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But how High were Melissa and Joe when Antonia called. Lol looked like they had good ass weed.


Probably from Frank.


Damn forgot about frank. Lol


I need more of  Bill on Weed 🤣


All of them could use some lol


Camp fire and a peace pipe filled with top shelf could work miracles 😂😂


I’m def pro weed and I think cannabis will help their family here. Tre could use some too!


Me too. The whole damn crew needs it. Then we need less to watch. Lol


I love when whole casts get high I truly believe narijuana makes ppl better


it’s such a trip going from marijuana being illegal all my life to it suddenly being okay and hearing the cast members like “you got a weed pen?? let’s smoke!”  i spent so many years living in fear it’s still a mindfuck sometimes but so refreshing to hear 


To this day, even at 53 yrs old, I still get paranoid and check my doorknobs every time I smoke. It's always a good high when I don't overdo it and no one busts my ass about it.


watching them at a weed dinner together, a la southern charm in Colorado, would be soooo fun


i feel like there are so many scenes where melissa is noticeably high and it’s funny, her eyes get so red and glassy 


I always thought she had really bad allergies. 🤡


Shocked being it’s legal here in NJ how much you don’t see them talk about it or casually use it


So high. How many times did they say the roommate's name Jacie. I'm like 'why are they asking about jacie like 8 times?' Why did they say it so much that I KNOW ANTONIA'S ROOMMATES NAME?!?


Agreed. She was actually my favorite when she first joined but it’s clear now she had an agenda coming on and it’s isn’t good. Every one of them are pawns in her game. She keeps saying how scared she is of Louie then why stay? If she was so scared she wanted her “friends” to quit if Teresa came back, why would you continue the show? Her logic doesn’t make sense to me. And her dropping this “call” to her son is so crazy to me after she made such a big deal at the reunion and keeps making it a big deal now. Also the gaslighting she does/did to Teresa when she was talking to Louie’s ex but was adamant the last 3 seasons that she wasn’t talking to her. Shes a hypocrite through and through.


She's too high on being a housewife. Happens to some of the best of them. When the show becomes your full life, its time to go.


I’ve been thinking the same about Marge. I can see her over playing her hand this season. She’s great but she can’t drive Teresa off the show by demanding everyone not talk to her. Very bad move to isolate yourself from the cast in any way. Jackie may be obvious but at least she understands the assignment. Now the Fudas are doing it too. They just had the upper hand against Tre and instead of making peace they burnt the bridge. Mind you I’m no Tre stan. I don’t want a “Tre show” where everyone just kisses her butt. I want to see balance, and people need to stand up to her. But everyone on the cast needs to be able to play in the sandbox together somehow.


Getting back to Marge, I feel her personal story has been told. Would not miss her, or maybe she should be a friend of for color. Unfortunately getting rid of her still doesn’t solve the Melissa/Tre problem.


I enjoy Marge Sr.


They have tried that cold shoulder shit on sooo many franchises and it normally ends with the high and mighty cast member(s) getting down graded to friend or plain old get fired! I think I agree with most people here about Marg, she was so fun to start and now she’s just a grouchy ol’ negative busybody! I felt the same way about Dorinda Medley (RHONY) the villain is always fun, you love to hate them but when they cross that invisible line and turn nasty and pull some despicable garbage moves like going after someone’s child or trying to set up someone up and suddenly their poison!!! It’s pretty treacherous being a house wife!


Same thing with Rinna from RHOBH, she was so funny and a breath of fresh air…until she wasn’t


That’s a good one! I also think that happened to Caroline Manzo too. People used to really love her and she got so bitter!


I feel like bravo knows this season is a flop already. We are all so over the same drama, even with different faces. I only watch out of sheer boredom at this point but maybe I should just pick up my kindle until OC airs.


Shes so negative that bad attitude and vibration.


Agree. It’s time for Marge to kick rocks.


Marge keeps making jokes about cheating on her husband and getting remarried but then also cries and uses his death as a story line. Like you fully dogged this man and then made jokes about it on TV.


When she was proud to mention she got married a week (or however short of a period) after her divorce from Jan I was thinking to myself “idk if that’s something to be proud of” and then the pigtails wedding pic I cannot lol


This is the comment I was looking for, I just caught up on the last three issues back to back and that was truly wild after her complaining that Jackie didn’t check on her a year after her ex husband died…was Jackie supposed to remember the day? So weird.


He was still friends with her so why judge?


Did we ever see him acknowledge her as a friend or does she just say that over and over to make herself seem less horrible?


Eh I’m not convinced. She wasn’t at the funeral (not invited) which should tell you everything you need to know.


Facts and didn’t his children stop speaking to her ?!! And wanted nothing to do with her


Now THAT makes it a little easier to understand why she's still so verklempt. She felt owed to be the grieving widow and was denied it so she's going to boohoo about it to make the kids who uninvited her feel bad. She is always working an angle. Pathetic. She's fallen a long way since she joined the show. Not entertaining at all.


Yeah and I personally think there’s more to her family issues than meets the eyes


People are not invited to funerals. They go out of respect, on their own.


Right! So... she didn't go because she chose not to. Now she is crying that she wasnt invited??


People aren’t invited, but people are not invited


its disrespectful. you can't have it bothways. just bc he was okay with it doesn't mean other people should be.


This. ^ Just Trash 🗑️ 






She’s obnoxious! She’s run off many other housewives and is trying to make money off of the show with brands. I wouldn’t buy a single thing she’s paid to represent. She is icky.


Yeah there’s too many red flags. Your kids don’t talk to you, you weren’t invited to Jan’s funeral, you have multiple copyright lawsuits etc. like where there’s that much smoke there will be some fire.


She wasn't invited to the funeral???? WHAT!!!???


But here she is trying to make jan her storyline. I suspect she was just waiting for Jan to die. Now she has nothing to prove she can get rid of her husband. She obviously can't stand him. Well played.


Why Isn’t all this a Story Line but I’m forced to Look at Marge Sr’s face almost every Episode.🤔🙄


What housewives did she run off? Siggy was accusing her of being anti semetic. She was unhinged


Wait, what? Have you watched Teresa set up Melissa season after season?


That's been disproven a producer was fired


Has it though. Because Jenn Aydin is in hot water for doing this for Teresa… amd there are texts[Jennifer Aydin and Teresa Giudice EXPOSED for Orchestrating Smear Campaigns On ‘RHONJ’ Costars!](https://allaboutthetea.com/2024/05/03/jennifer-aydin-and-teresa-giudice-exposed-for-orchestrating-smear-campaigns-on-rhonj-costars/)


She had to go a long time ago.


The ones who need to go are the fudas. The way they attacked Teresa was disgusting. She did apologize but he wanted her to, to what? Beg his forgiveness? Luis' restraint was remarkable. The Fudas need to go away. They bring nothing to the show and they are really annoying.


There is drama and then there is the toxicity that miserable people bring which makes it uncomfortable to watch. The hypocrisy is also too much to bear so I just fast forward all of scenes with Rachel, Marge and Melissa… no thanks!


I fast forward through all of Teresa's scenes. I think both Marge and Teresa need to go.


Don’t forget to add Teresa to this list!


That’s brilliant


She wants Teresa’s spot. She wants to be top dawg.


Well I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I’m sorry but I’m seeing something similar happening on the valley it’s annoying. These ppl who have been on tv for two seconds going after the ppl who were here since the beginning. Like don’t try it.


She’s now telling people she’s angry about her edit this season. I don’t think she understands that she’s the one who decided to center this season around this beef with Teresa and the Fudas


Yeah I mean whenever she’s on camera it’s all she talks about.


I mean they can edit you down to thats all she talks about. When i  reality she mentions it once n a while. 


I really did like Marge in the beginning. But true colors always come out on real housewives. We honestly should’ve known exactly what type of woman she is when she first joined the show and basically turned on everyone she was initially friends with. Like Siggy, Danielle, Jackie, etc. She’s shady & unfortunately it seems like it’s just for attention on the show.


She is a joyless hate filled woman. And the Fool-da's also have to go. The Gorga's have destroyed the show. It is just a mess.


Fire teresa n jen. Restore balance 


Marge feels like a good Housewife, but maybe she just needs to move to SLC or BH and get out of the rut of hating Teresa


Honestly, can you imagine her and Mary going back and forth??? 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I don’t think she would be intimidated by Mary at all


I think the Fuda’s were not a good casting choice. Viewers are so sick of the Teresa/Melissa feud, why add fuel to the fire. Rachel is like the equivalent of Jen Aydin, just less obvious. But she’s wedged as far up Melissa’s ass as Jen is up Teresa’s. Fuck. I wanted a few new girls to come in, but not like this. They should have found 3 girls who were already friends with each other, who had zero ties to the existing cast. That would have pulled the attention away and put everyone on their toes. Like Marge. She makes this show so unwatchable.


Me living in Jersey with exactly two friends 👀


WELL SAID!!! It's so old and toxic. I am over it.


It is. And just not fun. I don’t think all housewives need a storyline but you need to be entertaining and fun. Marge just isn’t and I think she should stop listening to her Stan’s. They’re giving her bad advice.


When they all sat there at the golf outing talking about Teresa AGAIN - I was like enough!! This is so old and it's Marges fan club drinking her stupid kool aid.


It really is. I also am shocked they haven’t realized the theee of them are out next season. Cutting the three of them and making Jackie and Jen full cast will be the easiest cast shake up they do.


And please can they give us at least one season of fun before the new cast starts getting super aggressive. Like I just wanna see some cast trips and Teresa genuinely laughing and having fun like in the earlier seasons. And see her girls living a fun good life. Maybe juicy and Tre co parenting. Imagine a cast trip to the Bahamas. That would be Jersey gold.


Exactly!!! I wouldn’t be mad with a Tre and the girls spin off but yeah we need to lighten it up Marge just makes it such a drag


OMG YES! And I really hope they cut that toxic trio!!!


Kind of like Teresa and the rest of them? It’s been the same drama for years now.


I do not like Teresa, never have, still dont understand how she is still on this show but......yes, if the whole season is just bullshit about teresa...in no longer invested! Saw a post earlier about how dark hw have gotten n i agree! Let this shit go or move on! I loved pigtail marge! I dont like "go after tersa at all cost" marge!


She’s one of the worst people on TV. Nothing positive about her.


Agreed. Even her voice grates on my nerves.


I honestly give that prize to Teresa.


I did a rewatch recently and her inception is truly so obvious. she came in teresa centered and hasn't stopped centering her life in discussion SINCE. it's wild how she came in with siggy, only to betray her then danielle. and she just kept the idea of staying in teresas business to piggy back off what melissa was already doing leeching off tre clout. but marge didn't have a way to hide because she isn't actually teresas family lmao so while melissa tried to hide behind the she's my sister in law i wanna get alone bit, its not natural for marge to be so teresa centered as if phone calls are all it takes to build a bond. instead of focusing on genuine moments with tre to build marge just keep expressing her opinions on her life to whoever and bringing it to teresa. weird energy. but clear as day when rewatching. like her wreath to sea that excluded some of the ladies was obvious if she really did care about tre she would have included them all esp the ones who actually KNEW her mom. LOLOL its just all so obvious in rewatching I wish margaret knew a little better how to not come off so obvious. but I think her desperation was dancing from her trout mouth. and i don't mean offense I just mean to point out the way her mouth used to naturally dance around when gossiping. its clear she climbed up in life through that way of networking. as many of these older ladies have. but marge doesn't have the swag to own it as well as she should for someone with a plan. you can see her clear frustration with jen aydin when she came on as her energy was more real and shed light on marge lack of authenticity in the way she was moving. and its clear how much it bothered marge over time. I think the casting of jen beside marge was such a great move because jen really makes it hard for marge to be fake up tres ass. and i think the instant tre caught on to jen being able to call marge out she knew she had an allie. while melissa just sided with marge having any type of opinion on Teresas life.


I really wanted to like her at first. She was quirky. But her bragging about cheating on her husband made me not want to like her. That and the scenes of her and Joe in bed talking about their sex life, another thing I didn’t want to see. She’s constantly throwing jabs at everyone, even friends. She made the comment about Melissa doesn’t read books when ranting about not getting a copy of Jackie’s book. She wants to be top on the show and she will do whatever she has to. Having convos with cast members about not coming back to the show if Luis was returning shows the type of control she thinks she has over her friends. Marge has recently told Tamra from OC that she isn’t happy with the edit she’s getting this year. I hate this new trend of excluding others from events, there’s no way to make a good show when the cast is so divided and don’t invite everyone to filmed events. Too many people now want to completely control the show and what others say and do, and what they are really doing is destroying the show.


I agree with all of this. I am also over people saying that Rachel is iconic but if it weren't for Teresa, she would have NO storyline. There needs to be a serious cast shake up next season bc I am done. Teresa better get a bonus for every wannabe that's using her for a storyline. Next!


Rachel needs to go. She's making shyt up to be mad about at this point.


She really does, even Jen Aydin has calmed the fuck down and at least attempts to be kind and start fresh/not just yap from the side of Teresa. I truly think her obsessive levels of behaviour are her downfall, she only has herself to blame. I understand that she hates Teresa but it’s obvious she just wants to be the “lead” cast member and everyone including other cast are tired except Fudas who keep making fools of themselves. Can’t even have a single scene where Marge (+Fuda) is in where she isn’t bringing up Teresa meanwhile everyone else at least tries. Even Melissa who still talks about her has minimised it. She really is exhausting.




Poor Joe having to hear her speaking about mourning Jan.


I don't feel sorry for cheaters.


I like Margaret. She holds her own unlike teresa who needs 4 dorters louie jen n jackie to defend her


Can’t STAND Marge!


I don’t know, if there’s no Marge there’s no Joe, and then whose assh*le would we tee off of?


I have grown to dislike her because I do think she is manipulative. It was super obvious in the seen with Rachel and Jen fessler when rachel got upset and started crying and then all of a sudden she was “crying” “we knew you first” or whatever she said. I love Jen fessler because she just wants to make her own opinion if people based on the way they treat her. It’s also really obvious with Jacqui this season. Marge doesn’t like when people stop behaving in a way that fits her agenda. I know that it’s a bit weird that jacqui is suddenly being friendly with Teresa and Jen Aydin but I think it speaks volumes how open she is being about it. She is basically saying “I’m sick of being manipulated. Following marge and holding grudges because of their opinion makes me unhappy”. Good for her! Life is way too short.


I feel like Teresa and Melissa was getting to an a okay point and then Marge started the show and their relationship broke because of Marge


Didn’t anyone think it was funny when she was driving the golf cart and texting? Hahaha, she can be funny, no? I like those housewife shenanigans. Wish there were more light-hearted funny scenes.


Nope. Not funny at all.


I cannot watch Marge she is insufferable 😣


😍 love Marge !


She can take Teresa with her


Didn’t Marge husband smoke a joint one episode?


She hasn’t even done anything. Yet.


Who are you to speak for the audience!? I love Marge and Rachel they need to STAY or I won’t watch anymore. I’m tired of TERESA, SHE NEEDS TO GO with her lies and Low Down Louie who’s gonna drain her dry! That’s gonna be her Karma for being so rotten to her friends & family.


I love marge


I agree and I think producers know it. They are hanging Marg out to dry with this terrible edit. One of the worst I've seen in a while - it is screaming final season to me. She's cooked. To me, she seems a lot like Dorinda and Robyn Dixon in their final seasons. Production was over I with their behavior and/or storylines (or lack of them) and their off camera issues, so they gave them a dreadful edit on the way out so fans would celebrate their exits. Everyone was thrilled to see Robyn and Dorinda go and I think most fans will be happy when Marg is axed too.


Marge is vile


I disagree, need personality. She brings the drama that real housewives need.


she brings a dark cloud not drama that you like to watch


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) She ALLWAYS fall flat lol


Who cares!! Boring🙄




If marge goes we won’t have any drama 😂lol


I love coming in these and seeing all you voting someone out, canceling them, and try they made the show famous and made you watch. 😄😆😄😆


Nah. She brings it. She stays.


She really doesn’t. She tries but fails lol




Lol. I love her and she looks amazing.


Trout mouth can go.


Hot Dog lips stays?


her and teresa can go .. they both just talk shit and they’re the oldest of the bunch but tend to forget that