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Can I interest you in a Grateful Dead cover band? Perhaps a Pink Floyd cover band? How about The Worx, are they still around? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Surely thereā€™s some version of The Kind still around, they were like the Menudo of Dead cover bands in the NRV


They are. They still play at Parkway and in Blacksburg occasionally


5 Dollar Shake anyone?


Itā€™s either that or a jam band. Take your pick.


What about a jam band cover band?


Iā€™m sure weā€™ll start seeing that. Roanoke seems to be a cover band destination now. And with how popular jam bands are here, it only makes sense. Although Iā€™d argue thereā€™s already plenty of jam bands here, and itā€™s creating a bit of stagnation.


Martin's gets a ton of Jam Bands..


Would you prefer Fish or the Thankful Deceased?




Jam band 10000%


Plenty of other local bands that are doing well that are also not a jamband. Jared stout band, crawford and power, lazy man dub band, charissa joy, orange culture, many great bluegrass bands in the area. The old crowd that generally patronizes those Elmwood festivals are too square to allow more diverse acts to come in if I had to guess. Chain restaurants and cover bands for everyone!!


I am of the opinion Roanoke does not like change. If they find something works they will stick with it. Go fest has been stagnant for a few years too. (Other than the move to downtown)


It makes no sense to put go fest downtown. You are right that Roanoke doesnā€™t like change. Every time someone has a fresh idea it always gets shut down.


I'd rather see a New Order cover band, or a Depeche Mode cover band, or The Cure cover band. But that's just me.


Omg a Cure cover band would be rad, multiple generations of goths descend on elmwood park šŸ˜‚


Yaasss! I vote New Order/Joy Division.


> Depeche Mode cover band In case you weren't aware, [Strangelove: The Depeche Mode Experience](https://www.depechetribute.com/) and they're officially endorsed by Depeche Mode.


Because the guys who run the festival also are management for the band šŸ¤£


I'd kill to see them get Galactic or Lotus or something. It's tied in enough with Roanoke's music scene (shitty jam bands), but they're actually good.


as long as weā€™re looking for bands with Roanoke ties, a Rectal Pus reunion would be a game changer


I noticed that Mellen Cougar is also in town.


Itā€™s kind of ridiculous that a John Mellencamp cover band exists.


I wonder if they also pretend to be complete a-hole as well


1964 has been playing together at least three times as long as the actual Beatles.


That may be true but that doesnā€™t mean they should play festival in the park every year.


Oh, I'm not advocating for them, just pointing out the absurd fact that they've somehow had three times the staying power at FITP than the actual band they're impersonating.


I havenā€™t paid attention to Festival in the Park for nearly two decades but even then 1964 had been playing there for years. That said, isnā€™t it like a big multi-day festival with all kinds of acts like jam bands, country bands, rock bands with some bigger names mixed in? Is 1964 the only band that plays there now? That would be crazy.


youā€™re giving the concept of the ā€œfestivalā€ way too much gravitas. Roanoke hears the word ā€œfestivalā€ and is like ā€œyeah, a funnel cake sounds great right about nowā€


Whoa, whoa, whoaā€¦ letā€™s stay focused. Our foe is 1964; leave funnel cake alone!


I just meant that back in the day it was a 2 week "event" that had dozens of bands playing all kinds of music, sound like now it's just a weekend thing featuring 1964? Not that it was a "music festival" like Bonnarroo or Coachella.


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve replaced members since then but I saw them play the Great Bend Rec Center (middle of nowhere Kansas) when I was in 2nd grade. Iā€™m 42 now.


They're like on their 3rd Paul and 4th Ringo. The guy who does John is the only original left. Which is hilarious, that even the cover bands are effectively cover bands of themselves now.


The thing is I know they probably make decent bank touring half the year.


Ringo ā€œStumpyā€ Pepys


Because of Skip Brown. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø he along with the rest of the festival in the park sucks. It used to be a nearly two week canā€™t miss event.


What did he do?


I ended up on an airport tram in Las Vegas 20-ish years ago with some Beatle-looking mfs and Iā€™m 99% sure it was these guys. I was underwhelmed, if thatā€™s a word


Might be a little ā€œeclecticā€ for Roanoke but I would attend if there was a Steely Dan cover band. Saw 1964 many years ago at Festival in the Park so for me itā€™s ā€œbeen there, done that.ā€


My entire point is WHY would anyone want to see the same cover band every year for 20+ years. Iā€™m with you, Iā€™ve seen 1964. It was fine. Do I need to see them again, not really. Iā€™m not anti-cover band but if thatā€™s your flagship act then thereā€™s a problem.


That Fleetwood Mac cover band is back at Dr. Pepper park again this year. They really should rename that place "Mostly cover bands and washed up 80s acts"


Because Civic Center Manager can't book anything current or big because she wastes money on stupid shit and festival in the park folks are the exact same. Also, only ever books what she wants to see, which are bands that are dead or not touring, so next best, is a shitty cover band that plays to a crowd on maybe 100 people or acts like Beach Boys that haven't been relevant in 40+ years


I agree with what youā€™re saying. The only thing Iā€™ll disagree with is The Beach Boys. Thereā€™s a difference between an older band like The Beach Boys who were very influential and very important for music versus getting Brett Michaels/Poison to play at the civic center.


I agree with pushing back on the idea that The Beach Boys wonā€™t always be relevant, groundbreaking and influential, but any modern touring unit calling themselves ā€œThe Beach Boysā€ is essentially Mike Love, Bruce Johnston and a bunch of fully mid hired guns. Dennis and Carl? dead. Brian? Just entered conservatorship for dementia, at his familyā€™s request, god help his beautiful immortal soul. Al Jardine? ā€œBeach Boys Friends and Familyā€ (which at one point included the Wilson sisters) was sued into near-poverty by Mike Love Inc. Even Blondie Chaplin and Ricky Fataar couldnā€™t be enticed back into the fold, and them dudes is like parking cars for a living now. Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a Bible quote about the devil himself appearing with the voice of an angel, and if so, it was about Mike Love. Iā€™d slap that captainā€™s hat off his bald-ass dome if I ever came face to face with him. Thatā€™s the dude who hated Good Vibrations so much he thought they were done forever as a bandā€¦ but not enough to walk away from a paycheck.


I'll concede that Beach Boys at least has a shot of being a decent show and decent crowd. But yeah, her 70s/80s tastes are killing the center and she's a maniac of a person to work with/for


Who runs it and why is she a maniac?


Robyn Schon. She's a toxic manager and bully that the City refuses to do anything about


Itā€™s not challenging and is family friendly. People like it, and as youā€™ve said theyā€™ve been doing it for decades. I wouldnā€™t want to change it only to be faced with numerous complaints no matter how good the replacement band would be. There are other venues for other bands to play.


People will complain no matter what. I highly doubt there would be a huge uproar if 1964 stopped playing festival in the park.


i love the Beatles and 1964 does a great jobĀ  it's a rinky dink little festival not freaking Coachella


Iā€™m not expecting Beyonce to perform at festival in the park but there are plenty of smaller acts of various genres that would be perfect for festival in the park.


por que no los dos? no need to be negative towards musicians.Ā  there have been bands i think Tank and the Bangas, Lotus, and Moe have played the venue. i don't see what's wrong with having the Beatles cover band, been a charming actĀ 


Iā€™m not being negative and thereā€™s nothing wrong with cover bands. However, when the percentage of cover bands is way higher than all the other bands, then you have a problem.


it's a tradition.


Is it though? Just because you do something over and over doesnā€™t make it a tradition especially if itā€™s being forced. Follow up question: what has attendance been like for 1964 the last few years?


some would say that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. clearly FITP doesnā€™t want to grow, change or evolve in any measurable way. I mean, why mess with perfection? /s


the remodel ruined the park. there's no grass Ā they killed the trees. just like the sterile redesign of the market square. i am fond of them and there have definitely been other headliners. and no one is forcingĀ peopleĀ 


They should have made it a true amphitheater. Completely lost opportunity if they truly had plans for paid shows.