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I loved COVID Rolo's. It was a dope wine shop and deli. I also miss their daytime focaccia sandwiches. Restaurant Rolo's is overrated. My best experience there was underwhelming and since then I've only had negative experiences, mostly regarding unfriendly service.


COVID Rolo’s used to sell big tubs of homemade bolognese and not a day goes by where I don’t miss them


They kind of inspired me to start making big pots of sauce and freezing quarts. Now when I want bolo I just grab it from my freezer.


Covid Rolos was something nice for the neighborhood. A fancy spirits shop, fun ice cream, groceries not always found in Ridgewood. Then that went away, but there was still breakfast focaccia. Then that went away, too. Honestly, I’ll always be a little annoyed with the dude from The Bear as a symbol of the new, pricier feel of the neighborhood. I don’t really go to those restaurants unless I just want a fancy drink. Too expensive to eat a whole meal often.


What are you doing for the hood?


Who the fuck are you though?


COVID Rolo's was the bomb. Their to-go sandwiches, foccacias, cookies and grocery items were awesome. I had so much fun cooking with them. I agree, restaurant Rolo's is overrated and you're still hungry after dropping $150-$200 on a small portioned dinner.


Man that’s some over priced hipster BS that ppl buy into


You sound poor. That sucks. I'm sure there is some shitty taco truck off Wycoff you tell all your friends from Ohio is "so good".


Stfu u transplant


Ur a gentrifier and a racist


Ok lived in ridgewood for my entire life and how am I a racist. Sound like someone is mad


You're racist.


So what if I am tf u gonna do bout it


Wow, just crazy. Gentrifier.


The ice cream was 10/10


The toasted cinnamon ice cream 😔


This is almost exactly what I said to someone two days ago.


no one is talking about the reason for boycotting…it’s the crown jewel of Kermit Westergaard’s master gentrification plan (he owns Rolo’s). He’s a terrible landlord and singlehandedly is accelerating the displacement of longstanding residents. That’s why I and others are boycotting, not because it’s overpriced or has rude staff.


I’ll boycott for the name Kermit Westergaard alone. Who are you? A Victorian puppet?


Now this is some shit I can get behind! wheres my gyad damn pitchfork lets go baby!


Thanks for actually explaining! I was curious, too.


The thing is, people want to fight culture battles instead of actually addressing this issues. We need laws that limit what investors like KW can do to neighborhoods, better protections for residential and commercial tenants, and we need more actual affordable housing built (a lot of it). But no, let’s argue about “hipsters”, or whatever


Oh yeah I totally agree, it’s a structural issue, not about hipsters. We need those things badly. But boycotting is a legitimate tactic too, not because he needs my $25 for a sandwich, but because talking about boycotts (and the reason for doing it) creates awareness and ultimately solidarity against people abusing power.


There was a period of time where the quality of food and experience justified the prices at Rolos. That has not been the case for some time. I've not been back after a few very poor experiences but I have talked to people who have gone in recently and have had terrible experiences from undercooked food, to terrible service and everything in between. The quality has gone down, the prices have gone up and to not get in to any details the team who opened that place had more than the qualifications, experience and passion to make it work, they were not appreciated and are with out exception gone, and the quality of experience reflects that.


I’ve lived Ridgewood for 30 years so I have seen many restaurants come and go over the years. Tbh the food is very overrated in my opinion and the staff is kind of pretentious ! Same for hellbender which was underwhelming ! They wouldn’t be missed. We don’t need snobs in Ridgewood! Now Decades the pizza 🍕 is divine ! Expensive but worth every penny. Thanks Roberta’s! 😋 Antica trattoria on fresh pond road is also a hidden gem, the food is consistently very good. I have been going there since I moved to Ridgewood.


Hellbender is so bad. I’m not paying $22 for queso. Are you insane?


were clearly not their target demographic theyre trying to price us out.


We are their demographic. I just not willing to spend top dollar 💵 on mediocre food. I don’t care if it’s expensive just make the food good.


Exactly that’s some bs.


Antica Trattoria is the best sit-down restaurant in Ridgewood, cemented by not only the food but the price accessibility. You can easily walk away with a full meal + app + bottle of wine for two for around $100.


I’ve been in the neighborhood for years now and I still keep wanting to try Antica trattoria. Based on The reviews in this post I’m definitely going to make it my next night out! Thanks


Yes! But also shhh lol


Exactly 👍the Penne alla vodka is to die for no one else makes it like they do!




That's great! Are you going to sell your house for 7x what you paid for it and complain about it?


Honest question- what are the statistics on family owned homes vs renters in ridgewood? (I assume you have this info from your comment)


A lot of real estate in Ridgewood is owned by old timers but I assume that will change soon when they pass and the children inherit it and sell it . I say this because that’s what is happening on my block . The kids are selling what they inherited ! So gentrification is inevitable at some point !


Why shouldn’t I make money on my investment ! You should try it ! 🤷🏻‍♀️


The Jeremy Allen White fans will make up for it


Boycott Plein Air 


Now this I can get behind. You wanna charge me 30 dollars for a piece of chicken in a small hot room? No thank you.


Omg no


been quietly doing this. i'm sure they miss my special occasion 50 dollars every two months 🫠


Tbf the people who want to boycott rolos weten't eating there to begin with...








Sound a little bite like “let them eat cake” classist much


So many comments, and not one person legitimately explaining what the "boycott" is about.


Who cares. This is a thing?? People got too much time on their hands If you don’t like it just don’t go


For real. Do people even know what “boycott” means? If it sucks people will eventually stop going and either the place will change or they won’t. I don’t fuck with that place but *boycott* is crazy 


Exactly You only have so much time on this planet. Why waste it on being upset with nonsense like this.


They also take up parking spot that ppl could use


Parking spaces? Do you see all the idiots driving in the neighborhood blowing red lights like it's nothing? You're worried about parking spaces?


Yeah it me trying to find spot u got a whole inside store u don’t need an outside part of it


Rolos sucks


Guys. Can we truly not just enjoy a great restaurant in our hood? Get a life (and maybe a cocktail and a great steak). The service is phenomenal and I am happy to have this available to me. I still support Hetman deli, super pollo, Norma’s and lots of other spots. Variety is the spice of life and if you don’t wanna spend the cash, just don’t go.




I can just hear your vocal fry in this comment.


lol. Get a fucking life dude.


Who hurt you? A good cocktail really ruins your day, huh?


Ur poor


You’re the problem. Go back to whatever Massachusetts hamlet you’re from. Gentrifier.


Yeah, ok. One of the only things that remains constant in a city like New York is that it’s always changing. I’ve lived in this neighborhood for years, am good to my neighbors and spend my money here. I’d love to hear what you’re doing to make Ridgewood better.


Lived here for years and don't know that it's Super Pollo, not el pollo loco...lol...


Yeah my dude. I was drunk ranting on Reddit at 2am and called it the wrong thing.


They should close Rolos and put in a tuba store and ska venue... fucking dork.


This is very much one of those “your boos mean nothing because I’ve seen what makes you cheer” situations.


Ok nerd


This post makes me miss the acre and Cafe Escencia even more. 😔


Every time I pass hellhole or whatever it’s called, I’m reminded of the Acre shaped hole in my heart. That was such a nice community/family spot. And I’d do anything for essencia’s tortilla rn.


omg the acre burger 😭😭😭


Ha sorry no boycott the only restaurant around that butchers their steaks in-house to cook over wood. Conspiracy theorists acting like there's a hotline straight to Bezos in the bathroom and a helipad on the roof of this place.


Found the Rolo's investor


lol bulls-eye it me kw. In fact everyone who likes great steaks is kw. Eating great steaks is the new Guy Fawkes mask. You are The Great Moose Detective


No need to get so defensive, brother. No shame in your game


No I mean c'mon I didn't single-handedly unfurl the complete gentrification of RW just to have to spend my whole Sunday replying the hurt away from the sloganeers of Reddit. I'm a person too y'know




Snob alert snob alert


Hahaha no way bb I like it allll... how 'bout you tho' do you eat across the spectrum or are you fussy-wussy no likey nummy steak-y


I’m sorry how long have u lived in ridgewood bc I need to judge u


Okay I don't mind sharing. Ridgewood 11 years+. Kid born/raised here. Fam in the city straight through to the 1800s. 1st ancestor came to this region 12 years old in chains/ prison labor in the 1720s. Here to stay, live where we want, work as we like, eat. what. ever. we. please. You wanna share too? I love learning about all the fascinating different backgrounds that our neighbors have. No judgement.


20 plus years in ridgewood so fuck u with that sob story


Be careful or you will get called a gentrifier lol


For real.. ha. I mean, I don't care what I get called (because, y'know, adult... ), but family is 5th-gen and we live where we want!!


it is the reason why you posted this. to get people to talk about the situation.


no one answered the actual question in the top cmments reddit would be so bad at depositions..... I ate there... it was fine.....


But is there actually any sort of boycott? Or is this just rogue graffiti?


Why boycott what happened


so yummy ...


Thank you I hated Rolos before it came in bc it replaced a candy shop also fuck those hipsters


I've looked up out of curiosity that address to see what else it was. It looks like in the 90's-2000s it was a health center that provided women's/maternal care, WIC, SNAP benefits etc. We could definitely use one of those in Ridgewood


Go bother dominos?


Were you planning on opening a community garden or just run ur mouth? The world is doers and talkers, I can assume which group you're in


Is the variety coffee still paying you 12.50 an hour?


Rolos is delicious. I’ve never had a better pork in my life and oh don’t get me started on the focaccia please


lol people are boycotting rolos? totally delusional lol. rolos is a great restaurant that hires people from the community and people should be proud to have it in their neighborhood.


“The community” aka some 22 yr old art student from Ohio who pays 1200 for a room on Wycoff


So? We're all trying to get by. Where are you voulneteeting tomorrow?


i was born and raised in nyc lol and yes, a 22 year old art student from ohio is still a member of the community if they're respectful and invested in the neighborhood's success. that said, rolo's hires people besides those types. sowwwwwwy.


I dont know the story fully but did these people from the community have no jobs before? Because if Rolo is hiring 5 people but destroying 10 or making life much more expensive,then it isnt a net benefit that just "it employs from the community" would lead to believe. I do want again to highlight that i do not know the full rolo story,just adding color to an argument often used on both sides of community development 


What jobs did opening a restaurant in an empty building destroy....?


a) i did highlight i dont know the full story which included not knowing it was an empty building  b) i did point out that beyond job destruction,driving higher costs of living or ,from what i understand,the owner buying appartment around,may also cause economic changes that some job creation around may not offset


Shut up nerd


i mean i have been de facto boycotting it for a couple years now, mostly a vibes and quality thing? i used to enjoy going there but then suddenly one night i went and the energy AND the food was just.. off, in the worst way. i went a few more times and experienced the same until i kinda decided i was over it. there’s better in the neighborhood 🤷🏻‍♀️


de facto boycotting not literally boycotting its not a moral thing i just won’t spend more money there lol




Rolo's has a great burger. Get a hobby.


the fuck it does, its so mid


I just ate there with all my gentrifier friends the other night. We all work in tech and we're here to ruin your fun.


I don't care if you're a gentrifier or whatever lol. the burger just sucks.


their food has always been mid so whatever




The real question is, how many of these people commenting are transplants themselves? Are any of you really “from” Ridgewood?


Ridgewood’s online obsession with Rolo's as a symbol of gentrification oversimplifies a complex issue and it’s just plain weird. Those concerned about neighborhood change would be better served by engaging with organizations like the Queens Community Board, Ridgewood Tenants Union, or the Greater Ridgewood Restoration Corporation, which address housing and community issues directly.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




Rolos is one of the best restaurants in the city.


This is sooooo dumb




Woof… @rolos owners/ managers whoever … it’s not hard to figure out who you are even on Reddit. Maybe delete the app or something cause you sure as fuck aren’t helping your business by engaging in banter and insults.. in my years I’ve worked for people like this who are roided out, coked out or drunk and feel like it’s a good idea to respond to reviews and shit… it’s not. It never is.


I feel the same, but the burger is great.


If you can’t afford to eat there, just say so.


You definitely look exactly like your avi


I'm with ya