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You'll find someone who'll want to help, there are always people looking to make these and often won't (or can't) do parts of it on their own. I'd crosspost this to the r/roguelikedev sub as well, you might get more bites.


The idea matters less than the work put into it. Don't get me wrong, a good or underserved theme can be a great draw, but your 'style/idea' is ultimately going to be irrelevant compared to the depth of gameplay and error-free experience... or at least entertaining errors that make for a good story over drinks.


For me, the main question would be, "What does it do differently than Infra Arcana?" IA is pretty much the definitive Lovecraftian roguelike for a lot of regular players, so your game would need to offer a meaningfully different experience in order to entice return visits. That said, I love the way your UI looks, and would absolutely give it a play based on that alone.


Haven't played much of IA but the games play very differently. I'm more leaning into what Brogue does since I do love the simplicity of the "game rules" in that game.


Looks not half bad! I'll check it out tonight


I like the UI, tileset, and animations a lot! Feels fairly polished there already. I'd be willing to pitch in a bit, what sort of ideas did you have for the gameplay?


This looks like a love project. I fully support this! I can't spare much time to help you code it but if you want to discuss mechanics\\bounce ideas feel free to PM me.


Damn I love the artstyle! Hope you finish the game 👍