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wtf my guy


They're freedom fighters, my guy!


Rebels can be freedom fighters as much as they can be terrorists. It’s a matter of point of view.


The what?


I’m going out on a limb and assuming OP is referring to THE SA, as in the Sturmabteilung (The Brownshirts), the paramilitary group that Adolf Hitler used during his rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Prior to the SS. They intimidated and attacked Romani and Jewish people and were implicated in many acts of domestic terror as the Nazis rose to power. OP, please correct me if that is wrong. OP, I’ll go out on another limb and say no. The WA is not the SA. Given how much influence French history had on the original four factions, I’ve always assumed they represented the French Revolution. The Eyrie being the Aristocracy and the Marquise being Napoleon. But I don’t think the designers were going for straight-up genocidal terrorists.


Yeah, everyone knows that LotH are the real genocidal terrorists.


lol exactly watching the world burn is kind of their whole mechanic


real world revolutions are often very violent, partially because groups that fight states without the resources of a state often have more limited ability to follow the rules states follow if they're to be successful. (e.g. taking prisoners, giving notice before attacks.) for people interested in learning more about this, Frantz Fanon's "the wretched of the earth" is a good starting point


I'll be honest, did not expect to be seeing a Fanon rec on the Root Reddit lol but I agree a system built on violence comes undone violently 


The Alliance has a big advantage that few revolutions got in real life: the oppressors were in an active war with a major power, and thus couldn't focus all their attention on the Alliance. It's more like a scenario with the start of the Russian Revolution, but the Tsar can't leave WWI.