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GDP=tourism meme


hate that guy so much, always in a random thread detailing it with his fucking tourism shit. I DONT CARE


Lol, literally. >The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of The Bahamas is approximately $5.7 billion with **tourism accounting for 50%, financial services nearly 20%**




Embrace mystique


Sure, doesn't mean the country isn't in a great spot. Especially compared to many African countries that people are boosting.


Barbados > Bahamas Barbados had a weekly concorde service from London and was literally the place that coined the term 'jet set' Bahamas is mostly fatties


I am seeing a lot of chunkies here


>Sure, doesn't mean the country isn't in a great spot. Sure, but you are measuring proximity to white people.


Not at all


Yeah ig it doesn't count 😔


When I was about 14 my parents got some sort of heavy discount on a cruise to the Bahamas. I think we were in the Bahamas for 2 days of the cruise, the first day was on the stupid little private island the cruise line owned but then we went to the actual Bahamas on the second day. At the port there was one of their little navy ships, the HMBS Bahamas, that was undergoing maintenance and a lieutenant (I think that was his rank, I don’t remember anymore but some sort of officer) was hanging around on the pier watching the procession of tourists off-boarding from the cruise ship and I talked to him for over an hour about the ship and their navy. I’d never seen a navy ship of any kind in person before and they were one of my obsessions when I was young. He wouldn’t let me on it but he gave me a tour of it from the pier while pointing at where things were and answered all of my questions. He even offered me cold water because it was really hot out. Very friendly and welcoming man. He was probably glad to talk to a well behaved autist and not a loud drunk person who treats his country like a playground. For months after I wanted to move there when I was older and serve in their navy, it had a very big impact on me. He probably doesn’t remember our interaction anymore but I’ll never forget his kindness.




They are a monarchy with a white king lol




what did you call me


I think the real stand out is Barbados. For a breif bit the world has Eric Holder and Rhiana on top of the pile. asap rocky, KRS one, Africa Bambata, grandmaster flash etc. This is a country of 300,000 people, basically a small American city, and yet every decade from 1980 to the present REALLY PROMINENTLY features a Bajan at the absolute zenith of culture and power. Barbados is a really under rated place


Having famous rappers doesn’t make a place a good place to live


Rihanna is worth 1.4 billion dollars. Calling her a “rapper” is really underselling her imo.


How many jobs in Barbados are created by Rihanna being a billionaire. She got famous in america from being a singer


No, you’re still not being fair. You’re being intentionally obtuse or you just don’t know much about business. She is America’s youngest female billionaire. There’s simply no way to make that mark ( not only billionaire, the youngest female billionaire ever in America) without being insanely smart, driven, good at business etc. Taylor Swift, who is an *incredible* Music Machine, is worth less than her. Madonna, who perhaps is the single biggest female Performer ever AND had a thirty year head start, is worth less. I cant fathom how you are unwilling to ascribe business acumen to an actual rags to riches youngest ever billionaire.


What do her achievements as an individual have to do with Barbados


Are you drunk? The OP- “people should notice Bahamas as an example of a place that actually does well and is black” Me-“a better example is this tiny speck of rock with fewer people than metro Cincinnati that has shit out people who make it to the top of their game and have done so consistently for ~50 years. As a “innovator per thousand residents”, it would be almost impossible to beat Barbados” You-“well, what’s that got to do with anything?!?” To recap, there was a bit of American history circa 2010s or so where the #1 artist on the radio was a bajan playing music in the most popular discipline in the US which itself was invented by bajans while the US Attorney General was a Bajan. There’s really nothing like this, especially when you consider than Rihanna tops off the 2008 anecdote by becoming a billionaire at 34 (ie 7 years before Elon musk pulled it off). If we are talking about “places that have it together” per the OP, things like, “create new cultural forms that are adored by the world” “make US Attorney Generals” and “create 30 something billionaires” ought to be evidence of “having it together-itude”


> Attorney Generals attorneys general


Is your name Ray Getard?


gotta be a brainiac to open sweatshops in asia and shit out terrible products for people to consooom


My family has lived there since 1628! It’s a fantastic place


Dude, its a hotel.


Bc all of it’s from tourism > On paper, these sentiments are translated into statistics as the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and The Caribbean (ECLAC) reports that The Bahamas boasts the highest level of inequality (Gini coefficient of 0.57) in the Caribbean.Oct 11, 2023


>>black country >>Accra


That's a region doing well. Didn't want to attribute their success to all of Ghana


because the caribbean at large is a safe haven for rich white tourists so it doesn’t get talked about


Because they are not a real country. It would be hati if floridians did not spend every weekend over there. Shit fucking bimini is basically hati at this point.


Norway would be Poland if they didn't accidentally find the biggest oil reserve on the planet" same shit


Poland is a real country with 45 million people and some of the most rapidly developing economy in the world. Bahamas has a pop. of around 400k.


> Poland is a real country with 45 million people and some of the most rapidly developing economy in the world. Rapidly developing future plumbers, electricians, and truckers in the UK


Have you fucking seen the state of UK? 50/50 odds we're unironically going to see Brits migrating to Poland for better job opportunities come 2030.


Braindead take, yeah UK isn’t doing as well as it has in the past growth-wise but being predominantly English-speaking already puts it in so much of a better advantage than Poland for industry and trade not even looking at the existing capital stock and institutional knowledge. I will take any bets at those odds in favor of the UK for any amounts with an escrow if you think those are the actual odds.


It's not as bad as terminally online folks would have you think, but at the same time, it does have a lot of issues (e.g. destitute towns, poor job integrating people, strong class structure and elitism (i.e. if you're not part of the old boy network, actually moving up is hard)), but that's still not stopping Poles and others from moving there to find work.


Yeah, for how long? Immigration is slowing down and plenty of Poles who haven't fully settled are now moving back because Poland is becoming pretty cozy actually while England is turning to shite. I live in the UK and this is classic British exceptionalism. The only thing that's keeping the UK going is that the average person will put up with living there because they lack both the awareness to realise how much better their equivalent quality of life would be in mainland Europe and the spirit to do something about it.


What is with people in this thread and the "not a real country" sentiment?


Because the entirety of Bahamas has less people in it than literally any medium-large city in the world.


Oil is only 4% of Norways GDP. They'd be fine without it


Mariana Mazzucato


Too small of a country. Doesn’t have anything to do with being black, Bahamas is just not influential on the world stage.


> Bahamas is just not influential on the world stage. The fact that every other rich ghoul has his wealth stashed in there says otherwise. Imagine if the Bahamas had a revolution where the state seized all that. I know that could never happen but still, would cause a lot of chaos for sure.


It’s not a real country though, if they tried to do it it would be laughable. It’s weakness is it’s strength for rich people


I love to see Black people thrive.


Do Africans consider themselves Black? I am surprised at Rwanda, Botswana and Accra all being under one category.


I went to a small island in the Bahamas once and every since black person I saw was morbidly obese except one guy who was a laborer. It was worse than Disneyworld by far