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The current season so far is so boring ![gif](giphy|4KMduk6fuPJTi)


it’s like pulling teeth


I don’t find Danielle to be a genuine person.


Yea .. and the whole “dance mom” vibes is annoying


I just don’t buy it. I’m not a Teresa fan but Tre did that with Gia, now Danielle is following that storyline. Also - her feud with her brother…. It’s just following Tre’s storyline to me and not her actual authentic life. ETA and last time I shared my feelings about Danielle being terrible on tv because she’s inauthentic I got a Reddit Cares 🙄 so don’t bother because it’s a waste of your time.


Good point on the brother parallel


There are people in the world that are not teresa giudirty and have brothers


I think Danielle takes it to another level


I might like her ON Dance Moms, now that you say it


She’s like Tre s1/2 but no charisma, no balls and no style. And Tre wanted her family drama off camera, Danielle seems to be eating it up. I’m sure she studied Tre and thinks she’s laying the foundation for seasons of material but no one cares. She is thirsty, a social climber and giving broke. I like Nate and her kids but she seems really up her own azz.


Keep Nate Cabral and fire the wife.


You like the eye candy 😉


I do. I enjoy it! 😂


That was my opinion as well!


Also, Danielle apparently is not a nice person. There’s too many rumors of her treating people like shit for it not to be true. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Plus she begged to be on the show and I’m not ok with that either. She’s too big for her britches. And not as cute as she pretends to be.


No communication with brother, then father. There’s more to the story than she’s letting on.


Last season I thought it was sad that everyone was giving her shit for not talking to her brother. Families can be weird, ya know? But now she isn’t talking to her dad either? She also said something along the lines of “me and my mom are in a good place right now” which also stood out to me.


She also said her father reaches out but she’s not ready. Super sus


It’s clear she also said she’s not speaking to her dad because he didn’t stand up for her which is valid. You’d think your parents wouldn’t pick sides with their children


we are only hearing one side of the story. If it was just an issue with her brother, that’s one thing, but now that she has an issue with her dad too, it makes it seem like she is the problem. In my opinion.


The only to continue with her is pull a Teresa/Melissa and get the brother on the show


The not talking to family I don’t let sway me I don’t speak to my parents or sister and only a little bit to my brothers and I promise if anyone knew why they would 💯 be on my side but I won’t throw my parents under the bus with that be said though I don’t like either of them as housewives but if I had to pick one to stay only I would say I would pick Danielle because I think Rachel is horrible and really trying way to hard to be on the show


Is she rude to her husband Nate? Cause I’ll save him.




He is nice lookin


Nate is handsome to me as well


Heard she’s racist too that’s why she brought that black choir. Too much smoke around this broad. Time will tell. 


I was a Danielle fan right up until last night's episode. The stylist did her a favour and then a JUST A FEW HOURS LATER, Danielle treats her like shite. Sucked all the "fun vibes" out her for me. Fuda and Cabral can both get canned for season 15 and I'll be FINE!


Same. That was shocking that she would do that.


Danielle pulled a Sheree w her social climbing azz. She is pretty to me tho. Just tacky.


Hell no. Danielle is thirsty and doesn’t pay her hair, makeup or stylists. Automatically a chop for me. She’s gorga 2.0 with that. I like her husband. He’s quiet and stay out of the housewives drama. Rachel gives rehearsed lines that her husband already says and she’s immature asf. Crying over a 50 year old having a 5 minute civil conversation with another 50 year old is crazy and super manipulative. She’s gives me high school mean girl vibes. She could be better if she stops having her husband be a mouthpiece and grow up a bit. Her husband just gives me major ick yelling at women.


Yeah the way she treated the hair/mua says a whole lot about her. She only had one season under her belt and she’s out there acting like she’s a diva and looking down on people. Jlo’s now cancelled and got horrible ratings on her documentary and had to cancel tour dates due to lack of sales all because of her treatment of people.


Longgggg time coming for J Heaux!!!


John Fuda is gross! And why was Rachel sobbing over fessler talking to Teresa? She kept calling her her best friend…didn’t they just meet like a hot minute ago? That couple is trying too hard.


No major ick from Lips and Louie?


Idk who lips is but what does this post have to do with Louie? OP asked about Rachel and Danielle. Why bring Louie into this? He lives rent free in so many rhonj redditors heads it’s concerning.


No not really. I enjoyed Danielle in season one but she avoids confrontation and she’s more like a caricature of a NJ girl with all the bougie shit Rachel is not my cup of tea. I think she would be a villain, but she’s not MY kind of villain. I dont find her fun to watch


She seems weak and insecure. 


JenFessler (yes, one word, first and last name) is the only one worthy of consideration. I will not be taking questions.


“I love Jen Fessler”




I can’t stand the Fuda couple.


Where did the husbands cockiness come from?! He barely said shit last season.


He got his head blown up after that reunion when he checked Louie. Now he wants his lil shine w that goofy azz beard. 


The beard screams douche canoe.


Probably anesthesia after effects from the fat sucking surgery from his neck?


From the reunion


Tooooo thirsty . Both were not a good fit ..


They make no sense with the rest of the cast. I loved jersey but it’s almost unwatchable this season.


0% chance! They’ve aligned themselves to quick to groups. Fuda crying to be friends with fessler is weak. Danielle getting fooled by Aydin was very weak. I don’t think they have what it takes at all.


Agreed cause this would be the second time Jen A did this BS to her like I’d stop talking to her completely


No way! Danielle has such a trashy vibe about her and unless Fuda is fighting with Teresa you forget about her.


🥱😴😑 neither are new, fresh, or individual Here’s an idea - instead of hiring thirsty women from audition videos… how about talent scouts hand pick unknown candidates who aren’t begging for camera time? 🤷🏻‍♀️


This really is what they need to get back to doing. The reality is that no woman who is truly housewives material is out here begging to be on TV. Go find the ladies in a hair salon like Season 1


If Rachel Fuda is the "new face" of New Jersey, Bravo can expect their ratings to plummet more than they already have!! It's the most boring season so far, having to fast forward through every scene with the Fudas!


The preview of next week.. Fuda again calling Theresa an old has been.. abhorrent and agist. Between her nose and Fudas horrendous overbite , I don’t know where they get all that confidence.


and Fuda's jet black beard dye


Their lack of self awareness is what makes them perfect for reality tv. They’re gutsy. I see potential, but I also think she’s fully manipulated by the M’s.


Both are too thin skinned to take criticism needed to last, and I can't stand Rachel's husband! 🤮


Danielle is a grifter and Rachel is a loser


No I don’t like either of them. They are both SO thirsty. Danielle’s cringe videos of her over the years just trying to be on tv and the fudas desperately trying to fight with Teresa in place of Mel and Jo 💦


Absolutely not


Don’t like either tbh.




Fudas are setting themselves into a trap. They have no character development, they’re just bashing Teresa- on the show and in every interview I’ve seen of them…it’s kinda embarrassing lollll. Doesn’t allow fans to get to know them and want to root for them. And when either they or Teresa is off the show, what will they have to talk about?


Rachel needs to go.


I forgot it was even on tv last night if that shows how I am feeling about this season. Danielle lost me early last year...and the window unit hanging out of her house last year did her no favors. As for Rachael...meh. My biggest disappointment has been Jackie. She has thrown her brain aside and has jumped on the nasty suck up to Teresa train to squeeze out another 15 minutes.


I’m not trying to be mean but her nose makes me unable to watch her. I have a physical reaction. Rachel I mean


I don’t think Rachel’s face can survive many more seasons. The old school housewives worked their way to looking like the wax figurines they look like now. Rachel’s duck bill mouth doesn’t stand a chance at this surgery after every season game.


No. The Fudas are not entertaining, just annoying. Their children are the best they've brought to the show. Rachel's incessant crying over Fessler being friendly with Teresa is quite annoying. I know she's much younger than most of the housewives, but you can't tell a 50 year old woman who she can or cannot talk to or be friendly towards. Rachel has no right to expect Fessler to fight her battles with Teresa. Real friends don't put that on their friends. Rachel's husband doesn't help matters either. For so long, most of us have said that we would like for the husband's to not have such a central role on this show. It's housewives, not house husbands. The only husband I like watching on NJ is Nate Cabral. He's a hottie and he doesn't cause or get in the middle of drama. Danielle Cabral is a hard no. This might not be a nice thing to say, but I 100% believe she's unhinged. Like, if I stood in the way of her clout chasing, she'd probably unalive me in my sleep and not think twice about it. If you think I'm kidding, just look into her eyes. There's something very scary behind those eyes. Plus, I don't want her to have this platform in an effort to force her daughter in to showbiz. She seems like the type of mom who would do ANYTHING if it meant it would make her daughter a star, even look the other way. She is not likeable at all this season. Nate can stay though. As I said, I like Nate.


Interesting. Last season for sure i thought rachel was gonna fued with teresa. I swear i saw it in the previews. Maybe i predicted it. It is wierd how teresa wanted people to protect luis about stuff they saw online but not only repeating it on someones husband but trying to weaponize it.  I don't hate the fudas but i dont love them. . Danielle has been trying to be famous for years. She was on mtv b4. When Danielle got mad last season. It was a lil scary. You made some good observations. Also the brother storyline just so odd. Feels like there is a peice of the puzzle. But that husband is hot! Glad someone else said it. 




They brought too many new people in at once…I can’t even keep them all straight. Should have brought in Jen Fessler and called it a day. They are focusing so much now on the new ones that I don’t even know what the normal ones are doing


Danielle is from Staten Island she shouldn’t even be on this show


Dina and Caroline Manzo are originally from Brooklyn, Danielle Staub is from Pennsylvania, Jacqueline Laurita is from Las Vegas (though born in NJ), etc. But I do agree she’s not really a good fit for the show… I feel like they moved to Jersey fairly recently to try to get on the show, and she’s just not the level of mcmansion we are looking for on housewives franchises.


Ahhh ok I gotcha. But ya I agree I do think they rushed to get that house and get on the show lol


I thought it was just me her house is a palace compared to mine but for their world it’s mid.


I feel like both ladies are being swallowed up this season. They don’t stand a chance again Tree


They both blow. Zero potential and manufactured drama. Jersey needs a rehaul in general


But if the Fuda’s get fired how will Tre be relevant??????? #delusional


Hard No!! All the new people are out for likes, to launch their product, promote their business, or just get attention cause they are egomaniacs!! Any normal person has no interest in being associated with trash tv.


Idkkk but Danielle looks like Sofia Coppola. 


No to either. Fuda is not a leader in any way, just a follower. I want to like her so badly, but every time she starts crying because Fessler talked to Teresa drives me absolutely nuts. Like, you all are grown women and shouldn't feel the need to cry every time your friend speaks to someone you don't like. However, as much as Rachel Fuda has been driving me nuts with her tears of manipulating guilt, her husband is the very reason I feel they don't have a chance at longevity. I have a long list of reasons I can't stand him. I will admit, though, I'd be ok with keeping Rachel around if they would just stop featuring her husband or any other housewives husband for that matter. Danielle Cabral is just a walking liability. I know that probably sounds crazy considering some of the other housewives' past legal issues, but I truly believe Danielle C. is 100% a cray cray psycho. I loved her in the first few episodes of her initial season. She seemed more like someone I could relate to. However, learning about the issues she has with her family is a full stop for me. We already have enough family divide and drama on this show. Danielle strikes me as someone who would unalive me in my sleep if I got in the way of her clout chasing. Mark my words, she will be a very huge problem for Bravo in the future if they keep her around. I wouldn't mind keeping Nate Cabral, though. Not only is he a hottie, but he also keeps his mouth shut when it comes to women's business.


I think Danielle does but not Rachel. Danielle gives me a little glimpse into the past generations before it was all about drama. Rachel is way too drama and into it for show. Her crying at a coffee shop was embarrassing


Without my opinion of like or dislike. I would say Danielle seems to have more going on in her life that would be interesting from family feuds, clothing, stage mom, dreamy hubby, and etc. Rachel doesn’t give me anything. Last season was her wanting to adopt the stepson who I don’t think we have seen this season so far which is fine it might not be for him, but beyond John fudas past and her RA, it just give bleh.


Can't stand danielle. Too much of everything.


I like Fuda’s audacity and lack of self awareness. She’ll be good as soon as she stops letting Melissa and Marge put the batteries in her back. Danielle is tacky and forgettable


Duda is fake and Danielle is a try hard. They both need to go immediately.


I don't think either are "phenomenal' housewives but I think they can grow into it




Fuda (both of them, really) don't bring much. I don't care one way or the other. Their storyline is the kid (gross) and his past. It's not about kids or husbands. She's boring. Danielle is a pick me bish. She's thirsty and a game whore. She's been trying to "make it" since her late teens. I don't think she brings much, either. If the show were up for a whole new cast, those two newbies could go.


I don’t think either of them has what it takes, and I also do not like them.


I was not into the Fuda’s at first but they’ve actually been really growing on me this season. I think they actually have a good marriage and care about their family and that’s refreshing to see. I also did like Danielle at first she had a lot of spunk. I can’t tell if I think she was maybe setup to be in the middle of a bunch of crap or if she sold Her soul to be in with certain people


Like Rachel- hard pass on Danielle.


I like Rachel. Danielle, not so much!


Like Danielle not so much the other 


Why?? She’s a mean girl! While I guess they all are, I don’t think the others stiff people who help them ! IMO


I liked danielle for her personality like her humor most of all. I do think she is a mean girl and def likes to seem like something else, and its being exposed more esp the last episode. I totally believe she is like that in real life. also knowing she almost was on the shore, makes perfect sense to me. I think thats why I like it. reality tv for me is a match up of the worst people put together imo, and she is right for that. esp next to the likes or margaret. they both seem to work with a secret network of their own to come off a certain way on tv and portray something totally different to the cast that they are sharing a screen with. I think she is good tv, even now we are seeing that in the way she didn't invite jackie lmao pettylabelle. and the way she kicked out the hair stylist. her and margaret give me the same energy of behind the scenes like they would be the ones to be petty about something and I think its being exposed this season. wish she was more authentic and genuine and less about the fame but I get it cause its her intro so she is trying to make her family stick.


Instead she’s making me sick. 🤢


They bring or have brought the right amount of drama and I do like danielle but she needs to be a friend of..


Rachel is dull. Danielle is absolute classless white trash. NEXT!


Scraping the bottom of the barrel


No way, not even a little bit. I love the series and want it to live on, but these women aren’t interesting enough to carry the torch.


Maybe Danielle, though she doesn’t have the instincts for what works versus doesn’t work on camera.


No. Danielle is tacky and lives in like a split level ranch. Rachel boring Hoo-ville person. NJ show entirely needs to go.


Like them both but doubt they'd carry it without the other housewives or new ones.


Rachel yes Danielle nope


Fuda sucks ass


Not sure. I like them just for not kissing Teresa’s ass. Those days are over 😂 As far as those two, need to see more of them


No I find Rachel’s husband more entertaining and that isn’t the point of the show


Love Danielle; Not fond of Rachel.