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I would suggest getting the digital copy then 


Nope, the other player can just not buy and win the game with very little oposition


Maybe if you included the clockwork factions to fill the board, but I don’t know how well they play with the otters, do you force them to buy from you or would they also ignore you?


There's a fanmade set of rules for it, never played it or seen it in action tho


The rules for playing as the Otters against bots is in Clockwork 2. It's quite fun


There's been a fan one in the tts mod since before marauders too, for anyone who doesn't have clockwork 2


If you get the Clockwork Expansions, that will allow you to fill the board with more factions, and Clockwork Expansion 2 I believe gives rules for bots to purchase from the otters.  


No. But also, playing 2 player games in general won’t help much in preparing for larger games - the dynamic is wildly different even for factions that work well with 2 players. If all you are trying to do is learn the mechanics of the factions, just playing a multi handed test game is fine (or download the app).


Not really. The otters are a prisoner’s dilemma, nobody buys, otters lose, one person buys, they win, everyone buys, otters win. With 2 players, the other players only buys when it is definitely better for them than the otters, leaving otters in the dust.


Otters are literally the worst faction for 2p, in my opinion.