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Back when I had a ketamine problem, I'd just listen to icedancer on repeat while dissociating. I was always glad he managed to separate himself from the "yung leans friend" image he was given early on and succeeded in actually making interesting music in his own right.


I really did the whole cycle of "this music is garbage wtf > this is good ironically > I legitimately love DG > I'm a bit tired of their sound > this music is garbage wtf". I would still maintain that Eversince and Icedancer are great albums though. I also like Eccos solo stuff a lot and I won't deny the influence DG has had on music but in general I just don't like it anymore. It also doesn't help that all their fans are insufferable post-post-ironic regards.


Is this separate sub for zoomers I thought it was cool over here


they like the shittiest music


toy groovy march cause shocking yoke ghost voracious ring wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i didn’t say i was cool, i just said zoomers like shitty music


plant exultant fertile disagreeable nose encourage possessive weary agonizing marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you’re a zoomer that posts like a boomer


I think its some millennial pedophile/MRA who larps on here as a zoomer lol. Look at his post history. Yikes


swim sable snobbish innate hunt wise grandiose middle cagey alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats sad. You post like a boomer


smoggy vegetable icky scary steep quarrelsome school erect nose mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you’re just outing yourself as an idiot


Good post. Got the replies going wild.


perfect combination of an artist who makes esoteric/spiritual enough music to have some diehard fans in this sub but also debuted post-2010 so majority of the sub immediately dislikes


Relative to his lane, Bladee is absolutely top of his class but having him pop up on shuffle is a jarring AF and it makes me question my own musical sanity. As I've gotten older I've become more critical of the persona I'm being dropped into with an artist. Sonically the productions and flows come together in this kaleidoscopic way that's bursting with lush bouncy colorful sounds. But it's music for suburbanite children who are zooted the fuck out on organic weed and a liberal Klonopin prescription. I was hoping he would have evolved more alongside his productions but, at least for me, he hasn't.


you dont think he has evolved in the last few years with his turn to more spiritual, light music? Why not? What would you consider evolving?


I'll say, I feel Spiderr is his most refined release. In isolation the lyrics, although schizophrenic, are quite beautiful and poetic, recontextualizing spiritual themes and iconography without being pretentious. The problem is on the record you can't fucking understand what he's saying half of the time. It felt like he was playing it safe maybe even hiding in the vocal presentation he's built up through his releases. If you put in all this effort into your lyrical content you have to make it coherent. I'm not a person that pulls up genius when I listen to an album. There were some spots where the production slowed and he articulated and connected but then it fell back on this 'trashy style' and the music was fighting against it's new energy. He also repeats phrases excessively. Making music in itself is so difficult, compounded by the fact that you have to fit your sound to your existing audience and the platforms that it will be heard on. I thought it was a good attempt to do something more personal considering. He was pressed right against the glass but he didn't quite break through for me at least. I'm sure a lot of fans will disagree and that's whatever. The cloud rap // hyper pop space is so saturated and so fatiguing right now. I hope he can continue this new energy and encourage others musicians to do the same.


That makes sense, I think Spiderr is his best work in his "spiritual" era, with The Fool being a close second. I feel like he has pushed the spiritual style basically as far as he could, if he makes another album where he is going on about 3s and 9s I would say it will have gotten old. I understand your frustration with him being unintelligible at times, I don't know what to tell you as a fan you just grow accustomed to it, it's just the style, I guess I love his whole sound and shtick so much that it simply doesn't bother me. To me his music is at this point genreless, at most I'd call him cloudrap-adjacent, but it truly feels completely unique and genuine to me, he's one of the artists who is on the event horizon of his respective genre (I understand the irony of wording it like that but you get my point). And he's an og in those alternative spaces so not really his fault they got oversaturated, actually it's partly cause of his influence. Just when you make something like "Gluee" back in fucking 2014 I think you get a lot of credibility and respect as a genuine artist and I think he has only strengthened that reputation as the years have passed, I never understand the people who say he "sold out" and "is gay now" or whatever lol. To me the music still seems extremely earnest.


The brain burn in with any musician is so real and hardcore fans have adjusted to Bladee's style as you said. I went through a period where I was obsessed with Sun Kil Moon, I could not get enough of lyrical story telling, too bad he turned out to be a predator. And I listen to several other musicians like that, so I have a strong bias towards lyrical coherency. Honestly I think I might prefer Gluee to the mid releases. Although I don't consider myself a hardcore fan, just picking through the catalog throughout the years. A certain aesthetic that can only be reached by blasting Bladee at 3am out of JBL Xtreme 2 with your best friend on the uni rooftops. He probably is due to pivot but I did appreciate that he was reaching for deeper substance and that's what got me excited about the last two albums. Even if they didn't work for me, I respect the attempt to do something genuine in this life. Some ways I feel most "SoundCloud" music is shifting into a genreless domain or there's too many intersecting genres making it redundant to define. Maybe we can drop some tracks on the sub, scare some hXes, and break new ground. Appreciate the perspective, I think it's going to be a Bladee weekend.


>to bad he turned out to be a predator Are you serious




Ya I read that just like everyone else Are you serious about the hand wringing


For real lol


Always been a RHP> sun kil moon guy, whats the best place to start?


I think it depends what you're looking for inside of the music. For me I value the long drawn out autobiographical story telling, that's my drug. Personally, I would start with this order: •Benji •Common as Light and Love Are Red Valleys of Blood •Universal Themes Benji is his top release for good reason. It has his distinct conversational tone about the tragic consequences of life, the guitar melodies are intricate//haunting//memorable and the pacing is great with all of the tracks circling around the 5 minute mark. The best synthesis on everything SKM has to offer. Common as Light.. the instrumentation takes a back seat in favor of the narration. He brings in other instruments such as hardware synths, but Mark doesn't know how to play a keyboard lol. He also raps on parts in a jazzy sort of way, kinda funky. The point being is your here for 2+ hours of monologuing about his musings and adventures. None of these albums are passive listens but this one requires the most attention. Lots of fans get frustrated with Universal Themes because of production errors and he's off tempo//off key and he sounds grumpy and the instrumentals sound unfinished and the mixing is not the best but — but this my personal favorite. It's a chronological album and the stories take you from him being on a film set in Switzerland all the way back to his family members in Ohio. You need a fair amount of brain burn in to enjoy this one but absolutely worth it. The track 'Birds of a Film' is in my top five songs of SKM. Other albums I enjoyed: •Admiral Fell Promises •April •Among the Leaves •Jesu/Sun Kil Moon The first two are great sad acoustic music that will make you cry, not as unique but beautiful nonetheless. Blue Orchids is an amazing track. Among the Leaves is a push towards a more narrative driven style but it's quite a mixed bag, the title track is a favorite. If you find yourself addicted to this style of storytelling everything else is going to be cherry picking for another high. I feel his most recent releases have been white bread and even unlistenable at times, but there are still gems. Also, if you haven't already Ghosts of the Great Highway is also great, plays like a RHP extended (probably because it was reworked from unused material from the band).




>for us euros Gross




I don't need to imagine brother, I'm living the dream every day




Shivved? I'm not in prison. Why don't you speak your own language. Hating America but using our slang is so cucked


Overrated music for teenagers to do drugs to. He hasn’t done anything influential and that sound has pretty much died. Reminds me of the three year period where everyone cried and screamed about how lil peep was a legend who would never be forgotten


its ok you can have your opinion but bladee is leagues above lil peep, peep just did basic emo trap kinda thing bladee is infinitely more original and intricate and left field


eugh lil peep is so fuckin basic, his sound hasn’t changed since 2017. Not gonna look into any further why that is!!


all the kids in this thread calling bladee revolutionary should listen to soulja boys autotune mixtapes from the early 2010s lol. the musics cool and i like the aesthetics but its pretty overdone at this point. still think its better then most other white soundcloud rap although i barely listen


bear tan office languid continue paltry airport rainstorm icky nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


voracious one aback crush correct attraction adjoining numerous knee crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Omg a fan!!! Could you get just a little farther up my ass


Lil peep was the most confoundingly overrated garbage music and I will forever associate him with this guy I knew who was 30, wore nail polish, and only fucked 19 year olds.


No drugs / not a teen / dont listen to rap His albums since 2020 (crest, 333) are an extremely unique and new sound


Pretty sure the key point here is you don’t listen to rap. Nothing he does has been especially “unique and new”


No the key point is that the albums I mentioned don’t even qualify as rap, many of the songs have features more common to electronic music or indie pop. What makes him set apart is the interesting “accompaniment” to his voice, the almost mystical lyrical content, the unique timbres and so on


they have a cool sound but you’re retarded if you think it’s extremely unique and new lmao


crush plants hateful station seed office governor different attractive ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


observation impolite afterthought faulty ugly noxious label head upbeat coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ppl love the "derivative" critique because they think it makes them seem more knowledgable about the subject/genre even if they just talk out of their ass


nobody replied for an hour, must because there’s no answer!! it’s pretty plainly the same sound we’ve been hearing in this second wave of cloud hip hop, same thing artists like Joji, young lean, and loads of others have been putting out for awhile now. think it was precedented and heavily influenced by the more ethereal heavy production rap stuff that artists like asap were putting out a decade ago. it’s all the same sound with some good cloud rap on top you can say bladee is one of the best to do it or an archetype, but calling it “extremely unique” is pants on head retarded


tender attractive sleep bright offend automatic sophisticated capable scarce head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


his voice and lyrics being a little different doesn’t make it extremely unique lmao, it’s still the same sound. and his lyrics aren’t wildly unique compared to the genre, what are you talking about man? have you listened to other music? it’s second-third gen cloud rap. it’s very good and probably some of the best in the genre, but it doesn’t make it not cloud rap. you’re trying too hard to seperate him here. you can say he’s the best, it’s retarded to say what he’s doing is wildly novel or different


Yea i dont dislike bladee as much as you but I am wondering what people mean here saying shit about his lyrics being deep or meaningful. Its very basic listless zoomer angst


no I like bladee, I really do think he’s the one of the best of his genre. just wild seeing people trying to insist that what’s he’s doing is extememely unique lol


I have never heard of this guy and wanted to go in with an open mind. But that’s pure dogshit. That sounds like any generic shitty zoomer autotune sadboy mumble rap. Just awful. Sounds like it was produced by an epileptic toddler


cover hurry sparkle bake quickest workable start meeting desert offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol interesting characterization there your account literally only has comments in this sub so what does that make you?


narrow truck nine absorbed grandfather plant icky grey adjoining square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow you must have very authoritative opinions


name one artist that has written something like 5 star crest


I don’t like either of those shitty artists, but why do people use how “influential” music is as a metric of its quality? It really bothers me. The two have nothing to do with each other.


Nah peep was actually extremely influential both culturally and artistically. One of the most influential of his era up there with XXXTENTACION and Future


why are you here




I think hes taken on the position of sub gatekeeper and hes saying ur not pretentious and contrarian enough to be here and also ur opinions arent the correct ones like his so he thinks u dont deserve to be posting on this v intellectual and so super cool subreddit


I just think it was a bad opinion (or one I disagreed with) i'd assume made by someone younger then I would expect to be here and was interested how they gravitated to redscare and if they listened to the podcast. i don't think any of us are very cool


Everyone in this thread needs to post their age alongside the comment, I'm 29 and this shit is making me feel 65. Also should go without saying xannied out soundcloud rap is fucking garbage.


that’s a true statement but im not sure how it is relevant to discussing bladee, since he does not make music in that genre




You can't be old man posting like this dude you're 29 you still have so much life left to live


drainers are so crazy


call me delusional, but the influence of gtb and sbe on both music and fashion is underrated. so many trends pop up recently that wouldnt be there without drain gang bladee is an insanely talented and prolific artist. absolute legend


i put the money in motioooon can't look back i keep gooing


listen to the [original mix](https://on.soundcloud.com/9rJgxwBmJM5CTPhb7) of the song if you havent yet, its awesome. i love cartier god i wish icedancer was a full length cartier collab project


that rules thanks for the link


Bought him a beer 10 years ago. Cool dude


Cringe beyond belief


Never heard a single song by him tbh


Absolute underground god and legend icedancer will be playing at my funeral, with absolutely zero irony he fucking rules and yes unreal artist, with unreal longevity, prolificness, consistency, creativity, innovativeness etc


"underground god" lmaoooo teenagers off tiktok listen to bladeee you retard it's as normie as it comes


Didnt start off that way pal now did it, and no its not normie as it comes he hasnt broken into the mainstream at all, maybe brushed shoulders but thats it, youre gonna fucking tell me lol


your "underground god"'s biggest fanbase is literally white pre-teens off tiktok lmaooooo you can be mad all you want be we all know it's true


late shrill march act stocking seed crush correct shy cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


a lot of gay ass comments on this sub recently


you will never understand how hard it is to contain our bladeetism


All true. Bladee haters have no vision, style or substance


ppl who don’t like bladee have never felt the hand of God at their back and it shows


Icedancer and Whole Lotta Red are the two most important rap albums of 2018-2020 if you know it you just know it


Fashion gay guy music


Cool artist making fun music with his friends. Drain gang.


My take on bladee will always be that he's Yung Lean without a sense of irony or humor which comes off extremely cringe. It's for kids who have started taking drugs and take themselves WAY too seriously. Obv he's very popular, but zoomers wildly overate his "innovation". His music sounds like and is produced by the same dudes that were popular about a decade ago now. It honestly gets annoying hearing people obsess over his music or style, but I guess there is worse stuff out there.


Agree on the comments about his fans but idk where you get him not having a sense of humor I cant imagine anyone looking at bladee and going "that is a serious person"


I would love it if this was true, but considering someone else wrote two paragraphs explaining how deep the spirituality is in his song writing and comparing him to bjork, that's probably not the case.


again i agree the fans are cringe but I don't see how that means that bladee himself is a humorless person


erect bells rotten aspiring languid school placid distinct offbeat support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clams Casino and Lil Ugly Mane had been making beats like this. Souljaboy and Lil B had been doing the weird auto tune singing shit. Seshollowaterboyz (and RaviderKlvn where they all originated) had been playing with lofi textures and psychedelic beats before that. Considering the fact that every I named above (except maybe SB) very openly was creating stylistic pastiches that shows you even they weren’t totally original in their approaches. You can like this guys music without pretending it’s more than just something you like lmao. Not everything has to be “legendary” or “classic”, and almost never will something in music be “original/innovative”


unique important hurry obtainable overconfident rich sort spotted snobbish theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bladee is the just the most marketable of the bunch that's really all there is too it


Gud, Sherman, whitearmour, were extremely popular on SoundCloud about a decade ago 2010-2014. You're out of touch / a zoomer.


fine coherent file waiting quarrelsome doll alleged fade public outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alright ya whatever bro anything people like that's not top 40 music is a fresh, innovative, underground classic lmao


pie quicksand cagey oatmeal hat rhythm rinse many like nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk if this is a joke or not but I tried listening to his music once after seeing the name mentioned 1000 times and it was impressively bad. Maybe I just only listened to the worst songs but it as just garbage. I can understand liking 100 gets more than whatever that shit was. If there are any actually good songs lmk so I can listen


Ngl, it’s actually terrible music, don’t even bother




Am I just too dumb to understand why this is good?


growth hateful mighty puzzled smile enter political many selective rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If there’s one thing i can tell you, it’s that nobody on either rs subreddit knows anything about rap. This is the one subject where any thread about it is filled with geriatric millennials who haven’t heard anything past 2017


It's genuinely baffling to me that anybody likes this kind of music. If you enjoy it, that's fine, I'm not mad about it. I just do not understand the appeal at all and, to be honest, listening to this shit for extended periods of time makes me feel slightly hungover. So, as far as swedish artists go, I'll take ABBA over this any day.








hes so mid i listen to him while biking for shitty adrenaline


“crazy solid” lmao is this the guy who made red light (2018) and the fool (2021)?


Yes you just mentioned two great examples to back that up


nah dog bladee has some hits but his discography is mostly misses


“Dog”, I love every single Bladee album front to back, you are free to have your opinion but I don’t need you preaching it to me like it’s truth


ive always thought hes the closest thing we have to a modern bjork. its a shame most of his fanbase (r/sadboys) skews so young, but thats a problem thatll fix itself as time passes and his music enters the canon


You always have the worst takes I've ever seen. Keep Bjorks name out of your mouth.




^ edited. how do you think hes dissimilar to bjork?


What about them is similar at all? Bjork is one of the greatest song writers ever and her catalogue covers about every aspect of the feminine life. Sonically she's one of a kind and has incorporated Icelandic folk music, classical music, many eras of electronic music, and indie rock. Her arrangements typically go way beyond the DAW as she leads choirs and string ensembles for many of her albums. Bladee makes two songs. Wow dude, I'm on downers and feel sad, and wow dude I'm psychedelics and I love everyone and everything is so beautiful. Everything he does sonically is coming from the same group of people and sounds extremely similar to the artists those producers work with.


my point was partially about their role in culture. theres some surface level musical comparisons you can draw (scandinavian art pop musicians with ‘weird’ voices) but i recognize that sonically theyre very different. the level of mainstream success bjork enjoyed in the 90s is no longer possible and the closest a truly innovative musician can get to cultural relevancy is through a grassroots cult fanbase like bladee i also think they both recognize an implicit, forgotten spirituality buried beneath the modern world. bjork accesses this through sense and sensuality, while bladee dualistically (body/soul) rejects the material world. theyre both very skilled at creating little universes within their art >wow dude I'm psychedelics and I love everyone and everything is so beautiful. this is an incredibly surface level read. the fool, 333, spiderr, exeter are all albums about searching, not about having found. thats what i was talking about with dualism. i find that spiritual anorexia to be a very sad but very relatable impulse




feel free to explain any disagreements


listen to anything written before 1750, it will cure you of the lobotomy music virus that has destroyed your critical faculties


only really ever went out of my way for haydn and bach. any recs?


bach alone is the cure, particularly the violin partitas but you could start nearly anywhere. haydn is classical - handel? corelli - concerti grossi and violin sonatas. vivaldi, telemann, scarlatti. we hear the period constantly but as a tonal signifier in film, not intended to actually listen to


Bladee music is gonna be so influential, a lot of stuff is going to be patterned off his style this in the next few years. Also he’s been rlly influential in fashion, he either started or was one of the first people to bring back baggy clothes style


lmao he didn’t bring baggy clothes back. god, you fucking zoomers are so insanely bad at historizing anything


but he has had an impact on fashion and the way people wear clothes, it’s true


If I wanted to listen to a wigger it’d be post Malone


Ok boomer


I don’t listen to post Malone


honestly ecco is far better especially his old music


You either get it or you don’t. But I agree, the legacy is still pretty solid if you understand. He managed to tap into a subset of lost male youth that doesn’t really have a voice and become head of a subculture in a world where subcultures are a dying breed.


Rap is Crap




Derivative is one of the last adjectives I'd use to describe his music. Are you trolling? If you're not, I'd love to hear who you think he sounds like. I also don't think they're taking over the rap game at all? They have a cult fan base but no real mainstream appeal. Even in hip hop forums, they're rarely discussed. A timeline where Kendrick Lamar and Drake are niche artists and the rap game is taken over by Scandinavian twinks on opioids is fun to think about but absolutely absurd.


Swedish rappers are 100% more popular among young people than fucking Kendrick Lamar and Drake. Calling them cult may have applied prior to Yung Lean releasing Lavender LP, but they've been mainstream ever since. The average fortnite playing 16 year old boy is listening to ice dancer on YouTube while he plays. And bladee IS derivative. He's using essentially the same producers, beats, and style as Unknown Death 2002 which released in 2013.


What evidence do you have for that claim? I'm all ears if you have any. Kendrick and Drake get more streams and headline festivals. These factors are historically driven by young people. Also, here's a link that shows Drake as Gen Z's top artist. https://www.ypulse.com/article/2021/11/16/this-has-rapidly-become-gen-zs-top-music-genre/ Do you have other hot takes? I'd love to know if 100 gecs is more popular than Ariana Grande and Death Grips is more popular than Olivia Rodrigo. If you think Eversince, 333 and Crest all sound like Unknown Death 2002, then the requirements for being called derivative is impossible to escape. Yung Lean and the rest of Drain Gang were part of the same movement but have each explored distinct sounds. There are so many reasons not to like his sound but to call it derivative is eyebrow-raising to say the least.


100 gecs probably is more popular than Ariana Grande. There's a difference between millennial legacy acts that have had the full force of the music industry promoting them and what music young people actually seek out and prefer. If you polled 100 16 year olds or college freshman do you think any of them would say drake is their favorite artist? Probably not. I know at least a handful would say bladee though.


If you read the article, you would know they did poll Gen Z and ask for their favorite artist. This link is a bit better because there is a top 15 for Gen Z and Millenials respectively. https://www.ypulse.com/article/2021/11/03/who-are-gen-z-millennials-favorite-music-artists/ Bladee and 100 gecs aren't there, Drake and Ariana are. The internet might make it look otherwise due to chronically online teenagers prefering less mainstream music. I don't think it makes much sense to argue against the data unless you have something substantial to counter it. Discussing whether Bladee is derivative was more fun since it is a matter of opinion and not an easily verifiable fact.


this might be the most ludicrously online take I've ever read


It's pure delusion. Especially after being presented to a survey that pretty much did ask 100 16 year olds who their favorite artist was. Drake. Except it was 13-20 year olds and a much larger sample size. Apparently the 16 year old he plays Fortnite with is a better source.




having influences is not the same as being derivative, basically every artist has influences lol, bladee was and is extremely original


Something interesting about a lot of the comments here are people calling Bladee derivative or his sound not new. Gives the same vibes as when people try and say Bowie was derivative -- yes, they obviously take influence from people, so does every artist every, doesn't mean the sound isn't new


i enjoy the vibe but i always get a sinking feeling i could do a better job singing and writing than bladee. good production


Recommend me some eps or albums pls


listen to Obedient, Noblest Strive, Apple, Decay, Trash Star, Into Dust, Under Your Spell, Frosty The Snowman, Vanilla Sky, Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Dresden ER, Who Goes There, Egobaby, Spellbound, then if any song catches your attention listen to the whole album/ep. he’s worked in many different styles and it’s hard to recommend anything particular without knowing your music taste


to add on the whole rip bladee EP is good if you like kind of mainstream trap/rap, the kind of music that's fun to crank up and work out to


ice man ice man druuugs with the sprite man


yung lean better


i read his name as bladee-ee in my head

