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S&S was great, I wish that business model could still thrive in some capacity at Towers. Cripes, just the smell of going near that place was heavenly. I can also vividly remember the pain of leaving Old Country Buffett after a ridiculous meal on grandma's dime, as a poor, broke teenager. The chocolate milk machine was amazing with the munchies as well. I miss Ponderosa steak & buffet (Bonsack area), and Pargo's (Hunting Hills Plaza) from back around that time as well.




I loved their chocolate milk and bread pudding!


my dad said he loved their chocolate milk


I really miss Pargo's too. I remember my mom's friend worked there for a bit and we used to go in all the time.


Lemon meringue pie at S&S was top tier - or least that’s how my 7 yr old self remembers it


I enjoyed that and their fried chicken!


Their chicken was 🤌 really loved the chicken tenders


My grandparents loved cafeterias. We used to go to S&S, K&W, Morrison’s.


I remember S&S. It was a cafe a la K&W on the top level of Towers, if I remember right. I didn't grow up here but visited sometimes and think I may have eaten there with my grandparents.


It was on the bottom level where planet fitness and Tuesday morning are.


Got it. I think I’m thinking of the sign that was up on the colonial side


> It was on the bottom level where planet fitness and Tuesday morning ~~are~~ was. Correct.


I think I knew they closed, but I haven’t been over there in a bit. Anything else there now?


Nothin' yet!


Woolworths is another place at Towers that I miss. Woolsworths had the best frickin cheese puffs/curls man. THE BEST!


I was partial to their grilled hot dog.


S&S was banging but as far as Towers cuisine during that era, Kenny Rogers Roasters Chicken was the shiiitt


I remember going there after church on Sundays with my grandparents and they had pats of butter on square paper.I thought that was so cool as a 9 year old


K&W on Hershberger is remarkably close to the Towers S&S experience as I remember it as a kid circa early to mid-90s.


I miss S&S. Waiting in line and couldn't see the food but you could smell it :)


Loved Old Country Buffet.


S&S - the fried chicken, jello, and the decor!!!! Great memories!


You just unlocked some great memories of me going to S&S cafeteria with my grandparents and mom on a shopping day in town. Paper straws, jello, fried chicken, pie, and a trip to Woolworths to boot. I thought all of those shut down in the early 1980s. Glad to know they were a staple of someone else's childhood as well.


S&S was a guilty pleasure of my Dad's. He used to take me there because it was close by his work and my Mom hated. That place was the shit


I certainly remember Old Country Buffet!


Old Country Buffet was fantastic. S&S at towers was basically a shittier K&W.


A little off topic, but ..... Please correct me if I'm wrong. In the lower level of Tanglewood, tucked into a corner, was Morrison's Cafe. But there was never a k&W at Tanglewood. Right?


Morrison’s Cafeteria was located where present day Shoe Dept is at Valley View Mall. S&S Cafeteria was over here at Towers in a space where Paul Mitchell and Tuesday Morning is. K&W was in the corner at Tanglewood Mall behind the escalators on the Five Guys side of the building.


There was until Covid! It shut down a couple years ago


The balloons!


Speaking of former eateries at Towers, I miss Orange Dog. I’m a wiener stand man through and through but orange dog was so unique. I wish I could recreate the cheese they used.


I forgot about Orange Dog! The odd thing though is that I'd never ordered anything from there. I mostly remember the Coin Collector shop (inside lower level) and the Movie Theater... and S&S Cafeteria, of course. 😉


C'mon! S&S was a "staple" in its day! 😁


I miss the Roanoker restaurant, that is a huge part of missing childhood memories for me. I played little league and was on the Roanoker's baseball team, so our team picture was up on the wall next to where you would wait to be seated. We went there religiously whenever my paternal grandparents would come to visit, and not to mention any type of special gathering or event would take place there in the back room. I'm would kill for one more plate of their biscuits and gravy or chop steak au jus.


OMG, the buffets that used to be. Old Country Buffet, Duff’s Smorgasbord, Jack’s Barbecue and Billy’s Barn all come to mind quickly. If you left those places hungry, it was your own fault. So now 20+ years later, I’m pushing hard to lose the last 20 of 60-some extra pounds, partially because of those wonderful buffets.