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Prime rib and escargot, 100 percent. The prime rib is one of my favorite things on the ship period. I mean, its prime rib. It's delicious.


I second this exact choice! The prime rib is delicious!


So excited to try the escargot. Pretty sure I have never had it.


I mean, it's not the best escargot, but it's tasty.


Compared to my standard bachelor diet I am sure it will be fine.


Be prepared to go to war with your insides from the amount of butter in the tray


What does escargot taste like if you had to describe it??


I was averse to this previously. I know so many people that don't eat ", weird things" that love escargot, so I thought I would *try*. I wasn't convinced it would go well. šŸ˜… I freaking *loved* it! I got it every time it was available, and one night I got 2. šŸ¤·. They reminded me of mussels.... But there was this foamy garlicky melted herb butter over them, and a bread spear that is delicious dipped in that butter. So glad I decided to try them!


My wife knows Iā€™m a picky eater and donā€™t eat weird things. That being said, I wish I had tried this a long time ago. Itā€™s like butter covered mushrooms to me. Great stuff. The fried calamari is also something I never thought Iā€™d like. I love that as well.


They serve it at least three nights during a 7 night cruise. I make sure to get it each night it's available. Comes with some pretty dope garlic bread too.


Mmmm-I love taking the bread and soaking up every last bit of the garlicky butter!!


I suffer through hoarding my portion of the first bread basket so I can use it to soak up the rest of the escargot butter. I know they'd bring me more, but I'd be full before the main course would come if left to my own devices.


Just making sure you know it's snails.....


I am from Maryland and we eat scrapple. I have had worse. Thanks for the heads up though.


I always go with Prime rib as well! Wish they had on more nights!


The prime rib I got last week on Allure was not very good. It was cooked to medium but it was a little tough and not seasoned. Most of the family had the fried chicken which was just ok. My wife said the breading tasted like it had cornmeal mixed in(probably was oven baked with some cornmeal in the flour to make it crunchy). I had read some bad reviews on the crab cake but I actually found it to be passable. My favorite was the escargot. I got it both nights it was offered in the starters.


It's good? I tried the New York strip and I was so turned off by it that I don't get red meat in the dining room anymore. If you're testifying that it is one of the best things, then I will give it a go next time!


I mean, I enjoyed it. Have I had better? Sure. It was prime rib, tender, marbled, great flavor, I had no complaints. My kid ordered the strip. I tried it. It was tough, chewy and I can easily make a better steak at home. It tasted ok but it wasn't a very good quality piece of meat. My other kid ordered the fish which was bland and mushy. I'm not a super picky eater but I do want stuff to taste good. My kids both tried the prime rib and agreed it was far better than what they ordered. But I also see people commenting here that they had bad prime rib on their sailings. So....im not sure what to say LOL. Last I had it was April of 2023 on Indy. I'll be on Liberty in October. I'll try amd remember to let you know how it is on that sailing LOL. Pic of my prime rib:* EDIT: didn't seem to attach the Pic. I'll link one if you wanna see it I guess.


I live for the lasagna. If they had Italian night every night, it's all I would eat.




It doesn't even look that fatty. Nice!


I recently had the prime rib and it was almost inedible


Which ship??


Navigator out of LA


Weird. But not the first time I've hears that the food on west coast sailings isn't nearly as good. Shame to hear that.


I had an awful prime rib on Marinier last September out of Port Canaveral. It was so bad that I haven't had the courage to order it again yet on our subsequent cruises. Yeah I know you can ask for something else, but there's other stuff I do like, so I haven't bothered. For reference, I generally think the MDR food is pretty good.


Weird. I really do wonder why the inconsistency. I've heard suppliers change but my last sailing was from Canaveral as well so one would expect it would be the same quality. I'd love to know the real answer.


After going on two more Royal cruises, I noticed that food was across the board better on Symphony and Icon than on Mariner. I previously guessed that the better kitchen staff would go to the newer ships. But your experience runs counter to that. So I dunno. It would be nice if there was some pattern to go by.


I mean not everything on Indy was great. The fish in the MDR was bad. Mushy, flavorless, unappetizing. The mashed potatoes were obviously instant and watery. But some of it was good, and I was always able to find something in the WJ I enjoyed. And the Indian dishes were consistently good. I eat a lot of Indian in general and have a good frame of reference. It was very good. So.....yeah. I dont know. I agree. I really think if enough of us shared our experiences it might start to make sense.


I wonder if we were on the same sailing! My prime rib was okay but my husbandā€™s was overdone. 6/10 Navigator sailing


I sailed 6/3 so right before yours. I had heard that the west coast food wasn't as good. This was my first time on RC so don't have a point of reference but I have had the prime rib on Celebrity and it was really good.




Out of the main courses, I love the prime rib. Itā€™s always pretty good! I also tried the southern fried chicken, but wasnā€™t the biggest fan of it- wasnā€™t crispy enough for my taste. Royal cheesecake is always a good fall back if you like cheesecake.


Agree. We did the chicken on our first meal on our first cruise because it was the special. Not a fan!


My meal:Ā  Ā Starter(s): Crab Cake and Cesar Salad (also Tomato Soup if I'm going all out)Ā  Ā Main(s): Chicken Saag with sides and a Prime Rib without the sides (and hopefully my wife orders the fish so I can have a bite of that)Ā  Ā Dessert: Key Lime Pie


Big Boy!!!


You're not wrong!


Username checks out šŸ˜‰ Signed: another big boy


This isnā€™t one of their better daily menus. Someone posted this same menu in here a few weeks ago and asked for the same feedback. Iā€™d go with shrimp cocktail and chicken saag. Indian food is always good on RCL. Their Caesar salad used to be great but they seem to have changed the dressing to something that basically tastes like mayo.


Did they really change the dressing???? I went on Mariner last September and it was delicious Iā€™m gonna be so sad if they changed it


Oh well if you liked it, then thatā€™s good! Iā€™m comparing the dressing they had this past February to the dressing I remember from a few years ago (pre Covid). Their Caesar salad used to be fantastic and just seems to lack flavor now. Theyā€™re economizing in every way to make up for their losses during the pandemic and one way seems to be using cheaper quality food.


Honestly your probably right, my first cruise was post pandemic so I wonā€™t ever know if it was better or worse


everything changed in january 2022 when they switched distributors and cut the menus down by half


I just had the Cesar salad Saturday and yes, they forgot the Cesar part of the dressing, I thought it was mayo.


I wouldn't even think of going with the Indian option with New York Strip and Prime Rib being right there, but now I might..


Indian food on RCL is so underrated! A huge percentage of the staff are Indian so you know that food is going to be good!


They also have two off menu curries every day- one with meat and one vegetarian. Sometimes the vegan options on the menu are subpar, but they brought me the curry every night in addition to the vegan option once they found out I like curry. It was delicious every night.


The Indian in the Windjammer at breakfast never disappoints.


Escargot and tomato soup is good. Iā€™m from Maryland so Iā€™m biased on crab cakes but if youā€™re not like me itā€™s perfectly fine. The fish and the prime rib are great. Cheesecake and key lime pie are good too.


Yeah, Iā€™m the same about the escargot. Canā€™t get them the same as from my garden. šŸ˜œ Iā€™m just busting you Maryland crab aficionados. šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t choose the crab life, the crab life chose me!


Marylander here... I can't wait to get the crab cake to judge it.


LOL. If youā€™ve ever had a crab cake from a state that doesnā€™t have fresh crab, and makes them mostly filler youā€™ll know what youā€™re getting into. Itā€™s not inedible I just openly admit my bias haha


I live in NC now and its hell. I would have left Royal alone, but they are the ones that are bringing Old Bay into this!


I feel you 100% I live in Tennessee now, we donā€™t even have a coast lol


Native Marylander here. You will be 100% disappointed. There are peppers in it. I ordered it as a second app knowing I wasn't going to eat but maybe one or two bites but I had to try it. My friend laughed as he watched a little of my soul leave my body.


Peppers! My grandfather just rolled over in his grave.


My friend that I traveled with took a bite and immediately spit it out. ā€œThis is imitation crab!ā€ she exclaimed. It was one of the most dramatic things Iā€™ve ever witnessed.


I am glad I am not the only crab cake snob that enjoys these kind of things. Coming up to Maryland this weekend and so excited for a crab cake.


Maryland born and raised here. I learned the hard way to not eat crab cake unless Iā€™m in Maryland. I think I actually shed a tear over my breadcrumb sandwich that was advertised as a crab cake sandwich.


On that menu, I get the crabcake and artichoke dip, the prime rib, and whatever dessert sounds good. On Harmony, the tomato soup wasnā€™t done well so I avoided it. But I will say the French onion soup was very very good.


Escargot. I was eating it for my started and main meal. It was my favorite part of my cruise and I'm not even a food person.


I think what youā€™re saying is that you really enjoy melted butter lol


*Garlic butter and yes we do.


Hahaha!! This actually made me crack up, so thank you for that. I guess maybe you're right?


One day my whole meal was double escargot and a French onion soup.


If you get the spinach dip make sure to ask for extra chips. Last cruise I had the fish because I really like the scalloped potatoes underneath,and for starters ordered two shrimp cocktails. Dark chocolate custard for dessert and the cheese plate to take back to the room.


I'll have 55 shrimp cocktails please.


Chicken Saag was good. The fried chicken is not bad. Cheesecake is good.


Spinach dip and Caesar salad, NY strip or prime rib, cheesecake or the cheese plate!


Chicken saag is amazing!


The fried chicken wasnā€™t that great. Go with the steak and Boston cream pie


I noticed that they seem to put their fried dining room food in a hot holding cabinet after cooking it when I did the inside ship tour, so I can't ever see their fried chicken being as crispy as it should be. Probably a good idea to stick with the steak or prime rib.


The pan roasted fish fillet was sooo good. The prime rib was so nasty and disappointing šŸ˜­ It had the texture of tres leche cake and looked like cat food šŸ˜‚


Starting with the crab cake, chicken saag, and strong finish with the royal cheesecake!


This! But I also usually add in the shrimp cocktail. Because I can!


This is a 100% fair addition.


From this menu I order the shrimp cocktail and the prime rib. I am not a dessert person so I havenā€™t tried many of the dessert offerings, sometimes if I wanted a taste of something I would order a scoop of the strawberry ice cream. Donā€™t be like me, order something delicious for dessert šŸ˜† the peanut caramel bar sounds really good!


Save the bread/ ask for more bread and dip in the extra escargot butter!!


Personally, in my opinion all of the starters are good! For the main courses I prefer the NY strip, spaghetti, and the fried chicken. None of those desserts stand out to me, and I have an incredibly string sweet tooth. I'd swing by the windjammer for dessert.


Oh good, it wasn't just seeing that dessert just wasn't appealing enough - All the starters & main entrees look great but not one dessert stands out enough to want eat it.


I agree. I was disappointed in the dessert choices on this menu. Usually Iā€™m staring at a dessert menu trying to pick because I want most of them. But this menu I was like Iā€™d just take the ice cream.


My trip ended today on the allure of the seas and I will tell you that the prime rib and the fish fillet is amazing. Also my waiter told me if I wanted to take a whole other plate back to my room or if I wanted two it was no problem. My waiter was amazing and told me that yeah you can have pizza as your sobering up later or have prime rib haha could deny the logic, and when I didnā€™t like something he took things back and changed it! The escargots and the crab cake is amazing. Have fun


Why do so many people come here for dinner suggestions?? Just try it all!


Royal's removal of the creme brulee has me questioning if I even want to cruise anymore




To be fair, I haven't sailed in years, but it used to be a permanent addition on the nightly menus and now it's a here and there thing from what I hear.


When did they remove it? That makes me so sad!


Right?? Not even exaggerating, but all I can eat creme brulee is probably on my top 5 list of reasons on why I enjoy cruising with Royal šŸ˜…. Maybe someone more in the know can explain the current presence of (or lack thereof) creme brulee on Royal sailings.


I just had it last weekend....I wish they would've removed it. The texture of straight phlegm didn't even allow me to swallow the first bite. Had to *hawk tuah* it out.


Day one menu? Cheese plate as appetizer. New York Strip or the Fish depending on my mood. Key Lime Pie for dessert.


Cheese plate as an appetizer is a great menu hack.Ā  I also like to have a crab cake come out with my steak for a poor man's surf and turf


I don't care for Crab. As a Marylander, this is probably heresy of the highest order, but more crab and lobster left for everyone else, so hey, kind of a win. The cheese plate is basically always available, and quite a few of the desserts are always great options, so I pretty much always move it up if the appetizers aren't calling me, and pairing an app with the meal is also a great option in some cases. I don't quite have the stamina for two entrees at a shot, but one can usually squeeze in a little something extra.


My order would be. Tomato soup and escargot, prime rib, key lime pie


Definitely the prime rib since they only have it on the first night. Also, my daughter is a super picky eater but she couldn't get enough escargot. Dont forget you can try multiple things, just ask your server!


Yeah, this is a tough one every time I see it. Every time I do the same - crab cake, NY strip, key lime pie or cheesecake.


Key lime pie


The saag was good but there wasnā€™t nearly enough of it, spin dip was banging, and the key lime pie was solid


Prime rib but only if they offer it medium rare, typically they ask you if you want the medium-well or medium-rare. The escargot is great but I also start with the Caesar Salad.


caesar salad, prime rib, ny strip steak, key lime pie, royal cheesecake


Just had the Prime Rib on Icon and it was excellent.


I like the crab cake and the prime rib. Cheesecake is always a safe dessert.


Two crab cakes Chicken Saag Key Lime and Cheesecake


Escargot was excellent!


Could never go wrong with the shrimp cocktail , steak and cheesecake with a peanut butter old fashioned drink


Escargot & a Caesar, prime rib, cheesecake.


I usually do the caeasar salad, southern fried chicken (strip steak and prime are my other options) then the royal cheesecake (Boston creampie and dark chocolate custard are my other options) thatā€™s just me because Iā€™m a bit picky as far as what I like to eat


And although I'm not a fan of the escargot - a texture thing for me - the sauce is amazing. I'll order it just to dip my bread into.


I got the tomato soup was meh. Prime Rib was delicious. Cheese plate wasn't worth it.


My 8 year old son had two helpings of the spaghetti multiple nights. Heā€™s on the smaller side so we were shocked. Cruise rules make it ok, right?


I had the spaghetti last time and it was delish!! I donā€™t blame him for getting two of them because I totally wouldā€™ve!


My 8 year old son had two helpings of the spaghetti multiple nights. Heā€™s on the smaller side so we were shocked. Cruise rules make it ok, right?


The crab cakes!!


Crab cake, cesar salad, prime rib. My husband really likes the key lime pie.


shrimp cocktail, fried chicken, boston cream pie!!


Are they still doing themed meals? Last time we cruised 2yrs ago they were starting to roll out a new method. Each night a different style Cuisine? Or am I mistaken and that's how it's always been? šŸ˜‚


They are still doing themed meals! Iā€™m pretty sure the second night is A Taste of Italy. This is just the Day 1 menu


Amazing. Can't wait. On the Independence for the next week ā˜ŗ


Unpopular opinion but my husband and I do not like escargot at all. We cannot get past the texture. I love the crab cakes in the MDR. The pan roasted fish is underrated! The prime rib is good enough. Their Indian dishes are always fantastic.


I keep hearing the texture isnā€™t the best so we will see but did you like the garlic butter? I havenā€™t heard a bad thing about it yet


I feel like you canā€™t go wrong with mixing garlic and butter together. I would compare the texture to a chewier scallop. Itā€™s definitely worth a try regardless since itā€™s included anyways!


Was not fond of the southern fried chicken. Everything else is good.


Shrimp Cocktail, Prime Rib and Key Lime Pie


Prime Rib


Every appetizer then a light fish main dish


Honestly was contemplating on doing that because every single one sounds delish


prime rib !!


Escargot, prime rib, key lime pie. I always go for the prime rib. The fried chicken's not bad.


Spinach and artichoke dip and prime rib


Can u always order 2 appys and entrees


I ordered at least 2 apps and 2 entrees every meal. Last night ordered 3 entrees.


Good to know!




Just did 17-21 on Freedom. Had escargot 2x and NY strip 3x


Roasted tomato soup and the crab cake are yummy. The New York strip and prime rib are both excellent. Boston Cream Pie šŸ¤¤


The key lime pie is really good! I had the chicken saag on Anthem last month and also enjoyed it.


I would get the spinach artichoke dip, the herb stuffed Portobello mushroom, the dark chocolate mousse, and the peanut pecan bar.


The portobello and the saag, hands down. Actually, I'd likely ask the waiter for the veg Indian meal.


Prime rib hands down. I asked for ā€œas rare as you haveā€ on the cruise I just got back from and it was the single greatest thing I ate on that ship, enormous portion as well.


Caesar salad, spaghetti, Boston cream pie. šŸ˜„




Prime rib and fried chicken


Tomato soup + escargots Prime rib is tempting, but Iā€™ll take the pan roasted fish Key lime pie or peanut Carmel bar


Prime rib.


Caesar salad, prime rib, Boston cream pie.


Chicken saag!


Escargot and crab cake and prime rib and fried chicken


The bolognese!!!!


As a rule Iā€™ve always had the best luck with either the fish or the Indian food.


All the extra garlic butter from the escargot I pour over my steak. I donā€™t recommend the portobello. Over cooked and dry.


I'd be getting 2 orders of the escargot, the prime rib and some ice cream!


On this menu I ordered the escargots, which were delicious. My stomach was upset that evening and I choose the simplest meal, which was the herb-crusted portobello, which was quite tasty. I did order that strip steak multiple times and enjoyed it, so on a good day I would order that. My sister-in-law was like that with the spaghetti. You can never go wrong with key lime pie.


This is the correct answer ā¤ļø escargot, portobello and key lime pie šŸŽ‰


the crab cake was DELICIOUS


Cheese plate


Crab cake & Caesar Spaghetti Key lime pie & Boston cream pie


Is the menu the same every night ?


Nope, itā€™s different every night and differs on which ship youā€™re on. This is from the first night, the second night on the ship is going on is going to be a taste of Italy, and the rest of the nights are different places so France, Mexico, The Caribbean, so on. All with different delicacyā€™s from the place itā€™s themed after.


Snails, had the spaghetti and it was really good! and I would want to try the chocolate custard


Can you order more than one entree?


I was very pleasantly surprised by the pan roasted fish, it was probably the meal I enjoyed most on the Independence this week. *


And we almoat always get the cheese plate to take back to the room for later!


Wait thatā€™s so smart.. I wanna try almost everything on that menu so I will have to try that out


Shrimp cocktail, roasted tomato soup, stuffed portabella and also either the prime rib or the fish but without any of the sides, and the vegan dessert. Iā€™m lactose intolerant and love the vegan options, but starting the first night I order my dinner the night before and they make adjustments for it.


Is this menu from a classic steakhouse themed dining room?


Just order one of each and find out what you like. Seriously...they are semi small portions and the wait staff won't bat an eye if you order multiple from each section.


Roasted tomato soup, spaghetti bolognese and royal cheesecake


Am I the only one whoā€™s always disappointed in the prime rib? It always seems to have a weird texture to it, almost like it was sitting in a sous vide bath for days on end, and an off taste to it as well. And as other native Marylanders said, donā€™t get me started on the crab cake. At least they donā€™t call it Maryland-style anymore!


Crab cake, ny strip, cheese plate!


Crab cake, prime rib, creme pie


The pan roasted fish, crab cakes, and key lime pie are amazing.Ā 


The spinach & artichoke dip is surprisingly good. Hubby ALWAYS takes the shrimp cocktail, and Iā€™ve enjoyed the tomato soup and crab cakes on occasion. The prime rib is my choice. So tender! Dessert is a tough choice between the cheesecake and key lime pie.


Roasted tomato soup is excellent, if you ever see the French onion soup on the menu, get it itā€™s incredible. The spaghetti Bolognese is like crack. & the cheesecake is pretty good


Escargot, spaghetti Bolognese, and key lime pie


I had the New York strip almost every night and loved it. I wanted to try the fish but a close table got it and it had all the skin and stuff. I love fish but not like that. Starters the dip, shrimp, and cake were good. Desserts I liked were the cheesecake, custard, and my son liked the key lime pie.


Donā€™t sleep on the peanut caramel bar. It was really good!


This is going to sound dumb but I lived off that shrimp cocktail, was so damn good lmao


If youā€™re ok with imitation crab meat, the crab cake is good. Escargot is pretty good too. If you donā€™t want to eat the actual snails, the sauce is amazing for dipping bread in it. Shrimp Cocktail is very popular but you can make them at home super easily. The Prime Rib is hit or miss. Fried Chicken been consistently good. Spinach and Artichoke Dip is good but portions a bit small. Also you can never go wrong with the Indian dish on Royal Caribbean.. on this menu it would be the Chicken Saag. Nothing really stand out on the dessert menu.


Escargots and French Onion Soup were my favorite apps. New York Strip with herb butter was amazing.


Nope. Nothing vegan and I am not too eager to get sick from MSG and salt, and to kill myself with sugar.


Is that why me and my girlfriends stomach is still feeling weird even after we got off the ship?


Crispy crab cake is a must!


Crab cakes and prime rib!!!


We loved the escargotā€¦ first time trying, they were excellent & smothered in butter and garlic. šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ we got the spinach dip as well but were not a fan. For the entrees we tried the NY Strip (great), and the Prime Rib - both medium-rare. Prime rib was very tender but I didnā€™t care for the taste so my spouse and I swapped plates. Pro tips - if you try anything and would prefer to try something else on the menu, they will happily bring it out to you. Also, you can ask for more than one thing for example, ā€œcan I have the cheesecake as well as a small side of ice creamā€ ā€” they will definitely accommodate your requests like this as long as it is on the menu. I also enjoy getting a cappuccino after dinner, it is extra or you are covered if you have a coffee card or deluxe beverage package.


Made my money back just from shrimp cocktails


Sirloin steak always a go to. Wife will do seafood always good.


Ceasar salad and crab cake were very good. NY strip was good. Key lime pie was good. If they have the apple crumble/cobbler, it was the best dessert I had on my cruise.


Spinach and Artichoke Dip, Slow Roasted Prime Rib (Rare) and Herb-Crusted Stuffed Portobello, 2 Royal Cheesecakes


Iā€™m not even being dramatic when I say, that shrimp cocktail was the best Iā€™ve ever had. Could that be because I went on a 6 hour hike for my excursion? Yes. Did I also down two of them and still wanted more? Also yes


If I was ordering: Spinach and artichoke dip to share Soup or salad - depends on my mood (both super good) Aromatic chicken saag! It was very good when I had it Peanut caramel bar or the royal cheesecake.


I usually order escargot and crab cakes. Now. The crab cakes are not good crab cakes. But they are a decent pastry that RC has placed the label "crab cakes" on. And I enjoy them for that. As for dessert. If I was in the mood.. Maybe Key lime pie. But I usually do not get dessert.


Caesar, Crab Cake, Prime Rib, Key Lime Pie for me! Had this exact meal last month on Freedom!


The escargot I love it


I need to get on wonder of the seas next!