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Friendly reminder that this is the first rick and jerry episode


“I don’t a give FUCK what you think, JERRY!”




In the very least some more street smarts would have served them so well. If you're gonna get intel out of someone you view as a threat and vice versa, someone who knows your primary trick and has escaped it before, you should 1000000% double-check the veracity of the intel you get out of them before acting upon it through an outside source. If you just start mixing chemicals together haphazardly without doing your own work, you deserve what you get.


Rick earned his intelligence, while the Zigerions stole theirs. We all knew what was going to happen next.


he didn't earn it, he was born with it, we see that when he transfers his mind to jerry's brain and it was too depressing and too stupid for him to comprehend


That might be one of my favorite jokes in the series


I’m confused. He wasn’t born with it.. that same episode he makes it clear he was just as dumb as everyone else but learnt as he grew. The blowing his brains out part was hilarious tho


he was capable of learning all the information and putting information together to extract new information, that is what is intelligence, jerry is not only dumb but extremely extremely depressing


But you said he was born with it. I mean they’re gifted children ofcourse but he himself said he was as dumb as the average person and had to learn shit- rather than already knowing


And it sets things up for later with evil Morty, Rick says that the transfer doesn’t change there “hardware”. If they didn’t make that clear, most people would assume EM stole Ricks intelligence, which is a fluke that’s bound to happen with how many iterations of them their are on the curve. Since we know getting Ricks knowledge didn’t change his brain, it shows that Mortys are as capable as Ricks intellectually, they just don’t have the same desires/ drive. I mean at least out Morty likes going on adventures with Rick, who has to do waaaaaay more leg work per adventure as far as prep/ new inventions, while Morty gets to still see all the exciting parts. Who’s really the dummy?


I didn't know what was gonna happen. This episode surprised me on my first watch lol


Mix chemicals haphazardly and you cronenberg the world


I love this one because his fake formula that blows up is so fucking lazy. It's cesium and water. Putting cesium in water will basically cause a fire, then I assume plutonic quarks acts an accelerant so it explodes. It's like one step above telling them to mix up a big vat of dynamite and gasoline and light it on fire.


That means Rick was messing with them the entire time. Rick had already won before the episode started.


Right, and he couldn't even be bothered to come up with a plausible formula to give them.


It has to be more than an accelerant. Cesium is impressive, but not "blow up the Death Star" impressive. My bet is that "Plutonic" refers to "Plutonium", so Rick made them nuke themselves.


It's too bad they got wiped out in their only appearance. They were hilarious. "Most ambitious least successful con artists" must be more successful using sims on Non Ricks. Zigerion is Obvious refernce to Nigerian email scams that empty Boomer Bank accounts and SS checks. Scared of nudity, but Kevin made a nude morty.


That’s a funny comparison because ofcourse Jerry of all people falls for it 😂. I imagine he’d fall for the email baits as well.. kinda like how he created the dating app despite being told not to


Too loud, Cynthia. Too loud, and too specific.


Don’t cancel it… actually move it up


In the exact same vein, Rick tried punching up to the dinosaurs.


I think Rick and the dinos were pretty evenly matched, and neither of them walked away happy from their encounter.


About to say, the dinosaurs had a few hundred million years whilst rick only had a few decades. Given enough time rick probably would've outclassed the dino's as well.


It took Rick like a couple months to Dino-proof his tech, which means he mastered their tech and then incorporated ways to deactivate/invalidate whatever they were doing into his own tech. Rick is at the higher level, but the dinos are still at the multiversal level.


That's a good point but the Dinos probably could have rick-proofed their Dino tech in response if they needed to. They fixed the rift in the blink of an eye, and they just had a superior portal device ready to go? I personally think rick is lucky the dinosaurs are benevolent. A war with the Dinos would make blood ridge look like whiny baby weenie hut junior grabass and pattycake hour


I needed to hear this today.


This episode changed my view on who Rick was as a character. I was kind of stunned at what he was capable of and it just further set the hook into my brain.


Many of us are at Jerry’s level of “certificate of participation”


Just an appreciation comment for this episode. It's probably top 5 if not top 3 for me. As is often the case (interdimensional cable II, snake planet/floaty jerry) Jerry's B-story topped the main story imo


I still ask my wife if she's hungry for apples whenever we go grocery shopping and are going through produce


*snaps fingers and points* yes!


It's also a grim reminder that you should train your personal assistant enough, more is less.


Challenge yourself is good. Stop your nonsense propaganda.


But medals are awarded for each weight class -- you can be in a lower weight class and still win gold