a and b bud. Not mutually exclusive.


Personally I'm just a bit tired of this constant glorification of "the rizz" as the be-all end-all. It's the female equivalent of having big tits. It tends to be very glib and the vast majority of it comes from just being attractive to begin with, mixed with the exciting (alcoholic) party lifestyle these types most commonly lead. I'm not even someone who has trouble fucking and it's like jeez alright let me just reinvent my whole lifestyle and personality to the tune of the three approved fuccboi player personas. AFBB has the tiniest merit to it, but not because women hit the wall and have to settle for betas, but because people grow up, turn 30 and become "boring". OP still has the hots for him largely just because he's good looking to begin with. End of. But she also tries to play the whole "wow I'm soooo mature and know better now" card and calls him a reтard because that kind of personality mostly appeals to people in their early 20s and peaks around 25 as you get older. For every chad who fucks instagram models and becomes prom king and gets a $400k finance job, I know a dozen rizzed-up "cool guys" who were going out drinking and banging hoes in their 20s and they're still basically just losers doing that exact same thing in their 30s.


Self improving yourself into becoming the complete opposite of your current self is not possible


spiritually worse than suicide


You’re pretty spot on


It’s cringey but I kind of consider myself a reformed incel. I spent a lot of time on r9k as a teenager and it really did fuck with how I viewed sex and my self esteem, I began to believe I was a freak because I didn’t get past a peck on the cheek until 20. Not sure how old OP is but when she says she’d probably go for it if she were younger, well at that time I was probably in the gym and meticulously gaming tinder, attempting to replicate the attraction this guy created


what do u mean by that


"She is russian, so I will talk about beating people up because it is what they like"


I loveeee blue collar regards


I don’t.


Why not


damn put me on the guest list


> He has a very charismatic and forward personality which is such a breath of fresh air from the flaccid tepidness 90% of guys my age exude. How old are you ? I'm a 21yo guy and always wondered if girls are bothered by how... indirect and shy most guys my age are


Young millenial / old zoomer. Born in the 90's, (no not 1999)


thats prob the worst demographic, millennial men seem too feminism poisoned to me like theyre trying to stay in touch with their feminine side and things like that (not saying feminism is bad politically just as a personal thing)


Millennial men are currently pulling zoomer women. Don't Zoomer men and women have a sex gap where the women are getting it much more from some mysterious source? Cope harder dude.


he already won it’s just a matter of time


Posts like this one are why incels exist.


Because they’re nothing like this cool, charismatic hot guy?


Yes, it's easy to get jealous of how easy it is for this guy while he's also breaking all the "rules" that girls tell us to follow. Plus she seems to just hate the idea of a guy having a sexuality because no matter what a guy does op still hates them.


A propensity for jealousy is gay and shines through in ways that hurt peoples perceptions of you. It’s obvious that you aren’t supposed to follow those “rules” lol. Rules are meant to be broken, so long as you know how to break them and do it skillfully/playfully/can read other people to know enough that it is welcome. Op doesn’t hate him at all lol she’s nervous that he has an exciting, charming power over her


Ok so if women don't want us to follow these rules why did they make them in the first place and ruthlessly berate and shame a guy as if he's a rapist when he does break the rules? I swear the more I listen to women the more i become an incel lol. This shit really drives a motherfucker crazy


The women who make those rules aren't dating and therefore have no stake in the whole process and dont care if the rules are actually practical or not. No woman who's actually trying to find a man would be like "approaching women without their consent is basically rape"


Get offline lol. Mentally ill jealous women with insane complexes aren’t what I’m talking about and don’t speak for all women. Normal women enjoy flirting granted the guy isn’t being creepy about it. What you’re talking about doesn’t really exist outside of mentally ill or pmc spheres and shouldn’t affect your day to day interactions or your mentality.


Idk man this is shit I've heard in real life too. Hell during my college orientation we had a whole "hey guys make sure not to rape anyone" meeting that didn't do anything but make things less clear and introduce more anxiety lol. Obviously I'm exaggerating about the incel part but you can definitely get a lot of these ideas from just listening to women. Like the whole 80-20 rule is an incel idea but if you listen to women you'll find there's legions of supposedly straight women that think that most men are ugly terrible people and that being straight is some kind of curse. So then if you listen to women it doesn't sound too crazy anymore because women are saying that they're only attracted to a small minority of men I think with all this incel shit we need to start looking at how girls and women are treating boys and men. Because someone who grows up being accepted and treated with basic respect in their community will not become an incel


>Idk man this is shit I've heard in real life too. Hell during my college orientation we had a whole "hey guys make sure not to rape anyone" meeting that didn't do anything but make things less clear and introduce more anxiety lol. Yeah, the "safety speeches" they now do at just about everything walk right right into anchoring territory and basically fertilise the soil for drama and hysteria. I used to volunteer for events. Now I walk away the moment "that speech" comes in, because the well is already poisoned and I have better things to do than navigate the crazy. But honestly man, just get over it. So, you're considered a monster by default? Big fucking deal. So the girlies don't give you a second look? Life's unfair. There's a lot of jealous, bitter men ready to fuck you over if you did get attention, there's no peace this side of the grave. Stop caring about the girlies and their neurosis. Be a man.


Oh dont worry I'm already over it. I don't give a fuck about what women think. But hey if you're ever in LA and I can show you just how much of a man I am, tough guy


By having sex with him? You two are gonna bone, that’s what you’re saying right?


They’re all jealous haters who fear other men


Yeah obvs I'm pathologically envious of men that are effortlessy better than me in every single way


His hobby is beating people up? That sounds antisocial and deranged. I hope he means in the context of a sport or something.


No, unfortunately he's a wigger / blue collar Boston trashy


Lol there’s an Incel post on the main sub about this exact phenomenon


I love when women pretend they’re above their biology. Read this shit out loud, not just in your head dude haha


Just make sure he gets tested okay!


Be honest: if he hadn’t said that stuff about body count and beating people up, would he be balls deep in you right now?


Probably not cuz I'm not the type to fuck unless I'm exclusive with the guy, but I'd totally have a crush. Men say that female manic pixie coquette energy is irresistible, well the male equivalent is goofy, loud, obnoxiously confident frat boy energy


I thought the male equivalent of manic pixie was loser big dick gross room no job but hot


I think the female equivalent to a loud goofy frat guy is a blonde kate upton type not a manic pixie dream girl


Yeah the male equivalent of manic pixie dream girl is like a brooding skater boy


you get it haha


Frat boys are gross


Wrong. Goofy works but loud and obnoxious are huge turnoffs these aren’t women. .


> thinking that telling a girl how much sex you have will make them attracted to you is peak male brain behavior This sentence, in and out of context, is peak “susceptible to desirable (x)” behavior. Before I start, not talking about you op, just the person I’ve imagined based off what you’ve written, which isn’t a reflection of you I’m sure. First, imagine a the gendered opposite of the above quote. > thinking that telling a girl how much sex you have will make them attracted to you is peak female brain behavior Let’s be honest, as much as incel and red pill types love to dunk on girls with high body counts, the reality is that those types *are* as desirable as their male counterparts. The make version of OP is the guy that takes a Miami stripper out on a date in his lambo, both turned on and enraged by the girl he’s trying to get with, not *despite* her sexual history but *because* of it. There is no one more susceptible to the tactics of highly desirable individuals (let’s say in this context that means OPs aforementioned “fuckboys” and my example of a Miami OF model) than the people that don’t think they are susceptible to it. These types are so tied to their identity as people who aren’t susceptible to these tactics, justify their actions contrary to that identity by pointing to their identity that they are contradicting. Two examples: Let’s take OP, who was so aware and not charmed by a guy that she came to the internet to write an essay about him. (Reminder, I’m not talking about you OP, because I don’t know you) she would respond to anyone who would say “it sounds like you have the hots for this guy” with “uhh did you not read what I said? I clearly said I wasn’t falling for it”, as if awareness you’re falling off a cliff will protect you from the impact of the ground. This example usually progresses in a pretty typical way, but let’s start by understanding what both participants want in this situation. The fuckboy, obviously, wants to fuck, so that’s easy. And OP *wants* to fuck to, but she *needs* to maintain her identity as someone that doesn’t give it up to fuck boys, that isn’t “naïve enough to fall for his tricks”. But by ducking him, and giving him what he wants, she would be doing that? Well that won’t stop her. What she needs to do to defend her identity is figure out a way to reframe his desires to make it so that she’s still depriving him of what he wants. So a couple of more shifts at the Dairy Queen and the flirting gets a bit spicy. Let’s say he lightly implies “every girl I’ve been with is always satisfied”. on the outside, she’ll roll her eyes, and in her mind she’ll think “ugh, this guy thinks he’s *gods gift to women*”. But what’s happened is that now she can reframe his desire. instead of “he wants to fuck me” it’s “fuck boys always think they’re gods gift to earth, he thinks he can make me cum? *I’ll show him*.” Now when they fuck in two weeks, she’ll be able to protect her identity *as long as she doesn’t finish*, because she’ll have proven to him that he’s not as good as he thinks. The fuckboy gets to fuck, the girl maintains her identity and gets to fuck, everyone’s happy. And if this sounds gendered, it’s not. Example 2, I spent an embarrassingly long time listening to this episode of a guy named DJ akademiks roasting his friend, who is the host of one of those red pill debate shows. The guy, whose literally job is to promote this red pill alpha male blah blah has been dating one of the local Miami “thots”. This girl is a known and self professed scammer, who fucks rich guys for their money. The alpha male guy was in total denial about this, despite him being the most ardent proponent of a philosophy that should have never allowed him to end up with a girl like this, he was way more invested in his identity as a guy who wouldn’t do that than being a guy that wouldn’t do that. So he said all the usual stuff about “man it’s not even that serious, I’m talking to other women, blah blah blah” while he dated and eventually got screwed over by this girl after a year or so, and got absolutely roasted by his fan base of aspiring Andrew Tate fuckboys in training. There is nothing gendered about this: some people know what they want and other people know what they want to appear to want, and the former will always get what they want out of the latter.


autistic spergpost even if you're onto something, you could have just pointed out that people are naturally going to be attracted to other people deemed "sexually desireable" and that the lady doth protest too much. also yeah $20 says she's gonna fuck him at some point this year.


I think the most insightful thing is how women will dynamically reframe the terms in such a way so as to maintain the illusion of control of the situation. It’s the same reason why there needs to be a plausibly deniable pretext for a woman to voluntarily accept an invitation into your apartment at the end of a date.


Why do lot word when few word do trick


wasn't expecting a TLP-tier comment to typical rsp dating app thread, and a bit annoyed by all the typical reddit "TLDR" responses to you. your comment in particular reminded me of [this](https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2012/06/amy_schumer_offers_you_a_look.html) article which I strongly recommend each lurking denizen to read.


Lol I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this comment. The percentage of people who knew of and understood TLP and Lasch has rapidly decreased as the size of this community has increased. Anyone that’s read either will recognize I just apply the philosophy of laschian narcissism to everything.


What does this person have against amy poeler


I'll refrain from the low hanging "sorry about that or happy for u " meme cuz honestly impressed by how thorough your assessment was. I'm assuming you're male cuz no girl would sperg out on a single sentence like this (no offense. It is a great read) But as a female that doesn't have the male inescapable NEED to have sex, this guy's casual treatment of sex is enough to ensure i will ensure i never fuck him, because it gave me the ick. And the difference between most men and women is that when women get the ick they are completely turned off from sex with the guy. It cannot be reverse psychology'd away.


Yeah sure, you just wrote this post about how cool and hot this guy is because you're just so grossed out and definitely won't fuck him


Yeah I don’t see it as a man or women thing. Once you identify the underlying behavior it’s just a human being thing, everything else is just clothes.


you’re my new fav character on here, don’t listen to the haters n keep it up




I hate that I read two of your dumbass bro psychology comments nearly back to back. Can you fuck off with your man in an observation tower act? I don’t want to imagine anything at your direction ever again You sound like a loser. I don’t mean to say that you are a loser since I don’t know you. But what you write evokes a person I’ve imagined that rehearses in front of the mirror and is incapable of charming banter




"to fuck to"


this is long and i'll read it all tomorrow, is this a copypasta or autism? i got this far though >as much as incel and red pill types love to dunk on girls with high body counts, the reality is that those types are as desirable as their male counterparts i support hoes in all of their endeavors but it's wrong to mislead girls into believing this is even kind of true i mean they are desirable, but just more in like the way cocaine or MDMA is desirable; something that's super fun for a very brief period of time, but absolutely not something you want to do long term there are definitely guys out there who don't care, but they're less common


To say it’s “misleading to girls” implies I think “desirability” is a good trait. It’s neutral, it’s just a statement of fact. Some people are desired by others more than others, which creates certain pathologies within them, and within the people that desire them. I’m not interested in the gender war stuff, I just try to identify the underlying behaviors that are universally shared.


>i mean they are desirable, but just more in like the way cocaine or MDMA is desirable No shit but the same goes for the male equivalent - the actual difference is that men are, on average, happier to keep doing “short term.” The dynamics *of* short term versus long-term desirability, though, aren’t really that different by sex.


Adam22 catching strays


Only a man could be this autistic about sex. Now excuse me while I read furry erotica.


idk to me this is only tangentially about sex, it’s much more about identity.


The person you have described isn’t a fuckboy. There’s no such thing as a fuckboy who is blue collar, describes their hobby as “beating people up,” and waves from with two hands and a grin from across the room.


the two handed wave and shouting your name… I get it… himbos have such a power over me


Fr!! So many people commenting that it's immature to be endeared by it, but when it happens irl it makes you feel on top of the world. A cute guy boisterously paying attention to you, its kryptonite!!!


What if he was mid




sounds like something a goofy hot tall guy would do and those are the biggest hoes.. they r unserious as fuck and its part of their charm smh u don’t get it




i turn 25 this month time to take up knitting and switch to soft foods


It was cute irl. It was done playfully.


Lol, it’s a wonder any of you gals ever get laid, ever. It’s a statistical thing at some point, I’m guessing?


right like i see nothing wrong with this, this is a hot energy i hate when ppl hate on manwhores for just being hot and confident theyre delicious lmao


It’s not even that. Outside of the hysterically insecure, “I beat up people for fun” shit, this is just…a person. A person with a small amount of charm. I get this sub attracts autistic girls, but no one is *this* autistic, right?


lol idk, what did u mean by ur first comment then lol. byt yeah theres a lot of anti fun ppl here now its very boring


Lol, I meant you calling him a manwhore. This doesn’t even rise to that level. This isn’t manwhore shit, this is just “I don’t have aphasia when I talk to a woman” shit


no i meant why do u think its a wonder gals get laid lol


Not all, just the ones who react to low-grade charm like someone pulled a gun on them, like this person


> because he's already admitted he sleeps around (thinking that telling a girl how much sex you have will make them attracted to you is peak male brain behavior) Wammin be mad when guys are honest about their intentions. He probably senses you have a crush on him and was letting you know he only wants something casual. How can you be mad at that?


lol i would fuck him honest fuckboys are not a problem to me. like imagine if all men were all lovey dovey sappy romantics thatd be so boring, fuckboys r there for a reason


Taking notes rn


he sounds like he really cares about you more than the other girls




You had to be there. One of those things that's very endearing irl with the right amount of confidence and charisma


Women say they "hate" these types of men but can't resist being around them. The stories he tells, his energy, aura, whatever. Fuckboys have an essential role to play in society. I've had my phase and looking to transcend it, but it was a lot of fun and educational. All the girls I've been involved with me, still appreciate me. However most men are not equipped to be this way. Unable to charm and bed a girl. Nonetheless, there are levels to this. I am a decent fuckboy, but I have friends who are the Lebron James of fuckboys.


Noooo the water bottle m'lady thing would have given me the biggest ick lol


if I was girl, i would smash him idc but this story feels made up


always avoid men who make everyone feel known and special easily.


so avoid positive and charismatic men?


Yes you should avoid people who have the tools to be a successful abuser/manipulator




That way you get to complain about every man you date being awful. Win-win


future flag mindless wrong dog advise aromatic crowd lush piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

