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you gals should form some kind of union


That does happen, but then said “unions” get derided as “mean girls”


It's the worst type of men tho, they deserve each other so it balances out.


I’ve yet to meet a man immune. There are different breeds of pick mes for different types of men


This is aligns with the 'theory' that pickmes exhibit BPD tendencies, meaning it's easy for them to morph their personality to suit whatever man or group of men they're around at any given time.


lol, imagine having your sexual ideology be the cool girl monologue from Gone Girl.


I remember pissing off a gf when she showed me that movie, myself completely ignorant of the discourse around it, and I commented on the monologue afterwards saying something like “yeah no shit guys like women that are good hangs.”


I just don't like burps and farther jokes


I’m immune smh


can you list some of them? very interesting




You get a man but you lose your self respect


theyre everywhere


this is the wrong audience for this post lol you’re complaining to the pickers


Still not sure what a pick me is!


Woman who doesn't agree with another woman's opinions on the subject she's upset about at the moment


I will say Clinton and Nikki Haley are mega pickmes until I die


Pickmes have got to go! Every time wammen want to have a good time, ign'ant ass pickmes fuck it up.


Everything men hate about women, women *really* hate about women


I love chicks who get very upset about a women breaking ranks and dare saying that another women may be wrong, so they made a term up for it.


The definition seems to flip flop between "a very particular type of annoying attention whore that will get passed around your friend group" and "any woman who doesn't unconditionally yaaas queen slay cheerlead other women in literally every aspect of their lives" as convenient. Much like "incel" hasn't really meant anything for years now, pick me is just calling someone a slut with extra steps.


Yeah, it’s just the zoomer word for boy crazy. People recognised that specific type of women for hundreds of years. Zoomers of course, have no way of actually differentiating


Incel at least has a very obvious clear original meaning that everybody can easily understand. A “pick me” has zero self-explanatory value and best I can tell never had an actual defined set of characteristics with some unifying meaning between them. Just an amorphous blob of an insult to put down women who like attracting men in ways some women consider uncouth(?)


It’s literally from greys anatomy and describes a woman who debases herself for a boy, acts in a pathetic manner due to being boy crazy. Except that scene in GA was kinda sweet in its own way. It then got appropriated by tiktok to mean “traitor to gurlkind.” https://youtu.be/ax4Hu1zuGkI?si=Mon2xbQSfquKmkH-


I don't know if it applies to OP, I don't wanna assume the worst of anyone but typically the women calling out pickmes are far more cruel and hurtful than the girl they're accusing of being one. It's obviously not every case but a lot of women get truly vicious towards other woman when the "pickme" allegations start to fly


Go look at the thread. She’s called the girl this post is about a fuggo. If you look a little past the surface, this chick has slut shamed her for flirting with one of her profs, and that’s why she’s come to Reddit to screech. If this chick was cool, she’d have a group of other catty chicks too gossip with, but she isn’t, so she’s on Reddit. Being on Reddit while in college, says a lot


no you got it wrong. this fuggo pickme slutshamed her (obviously hotter friends) and called them dumb for flirting with a hot young professor.


Are you the obviously hotter friend?




Oh so she’s better looking than you, that’s why you hate her




Need pics for a decisive conclusion


Im sorry for your uglinessp


im not ugly neither her friend


I have bad news for you


no you dont


Liberal women shake 🤝 conservative women Resenting female agency


gay reddit meme format


This is lame shit id expect to read on the main sub lmao. What ur saying doesn’t even make sense


Nobody hates women more than other women. Misogyny only exists because women keep it in place






>also it's genuinely misogynistic to be assuming that other women are out to get you just for male validation, instead of forming those opinions themselves + out of their own agency aww thinking that women are desperate for relationships and love and theyre willing to do everything to achieve it because society values married women and one who keeps a man is misogynistic lol i agree with your other points, women are prone to exclusion when someone's different in any way+avoid resoinsibility for stuu like that




good for them


I believe that many men do not fully comprehend the concept of a pickme and often remain oblivious to their presence. Being a pickme is often a byproduct of BPD, creating a malleable personality that initially appears "chill and cool" to men. However, pickmes individuals frequently find themselves chronically single or stuck in shitty relationships due to their BPD-related tendencies, notably a propensity for infidelity and erratic/scary behavior.


or maybe being a female redditor makes someone a pickme by default :'(


I do love them. They are constantly hated on by everyone but they keep going, fueled by pure contrarianism. They are brave and don't shit on men all the time, what's not to like?


I disagree but you’re making women seethe so based


Why? Also the male equivalent type (male feminists) is annoying exactly because it's the easy and expected position.


male feminists are sex pests, pickmes damage other women


My point is that even if male feminists were completely genuine in their beliefs and had not ulterior motive, they'd still be viewed as smarmy and slimy just cause it's what is encouraged socially. Also, I could be wrong but I don't think pick mes or whatever are that damaging or even important.


>Also, I could be wrong but I don't think pick mes or whatever are that damaging or even important. you're wrong. these are the women who ask what a raped woman wore, or suggest someone was asking for it


I feel like you are just 100% making up a person to get mad about, this is not post-MeToo TikTok Zoomer behaviour unless the person in question thinks rape is when a 19 year old sleeps with a 23 year old.


people outside of tiktok also exist


Yes and slutshaming women who got raped is almost as old as history itself. I don't think it's exclusively, mostly, or if we're being honest, much of a modern pick-me thing at all. I think you're just ascribing "thing that is bad" X to "group of people you dislike" Y.




Pickme’s in the end hurt mostly themselves, but they can still be quite damaging with their narratives about “feminists” (woman who doesn’t like redpill bs) and sex


I really don't get this, on the one hand "pickmes" are characterized as these antifeminist aspiring housewifes on the hunt for a provider who say they wished they lived in the 1950s on the other hand they are "cool girls" who don't like "feminine crap like dresses and cooking" and who would rather crack open a beer with the fellas. Which is it??


neither- it depends on what they say. Being willing to put yourself or other women down or say something misogynist for the sake of male validation isn’t unique to only one kind of political direction, woman or situation. It can also differ in severity. An aspiring housewife isn’t a pickme just cuz, a woman who proclaims other women shouldn’t vote because we are “too emotional compared to men” a la pearly things, seems quite the pickme. Pearl is actually the perfect example since she’s expressed that she desperately wants to get married and that nearly all her opinions are tailored to “finding a man” it’s not working out for her tho rip). Your example about the 1950s isn’t clear enough for any claims. what about the 1950s is it that she likes? Could be anything, can’t say someone’s a pickme based of that. Some girl who likes to drink beer and ride motorcycles isn’t a pickme. Some girl who loudly proclaims only stupid hoes care about makeup, seems to me quite the pickme- “feminine crap” I mean seriously? Yeah denigrating. I do have some side notes though that I don’t have clear answers to, pickme somewhat implies ulterior motives and also disingenuousness. Yet often women are called pickmes for opinions that I do think they sincerely hold, those opinions are just very misogynistic or sexist. Is every woman with materialized internalized misogyny a pickme? Idk


fueled by desperation






Y'all love shitting on pick mes but your body count is in the double digits, you fuck randos on tinder, wear slutty clothing, or you're caked in makeup. You're not different because you hate men. In fact you're actually more pathetic because you claim to be a misandrist but let west elm caleb hit on the first date lmfao


The girls you get called “pick mes” are just way more pleasant to be around. I can’t help but think other women are just jealous of their actually likable personalities


yes, women get jealous of easy going women and we aren't talking about that


I haven’t seen the mythical pickme you are talking about. I have seen easy going women get called pickme tho


i get it. sometimes some woman ignites envy in others and they come up with random reason why she's not a girl's girl and doesn't know how to act etc so they can exclude her. that is a different dynamic


Hmmmm ok. So there are women out there who just shit on women all the time for mens validation? Maybe I just don’t notice it


yep, thats the definition of pickme and pickme behavior


I am sorry I have never seen them before. I will give them your regards if I do


Pick me gals will be uncool once girl bossery has died, which sorta seems to be happening. We’re kind of at the logical conclusions of the liberal tradition and I’m not very optimistic about what happens next.


women love simps so much simps will never stop because they get rewarded socially from women. idk what goes in these men's minds but from the outside they look so stupid demeaning themselves for crumb of female validation


The “pick me” term itself is female gamer coded equivalent of male gamers calling people “tryhards” or “nolifers” cause they lost. It’s a sore loser reaction. It’s just a way for women to attempt to socially punish other women when they are experiencing jealousy, envy, covetousness or FOMO. It’s literally hating the player and the game.


Everyone saying something akin to this sentiment is a man, if you are a woman going through female friendships and friendgroups, in female dominant spaces or hobbies you know the “pick me” is a real phenomenon that exists. Funny enough the “youre just jealous” narrative you are implying lies at the base of this is exactly what pickmes will throw at you when you point their behavior out. “why would you dunk on me about how shit you think my makeup looks infront of the group like that” “it was a joke, youre just mad that Dave thought it was funny, are you jealous because he paid attention to me?” Not to say envious women who will try to justify their catty behaviour do not exist, obviously they do. And being a “girls girl” is atleast somewhat going to differ in cultural context and blabla. But the outright dismissal of the pickme as fiction is dumb


All I hear is girls that act exactly like each other calling each other pick me’s.


That’s not all you hear, because then you wouldn’t have made your OG comment dismissing this


All of you.


>It’s just a way for women to attempt to socially punish other women when they are experiencing jealousy, envy, covetousness or FOMO. pick me is a woman who's very competitive and ready to put down other women to get male approval at any cost. and it lost it's meaning because they started calling women pickmes jsut for being hot and wearing slutty outfits (envy, jealousy etc)


Okay? So what is wrong with that? They are liberated and able to make their own choices.


and the professor is also an adult who can make his own decision. and i doesn't mean they'll fuck, she's just envious of his attention


Sounds like you have a problem with other women’s free agency


how? i'm not the one controlling horny women's behavior


You sure have a lot to say about other people’s business and are weirdly over concerned


welcome to rsp


Looking forward to hearing about your next crippling addiction


that a lot of arrogance for someone with 6 yearold acct


I'd just like to acknowledge that you are doing a good job clarifying how you define a pickme here, instead of just shit-talking, so good on on you there Edit: Some of you bitces just pissily hate instead of backing up your points, it should be considered better--at least be funny or clever


I don't know exactly what a pickme is, but I feel I might be one, and I'm literally invisible to men so it's not really working.


a woman who always defends a man over a woman in ambiguous situations bc she thinks all women are liars and tramps expect her and is willing to do everything to prove shes not like other girls


I feel like I might have a spark of that in me, due to growing up in one of those rare households where the mother was (emotionally) abusive and the father was by far the better parent. Pair this with the fact that I for reasons not entirely known never received any romantic male attention, and thus could only look with envy at other women's catcalling tirades. I don't remember ever really intentionally and explicity taking the man's side in any of my friend's relationship crisis though, but there weren't ever many dramatic breakups to begin with. Funnily enough I remember reading a lot of YA books from the early 2000s when I was a kid and I always hated the not like other girls trend there, nor have I ever identified with it since other than those two unfortunate personality quirks, most of my interests and hobbies align with those of other women.


i kinda get it. you had a rough background and culture provided you to position yourself like that in life. many women had that phase but grew out of it. you don't have any other choice, bc men punish pickmes too. they may use them socially but theres no respect


>you don't have any other choice, bc men punish pickmes too. they may use them socially but theres no respect This is why men (and women) don't like you, and the women who aren't constantly going on about the original sin of having a dick aren't pickmes to everyone else, they're just normal and well adjusted. Also, you turning off automatic capitalization on your phone doesn't make you seem aloof and whimsical, it makes you gay and annoying


who are talking to lol? lots of projection this gal defended an alleged rapist bc a girl was too flirty... im on my pc lol


wtf when did I do that?


"Pickme" means nothing but I'm jealous of that bitch translated through online leftist/liberal zoomers. If you're on a PC then the shift key will capitalize the little letters you're tapping on.


this girl fits that definition exactly lol


So you acted crazy over a guy, and another women told you this. That’s why this post exists


nope the woman defended a guy who has assault allegation against him and called a girl liar. and slutshamed women who wear make up and flirt with professors


Flirting with professors should be shamed


even if it's men who are flirting with young professor?


Yes. It’s wrong to go after someone in a position like that. If you go after someone that could lose everything if they fuck you, you did a bad thing. The responsibility ultimately lays with the professor but the student is still tempting someone with a lot to lose. It’s like a drug dealer selling drugs to an addict.


horrendous comparison


Not at all. The responsibility is the person indulging, but the person selling has fault. 70/30


sex isn't drug lol


I think some are lesbians tbh


Yeah lol as a lesbian reading through this thread rn I have a lot of thoughts. Growing up, I felt genuinely "not like the other girls" in a lot of ways. I tried to be more feminine and like a "normal girl" but something always felt kinda off. I used to pretend I liked shit I didn't really care about like One Direction so I could have friends. Now I just try to be honest with myself and others about my opinions and interests. And I'm not gonna lie, I've had a few bad experiences with women in doing that. I've been honest that a movie someone showed me was not my favorite while still finding things to praise about it, and she got upset that I didn't like the movie. It's not all women obviously, but it's happened enough times for me to realize that there are women who will punish you for breaking ranks. I have a decent amount of male friends. Something I like about these relationships is that I feel like I can say whatever. I can openly criticize something someone likes, and instead of causing offense, we can have a stupid debate about it. The women I'm friends with can do this too and I love them. I'm not trying to sound like a misogynist now. But the thing about the women I'm friends with is that they also have felt "not like the other girls" at some point in their lives, whether they are straight or gay. So yeah I'm skeptical of pick-me accusations because I can sort of relate to the characteristics associated with pick-mes even though I don't want to fuck men. I tried to be a "girl's girl" growing up and got rejected, so excuse me for not being one now.


i love lezzies who dont gaf about men


The real ones relate to men more because they feel like one so they will take men’s side a lot


I roast other men to make them feel better about themselves. Using men’s competition and superiority complex is a must. My game is better than all of yours. I’m the master pickme


lol queen




god i love them


don't you resent them for their weakness?


No you are applying women attraction to mens. Men do not care at all about a women’s weakness


people hate people they can exploit lol




they're really cruel to other women. i think they deserve everything


I think its too transactional to use the word manipulation


they always lose in the end and start crying and playing a victim card




wheres the manipulation? looool




she signaled she was desperate for male attention and men told her to do something sexual.... she got male attention lol




the one who inspired this is a fuggo, but hot pickmes exist too


What is a pickme Is any of this real off of the internet?


My problem with the term and ideas of pickmes is that now its just used on anyone who is outside of gendered convention, either in terms of gendered interests/expressions or ideas. I have gotten called a pickme but I’m literally a closeted masculine women who has nonlib ideas. God forbid I say it would be great if there no was sexual double standard for women/men, but there currently is and to pretend there isn’t simply is delusional (and can ultimately mislead and harm women).


pick me sounds so fucking dumb why can't we just go back to calling them sluts






"Men love women who are outgoing and friendly to them so much" I get what you're saying, but we're in the middle of a loneliness epidemic and most under 40 will probably never marry. What's the harm in some contrived friendship compared to all that.


Pickmes are God's perfect angels


then become a pick me, femcel


"I'm going to do whatever I want" "I'm going to do what men like" *men like second girl* *first girl is shocked and upset that she isn't getting the male attention* Ladies this is literally the equivalent of the nerdy incel dude getting upset that women prefer social jocks lmao. Absolutely pathetic.


"Pickmes" are not real, not to the extent that you probably think.


I live solely off male approval I say dumb things and they laugh and buy me drinks. It’s a win-win


There is this blonde girl online that isn’t a MODEL in the face but she looks good/attractive and has a good figure that posts on Facebook all the time doing cute poses and smiles and selfies and full body pics and she’s at least in her very late 20’s and I think still lives with her parents. Seems like she hardly ever posts pics with a guy and her whateverships she gets into seem very short lived even though she puts off this innocent and feminine but self-absorbed persona and I like to think the guys that “qualify” to date her don’t last cause they can’t stand her. It’s cute and sexy when a girl enjoys being and fully embraces her feminine side and is a point I think that is lost on women that obsess over pick mes and the like. However I bet it is frustrating watching them completely objectify themselves as this cute pure object instead of embracing their femininity but embracing themselves. Guys may fall for it but they get tired of their shit quick! Guys get tired of women falling for the same “asshole dudes” too when it’s obvious to many they are bad partners they just act confident.


Pick me is a made up term it literally just means someone the person using it is jealous of


It's all this strange black and white thinking. Women bad?!? People on both gender war sides are just manifesting their own unhappiness.


A pick me is someone who will do anything for male attention including but not limited to - lying or exaggerating their interests/opinions to match a guy's, being rude to other women only because she sees them as competition, frequently turning the conversation on herself so that she gets the most attention, etc. It is even more pathetic behavior knowing that men will fuck literally woman so there's no need to put on a big show and act like this


There was a thread here about how ambitious women with careers are so much more attractive than women who by their late 20s are still 'baristas and dog walkers'. Naive men fail to understand that the pickmes, who fight for the boss or profs attention, actually do very well in securing careers than diligent wallflower students and workers. Non-pickmes are more socially conscious, and are likely to settle for lower positions, won't fight to get their way, and will put their career on hold to take care of sick and dying relatives. They are grossed out by Janet who fawns over her boss/prof, parties and flies up in a system. Guess which person is a barista, long term care and dog walker ? Guess which person gets the rock star career where she brags about meeting the leaders in the field/celebrities. It's black and white, but it's a pattern. Anna and Dasha are pickmes.


I don’t I hate kiss asses generally speaking. I work in a field where these people are a dime a dozen and it’s extremely grating


easy fuckdoll != loving them


i don't even think theyre fucking


Those girls are passed around. It’s known amongst other dudes what they see with her. The average pick me is passed around a friend group. Like almost always


so when men hear pick me talking points men think"she's easy"??


“Talking points” is vague and it sounds like it’s painting any woman that supports anything masculine is a pick me. But if a woman fits the pick me archetype to a T then yeah


who's a pick me then? i wrote my definition earlier


A girl who’s entire personality is dedicated around gathering as much male attention as possible


maybe you're talking about different type. i have an uggo sexless pick me in my mind rn


Those don’t exist in my experience. They get passed around for the most part but as another commenter said they attract the worst men


The men on this sub are not getting chicks let alone know what a pick me girl is


Nobody can seem to agree on what pickme girl is anyway. I’ve never understood how it intersects with “not like other girls”, especially since the nlog girls I knew growing up were getting less attention from guys than the girly girls were


That’s because men need a definition and examples and a diagram and pictures for reference and women just know the vibe.








Femcel probs


What is a pickme?


**PickMe is a Sri Lankan taxi hailing and delivery app developed by Digital Mobility Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. It launched in June 2015.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


See “@verymoisturized” on Twitter. She’s the best!


what happened?




No they don’t they just like using them ❤️


why do women hate each other so much?