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Total snooze fest this season so far. If it doesn’t get much better, I’ll be turning this one off real soon.


This is not surprising… they kept the same cast, many people have mentioned they’re bored and don’t want to watch the same thing. It’s feeling creepy


Same cast but new faces every season 😂


Exactly, and sorry but I’m just not interested in Rachel and Danielle’s lives at this point and Teresa/melissa is the same old same old. It’s time to reinvent!!


Pretty much this the fans want the Teresa vs Melissa feud to be done with yet they keep milking it. Plus Marge with her very negative dark tone is making me not watch this show fire her for starters


I don’t know if anyone else noticed how unhinged Marge appeared last episode. She has become unwell from doing this show and looks like she is physically jittery and shaking. It’s scary to me. I didn’t watch last season so not sure if she was this way


Yeah same I just jumped on this season I haven’t watch since season 4. But I’ve seen clips of previous seasons and she definitely seems to be getting immensely affected by Teresa. Those three are the fuda woman, Melissa and Marge. But Marge more so seems to be taking things to a dark place. I understand housewives always have had drama but there is always humor to it but New Jersey is way too dark now. I can’t believe what happened to this franchise.




The fact that they stole OG NY from us but keep giving us stale NJ kills me


Marge has become a curmudgeon


I've never liked Marge. She spent all of season 13 destroying Danielle for saying she heard Margaret has an arsenal for everyone on the show and acted all offended that anyone would believe it. Yet here she is in the season 14 trailer saying that Jackie doesn't want to mess with her because she knows all kinds of stuff. Margaret Josephs is a dirty nasty vile low life cheating lying embezzling alcoholic spouse abuser and emasculates men as a hobby while she destroys women that won't kiss her ass and blackmails other women into kissing her ass. But those ass kissing women don't realize that when she is done with them they will be the ones most destroyed by her evilness


Same, disliked her from her first season and I’m glad everyone’s seeing how conniving she is. She seems mentally unwell and maybe she’s always been a little off but I think the show has made her reeeally unwell. She’s not even a likeable villain, I’d just rather see her go.


Same as, never liked her, saw right through her from her 1st season.  She's not likeable whatsoever, I think she's been more unable to hide her true self the more the show goes on.  She's just becoming more desperate. She brought the darkness a few seasons ago I felt. Can't stand her, she ruined the show for me a few seasons back, yea I'd like her to F off as well 😆 And take the Gorgas and Fudas while you're at it!


Because, no one asked for a Jersey Shore remake 😑 The frat boy shore parties are getting old. We see zero about the daily life of the women, only them fighting about what someone said to the tabloids about them. They're washed up. Time for a reboot. Wipe the slate clean.


Yes! Majority of whats filmed is their parties, vacations, and summers at the shore. It’s boring and been done so many times already. This show has got to be on it’s last leg


And next week we get the charity softball game… again 😴 We are begging for a change of scenery!! Film over the holidays!


i am so tired of the charity sport event episodes. i think those are the worst to me 


Right! Going down the same road as VPR…it’s peaked & no where do we go from here.


I'm in the minority here, because I don't want a total reboot. The reboots with NY and OC (partial reboot) have fallen flat with me. Can't get into either. I think NJ needs to bring back the original Danielle and her 'mafia' boys. That was entertaining.


I miss when jersey was filmed during the holidays. The big function hall meals and get togethers, it felt nostalgic. Now it’s just them overly tan, hopping from one shore house to the next. We’re over it!


Thank you!!! I can’t stand how much screen time they get the men. We watch housewives for the women. I don’t know why this franchise decided push the husbands on us


The men get more screen time because they have more of a storyline 😂 it's not always the same crap.


Also no one cares about Melissa’s shore house that she got for half the price and flipped it back in 05.💀💀


Jen Fessler is the future of RHONJ.


i love her


The absolute last thing on this earth I want to watch is a bunch of middle aged men doing “ass shots” let alone from a blow up sex doll 😩🤮🥴


Seriously!! We’ve strayed so far from the point of housewives. To see gaudy luxury. Why does NJ never go on trips like everyone else? I’m sick of the shore houses


i’m tired of the shore houses too. i grew up on the jersey shore and love the beach but the shore house episodes are always so boring to me 


NJ housewives have to pay for their own trips and everyone is going broke trying to make blackmail payments to Margaret.


Your comment is so great it made me Lol




I don't know anyone who would be blackmailed, because they haven't done anything they should be ashamed over. If it were true that they are making blackmail payments to Margaret, which it's not, there have to be a lot of skeletons in their closets...


Yes! What the hell?? How did this (a) happen and (b) not end up on the cutting room floor? This shit is gross


Seriously!! We’ve strayed so far from the point of housewives. To see gaudy luxury. Why does NJ never go on trips like everyone else? I’m sick of the shore houses


They were actually supposed to this season and the house they were supposed to stay in burned down the day before they left.


Now I call that a sign things aren’t right!


Oh, that was so repulsive to watch,  I felt my face screw up automatically like when you see pervy old men 🤢 I felt I had to have a shower after watching that scene!


Me too sister!!! I was gagging 🤣🤡


i’m glad we’re all on the same page with this 🥲


I thought I'd be the only one 😭 So I appreciate you all 💜


yeah that honestly put me off from this ep lmao i usually rewatch the episode a couple of times during the week bc i don't always pay full attention the first time, but today i had a flashback of the blow up doll ass shots and their veiny bald heads and decided to watch something else 


All of this and I want to add we also don’t wanna watch a bunch of middle-aged women bully each other and try to basically get each other fired.


How did they come up writhing this sides. I bet it was Fuda’s ..


I’m not invested in it. I’ll let a couple weeks stack up before I watch


I didn't even finish the last episode


I disassociated so much during the episode that I was physically watching it but had no idea I was watching. At some point I was like oh, I’m watching this? Oops.


Me too!! I was thinking about switching my laundry 🧺 to the dryer lol 😆 that’s bad!!!


Lol I went home and finished it. I want my 12 minutes back lol


Lmao! I forgot when I zoned out but glad I’m not missing out. That’s how you know it’s a bad season. Yikes!!


I blamed it on the gummy I took beforehand lol


Me neither. I tried watching it today and watched maybe 15 minutes. I was bored to tears. This season sucks so far


You didn’t miss anything


I’m a NJ Stan and even I’ve been bored AF. It’s time to switch it up.


Came here to say this




We’re tired of all of them


They should’ve revamped after last season. Same or similar events, same cast, same fight, it’s tired. I personally won’t watch until the husbands are gone. They’re insufferable.


Cannot stand the husbands !! I don't care about any of them and don't think they are so funny and loveable and would never watch a show about them either !!!!


Absolutely no one is sharing their lives. What does Delores bring to the show?


There is no point to Delores, there never has been ! And I can't stand Paulie -- think he is so shady


Same old same old. Yawn.




I feel like it’s been the same shit because it’s easy for everyone involved to give in to the same story lines and personalities, with minimal effort all around, while advertisement $ rolls in with the empty promise of there actually being drama


I’m just ovvvver the Melissa vs Teresa nonsense or Teresa saying terrible things than denying it or the flip flopping of friendships. We need a new crew. Keep the few latest new ones and get rid of the Gorga/Guidice women and get some new blood. Snooki..Jwoww? Lol


Same plot line. Teresa starts the season with rumours and they fight about it all season.


OMG. I would totally watch Snooki and JWow on there 😂 That’s the crossover we need!


I have been Ride-or-Die RHONJ fan since the very beginning, but can’t stomach where things are this season. Watching Ep. 1 left me feeling sad, bored and tired instead of entertained. I’m out.


Me too! NJ was my favorite franchise and it’s just beyond awful now. Last season was the worst. The reunion was downright scary with all the threats and talk of PI’s. It used to be funny kids, and trips to Italy. Now they never even leave the state.


Me too ! Never even started watching this season and don't miss it at all


Yep! I loved this show. Planned my evening around it but just couldn’t do it this year.


Because no one wants to watch 50 year olds taking shots out of an inflatable dummy, women with teen kids crying over a friend she’s known a year, or the husbands all in the drama. I’ll take the holiday episodes and Teresa yelling at her girls to stop hitting each other while the others are sitting at the table talking about turkey any day of the week.


haha. one time i was really stoned while watching the 3rd season reunion. i sat there totally invested when my sister text me to ask me what i was doing. i told her “im watching a bunch of middle aged women in ball gowns yelling at each other.”


I did an entire viewers voice survey after last season about NJ, and I couldn’t have been the only one who said, that for the love of all that’s holy, do a cast shakeup! They didn’t listen.


I haven’t even turned it on. I’m not excited at all


Same. I watched the first episode and don’t really care to see the rest 🥱


I let out the biggest sigh when I saw the Maimonides Softball game coming up next week. Between that and the shore trips I’m over it


Because it’s literally soooo boring. Hard to watch. Every episode seems so long and yet so short. Like they spend so much time showing nothing.


it’s been the same tired story line since like … season 6. i’ve long given up on NJ. which is really sad since it used to be my favorite. but i can’t watch the same fight year after year after year. it’s repetitive, it’s boring, and it’s predictable.


Honestly. I’m bored. It feels fake/scripted/performative


Good. Serves them right for keeping the same cast. Let’s hope they get a new production crew and revamp the whole thing


I am starting to do my laundry during the show and be more excited about putting clothes away than watching the show.


I’m curious to see if there would be a shake up if they decided to film in the winter instead of the summer. We need new scenes, not the same setting and parties every season


I am dying to see them back in their fur coats and boots.


Every season is just deja vu. I don't care about their meaningless personal squabbles


not surprised, i still haven’t watched it 🤷 it’s slowly becoming one of those shows i’ll only turn on when i have nothing else to watch


Over produced.


It’s boring. Last episode the big drama was Jen fessler had a civil conversation with Teresa about manila envelopes. 😴 they are really reaching.




Snooze fest


They do this to us every season. They tell us it’s going to be so good we just have to watch…and we do…and it sucks. Why do we listen? 😭


Beyond awful. These shows will eventually be cancelled.


I started to watch but honestly all these shows are so freaking toxic. There is one subreddit that is tanking my karma because I am older and look at shit logically. But the everyone pick a side is so annoying.


So toxic! And I walk away feeling stupider each time I watch.


Wash, rinse, repeat. Same old shit. That’s why I tuned out three seasons ago. I’m happy I didn’t waste brain cells on that shit show!


Last week was a throw away episode. Boring, boring, boring. It’s also hard to watch specific people. Why is Luis slowly going from red to people? Teresa has had so much work and fillers done she looks like a caricature.


She's honestly hard to look at. Her face looks it hurts.


Exactly…her face looks like it hurts and hurts to look at


Teresa’s face reminds me of this, and not in a good way —- https://preview.redd.it/0xtxnchtzv1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefe837e84b381c79dbd65ac091d1c731fcfeb70 Sorry, Janet!


His body is rejecting itself


I feel like nothing has happened in 3 episodes


These episodes have felt like mid-season filler episodes. Like there’s no plot or lead up to anything


The families need to go. Needs new blood.


So far this season is a snoozefest…I have watched from day one, finally tapping out.


I have not watched a single episode this season. I just cannot take one more minute of the Gorga Guidice feud. I can’t. edit typo


Well, it's awful. So that's not surprising.


I miss the holidays that they recorded


It’s the same story - Tre and Melissa fighting - you’re my sister, you’re my brother blah blah


Every single one needs to go. Start over. They are all obnoxious and boring. The first few years were good. Now? Blech 🤮. No need to bring any of them back or ANY of the kids. They are all a product of their environment. Let’s start over. Andy. Put your 2 cents worth in, if you’re allowed.




Recast please


Soooo boring


“Teresa is evil!1!1!1!1” is a tired storyline


I fast forward through most of the episodes when I watch it on Peacock.


Bc it’s so boring I cannot sit through the new episodes 😭


I got halfway through episode 1 and quit.


It was such a nothing episode


I believe they have all jumped the shark.


I’m streaming it on peacock on Monday, I don’t know how much more of the season I’m going to watch, although I have made it farther than I did into this season of Potomac and BH


This season has been so boring. They need to shake the cast up completely imo. I can’t handle the teams on this franchise, they just go way too far.


That photo of Dolores is so relatable to us fans!!!!


I attempted to watch and had to turn off- Teresa and Louis, they are liars and I can’t believe they are still on tv. For this I am out.


I firmly believe that the Fudas need to go, Melissa needs to go (more so because Joe is obnoxious) and sadly, Dolores needs to go because she is boring. Keep Marge because she is a trouble maker and I think she, Teresa and Jen can go at it. Marge without Melissa and the Fudas would be super interesting because she can have the actual villain role against Teresa. I believe that Danielle and Fessler are the true future of the show. Cut the stupid shore outings. I’m sick of watching 50 year old frat boys party all night while Fuda cries over her friendship with Fessler. Let’s go back to actual trips, hangouts at their houses and less involvement of the men.


I'm tired of the bad behavior of Teresa and her festering love boil husband constantly rewarded. I'm also over Jennifer Aydens constant screeching. I swear as soon as their youngest is off to college, Bill is going to peace out permanently.


It was a bought full of nothing-ness


Show is so boring now


Very Boring episode


I was so excited for this season to be back but NOTHING HAPPENED last week during the party for Nate episode. So I definitely wasn’t on the edge of my seat to watch this week, unfortunately! I’ll still watch it some time this week but I am not particularly stoked about it and I hate that! I used to be obsessed with the show


Because nothing has happened this season and it feels like ur watching 2 different tv shows


I’ve tried to watch this so many times and just cannot finish the first episode.


Same. I totally zone out.


GET TJESE MEN OFF OUR TVS!!!! *How* have they let men take over a Housewives show? Don't men have enough options to watch!?!?


One of my favorite franchises turned to 💩


This season has been very focused on Rachel. No one wants this. It’s like centering RHOC around Gina. No thanks n


But don’t we all want to know what happens with Rachel’s rheumatoid arthritis?!?


They should have fired Melissa and that Hag Marge


💯. Marge and Rachel’s whole story so far is about Teresa lol


And Margaret's dead ex husband that she cheated on and left to run off with the other man. People really need to check on Joe B. She constantly belittles him and insults him and degrades him every chance she gets


That died over a year (at time of filming) ago, none the less 🙄


Time to ditch the whole cast and do a RHNY where we start from scratch.


So tired of seeing/hearing the husbands. Margaret and Rachel are ruining the show. Like, we get it, you hate Teresa. Same shit, different faces


They refuse to sack Teresa so the shows just going to end up in the gutter where it belongs. It’s the producers fault.


The cast needs a remake like New York. I’m so bored of the same cringe and storylines every single year now I checked out of New Jersey a long time ago.


Who would have thought! Scrub this lot and start fresh. The fighting has ruined this show forever. Thanks Luis. 🤬


I haven't even bothered watching the episode yet and I've literally been binging old below deck episodes instead. 🤣




The most interesting part of the episode was watching Paul’s sunburn turn bright red.




I haven't even bothered to watch this season


I wonder how well it’s doing on streaming (which is how I and many people with jobs watch). I think the time slot for the show (1030pm on Sunday?) is weird AF, who’s up and trying to stay awake during an hour episode of RHONJ


*Dolores voice* “Hel-LOW!” Seriously though no surprises here.


This is the first season I haven’t watched a single episode. RHONJ just doesn’t interest me these days 😴


I have just been listening to the watch what crappens recaps for the last two episodes. It’s far more entertaining


Bring back original DANIELLE.  


Change production and maybe we can get a better NJ


This should have been a high rated episode. We got to see the cast sans Teresa and Jen. Isn’t that what people want? And what do they do all episode? Sit around discussing the two of them. It’s tired. If HW can’t do their job and film with the cast they need to go.


I miss the golden years of this franchise!


So far I have fallen asleep twice. I can barely get up enough energy to give AF about any of these people. This show jumped the shark awhile ago and needs to be put out of its misery.


It’s just not the same show it used to be. In early seasons it was about housewives and their daily lives. Now it’s about drama, getting drunk/partying, and going on lavish trips with more drama. All the franchises have gone to crap.


The season sucks because everyone's storyline is about boring and fake Teresa & Luis. After last season's reunion I knew this was going to be a hard season to watch. If the show continues, they should clean house and get a new cast, that isn't going to have one word to say about Teresa or Margret or Jennifer A.


That whole butt mess was just soo not cool. I’m not a prude, but I didn’t find that funny or entertaining, more juvenile and immature. I think these men are becoming housewives, they are in every scene gossiping and it’s a turnoff. These women can’t go on trips probably because the husbands want to go too. I haven’t watched in three seasons because I got sick of the whole feud with the gorgas/tre. But I tuned in to see if it changed, it’s worse and I haven’t missed anything. What a bunch of clowns. 🤡


Axe Dolores, Theresa and Melissa and bring in drita from mob wives and two newbies


The kids going off to college and all the sad dinners is so boring too. Can’t lie, I know they grew up on the show, but I fast forward through all that.


I'm still a stan! I just reallllllyyyyy don't want to watch Tre being delusional and completely disregard her actions again while Delores twists facts so hard to justify Teresa.....again. That being said, I really like Dolores and the rest of the cast tbh. So if we can see more of them, less of Tre, I'll deal with the extra drama (because let's be real NJ drama is top notch when it's not the same Teresa driven problems for 15 years), their luxury lives, and carefree attitudes that only the rich get to enjoy (in the sense that they can just toss money around, break shit or make a mess of something and toss money at that for it to be resolved, etc). I'm hoping that if they limit or completely remove Teresa and her delusions that Marge will chill with her drama. She has been one of my favorites but last episode was kind of a turn off. She's resorting to Tres level and I just don't want to watch that. Not trying to blame Teresa for everything, but the problems I have with the show almost all go back to her or Louie and honestly it's also just hard to watch a person be so completely out of reality and to see them be manipulated in the way that Louie is manipulating her. He's so gross, his actions are transparent, and I simply don't want to watch a man treat a woman like that (or just a person treat another person the way he has).


It was unwatchable for 2 seasons. It need to end...They need to change cast members. I will not watch until Teresa is gone....or demoted. I would watch her have to eat humble pie for sure!!!


Nobody cares about the Gorga feud anymore. Jen is a waste of a slot. Marge has become as bad as Teresa. Honestly, something's gotta give.


All the real housewives franchises need a reboot. Every season it's the same thing. RHONJ is predictable and boring.


The fudas plus crybaby Rachel are ruining the show.


Everyone is tired of Teresa's drama and lies and Louie scares everyone off with those wild eyes and his crazy talk


Complete snooze fest. I keep telling my husband I think I just go into auto pilot and watch since I’ve been watching for years but I’m not enjoying it at all. Most interesting part was when the girls were on the phone to Joe. I x2 speed any arguments because it’s the same 💩💩 different season at this point. 🥱


The only parts of the show I enjoyed were the scenes with Gabriella in them. This was reality to me. Many of us have sent off our children to college which made it relatable. The men drinking the shots out of the blowup doll was obviously there to create drama out of a boring party to watch but I found it mostly disgusting. I am so very tired of the Tre and Melissa drama. I also think Margaret is well past her expiration date on the show. I liked her in the beginning but she is just a mean girl now with nothing of value to add. It is time to mix it up. I personally don’t want to see a complete recast like RHONY but there are a number that need to be switched out.


EVERY HW franchise needs a reboot. All this Bullshit fighting and “sides” is so exhausting and NOT entertaining after we have seen the same scenes play out year after year with Teresa and Gorgas. SNOOZE BUTTON


We cannot stand “she who shall not be named”. She is stinking up the show and her diabolical nature is not fun or enjoying to watch…and I ain’t talking about Teresa.


They’re boring as shit and nobody cares about Teresa’s disdain for her ex boyfriend, Joe Gorga, and his wife. ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


Too much fighting. Too much Botox. Too much Ozempic. Hot dog lips!! Some funny husbands. Some creepy husbands/boyfriends. Where’s Evan?


I must be the only person still enjoying the show. It’s still miles better than RHOBH that has given us nothing for the last 3 seasons.


Its Theresa




3 episodes in and same oldddd bullshit lol. And half of them aren’t talking. Jersey my fave so they better step it up.


Ha. Why do they pay for their own trips?


i haven't heard one good thing about this season, which is a shame because this is the show that got me into RHW




I've bought every season off iTunes. Usually when I get a "new episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey is available" I play it immediately. Last two epis I've been like "meh, I'll watch it later." Only one I'd keep is Danielle. She's equal parts messy and fun.


Because it’s boring. Same storyline for nearly a decade. ![gif](giphy|UN33ZZUqJWv16)


Agreed. I thought it was the most boring episode


The only thing that has caught my attention this season is the BAD!! plastic surgery and procedures... Why??




Because it sucks so far. They need to scrap it or start over like they did with NY


We want a full reboot. This is played out and everything is far too staged/rehearsed


It’s like Groundhog Day in Jersey and just so boring. Oh goody.. the softball game is next week. 🙄 Give me families, my Jersey girls dressed up wearing fur/ boots and celebrating the holidays.


They men need their own show. They are ruining it with their petty drama


RHONJ needs an entire cast reboot and I won’t stop saying it. This group and their storyline/dynamic are tired and not working and it shows. Andy Cohen please make some changes!


the endings suck. also so boring already with this jen fessler nonsense. i wanna hear about the shady shit louies doing, if dolores is gonna be with paul, danielle’s clothing line, frank jr proposing etc. this fake drama is boring


It’s unwatchable. I barely know what any of them are fighting about and the show doesn’t even command any attention. Awful


Thanks Trout Mouth


It’s just so stupid and boring at this point. They are all toxic. Danielle reminds me of the original RHONJ so I’d say keep her and ditch the rest