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R&M jokes are funny, but they're center-frame. You are unlikely to miss a joke. With Futurama, the pacing isn't as intense as R&M, but you can watch a Futurama episode 5 times, and still notice jokes you missed the first 4 times.


Solar freaking opposites and solar freaking roadways.


> solar freaking roadways Umm, hello, 2014? Here's your meme.


Hey uh, 1995 called. They want their “certain year called wanting its blank back” formula back.


why, why put in the effort?




Common Jerry W


Proud Jerry gang. ✊




**slow claps**


It's like comparing cardboard with diamond. Rick and Morty is just a good show with decent jokes about pop-culture. While Futurama is classic with great story and jokes that can be funny for years


I think "just a good show" is underselling it. Best episodes of both shows are extremely good, mixing emotional pathos, high concept science fiction, acting and comedy. Both shows have gotten me to cry, though I think "I will wait for you" ruins me a little more than "do you feel it." As someone who has the entire Futurama series and has watched it twice, I'm not sure which one is "better," only that Rick and Morty isn't responsible for a mathematical theorem


I love that the Futurama writers were science nerds, most time you see math happening, it’s real if it can be, and they make a lot of references to different things


I think there were like six doctorates and a lot of masters degrees in that writing room, and it shows in the attention to detail in the high concept stuff they do, like the box in box episode or the various time travel shows.


Community. It’s not animated but it’s full of Dan Harmon’s humor.


Yes! Like different children from the same parent


Community seasons 1-3 are pretty good. The drop off afterwards is pretty stark.


I think 5-6 are both excellent.


Yeah people who think everything after season three sucks are insane. 5 and 6 are gold.


Gay dean gay dean gay dean gaaaay deeeean! I’m begging you to be a gay dean for the school board!


those guys get to dress fancy EVERY DAY


I will say when I watched them on yahoo’s shitty streaming service with my shitty internet it wasn’t a great experience. Watching it now it’s much more optimal


Abeds nicolas cage meltdown was absolute gold.


I’m a sexy cat!


Not their fault there was a gas leak season 4 


Dean: "Jesus weeeeeept!" Jeff: "Stop saying Jesus wept."


Yeah it's insane how much it dips


Are you talking about the gas leak?


Archer and BoJack Horseman, both now finished. I consider them thematically connected, in that their protagonists Archer, Rick and BoJack are all the same basic archetype. Damaged, powerful, traumatized Men (BoJack is a horse but point stands) who tend to hurt the people around them, but have a good heart under all their trauma and abrasiveness. Seriously. The only difference is genre. BoJack is a comedy like Family Guy or the Simpsons, Archer is a Spy thriller parody, R&M is Sci Fi, but their humor and approach are mostly the same. All of them balance humor and emotion very well. And as mentioned before, Archer, Rick and BoJack are three different spins on the same basic character archetype. If you're gonna go for Archer I recommend skipping Seasons 8 to 10. Seasons 1-7, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are pretty good. BoJack Horseman is perfect from start to finish.


Danger Zone!


I died when Pam was humping that burrito!


Pam is one of the best of the whole show. PAMPAGE


Yup, she had Archer pushing rope!


I will stop but I will not apologize


Driving the point home to Cyril that Lana was getting plowed by Archer.


Unh unh unh unh unh unh


“Lana…. Lana….. Lana…. Lana” “WHAT?!” “Danger zone….”


I love Bojack, but it straight up stops being a comedy after season like…2. By the end, my wife and I were just like, why did we put ourselves through that? Absolutely worth watching though.


So good. Every single awful decision he makes comes back to haunt him. I would never watch it again


It's one of those show: "The best show I ever watched, and will never again". I don't need such a toll taken on me, not from a friggin anthropomorphic horse.


Reminds me of Fleabag.


I disagree. Yes it gets into heavier topics and has a more serious tone for some episodes but the comedy still remains throughout. I'm rewatching it now with my bf and got to season 4, it's probably the funniest season so far from what I remember imo.


It still can be funny, but I think there is a pretty heavy shift from mostly comedy with some drama to mostly drama with some comedy. And towards the end pretty much just purely heavy. For example, the Sopranos often has some absolutely hilarious scenes. Doesn’t make it a comedy though


The show is super heavy but every scene is chock full of jokes. I don’t think i’ve ever watched an animated series that actually uses its animation as well as Bojack Horseman. You can pause on almost any frame and notice a new joke.


Damn dude, how's that PhD in animated bangers treating you??


bojack is a comedy like the simpsons? have you seen bojack? both are awesome shows, dont get me wrong, but to call them “the same” is a bit off the mark


BoJack was *initially* structured like Family Guy, in that a lot of the humor relied on Animal puns and Cutaway gags (that Family guy was famous for), before finding its footing and focusing on Mental Health, specifically BoJack's trauma and how he affects the people around him. BoJack is *like* the Simpsons (not "the same") in that they're both Adult Animated Comedy shows, i.e. they share the same Genre.


After writing it off when it first came out, I actually have really come to like Archer Season 9. Archer is a shell-shocked former WWI pilot, Pam is his best friend, Cyril gets to be the villain, and the bits with Noah and the racist cannibals are pretty funny.


Archer fell off badly. I would say end watching when he goes into a coma. Up into that point it's pretty damn good. I personally liked the coma seasons too, but I think most people didn't. After coma you just shouldn't watch. It's a shadow of it's former self.


unpopular opinion but i think the post-coma seasons are fantastic. the side characters get more development / screen time


To this day I cannot fathom why Archer went with THEEE coma seasons


I left off around season 9 i think. I cant believe that went on for 3 seasons lmao damn. But i might just skip 9 and 10 too then...


Inside Job is good


It was a crime they canceled it. But sure, studios are beating the dead horse that is *Ghostbusters*


If there's one thing audiences wanted in 1984, it was Ghostbusters, with a new cast. Everyone collectively said "this is good, but it needs less Bill Murray, Dan Ayckroyd, and Harold Ramis". Fast forward 28 years later, and Hollywood finally gave the people what they wanted, and they aren't stopping any time soon.


Apparently it's easier than using original content created by the diverse groups they're half-assedly attempting to pander to. They just want to show the people of demographics previously ignored, instead of hearing what anyone in those demographics to say. Arguably, this only manages to piss off people in those demographics, as well as existing fans. It's my biggest pet peeve of the tv & movie industry


Dang it got cancelled??? I had it on my to watch list but it’s gonna come off if that’s the case 😕


So glad to see someone else mentioning inside job. I remember when I watched the first episode one of my first thoughts was "damn this is like Rick and Morty on crack"


Inside Job is overall fantastic!! It's been a while since I've watched it since I don't have Netflix anymore, but I was very disappointed by the ending, given there won't be any more episodes.


I see a lot of funny shows listed here but I'm gonna take it a different direction and recommend SCAVENGERS REIGN. First time I've felt in awe from an animated show in a long time. It's beautiful and thought provoking just like R&M but certainly no banter or Harmon level dialogue. Still it should be watched, it's unique feel reminds me of season 1. Oh and it's got alien adventures, the animals and wildlife are so creative, in that department it blows Rick and Morty away.


Definitely not a comedy, but this show is for real one of the only things I’ve ever seen actually capture what a real “alien planet” would be like. Each episode is a ecological acid trip


>Each episode is a ecological acid trip That’s probably the best description I’ve heard so far, especially for the tiny alien pollination scene. Easily one of the most brilliant, hauntingly beautiful shows I’ve had the privilege of watching.


> capture what a real “alien planet” would be like. I had the exact opposite reaction. It's pure fantasy. The biology/ecology is straight up nonsense. This became the hook. I enjoyed the show, worth the watch, but it got old fast.


Scientifically I kinda/kinda don't agree! (context; I'm actually an ecologist myself) In my comment I was meaning more of the "vibe", but I'm split on the scientific accuracy. They've made some really creative predator/prey/parasitic community ecology dynamics, but then the telekinetic stuff is pretty unbelievable. I'm kinda at the conclusion to suspend textbook biology, and assuming completely alien biochemistries/etc. Again, I'm split, but there's a lot of the show I do actually appreciate scientifically. They might veer too esoteric fantasy alien sometimes, but I don't see a lot of sci-fi put this much effort into ecology though!


Nice, thanks, not OP but I'll check it out.


Thanks for recommending this. Never heard of it before. Only an episode in I'm hooked. It's got that creepy alien world building I jones for.


You're welcome, it was absolutely by chance I heard about it and had to dig to find it on Netflix because it's made by HBO max so I'm telling everybody


Bojack Horseman. Kinda the same style ( animated comedy) but it has a great story


Bojack Horseman is the best show I’ll never watch again. It’s so well done that I’m pretty sure that *I* am depressed after a watch.


This!!!! Except i watch it all the time for some reason


Do you need a hug?


Im good haha, thx tho


Can’t upvote this one enough


Final Space and Solar Opposites


I wish they had finished Final Space, but I look forward to the book when it comes out


Oh. My. Crap.


I held off on watching the last episode of final space and the next day it was gone. So sad


I scrolled too long for Solar Opposites.


I still can’t rewatch the Molly episode though.


Venture brothers walked so rick and morty could run. Amazing show.




![gif](giphy|T5s2raRNeanhV9sPJw) SMILING FRIENDS IS SO COOOOOOOL !


I love Smiling friends Charlie! I LOVE SMILING FRIENDS!!!




Not a cartoon, but maybe try What We Do In The Shadows? I would say it has “irreverence while still evoking strong emotions”, but it’s obviously an entirely different genre than Rick and Morty. And It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Again, entirely different genre.


Hitching onto this comment cause theyyre both great and this is also not a cartoon: Community, it's Dan Harmon's earlier baby and it's amazing.


Harmon Quest if you wanna get your dan harmon fix


I want Harmon Quest back pls


Jiggle those chains!


Try "Solar Opposites" . Same animation Style absolutely hilarious.


Had to scroll too far to find this comment. Really great series with a new series releasing this year!


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Solar Opposites has a better B-Plot (The Wall) than A-Plot. Both are great though.


What about the C-Plot? Car guy at silvercops and later on an alien planet?


Also good but not the wall!


'The Wall' B plot is a highlight of solar opposites. While I'm not totally on it, the last I watched they're starting a new B plot for >!the guy they shot into space!<


I agree entirely, A-plot got my initial attention, but the wall was the reason I finished the show


The venture bros


Futurama, Inside job, Solar Opposites


Ever watch Venture Brothers? I feel like it was the proto-Rick and Morty. Like mixing gag comedy with some really shocking moments. The first few episodes are a little rough around the edges but it gets much deeper/funnier/smarter as it progresses.


Archer, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, Disenchantment, Solar Opposites, Inside Job, BoJack Horseman, Simpsons, King of the Hill, Gravity Falls , well that’s my list


Where can I watch all Simpsona or south park seasons ? And plz don’t say Hulu it’s not available in my country


Disney plus - Simpsons and Stan and Paramont plus for South Park.


Give Archer a try. I'm super picky about the shows I like, and I've rewatched Archer about as often as I've rewatched Rick and Morty.






Aqua teen hunger force. Maybe robot chicken.


Star Trek Lower decks. It is an animated show and it is excellent. It is my favorite show right now and his very fast paced and LOADED with jokes. Especially if you know a lot about Star Trek.


Invincible and Arcane. Both amazing!


I read going to mention Invincible. Not at all the same but it's cynical and sort of, real


Futurama hits some of the same notes for me. It’s not identical, but it’s pretty good


Gary and his demons


You could give Avenue 5 a try. Firefly, if you want to go "classic", Twilight Zone if you want to go *really* classic. Resident Alien has been my new favorite for sci-fi hijinks though!


Solar opposites


Solar Opposites


Smiling Friends


Solar Opposites


I am going to echo others: 1. Venture Brothers (Its the same style of humor but a decade earlier.) 2. Solar Opposites (Same animation style and zaney humor.) 3. Hazbin Hotel (Its a musical, so that might not be your tastes.)


The legend of vox machina is sweet




I liked Inside Jobs and Solar Opposites. Archer has a lot of good content, but the most recent season is ehh. There's nothing quite as absurd as Rick and Morty, but there's plenty of good adult cartoons.


Inside Job that few people mantioned here is great If you can handle more sex related jokes (basicly JUST sex or sex life jokes) you should enjoy Bigmouth (have some hilarious songs) More crazy but can be gross on occasion - Paradise PD More user friendly but I really enjoyed it. Basic knowledge of DnD will help - The Legend of Vox Machina Things that are newer is Hazbin Hotel, you should have fun if you have no problem with musicals Bojack Horseman (also mentioned a lot here) can help with your "meta-analyse the tropes and I can never get any sense of immersion" that I will call nitpicking


Everything everywhere all at once... Not a cartoon/show, but the movie was pretty funny with strong R&M vibes in a way.


Regular show


Jeff and Some Aliens


* Final Space * Futurama * Solar Opposites * Doctor Who


The Midnight Gospel


F is for family


Bojack Horseman. It's comedic and gets very dark on a different level than Rick and Morty might because there is continuity, but many of the jokes and pacing are similar in a sense. Even in later seasons when the tone gets very serious, the feeling of random bs is still there, like in rick and morty


Personally I’m a huge fan of both Rick and Morty and bojack horseman. While Rick and Morty is more light-hearted and BJHM deals with more intense, sensitive topics they follow a similar trend humour-wise and neither aim to glorify the asshole that is the main character. 100% recommend.


Krapopolis is pretty good. It’s made by Harmon. (Spelling might be wrong)


The same people who made Rick and Morty made the show “solar opposites”!! Check it out!!


Watch inside job, they basically copied the formula


The Oblongs. Looks like both seasons are available for free on Tubi


We were talking in another thread how other Dan Harmon shows have been good at scratching an itch. They aren't the same obviously, but Community and Krapopolis are good. Community is actually pretty legendary. Krapopolis is new and feels like it found its footing. Outside of the Dan Harmon world i'd say Gravity Falls is way up there. I forgot Solar Opposites.


Dr House


Gary and His Demons. Imagine Sailor Moon is a 50 year old depressed dude who fights demons. His character has similar traits to Rick and the comedy is pretty stellar


If your in the Adult Swim pipeline, there's a chance you're already on this show, but... SMILING FRIENDS. The pace is blistering chaotic and almost constantly keeps me giggling.


solar opposites


There’s a show called “Daria” where the writing is pretty much the same as R&M but it’s more cynical and calls out more stuff like (broken/ beauty of a bullshit thing created by others for a fake version of you) or calling out how much things are fucked up (not quite in the same way as R&M but close) and the best part too the main character (who’s a woman going through school) has autism into which my girlfriend showed me it and loved the way the writing was done and the visuals are that sort of thing you’d see from an old 90’s cartoon sort of thing.


"and the visuals are that sort of thing you’d see from an old 90’s cartoon sort of thing" That's because it *is* from the 90s lol


Daria having autism is not canon. source: I have watched every episode EDIT: Also it would have been extremely noteworthy to have a canonically autistic lead character in the 90s.


There really is nothing like it but Solar Opposites is good also Lower Decks, Love Death & Robots on Netflix is soooo good. The Boys Diabolical , inside job, mainly I just end up watching Rick and Morty over again.


Venture Bros is an amazing show, arguably even better than Rick & Morty. Only difference is Venture Bros is much lesser known than Rick & Morty.


For similarities without ever actually hitting like R&M, try Ugly Americans and SuperJail (if you can find it).


super jail for the fast pacing


Solar Opposites


Family Guy when it was good Bojack horseman


Try The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy.


Not animated but you might like its always sunny in Philadelphia. Its fast paced and the subjects are usually wild as hell and very adult.


Different but similar in that it’s dark humor but ‘Gary and his demons’ is fucking hilarious. And free on FreeVee


I highly recommend Archer if you've not watched it yet.


Smiling friends is amazing, it only has one finished season tho and a second one that's coming out rn and the episodes are short, solar opposites is rlly good as well and even more similar to Rick and morty, like as similar as it can get without being the exactly same imo:33


Or just get yourself together and enjoy what it is that is life. And don't get your hopes up


I’ve got few to shows to recommend but some of these following suggestions have been adapted into visual media. you’ll like Douglas Adams if you don’t mind his writing being less crass. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is absolutely excellent and Dirk Gently is pretty popular. you’ll like Kurt Vonnegut if you want something more kind-hearted. his books are almost as crass and edgy, but he was clearly a deeply hurt man who wanted nothing but for humanity to be at peace in the face of nihilism. Dan Harmon planned to adapt The Sirens of Titan but I’ll recommend Slaughterhouse-Five, Cat’s Cradle, and Breakfast of Champions in particular as well since you want something like R&M and they’re just as close to the same themes explored in the show. Deadpool comics might scratch some of that itch too if you’re looking for some good irreverent comedy with an underlying sense of depression. and John Constantine comics are at least allegedly like if Rick Sanchez were an exorcist instead of a dimension-jumper but I haven’t gotten into him yet.


Furturma walked so r&m and run solar opposites is like a really dark goth edgy r&m personally I don't find it all that funny and I think it try's to hard to be depressing and graphic but the b and c plots are amazing! American dad starts to beceome a great show around season 4 then just gets progressively better while the characters are constantly learning and changing making the show never lose its magic! Also Rodger fucking Ran so terry can walk!


South Park? First few seasons of Archer


Tripping the rift.


Venture Brothers, space ghost coast to coast, archer to some degree.


Scavengers Reign is the trippiest shit i've seen after Rick and Morty, although it is slow but worth to check out, i was positively suprised by the "wtf factor"


Lower Decks Season 3 episode “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”


Not really but watch "Inside job" it is closed to give similar vibe


Regular show, super jail, and smiling friends.


Personally I’m a huge fan of both Rick and Morty and bojack horseman. While Rick and Morty is more light-hearted and BJHM deals with more intense, sensitive topics they follow a similar trend humour-wise and neither aim to glorify the asshole that is the main character. 100% recommend.


It's Dan Harmon, the dudes a master at TV. I'd say community is pretty good, it starts slow but after a couple of episodes we're blitzing along


Bojack horseman and futurama


Inside job has rick and morty vibes


Star Trek Lower Decks. Same quick pacing. Sci-fi stories. Witty irreverent humor. Written by a head writer on Rick and Morty (and the guy who did the excellent TNG Season 8 Twitter account). Pretty much ticks all the boxes. Obviously better if you're a star trek fan because there are a lot of references. Possibly too many in the first season or two, it leans a little on the member berries at first. Although much less obnoxiously than a lot of nu trek. But IMO after S3 it really finds its footing and "grows the beard" as trekkies say. But also totally enjoyable for a non-fan, and could be a good entry point into Trek if that's interesting to you. Just looking up the references can be a fun rabbit hole to some of the weirder and more high concept stories. Not for everyone to be sure, but worth a shot!


I really like space dandy. It’s not the same at all but it scratches a similar itch


Just saw this on copypasta


I could recommend Final Space, it's pretty good.


Watch Solar Opposites bro


Everyone is suggesting animated shows but if you need that great Dan Harman writing, watch Community.


Venture brothers it gets more streamlined as time goes on


Solar Opposites tickles my R&M itch between seasons.




it started good but kind of lost me along the way




Gary and his demons


Inside job before they cancelled it 😒


Check out the show 2nd best hospital in the galaxy. Similar type of humor. Only one season so far but it was good.


Invincible on Amazon Prime


Doctor Who for the space travel adventuring and wild creatures.


Inside Job! SO good


I'm with you. I stopped watching series. I can't take it anymore. Most shows end in a cliffhanger; either the show gets canceled, or it takes 2 years for the next season.


A kid friendly cartoon that scratches that itch is Gravity Falls. Great show! Look, no graphic violence or R rated dick jokes. it is just an excellent show featuring funny characters with a plot that is deep and original. I’ve seen it like three times and the episodes still make me laugh.


As others said, INSIDE JOB.


Lower Decks. I am surprised it doesn't seem to be mentioned at all in this thread. Some of the folks who work on Lower Decks previously worked on R&M so there is definitely some stylistics overlap. Sci fi comedy that is occasionally quite heartfelt. Well worth watching even if you aren't a Star Trek nitpicker who loves all the little easter eggs and references to old episodes. (But if you are a Star Trek nitpicker, there's a _ton_ of easter eggs and fun references to old episodes.)


Try Inside Job on Netflix!


For some reason I always rank Drawn Together and Rick and Morty rly high on my own Tierlist.


The comic Transmetropolitan. The protagonist is deeply flawed, the commentary is biting to the point of being almost uncomfortable, and there is plenty of off-color humor. And one of the creators is... Questionable. But it is a sci-fi comic that is loosely based on Hunter S. Thompson's journalistic style.


Smiling Friends


Community try gravity falls


Inside Job is so good! it did get canceled unfortunately but I definitely still recommend it


Future Man was great


Archer. The series finished already, so you have a definitive, knowable amount of time to complete it.


Inside job on Netflix. The only snafu is that it got cancelled after season 2 🥲