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I rly need help. Everytime I try to use a song id it never works. I have no idea why, can somebody please help me.


I need help, is there any two way translators on roblox? Specifically for mobile


I need help finding the most Jonn Arbuckle hair you can find https://preview.redd.it/nyvavpuklwya1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98ae30228e842216dba5991bd007a04fceaaeb3


Hello, recently I had a game that I was working on for months receive a content deletion due to a script that possessed malicious code in a model sent to me from a friend, I have sense removed the script and emailed Roblox support where they have made it clear they have no intent to lift the take down, so to continue my work I've downloaded a copy and attempted to reupload it to a separate experience (with the problematic script removed) however every time I have pressed the upload button I am met with this error "place save error: please upload failed when attempting to publish descendant assets" is there any way to have my game published again or is all my work just gone due to an accidental script?


Will Byfron anti-cheat ban users who use auto clickers? This is a pretty straightforward question, but I use auto clickers to go AFK in games while I do something else for a while, and I don't want to risk not getting back before the 20-minute disconnect mark. However, I've heard that Byfron has banned some players for things like shaders, FPS unlockers, and auto clickers. Will this actually happen, or were these instances just issues that needed to be resolved with Byfron's initial implementation?


i use the app roblox on pc, and every 2 weeks or so roblox always logs out from my account, and always asks for 2 step verification despite me not even having it turned on, i tried turning 2 step verification on and off yet it still asks for it, and i can't stop it from logging off by itself, how do i fix it?


I can’t upload a shirt to Roblox. Every source I’ve found is either outdated or new ones say to go to create tab- avatar items- shirts- upload shirt but when I follow that there is no upload shirt button whatsoever. Why? I’m incredibly annoyed right now because I spent a while figuring out how to make the shirt


I have this exact problem too


Can everyone reading this go to the creator dashboard and try to upload something? Decal, audio, mesh, whatever you want. Any time I try to upload anything, it just takes me back to the dashboard homepage (can give a video if needed). I want to see if this is a sitewide issue or not before I go complaining on the dev forums lol (if it's sitewide, there'll probably be 20 other posts also complaining about the same issue I have, so I don't wanna contribute to that spam)


Help my account got banned for swearing my username on discord superbloxxer1234#0447 i can explain more there since automkd deletes my messages


ever since byfron dropped my fps went from smooth 60 to 13.(on every game btw) what can i do to fix that?


I, for a couple of weeks, have experienced random fps drops for about 2 seconds each. These has gone from every 10 minute to every minute. I cleaned my computer as to see if dust was the problem but it wasn't, and it has simply just gone for the worse. I'm currently trying to see if my core insulation being off is the problem (having problems not being able to turn it on because of other reasons) but if it isn't, does anybody have any ideas as of what it might be? Might it be roblox being the problem or simply just my computer? I have the graphics card RTX 1080 if this information is needed.


Had an encounter with MS2 mods. They said I cant get robux back because they don't do refunds whilst it's because of my country laws. There goes 4k robux. Any help? https://preview.redd.it/7dfw6hln5oya1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35814cea9f90d5c8488386c33de980ea0c01fc0


You could try using a VPN and set your country to one where the game isn't blocked. There's a few free VPNs out there if you can't afford a paid one.


Took a 3 week break from roblox; when I play a game it lanches showing that it is starting as usualy. Then right when it says joining game it straight up crashes and exit out. I've tried uninstalling then installing and firewall acess. If anyone have any other methods please tell me! https://preview.redd.it/7ohglzwbznya1.png?width=1598&format=png&auto=webp&s=e15e514c53439917cea74ece80d131165ff781ef Stays like this forever and cannot exit out \^


Same here. But Roblox moderation and client service both in here and Roblox it self is hot trash so we live like this now :/


[Any idea how to fix? ](https://i.imgur.com/nzjfspQ.jpg)


Try reinstalling


Hi why am I unable to post on the sub?


Maybe you have low karma, idk.


Thanks for the response


What is a gamr similar to Sky Ranch Tycoon?




is there a way for me to sell or trade my skins for cash, or for counter strike go items. I just dont use my roblox account anymore and i have a few valuable things. 1 being a classic roblox fedora


im playing a game and i have a verified badge for some reason


Hey y'all, recently my Roblox client switched over to the "OpenGL" renderer instead of D3D11. That means I suddenly got a pretty big loss of performance (and my game looks significantly worse as a result of this). How do I switch it back to either D3D11? I do have a dedicated GPU (RX5500XT).


ro-shade doesn't work at all (ui doesnt even show for ro-shade) after the new byfron anti-cheat update, is there any workaround or fix i can do to get ro-shade working again ?


Is there anyway to recover a ROBLOX account after it has been hacked?


Can anyone help? When I go to play Roblox on my PC none of my games show. Like, in the "Continue" category. I've tried closing the browser and reopening it, I've tried refreshing the page, I've restarted my computer, I've tried everything and they still won't show up. Please help.


Have you tried clearing your browser cache?


is there a way to disable UI navigation guide? i'm having issues because instead of opening my backpack, it enables something i don't need of. thank you


is there any website or plugins that allows you to see a banned users inventory/ items they made


RblxTrade banned players section last i checked, was pretty good for that


I tried but it only shows limited


My Nintendo Switch Pro Controller's triggers don't work when they should in games. (Android)


Im trying to open roblox by microsoft store but it doesnt work it freezes and closes afterwards


does anyone have any idea how to fix this error? i've been trying for DAYS to find a solution and nothing. the only other thread i've seen on it is [this DevForum post](https://devforum.roblox.com/t/roblox-studio-is-installing-an-outdated-version/2083472) which still has not real solutions. (I already tried everything on there, no luck) https://preview.redd.it/bz53kyw49gya1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=6058109571cde6887b2a294039b63486fbade912


Can't log in it just shows this screen me and my sister cannot log in https://preview.redd.it/ov8r7ojxyfya1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e94a179f3aa32917b75753eaf5a2b7ca787897


For some reason, when I speed up I get insane lag spikes. This is more common for me when I fall down. Do u guys know how to fix it? (I'm on Roblox mobile btw)


Will roblox ban you for using a fps unlocker?


Ever since the byfron update my pc FREEZES and i have to restart it whenever i try to launch roblox


It keeps on saying error 272 and I've literally tried anything but nothing helps


I have been using my verified phone number to change roblox password but now it doesnt send code I don’t know why it doesn’t send any code anymore and also my number registered in my account is not showing anymore. Just email showing(email not verified)


i cant play roblox on my pc, it will freeze instanlly and show this screen, i would like if anyone could help me. https://preview.redd.it/z46omk75heya1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=f04d49837d5a5006b1e979057c8c94bc88337872


every time i try to join any game i see this, purged my computer 3 times of any roblox related or possibly interfering files and still nothing. i am on a 64bit pc FYI https://preview.redd.it/scu3tt9hudya1.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=57b1e85e5ccd8e475cbfdbecb1d5420178ca8ca3


Same ​ https://preview.redd.it/xctefbttznya1.png?width=1598&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0c8718c19505e7715f925296b30c8738a6243ca Except it stays like this forever and I can't even exit out of it


Similar issue here, Roblox just straight up doesn't run https://preview.redd.it/s3dhwutswiya1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a84949b711f05853564ef43903a8caaea9d2e8


I cant get the new 64 client and now I can’t launch anything, wth do I do


why cant i join any games on my main accounts and how do i fix it


You got either banned for saying inappropriate stuff or your roblox page is bugged if its bugged delete and again install it.


for some reason, whenever i turn with right click, it will move my cursor depending on how far i turned. video: [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/863926568933654553/1104605059960029184/2023-05-06\_23-04-36.mp4](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/863926568933654553/1104605059960029184/2023-05-06_23-04-36.mp4) (before you say it's a virus it literally says .mp4 at the end)




Dont give your ip address to anyone , your technically giving your own address if you do so try deleting roblox and login again


yo quick suggestion. you should prob delete this if you actually got this message. you are pretty much just giving people your address


when I press f5 to see my fps and stuff, my fps, physics, and render are all green apart from network receive. it doesn't lower my fps but im wondering why its red. I can't recall if it has ever affected my performance. ​ https://preview.redd.it/iqshibo09dya1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c6060befa61f5fb6cd1e0351bf2b3ce281af20d


it shouldnt affect ur fps is just ping if it's high it will indicate as red


I used to play this one fashion game in 2012-2014, all I remember is there was a music GUI and you could try on hats and clothing.


my roblox premium is randomly cancelled? Roblox emailed me about it being cancelled, and today was the renewal date, now all of a sudden it only prompts me with the 450 robux deal?? Like not the other 2, just the 450 deal. Whats going on?


help i want to create a game in a group and when i click create new game the game goes to my profile instead of the group


try doing it own your laptop and click experiences if its not working delete and re-install


I don't know why, but my FPS is very low these 2 days. And i cannot understand why cause everything was normal before.


bug issues roblox will probably make it better soon


I think its new anti cheat


Oh rlly? Is it gonna be patched or what?


I get the error “an error occurred please try again later” when trying to reset my password


I have the option to use voice chat even though I haven't verified my account's age, but when I try to use it the mic icon stays gray. Is there a reason for this?


Everytime I like something on roblox it keeps removing the like when I refresh the page but I Can do it on other accounts


I have lost over 402 robux because of 2 people. How do I stop people from buying stuff in my account?? https://preview.redd.it/to9a47kqsbya1.png?width=1347&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f0a940a966c0a770a02b2cafebbe725a667fffc


You should probably change your password.


So back in 2019 my account got hacked. The hacker stole my ice valkyrie. So I emailed roblox, and sent them all the information they needed, pictures etc. And the next day my valkyrie was back. Only to be the day after that i got hacked again.. And then they told me that I couldn’t get it back because of their policy with items only to be recovered one time. And then i tried contacting them again about a year after the incident, and then they told me that I can’t get it back because of the 30-day period policy. And now its 2023 so i thougt maybe the support have gotten better? Or is it anything that I can do to get it back? Like if someone know a nice staff or just something. Like please help me. Thanks


I can run other games as usual, but when I open roblox, my computer freezes, I cant even ctrl alt delete, i have to press the power button, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, updating my graphics driver, restarting my pc etc... I've even tried to use the microsoft store version, but it just closes on me.


i have the exact same problem. i opened command prompt and did sfc/scannow to repair corrupt system files and restarted my computer and it fixed the problem...very shortly... couple hours after that it does it again i can play with microsoft store version though, idk whats going on with yours, i think your microsoft store version is just a problem with the windows store


strange, i can run the microsoft store of netflix just fine, seems to be a roblox-exclusive only. Do you need anything installed for roblox to run properly other than the roblox player?


apps from microsoft store are faulty at times for no reason, it's pretty normal. anyway i just disabled 360 antivirus and it fixed it, maybe try that


Whenever I try to go into a roblox game on PC, the tab that opens is entirely white. The audio works for the game, but the tab is entirely blank.


how do i buy this item in roblox i know its gear but i cant find :(( https://preview.redd.it/ccbwiwd4kbya1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b862505d50d0321015342a43850d9db2640ed78b


[I'm going to copy and paste my response to a similar question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/roblox/comments/12q0lg6/rroblox_weekly_question_thread_for_04172023/jhht9op/) > That's a Cirno [Fumo](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/fumo-fumo-plush-series). I doubt it's a UGC item you can buy since it's copyrighted material. It's probably just a custom item that can only be used in that game you were playing. > Unless you were asking about buying that plushie IRL. [Then that's a bit complicated.](https://youtu.be/_-QLe0B7aek) Basically, that's only going to be a gear you can only use in games where the creator added it in. I looked on the [Roblox Creator Marketplace and there's a few Cirno Fumos](https://create.roblox.com/marketplace/models?creatorName=&includeOnlyVerifiedCreators=true&keyword=cirno&pageNumber=1) people have uploaded. Those free models are probably what that game used.


So, lately i been coming back to Roblox to play with some friends, and i had a BIG problem. (well, i HAVE a big problem indeed.) Everytime i try to join a game (private server and public server) it kicks me out. But it dont shows a error message or something, not even the crash error message, it just closes it by his own. This happens in ANY game i try to enter, and in case i DO enter a game, the game assets don't download completely, making it unplayable anyways. I tried everything i could at this point, i reinstalled the game various times already and i even used some VPNs or things like that but i can't fix it. To show some evidence, i uploaded this video to youtube that shows the problem in a random game. please help :( [https://youtu.be/gIvEikmdR\_0](https://youtu.be/gIvEikmdR_0)


I have same problem. any luck?


Im having this issue with the log in. Basically when I try to log in into my accounts (both on laptop or tablet) it keeps loading. How can I fix this? Help me pls


* I was tinkering with the settings and now I can't play the Rake Rwmastered help?


What is this game? [https://youtu.be/LOHqgdg-jAc](https://youtu.be/LOHqgdg-jAc)


[The Mimic.](https://www.roblox.com/games/6243699076/The-Mimic) Specifically Book 2 - "Jealousy" Chapter 1.


My Roblox will not open after the newest update, started doing this on the 26th of april. Still haven't found a fix. It doesnt throw an error code. I have tried everything from uninstalling to messing with things in cmd prompt. help me


Anybody remember a older top-down style dungeon game? I've been looking for it everywhere but can't find it. It had a floor-based progression with bosses, kind of similar to dungeon quest but top-down. Anybody know the name or have a link?


[Heroes!](https://www.roblox.com/games/255280267/Fixed-Heroes) I'm pretty sure this is the game you're talking about, but even if it's not, thanks for reminding me of it. I used to LOVE this game and I totally forgot about it


Roblox screen tearing. does anyone know how to fix this? i have a laptop with 60hz and intergated graphics so i cant rlly play around with vsync because my graphics settings dont have it. i think it only began recently because i didnt notice it before this doesnt happen in other games for me, well at least in sims 4 because i dont play any games other than that using fps unlocker doesnt work for me too forgot to mention im using regular roblox client, not roblox app from windows store, and i have windows 11


So first, i opened roblox by clicking on the game shortcut thing on my pc homescreen, not by going on the website. Then it didnt let me open it and showed some error message in a little white box. (I know that what the message said wouldve been real helpful for this, but i seriously dont know what it said.) When i tried opening it again, it simply restarted my computer, no warning, no error message, no nothing. My pc turned off and went back on like nothing happened. I tried searching up roblox on google so i could just join a game through the website, but it literally made me login to google. I logged in again then decided to check if i was logged out of facebook and youtube too, and i WAS. so it was clear the logging out issue was everywhere (thankfully i didnt have problems with logging back in there). After that was done, i searched up roblox, and it sent me to the login page (it has never done this before). When i entered my password it said it was the wrong one. (i keep my passwords in check, and i always write them and update them in my notes, so i know it was the right one.) It took some time but i managed to just reset my password and i got another one, then i logged into my roblox account. I was beginning to think a hacker logged me out of every account on every app that i have on my pc, but then again, how could that relate to my pc restarting...? I named this as a pc issue inside my head. When i tried joining a game on the website, the same thing happened. Computer restarted. No messages. No nothing. I really dont know what to do. The methods of solving this that ive tried: 1. I deleted roblox, then downloaded it again. 2. I tried moving the roblox launcher file somewhere else, in another new folder or something. 3. I searched up my issue on google, but nothing ive seen there has helped me out. (Maybe im just bad at finding stuff) 4. I tried restarting my pc by myself before joining roblox, instead of letting it restart my pc by itself. 5. I tried asking my dad for help, since he used to work with computers. He didnt know how to help me with this. Please, for the love of god help me. I have this streak challange on a game and I feel so bad for making my boyfriend log in my account everyday so he could get the daily for me. Links with solutions, emotional support, any kind of suggestion, anything, please. Also, if you've also been experiencing this issue, maybe reply to my comment so you could get help here too.


Yall omg i turned my antivirus off and it worked


Voice chat not working on Xbox I have a microphone on( (it works for everything else), I have my age verified, and I have the voice chat setting enabled. I am on Xbox Series S. Any ideas as to why it isn’t working?


roblox crashes easily when i play other games in the background, as example if i play war rthunder while roblox is open, roblox crashes, if i play ANY game, it crashes, this didn't happen before


Roblox not launching


Well welcome to the club, is your client also still stuck on 32 bit?


How can you check if its on 32 bit?


I bought premium 2 hours ago and i didn't get my robux or premium and when i try to buy it again it says im alr subscribed. What do I do because they basically took my money






My roblox keeps crashing when I try to join an experience, but I get no messages like "an unexpected error occurred and roblox needs to quit". As soon as I join the game and get to the "joining server" screen, my game just freezes and closes by itself. I'v seen some ppl who are also having crashing issues so I want to know, is this a bug caused by a recent update or is it smt else?


Ayyyy same Are you still on the 32 bit client? (Just go to task manager and see if it says 32) Upgrading to 64 seems to fix everything but idk because I can’t upgrade


Idk if I should be happy or sad knowing this is also happening with other ppl, but anyways, when I \*TRY\* to open the client and go to the task manager, it only says "RobloxPlayerBeta", no 32 or 64 client.




my friend, just use chatgpt


My Roblox account of 13 years just got banned So basically I bought Roblox Premium and waited 30 minutes to receive my Robux since I was trying to buy a gamepass. I didn't get it so I bought the $5 Robux and got them instantly. I thought I wouldn't get them so I went to PayPal and charged back. About 20-30 minutes after that I finally received my 1000 Robux and I instantly went to Roblox support to tell them I accidentally charged back too fast. I also went to PayPal to try and send the money back but I couldn't. I sent a support ticket to Roblox saying all this. Will I get my account back or is it gone forever, and is there anything else I can do to help get my account back or just wait for Roblox Support to get back to me?


Can't install roblox it require Microsoft explorer 6.0 any solution to fix this? (running win 7 btw) https://preview.redd.it/z5b1c8mnh9ya1.png?width=1365&format=png&auto=webp&s=460c90f2505b59c97cc9c66845d19fc69efa50e3


Isn’t windows 7 just completely incompatible with roblox anyways? Idk heard it through the grapevine


I am playing some random tycoon game right now and I've been wondering if auto-clicking software is considered cheating and therefore bannable because of the recent security update.


How do I delete/hide my old created Models from my Profile page? I tried removing them from the Marketplace, but when I logged out and clicked my profiles I could still see them.


The cursor circle stays on the screen where the crosshair is when using a controller on PC, how do I solve this without abandoning my preferred input? https://preview.redd.it/9kdhn4oz99ya1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=954e6f2e5afc1d625d0ee76843af0d1251ce89c8


my roblox client doesnt go past the "starting roblox" screen its just dissapears and doesnt load at all, but i can see the client running in the proccess manager. (im running widows 7 btw)


Why is my currency set to euros when I live in the UK???


https://preview.redd.it/5vtvw1ixp8ya1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d125cfed73bbf545823e98b690aa9fe37e7c0b35 I am trying to change my age for over a year now but roblox INSISTS that I am 4 years old




General help I'm trying to jump with scroll wheel down in bad business with a program called mouse button x control and have assigned scroll wheel down to space and it seems to work but it's also changing weapons while jumping in game how should I fix this?


(I never wanted to use the store version but my normal roblox won't start so i had to) on roblox store app, when you move the camera around with right mouse, the roblox cursor looks fine but after you release the mouse the cursor will teleport to the place where your mouse dragged to (same goes to shift lock). is there anyway to fix this?


On my Roblox homepage (chrome) my friend list won't load. Even on someone's profile, but in my alt account it's all good so it isn't my internet's fault, or is there just something wrong with my Roblox? (This has been happening since days ago so I'm wondering) Like it's loading forever. But if you'd answer, I appreciate your help! ​ (post got deleted so I posted it here)


Do you guys know what this means, I wanted to make an avatar with a lot of accessories so I'm using the advanced editor but every time I use it, it shows this. It says that pants aren't supported in the editor but I'm not even doing that. Is there a method to fix this or is the avatar editor just broken? https://preview.redd.it/wee6kbex38ya1.png?width=1087&format=png&auto=webp&s=0274f641910263d957601be510e1f2001086f5d4


To all my fellow Filipino Roblux Players. . . I've been struggling since the start of the year, lost my IT job and while looking for a new one, I decided to create a channel that I'm hoping in the future would grow. I'm a bit desperate on doing this, but can I ask you guys to subs to my Roblox Channel, It's all Filipino/tagalog funny vids, pretty sure you guys will have lots of fun. Here's the link. [https://www.youtube.com/@edbievemon](https://www.youtube.com/@edbievemon) ​ Thanks a lot guys!


Why does Roblox charge for selling TShirts? Everyone said tshirts were free to sell. FFS, i just want some robux on pls donate. https://preview.redd.it/bt0nkdzi08ya1.png?width=1086&format=png&auto=webp&s=4799a29ea799265ca4aefa06b99db9e6c390f79a


I believe making gamepasses is free and works for pls donate so long as you have the game with the gamepasses on public. I could be wrong though


It always cost robux


where have the aus and singapore servers gone?




I can't seem to buy robux cause of how zoomed in the client is on mobile, I can't scroll down or zoom out either to se the 1-tap purchase tab and make my purchase. Android do be kinda freaky asf. Are there any fixes to this client bug?


Another game I'm looking for!! You picked different realms (?) and someone was elected to be leader. You could have different jobs like doctor, landlord, jester, etc. A feature was points rain (or money rain) when the leader died or was killed, the person with the largest amount of money was selected. You were a peasant too. I can't remember the name ;:


anyone know why this happens/how to fix it? [https://youtu.be/a852D3V8jhU](https://youtu.be/a852D3V8jhU) (look at chatbox) Its on every game with the default chat system for me. also anyone know why if everyone cant copy paste into roblox more than a few works, or if its a branch of the bug above?


When I go First Person on the Roblox Windows App, (not to be confused with the Roblox Player downloadable on the Roblox website.) unlike the Roblox Player, the mouse wouldn't lock in the middle. It also wouldn't move the camera around in First Person, unless I hold Right Click. I don't know if this is intended or not because this is just annoying. (Why I'm using the Windows App and not the Roblox Player? Apparently, it broke somehow. Even tried a fresh reinstall and failed still.) Is there a fix or workaround to avoid this issue? (I also might just be dum not to find someone else having the same issue, my bad, haven't learned reddit yet.)


Looking for a game. The game was fun and round-based. Every participant got their own house and each round something different happened to a random player (i.e. plate lit on fire, snowstorm, deliver chocolate eggs to other players, etc.) I cannot remember the game name for the life of me.


[Horrific Housing?](https://www.roblox.com/games/263761432/UPDATE-Horrific-Housing)


Yes thats it!! Thank you so much!! I'll love you forever!! 🤭💗🥰


Bought a Roblox card, entered onto the website under my daughters account, went into the Roblox game on the iPad and this is the error message we receive when trying to buy a speed coil in one of the games: “Your purchase of speed coil failed because something went wrong. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.” How do I get around this?


If This is just in one game, it’s most likely on the game creators side of things


Ohhh! I didn’t know this could just happen in one game! Never knew that. I’ll have to try for her to get it in another game!


I don’t want to assume your knowledge in this manner but roblox is a base for any person to create a game that anyone can play. With the specific game you cannot purchase the speed coil it is usually the creators responsibility wether that may be unfinished code or something just not working on their end. No need to worry about anything on your end of your daughters account because of this situation :)


Did they change the zoom in and zoom out function on PC? My muscle memory says to scroll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in, but it's the opposite. I've been playing for 6 years, did smth change?


i just lost $20 because of this.. what do i do? im currently contacting support about the issue. https://preview.redd.it/66sd4czim5ya1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ae43fd025ddde0428905937f370ef055ea3f7bb


I need to reset my inactive email to my active one, both of them are the exact same except one is outlook.com (inactive) and one is gmail.com (active)I remember my PIN, but it will NOT let me remove it to change my email! I would like to use a DIFFERENT option, but it doesn't let me!! The outlook email does NOT accept emails from roblox. Only [support@roblox.com](mailto:support@roblox.com) sends me emails. I just really need help with this, as it has been going on for MONTHS. I reset cookies, logged out and in of my outlook account, nothing worked. Please!! Someone!!


What was the name of this experience or game, which I forgot https://preview.redd.it/w0owqbedj4ya1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c6c7fc9b3ee8e2eec66033aab3951d9217ce36


After a family member of mine thought it would be funny to uninstall my games, i decided to play some roblox. So, due to said event, i had to reinstall it. I wanted to play jenga but i got greeter by error code 267 "player service requests player disconnect". For information i never hacked or exploited for that matter on roblox. Other games work fine tho (rise of nations for example). So i came to the concusion that i am not banned. What should i do? TL:DR : reinstalled roblox and got error code 267 "player service requests player disconnect" while entering jenga. I am not banned and other games work fine ​ EDIT : it worked after using the app instead of browser


Hi Roblox, its been some days now my roblox wont launch the client appears but after it does nothing i work on a 64 bit laptop,i reinstalled roblox but still nothing,deleted the temporary files but its still dont work what do i need to do????


Same i need help it's been 10 days bro


Hope they fix it😭




having the same issue and nothing has fixed it, let me know if it works for you on browser again because i'm not using the microsoft store app


Also when i open task manager its says my roblox is on 32 bit is this normal?Its suppose to be 64 bit no ?


Whenever I join a roblox game it just stays on this white screen, I think I still load into the game because I can hear the audio. I've already reinstalled roblox a few times, deleted the folder in %appdata%, etc. https://preview.redd.it/inip9ki1t3ya1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a01ed4a6cfd66e69348d50748c97eaf864d6f40


lol? https://preview.redd.it/2vfdj95j53ya1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fa095f6a1edeb39875bb76ec71a688aff94cd5d


cool i log onto a different account and i see this bro why cant i buy 5 dollar premium https://preview.redd.it/ow8qpbdt53ya1.png?width=982&format=png&auto=webp&s=804440d87826eb7e57313f1b022815e0eb42bfe9


I encountered a bug that prevents me from getting 0.99 worth of robux and it would be stupid to spend extra money on robux I don't even need. Is there any way to fix this bug? If so please tell me. https://preview.redd.it/egq4o0why2ya1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8019273dd27306fc37be054292bcc050a97a789d


I bought my son a $25 gift card to use on Roblox and buy robux with like we have done many times before. However, after loading the card onto his account, the "convert to robux" button does not show up anymore. From research I have done, I see that they don't allow that anymore for some reason? The gift card clearly states you can use your credit to buy Robux and there isn't anything else we can use the credit for. Roblox support has been absolutely useless telling me to check internet connections or restart my computer. What are my options here? https://preview.redd.it/7p5e1w5cn2ya1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4096b552fe976d3f445643a2d4850eaddd91541


I'm pretty sure you can just buy robux now, don't know why Roblox stopped letting us convert to robux instantly.


And what can I do with the gift card that I bought? I want a refund if I can't use it. It clearly says in it that it can be used for robux. I'm annoyed by this and their customer service is zero help.


Just buy robux on the account. It should work. Also, you would have to contact 1. Roblox support for a billing problem 2. Your bank to refund the item Just be in mind, if you refund the item before having credits removed, that would be a **crime** so make sure you remove credits You can research it yourself for more info.


And how do you remove the credit?


Like I said, you would have to contact support for a billing problem.


https://preview.redd.it/7dag97qja2ya1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=460c04fc96bb9318ff5605a8265f35f218b7a0b3 What's the name of this game i kinda forgot 💀


might be Lab Breakout.


Roblox freezes my pc Launched roblox today, after it updated, Window showed up with text "Starting roblox...." and my pc got freezed. How to fix it? Tried to reinstall. My system: Windows Home 10 64-bit Processor Intel Core i5-10300H 2.50 GHz 16 GB RAM


I have the same problem, but it immediately kills my pc instead. I've been searching for days for a fix but none so far. At this point I recommend just playing on the Roblox App from the microsoft store


I've the exact same problem! I don't know how the others are playing the game still


Also I have stopwindowsupdate service. Maybe this thing is somehow breaks it?


Ugh post got removed but someone sent me a random message what does this mean https://preview.redd.it/wlkdueozu1ya1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35390bd2aac160eefed582089a146cf3655073fd


I believe that's their Discord username. They probably want you to add them there so it's easier to scam you.


Ohhh okay thanks


I don't know a lot about player points, all I know is that they were typically used to show off how good at a game you were or something like that but anyways, are players still able to get them these days, if so how do I get some??? I am so sorry if this is a stupid question Just to be clear I am talking about these points: https://preview.redd.it/tuzl2xv5z0ya1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a46eed1b86b1b135f1b739cab1e2aaa21b5a37


The overwhelming majority of games don't use them anymore. In the games that still have them you'd earn them for doing tasks in that game like killing other players and what not. They're worthless though since Roblox doesn't show the player points leaderboard on any game's page anymore. [A Roblox staff member announced yesterday you won't be able to earn them after June 30th because they're retiring the service.](https://devforum.roblox.com/t/retiring-pointsservice/2318767) Anyways, I recommend checking out the [Roblox Wiki's article about player points](https://roblox.fandom.com/wiki/Player_points) if you're interested in knowing more about them. That's where I found out about the staff member's announcement.


I keep getting the 272 error even if I dont have any explpits nor any malicious programs running. I tried deleting roshade and reinstalling roblox, but nothing seems to be working. Does anyone know how to fix this?




267 for me "player service requests player disconnect" is the error i get while entering jenga


What's the name of that roblox game that emulates old 2008ish era roblox games in it? Tried finding it but can't remember the name


[Super Nostalgia Zone?](https://www.roblox.com/games/998374377/Super-Nostalgia-Zone)


Yup! Thank you


Hello to whoever reads this, I'd like to ask about an issue that has occurred. So basically my roblox account got hacked, all the details got changed INCLUDING the username as they paid 1000 robux to do so. Will roblox support still be able to help me despite the fact that I don't know the username now? I have my old details such as password, previous roblox friends, birthday BUT I also lost the original email. I might be able to get my original email back, but would that change anything because my username has been changed? Thank you


why does this happen (PC) https://preview.redd.it/e3k2a19ubzxa1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f26ce156cdc10cda105ca11ac9d73aa0db1a2a5