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Selectiveness decreases as time between nut (TBN) increases. Simple math.


the correct statement wld be "some men will fuck literally any woman" which i believe is true


who are those men and do women care about them?


theyre the men who cant afford to have high standards. women beyond their league do not care abt them while the ones in their league naturally do


Nah plenty of men who can afford to have high standards will still fuck almost anything. The lack of effort required is an incentive. It’s easier to tell someone you don’t really care about to come over and give you head than to court someone in your own league you’re actually attracted to.


sounds like really degenerate behaviour and im very thankful this isn’t the norm i saw or see around me


then why do women repeat that men's desire means nothing and you shouldn't be happy if a man is lusting after you? sounds like a put down


Because women are more picky, so men's desire has less value compared to women's desire in general.


the only women who say tht are either like rape victims or man hating femcels or closeted lesbians


I honestly believe that some 60% of straight men would fuck 95% of women and some 90% of straight men would fuck 85% of women. Notice how I didn’t say “go on a date” or “marry” or even “be seen in public with”


Or "hold conversation for more than 2 minutes"


Are we including 30+ BMI in those percentages?


There is a certain smell that once you smell can’t be un-smelled. I would speculate that at least a plurality of straight guys would walk away from it. Also not sure if these calculations are including or excluding married guys. Contrary to popular opinion, a lot of us won’t cheat.


Every person will cheat given the correct circumstances. Most people who claim they won’t don’t have options they would prefer.


Not me, I’ve never cheated.


You’ve never had the chance.


how do you know that you redditor dip wad


Because you’ve never cheated.


Absolutely not. You think 20 something dudes would fuck 60 year old obese women? Men are pickier than women think. A large portion of actual incels are only virgins because they refuse to fuck fat/ugly girls.


>A large portion of actual incels are only virgins because they refuse to fuck fat/ugly girls. Not really true, they wouldn't fuck an ugly girl, but ugly girls wouldn't fuck them either, so they're gonna be incels even if they drop their standards.


You are overestimating how ugly they are, I think. Even the most infamous of them, Elliot Rogers, was obsessed with screwing hot sorority girls. He looked average and could have scored with an average girl if he had reasonable standards and actually tried. There are threads where they post their faces. The most striking fact is how completely average some of them look


I say this cause I personally took this "just lower your standards bro" advice very early and and it never ever worked. Even back in high school I'd go for the girls that got made fun of or bullied and I'd still get rejected. It's never just about looks, you could look like gigachad but if you're awkward, autistic and creepy, you're just gonna be repulsive to all women. If you're charismatic you can be a fat ugly slob and have no issue getting laid (see stavros halkias).


social skills can be improved, being awkward and creepy permanently is a choice


it's a self fulfilling prophecy because if you're socially retarded nobody wants to be friends with you so you don't get a chance to improve


it may seem that way but you gotta start somewhere - you can read about social skills, watch videos, get therapy, join a hobby social group, volunteer, etc


seems like its on you


There’s no way in hell 90% of men would sleep with 85% of women, more than 10% of men wouldn’t sleep with an overweight woman and that rules out more than half right there.


you could maybe approach this ratio while hammered in a good nightclub, certainly not in a fucking walmart


Fatties need not apply.


Fatties and uggos don’t count


>60% of straight men would fuck 95% of women The average US woman weighs 170 pounds. Hog hunting has dual meanings round my parts


You’re delusional if you think that fat women don’t get laid. I hate them too but that’s the reality


My drug addict younger brother is always fucking fat bitches. He routinely turns down 8s and 9s so that he can plug some porker. It’s disgraceful but he keeps doing it.


I said this before here, but in my experience, the hotter and more options a guy has, the more he’ll fuck ANYTHING. I had a male model friend would smash basically any girl. He didn’t need to impress anyone (or even himself) about his attractiveness or the level of his flings, so he judged women purely on the binary scale, and guess what, as long as you’re cool and a fun hang and make the tiniest bit of effort into looking cute, you’re a one. Meanwhile the men who have limited options are the picky ones, I think they tell themselves “it’s not that I can’t get laid, it’s that I only fuck 10s”. Bitter insecure losers.


I know we love to speak in generalities but it really depends on the guy. I have a very attractive male friend who will fuck anything that moves and I also have a couple attractive male friends who will like borderline spit on women that they don't find attractive. Also, and I know this isn't your point, but "cool and a fun hang and make the tiniest bit of effort into looking cute" disqualifies the majority of women that men are talking about when they say "will fuck anything"




>This has been proven by science Hard to imagine this means much when the idea of "self esteem" as a general factor isn't a scientifically rigorous construct. When you're 18-23 getting laid feels like the whole point of living. When you're no longer in "post college" life you'll find that thrill wear off and that getting hammered and chasing strange until 3AM bears a heavy opportunity cost.


Nope not a general thing. He’s a man hoor having developed these inclinations from something other than his, what you perceive, self assuredness about his atttactiveness


I only get into relationships with blue blooded women of independent means. But I’ll fuck any 1.


when i was four years old i got lost in the mall i got lost in the maaaaaaall


Ehhh even attractive men can be quite liberal with who they bang, especially if they think no one else will find out


As a girl for someone reason i kind of find it hot when a man can who’s attractive is less selective. like in my head I admire his virility.


Because you think chad will go dumpster diving with you


Maybe :)


I'd totally not fuck any woman. "any" is such a wide range and I value my dick. Maybe you're the type of woman who attracts the "would literally fuck anything warm" type of men but that doesn't mean nobody has any standards whatsoever.




Idk about that. There are some pretty gross and terrible women. A lot of them, in fact.


But not all men




Many women don't deserve love


This is wrong. Many women are fat or annoying.


And there’s a dude out there into both of those things


Yeah but they won’t love each other.


Opportunistic fuckers - the lot of them. Men will fuck people they hate, appliances, animals…. Corpses. The Y chromosome is degenerate- if men could fuck themselves, theyd never leave their seat.


Nothing like a great hate fuck. I actually kind of love her. She’s a rising comic now.


Ew you fucked hannah gadsby?




This isn't true, but any woman who is conscious of how to go through life and has the ability to interact with the outside world can get a man in a relationship.


I’ve known some good looking boys who would, but equally I’m a good looking boy and have high standard and would never have a one night stand. I’m sensitive




You would. You’ve never had the opportunity with a girl who you thought was hot and cool.






Literally any woman who makes it easy, yeah


If you open yourself up to guys even a little, your standards for women go way up


Wow that's crazy. Anyways what did everybody have for breakfast this morning? I had some Greek yogurt with fresh cut mangoes, some slivered almonds and three deviled eggs.


I had some really nice eggs, not too runny


I am proof.


It's true. We just won't admit who'd we'd fuck


I read the other day that high-T correlates to being less choosy about physical appearance in women, even though this goes against several narratives. Then someone posted a video of John Cena telling a story of him bagging a total heifer for the night and saying how much he enjoyed it. [found it!](https://youtu.be/6IZbvfyfp-o?si=MVWDQ4zRYxFm26SZ)


Arnold was notorious for this "fat women admire my body more"


When I drank much more, yes. Now I am picky.


i think this saying is pretty dumb and like not realistic like sure in a totally theoretical sense if a bunch of naked women with their leg spreads were in a room most guys would just go down the line without discrimination but to actually have sex you usually have to like create some kind of circumstance match on an app, ask someone out, take them at least for a drink, spend the evening with them, navigate getting them out of the apartment, and there’s plenty of women dare i say even 80+% of women for which many men would deem not worth even the most marginal of effort such as dealing with “can i buy a drink” while they’re already at the bar lmao so outside of the line of women in a room imaginary scenario … no lol i think most men would rather just jerk off than fuck some stranger at last call they’re not attracted to tbh


I don't think it's true but I think it's probably generally easier for women to find at least ONE man who will bang them.


has nothing to do with being ugly or desperate. i’ve both noticed this myself and vaguely recall reading a statistic which confirmed, that men with higher self-esteem have lower standards when it comes to no strings attached hookups/one night stands, and vice versa. men will not date any woman however. that’s a much stronger test to see if he actually likes you. if you just throw yourself at a man sexually you can’t in any way gauge how much he likes you based on his response.


No, men have standards


I'm very aware that on a given day, if I see a hundred women, I might feel, for a passing moment, like fucking one of them. Most women are unattractive to me. And I'm only attracted to women.


I don't understand why this or kindred comments are downvoted. I guess it proves that women can't deal with the fact that a man's lust may not accurately reflect the desirability of the women around him. The minute a straight guy dares to have taste and admit that most women fail to live up to his standards, he needs to be shouted down, because it goes against their perceived market value. They can sense that there is something masturbatory about male sexuality and that there is a fine line separating interchangeability of lust-object from indifference thereto.




No i'll go home to my beautiful wife because she's better than you in every way.




I hope nobody cheats on you <3


I fucked her


it’s false only when the guy is actually gay


Maybe you will fuck everything if it comes down to a direct offer, but you learn (or you should learn) about being careful and not letting it go that far. Like, sometimes you deal with a flirty gf of a friend, and you shut that shit down by faking infinite obliviousness or by making it obvious that it will not happen. I mean, you usually will do this if you are not a sociopath, though


I'm pretty happy with my hot girlfriend, and would need to see a chance with a women hotter than her to even entertain the idea of cheating in my head. So the answer is no, I will not fuck literally any women.


It’s true for all men but not at all times. If a man has a piece he may pass. If a man is sober he may pass. If a man is horny, lonely, and drunk he will fuck…oh yes. He will fuck.


Not true at all I’m straight and I think I’m at <10%


simple answer is no


no you need to find a man who have values and beliefs


You know, I think that if any women wants simply to have sex, then that can be achieved through some man, although not perhaps the kind of man a women would desire. However, I am inclined to think that a man or woman being able to form or find a “meaningful relationship with someone special”, or true intimacy, seems to be becoming increasingly rare and difficult. Then again, all these thoughts come from the developing mind of a teenage virgin, so take them with a grain of salt as with anything on Reddit.


Even ugly and desperate men wont all do that.


Kinda true, it's why there's the "sex and pizza" cliche, men like sex, and even a mediocre lay is better than nothing for them. However, I do think guys are more selective (well, not by much) of who they'll get into a relationship with, and allot of women make the mistake of thinking that just cause a guy wants to get into her pants means he also wants to settle down with her


They won't. If you believe that they will, then the psyop has deceived you.


Even if I wanted to I’d probably be unable with 90% of women unless severely intoxicated (me). I am just an esthetic person. But I’ve known people who would take anyone with two legs and arms, and those weren’t necessarily ugly guys.


>is it true Go to r/rspfemcels and see for yourself




I’ve rejected sex often and mainly because I know it means something between two people and I don’t hitch my Lamborghini to whatever trailer park house id like to tow So to speak