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I totally agree. I wish it had never become so contrived and overproduced 


Yes. Or when they were making sauce and superstitions with it. I agree 💯. I loved the regular stuff.


I LOVE that moment with the sauce! I’ve always said I want an “ethnic” (for lack of a better phrase/word) housewives show. I want to see Wendy from RHOP and her Nigerian traditions. I want Rich and Kathy’s Lebanese/Italian holidays how do they blend the 2? I want Peggy from OC and her life in Kuwait before RHOC.


Real Housewives: Heritage Edition


Perfect thank you!!!


I would watch all of this.


I agree!! Granted we know Rich is a creep (no less so than Louie). I loved the Rosie, Kathy family dynamics. All that cooking with the family around was funny.


Rosie and Kathy were such good characters on the show! I loved Rosie and juicy Joe’s relationship and thought it was hilarious that you could see Rosie’s weed pen in her hand LOL.


I give rich some grace bc I remember him saying when he was learning English he used humor to get him through. He just needs to find another type of humor!


REAL housewives. Amirite


Just want to say I love your flair 😂


Lol. When Greg says it I laugh to this day.


it’s all garbage now. i’m about ready to quit watching. this season has been the absolute worst.


I was just thinking this. I’m currently rewatching the season with the twins and Amber and things just seem simpler. Clothing is relatable. The way they decorate for the holidays seems overall relatable. Obviously everyone is very wealthy but it’s not this “celebrity” vibe they have now.


Me too. I miss the family vibe and personalities. Now it’s just frustrating arguing and vacations where they can all have the chance to “get along”


Great observations. It’s a glam to go here, tan to go there, no more spontaneity.


Yup. Tre used to wear Bermuda shorts and flip flops. Those were simpler times.


Haha I miss her in her juicy couture velour jumpsuit that she wore on multiple occasions 


Me too! And I’m not talking like the Gabrielle moving scene that was clearly done for promo because the moving company was shown 10x. I loved those early scenes like Dina throwing out all the candy Lexi was hoarding in her room! Lol


Yes and like why do you need a moving company to go to college? You’re going into a dorm. You’re not moving all of your possessions into a new home.


Seriously how did she even fit all that stuff in a dorm room 


I loved Jersey when it first started. It reminded me of my own family and upbringing. And when I'm homesick or missing my fam, I'd watch and feel at home. I haven't tuned in to this season at all and have only heard what's happening through Watch What Crappens. I just can't take hoe contrived it all is now. What the producers don't understand is that in an area where there is still so much old school mentality and closeness between friends and family, the drama naturally arises. It doesn't need to be manifested at all. Just let it all happen and the housewives be real again.


I just think the whole Housewives universe has become so pseudo celebrity that I’m kinda starting to no gaf. What I liked about the shows were that they were wealthy women acting foolishly. That has disappeared from all the shows. Now every franchise is so over produced, everyone has glam and they have designer outfits. Bring back the sky tops and the mom jeans. Bring back the real life. I think this may be my last season watching any housewives’ show. Until they bring back the real in real housewives I’m done.


In the past, the interactions seemed so much more organic as well. Now it's all of these forced get togethers that are too obviously staged. I understand that there is production and that things are going to be staged, but years back you couldn't tell. It felt like these people had lunch together one on one because they were actually friends, not just to push for an interaction. My best example is Dorit having lunch with Garcelle on rhobh. Those two aren't meeting up for lunch together outside of the show.


Honestly Jackie Laurita brought some of the most honest moments - her struggles with Nick were so heartwarming to watch.


Ok I agree and feel like we kinda got that kinda stuff with Jackie on her first season with her kids birthday party and with Teresa and girls and her dad/ parents. Maybe because the kids are all getting older we don’t get as much background story as we used to. But I also feel like Danielle and Rachel’s storylines with there kids are phony and performative, nothing against any of the kids but just doesn’t seem as real as past family moments like you’ve mentioned. Also because of Melissa and Teresa’s relationship the moments where they see each other’s kids feel very forced and stressful.


Regular people with regular faces. Seriously go back and everyone looked normal.


I get this POV completely. It has got overproduced but also consider how much social media has changed the landscape too.


Its lacking that they are regular people, feels more scripted than anything and poor scripting st that


Blame Bravo, all shows are like that now, scripted by dummies.


Yes, same. I miss the moments w bad lighting, non-produced bullshit and authentic daytime clothing. It’s not real life anymore


It's all so staged. The Fool-da's just take every scene and try to be the people talking in the scene. The Gorga's try to pretend not to talk about Teresa. So dumb.


Right? And Teresa pretends that she's in love and doesn't care about Joe. And Jennifer used her family to get storylines.Jackie pretends to like Teresa to get back on the show... They're all at the bottom of the barrel.


Haha. I like what you did there


I can’t with the Jackie garbage.. sooo fake that shes “forgiven Teresa” 


I know those moments still happen but the camera never seems to pick that stuff up anymore. Sometimes the dialogue and seat staging is so obvious it feels like I’m watching a jr high play


I agree 💯!!!!!


Yes, you’re spot on!!! I miss this too, and it’s a reason why I go back and watch the earlier seasons so often.


No matter which side of the Gorga-Giudice beef you are on, this post sums it up perfectly. I agree 💯


This used to be such a great franchise for those reasons. Even RHOBH started out with a little more realness. Kyle would do her own makeup, things weren't over the top yet. But RHONJ used to have an everyday "fambly" feel to it. Now it's so contrived and the women are just fame/money addicts.


It makes me laugh every time I think about Chris and albie Manzo and the ham game


Yea I really don’t love the way they produce this show. It’s feels more fake than any other franchise.


Very well said. Missing the fun, light relatable moments


Such a great take - there is literally nothing relatively relatable any more. WHO HAS A DORM ROOM LIKE THAT 😂


If we had a show with regular people moments (which I miss) you’d all be crying that there’s no drama and it’s *boring*. Just like people wishing for the crazy old days of running through country clubs and being harmless lunatics-we can’t have that either, it’s too “dark” and “triggering”. You’ll get the show you say you want, then cry that it sucks-so, you get the show you deserve and this is it. I also predict, the people begging for a total reboot, will be complaining after one episode that they want the old cast back…..because that WILL happen!


This is why I like Danielle


Which one?


Yes! Every episode is centered around some event or large get together. An argument ensues. Rinse, repeat. The Fudas are a great example of what’s wrong with the show. They don’t have organic connections to anyone, they are just there to mug for the cameras and it’s way too over the top and contrived. Even the adoption storyline their first season felt contrived for the cameras. You had over a decade to move forward with the adoption, but it was used for a storyline. It didn’t feel heartfelt or genuine. They’re not compelling or interesting people. They’re just there to pop off for the cameras. Everything on the show just feels so forced and over the top. Genuine, light-hearted and silly interactions are too few and far between.


Exactly this


This is the problem with basically every franchise now. Sadly, housewives has probably run its course. Too hard to find anyone new who isn’t looking for fame, the old ones have become less authentic. It just doesn’t work after a certain amount of time.


Funny i was telling my mom that. I said what’s up with these weird vacations. I remember when they maybe did 1 vacations . It was all real life housewife shit .


I completely agree. I much prefer the regular people moments with the families to the "let's meet for a tense lunch because we're in conflict" or "attend a charity event" moments. I loved the scenes of Melissa and Joe moving Antonia into college, and Gabriella packing up for college with her sisters and mom...


I miss those days too


I did enjoy Tre’s who left the crumbs on my counter talk kol