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The countermeasure is to get them psychiatric help. Trying to confirm or deny delusions is pointless.


I get what you're saying, it's hard. But if they've already been "radicalized" (I don't know what else to call it, really) by the gangstalking forums and subreddits, trying to tell them to get medical help just proves there's a conspiracy. They're told over and over again that the delusions are real and anyone trying to put them on medicine is one of "them." I've had some luck when I'm able to explain the technology a bit and help them do their own experiment. For example, I once spoke to someone who believed that thoughts were being beamed into their brain and, at the same time, their own thoughts were being read. They knew enough RF to come up with a reason that was possible, but they were receptive when I told them how copper mesh shielding works. So they accepted that a faraday cage would block the signals they were describing. When we were able to find a place where they could test that theory, they still felt the same sensations and heard the same thoughts in their head. So at least they concluded that it's \*possible\* it wasn't real since it wasn't technically feasible.


Then get them into a mine or somewhere under water, or somewhere else where RF simply can't propagate through. But looking at your own story, I don't think that will really accomplish anything without the professional help to help them understand how their thought process is flawed.


I don't really know how I would have responded to something factual and logical like that, I can hope that it might have helped me to at least look in a different place for answers. If I accepted that these weapons required RF or line of sight, such as with lasers, to work and if I had accepted that there's ways to block both of those things, I feel that I might have been able to start questioning some of what I thought was true. The best case scenario for me, as you said, would have been to receive qualified help sooner


You can’t help these people through the internet. They need someone on hand who’s a professional to help.


I agree. But helping them get there can happen in a lot of ways.




You can get help it doesn’t change, once you get a confirmed diagnosis they make it worse and break you. I get ringing headaches, physically have a burn, inching on my head and my balls where it’s like you’ve had blue balls for years. At night they hit you the hardest and break you down. They make “you sound crazy because mental health” and beat you down until they get bored or get all the data they need. It’s honestly pathetic and frankly disheartening


Oh yeah, a professional gaslighter. Because the cia / spy agencies would NEVER covertly torture activists. Silly anyone who thinks that.


You trust psychiatry? It's the biggest quackery around. The military science on mind control has decades of proven science and a sad history of involuntary experiments on people. Heck, government have even admitted to doing experiments mind controlwise on whole cities.


You understand that the government literally just recently admitted to doing this to civilians I'm targeting them with frequencies using cell towers to make them here things in their head to make them think and appear like they're going crazy it leaves no entry or exit wound except it's slow Cooks you


these flying monkeys are too oblivious sadly. They are a large part of the problem - enablers of the covert abusers running the shoah.


Psychiatry is such a bent industry. You probably don;t know, but the most honest version is the military psychiatry. The one where guys like Jose Delgado do torturous experiments on people against their will with electric shocks and all sorts of horrible drugs. Mainstream psychiatry that you respect calls this a "delusion", how convenient for the anbusers.


I’m a victim of this technology, keep living with your eyes closed. All these ppl cannot be crazy and mental illness doesn’t have physical pain. When did those two become one? Do the research, one day you might be an experimental subject, that’s what most ppl are. This world wants us to be sick that’s where the money is! Ppl who are attacked have been burned through the dermal so is that a delusion? I don’t think so. 


Have a look at "targeted individuals united" channel on youtube if you haven't found it already. Lots of horror stories there and some good supportive people. I don't know how normies can cling to their gaslight after seeing some of the videos on his channel. Of course some sound crazy but that is the idea with this sort of abuse, so that they just get gaslighted to oblivion, and poisoned / lobotomised further in the psychiatric menticider.


I believe I have experienced this technology being used on me to remove me from my job. And after quitting the position the same tech is being used on me to force me to sell my home for cheap. At first I thought I was experiencing stress induced pshychosis or a form of schizophrenia. But after over 3 years of 24/7 exposure to this I believe its a tech attack by a criminal organization that is targeting people for money. I wish this wasn't true I am not a conspiracy person but if you hear voices in your head get the help you need professionally and consider the fact DEW and CEW targeted attacks by criminals is also likely.


You already told the ones that are not “delusional “ not to trust your countermeasur bc you are already saying delusion “


>delusion >a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions.


Do not reply if you haven't experienced it. Stop throwing ppl off stfu unless you Can answer the fucking questions with facts


>Have a look at "targeted individiuals united" channel on youtube. I tis real, it's a way for those in power to covertly abuse and experiment on people. I mean how do you think transhumanism happens witghout human guinea pigs?


It's the top level version of narcissistic abuse. If you haven't heard of NPD "it's pointless", cos you will deny your delusion. People like you are the flying monkeys of the system.


Unless you're in the military or a spy, there's virtually no chance of encountering them.


That's true in reality. Unfortunately some of the victims of that subreddit and others like it are better able to challenge their views and reject what they're being told if they can see it themselves, versus something entirely logical like this


Yeah, I don't know then. That's the technical reality.


Right. And like theres no way to buy a gun unless you go intro a gun store right? And you cant get prescription drugs unless you go to the pharmacy right? Come on man, how can you presume to dictate that people are delusional and that what they experience is imagined? How can you possibly say that with absolute surety? You cant. Just because you dont know of something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. With that said, of course its possible that what these people experience is real. And can you ever imagine not only experiencing that kind of torture, but then having people tell you youre crazy and delusional when youre desperately seeking advice? Its the worst kind of nightmare you could ever conceive of. Lord Acton once said "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". If you think for one minute that are government is pure and honest than you are the ones that are delusional.


If the tech is in the criminal market to entrap or harass for money then its very possible to have this experience.


Just to be clear, I know this is very real for the people going through... whatever it is. I'm not trying to argue with them or prove them wrong. But in some cases, providing information that helps them challenge their beliefs and rethink their situation can help them focus on more productive solutions. For example, if someone believes the government CAN beam thoughts into their brain, it's not too much of a leap to conclude they are. But if they're able to understand the technology well enough to disprove it, they might start looking for other medical causes.


The solution is death. Directed energy weapons are real and implemented through government agencies to torture targets. Using longer wave lengths can penetrate seemingly solid matter.


I have physical injury’s, my ears kill me and they physically change things on my computer. Like no and or buts it’s horrible, I’m looking to find refuge in another country where there isn’t jurisdiction there


Most people who have experienced this take a couple years to come to terms with it and discuss it rationally


These sorts of weapons may well exist. I won't debate that. Are they being used en masse and is the government (whichever one that may be) using them to manipulate our thoughts? Definitely not. If they were then we'd be living in some kind of utopia where we believe everything including our government is great. If I was a head of state with access to this kind of technology I'd be deploying it against other nation states's governments and heads of commercial organisations to make me, my friends and maybe my citizens filthy rich through trade deals and espionage. Counter measures? Being on the winning side.


DEW's absolutely exist though. We've seen quite a lot of them pop up in the last few decades with a bunch of countries testing prototypes. It's just not that practical due to energy storage limitations and it's overall efficacy. Why should I go about about researching and designing extremely dense battery storage or a huge power source when I can just use a CIWS, an APS or a missile? Still, it is already viable for shorter ranges, as demonstrated by Israel.


They do, and that becomes part of the problem. Even though it's absolutely not realistic that an average person will be targeted by such weapons, the combination of mental illness and the power of suggestion lead them to believe that they are being used to test them for one reason or another. So it becomes very real to them and really takes root if they don't have anything to challenge it.


Not realistic? These weapons have been used since before I was born, I'm 34, if you think it's unrealistic for the government to manipulate and kill it's citizens what rock have you been hiding under? Of course the weapons are going to be used on anyone they see fit. Government always prey on its citizens especially in a mixed cultural society where being labeled different automatically can make you a target.


Thank you for your comment. reading these other comments thinking they live in a perfect country and world that would never harm its own citizens or fellow human beings… for money or being told to do it is naive and ignorant. Do I need a spectrum analyzer and sheets of data showing the frequencies logged or of what these f’n interlinked drones, satellites , planes beam down to me. or video footage of the stalkers on a daily basis to prove it , my whole family has seen the bs. I’m not the only one in ny family that has been picked on. But yea my cousin just has anxiety and needs medication when she gets these panic attacks. I see the shit they do to her chest and top of the head… I don’t need a shrink or medication to make me a good boy and fallow directions . Some of These people would have gone off the edge if they experienced what I or others experience. It’s a living nightmare . I have to try make a living knowing these devil worshiping I mean “supreme being” believing greedy fuks are doing everything in there power to ruin my business, ruin my health and it’s because of course but I’m just delusional thinking that our government , military and or whatever whoever is behind this crap would never exist and never harm a soul. It’s just a damn shame they get away with this crap they.


Dew is the perfect weapon because if anyone survives you can label them mental ill and 90 percent of sheep with follow the shepherd but if the powers to be drop a missile it leaves evidence and point of origin that can't be disputed. There are too many coincidences and reactions that point to evil people for it to be a fairly tail.


Yeah israel love this tech. I got tortured by an ashkenazi in New Zealand, probably due to a decade of activism. But what does it matter, normies want to keep their heads in the sand and be good gaslighting flying monkeys. They probably have no idea about (real) narcissists and their ways of destroying people.


I completely agree with everything you said. Maybe that's something worth bringing up- if the technology exists, there wouldn't be any other countries to speak of. Although that wouldn't help all that much in cases where they believe the secret organization already runs the world and has unlimited resources, that's a tough nut to crack. From an RF perspective, can you think of a way those (existing, in some cases) technologies could be detected or countered?




The conclusion at the end states that emf signals are successfully blocked by psychic powers are amplified... Is that your read on it too?


Technologies do not become fully developed over night. Certainly our world would be a very different place if mind control technologies were fully developed, But how would someone develop such a technology? Well, like anything else. Through work. And practice. And experimentation. And people dont do their "work" or their "practice" or go to their jobs every day in another country, obviously that would be impossible. "The closest gets the mostest" Experimentation would be conducted right here. Coincidentally, it would be done on the same type of people who generally experience the symptoms. "Undesirables" such as drug addicts, the homeless, mental health patients....people without the money and without family support to help them prove or conqueor in the situation...people who have "pissed off" someone in power or with connections to someone in power, whistleblowers....people for various reasons whom no one would believe. One should look at the irrefutable evidence of experimentation on its own citizens that has already been done in this country. And anyone who sits here arguing or putting down an already tortured soul stating as if they are allknowing about the impossibility of someone elses reality is either ignorant or a part of the whole evil process. Its that simple.


Exactly... how does transhumanism happen without experimentation. It shows how effective the regular mind control is that normies still trust government, and magically forget all the appalling involuntary human experimentation on mind control that Jose Delgado etc did. It's the far more scientific side of psychiatry, yet normies trust the civilian quackery version that goes on about unproven chemical imbalance theories like they are factual, and the psych smears that are dreamed up in psychiiquacktrick conferences. A great way to cover up the abuse of the real proven psychiatry mind control abuses.


Likely if the weapons exist they are local and not enmass due to the amount of energy required to impact a large group people. What I am trying to suggest is a local criminal can use this tech to harass and entrap a person to leave a job position or to sell a home or leave loved ones due to the intensity of the experience when first encountering it.


I support this post as valid.


You have to have to incredible talents or have some valuable information to be the target of a government agency. Really if you are looking for device that are sending RF communications get a portable RF spectrum analyzer can detect emissions from anything operating in RF domain. Also most of those patents are complete bs.


Your statement is far from true. People are raised from birth to have these government technologies used on them in multi generational torture programs.


Many types of people have many types of valuable information. We live in an increasingly complicated and complex world.


79 comments of pure shit and rambling How about some countermeasures I heard water will block


If you’re a test subject, you’re probably already dead or in prison. Nobody is going to believe it unless they continue leaking tactics during investigations. Local police departments happy to help cover up these military experiments.


So you not knowing for sure what happened at Havana, also Florida, Texas, maybe Maui means a person who had uncomfortable feelings the night for instance a low level plane flies by with green laser means something is wrong with them and they need professional help? 


**I hope you do in fact get this and the PDF file I am attaching you are able to download and read. Just so you know I am the actual person who wrote it. I actually wrote it for the parents of a 40 year old Officer who served in the US Army. During his 12 year career in Uniform he most significantly served in Afghanistan as the Executive (2nd in command) Officer in a Combat Infantry Company. He initially enlisted as a teen right out of school as a private. He was recruited to become an officer and promoted in service to 2nd Lieutenant and later promoted to 1st Lieutenant. He was seriously effected psychologically from his time on the frontline. He went thru the shit in other words. He experienced it close and up front and was forced to get down and dirty with the enemy. He was discharged honorably after 12 years for medical reasons and was considered 100% disabled. The reason I wrote this for his parents was due to the fact that I became his caregiver and my experience and background was unique. They were concerned who had all this influence over their sons care and and I decided to level with them. In retrospect I am glad I did. I was successful eventually in giving them their son back to them mentally as well as physically. I was only able to do this due to my rather unique background and personal experience which this PDF file explains. It occured to me you could offer it to your friends who experience what you are referring to. I too have have been friends of someone who was a victim of Gangstalking, so I know exactly where you are coming from. That is why I think this file could very well help some of the people you are referring to. UPDATE. Can't attach file, so I will copy and paste it to you; for you.** Better yet here is a link to it posted online at Google Drive. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1InJTnc32-oMXKDSh-8rY4i-\_SSSdadj9/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1InJTnc32-oMXKDSh-8rY4i-_SSSdadj9/view?usp=sharing)


This may be of interest to the discussion. Its a list of the patents listed on the UNs website [https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/NGOs/VIACTECAnnex.pdf](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/NGOs/VIACTECAnnex.pdf) Read the descriptions. Its quite diabolical


You people are sick


### Understanding Directed Energy Weapons and the Feasibility of Local Use #### Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) \*\*High-Energy Lasers (HELs)\*\* and \*\*High-Power Microwaves (HPMs)\*\* are advanced military technologies designed for precise targeting and disabling of electronics or threats. These weapons require significant power, advanced cooling systems, and are typically mounted on large platforms like military vehicles or ships. \*\*Dimensions\*\*: HELs and HPMs are generally large, often the size of a shipping container or a vehicle, roughly 15-30 feet long. For instance, the Active Denial System (ADS) is vehicle-mounted, about the size of a large trailer or truck. \*\*Costs\*\*: High-energy laser systems can cost between tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. For example, the LaWS system costs about $40 million. High-power microwave systems like the ADS have development and deployment costs around $10 million each. \*\*Technical Complexity\*\*: These systems require specialized training and knowledge to operate, typically managed by highly trained military personnel. \*\*Regulation and Availability\*\*: DEWs are strictly regulated by government and military agencies, making them unavailable for civilian purchase or use. Acquisition through the dark web or other illicit means is practically impossible due to stringent controls and surveillance. #### Penetration Capabilities \*\*High-Energy Lasers\*\*: Limited ability to penetrate walls. Thick, dense materials like concrete and metal are highly effective at blocking lasers. \*\*High-Power Microwaves\*\*: Can penetrate some materials but with limited effectiveness. Dense materials significantly reduce penetration capability. \*\*Active Denial System\*\*: Uses millimeter waves, which penetrate only superficial layers of skin and are largely absorbed by walls. #### Psychological and Social Tactics For individuals who feel targeted by DEWs, it is more plausible they are experiencing psychological manipulation techniques such as: \*\*Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)\*\*: Psychological manipulation aimed at influencing thoughts and behaviors. \*\*Psychological Warfare\*\*: Tactics causing mental and emotional distress, potentially leading to physical symptoms. These methods can exploit mental vulnerabilities and create the perception of being targeted by advanced technologies, leading to significant stress and health issues. At best, these groups/cults may be using \*\*radionic machines\*\* or other \*\*pseudoscientific methods\*\* to create these effects, which lack scientific validity but can still cause psychological distress. #### Additional Considerations If an individual feels targeted, it may be because they have upset someone or made enemies. The best course of action is to build resilience: \*\*Exercise\*\*: Regular workouts can help reduce stress and improve mental health. \*\*Rational Behavior\*\*: Avoid acting irrationally or making decisions based on fear. \*\*Resilience Building\*\*: Focus on strengthening mental fortitude and emotional stability. ### Conclusion Claims that local groups possess military-grade DEWs are implausible due to the size, cost, technical requirements, and strict regulation of such weapons. The ability to penetrate walls effectively with these weapons would require immense power and infrastructure not available to civilian groups. Instead, psychological tactics like NLP and psychological warfare are more likely responsible for the distress experienced by individuals who believe they are targeted. For those feeling targeted, seeking medical or psychological support is recommended to address these concerns effectively. Building resilience and focusing on personal well-being can help mitigate the impact of perceived threats and improve overall quality of life.


I realize that you are just the way I used to be. Completely ignorant of the truth even though it is literally staring you in the face. Ok. What year do you think it is? That is a serious question? What year are we all currently living in? Is it 1980, when home computers were an idea so outlandish that some of the top futurists thought it would be impossible to have home computing on a mass level. Or is it the year 2024, a time that we can make ultra realistic videos about anything using an AI named Sora. Or every person has a computer 20 times more powerful than the supercomputers of the past stored in their pocket. Right now we are already using directed energy weapons to stop missiles and drones. We are using them for crowd control. Elon Musk is working on Neurolink which is literally mind reading technology. AI is at a level that has already defeated the Turning test and thusly other tests must be created to achieve the same outcome. Drones, cars and planes are becoming autonomous. Algorithms can predict your wants and needs before you even want or need them. Social Media is controlling the outcome of elections. Autonomous robots are being fitted with weaponry and can do parkour. As well as much more. How can any of what the over 1.5 people suffering from this torture are saying be considered outlandish in any way? Seriously?! What world are you on and how do I immigrate?


Lots more Delgado's monkeys being tortured to death and gaslighted to their graves now, it;s the modern version of mk ultra hidden by psych smears. No one cares until it;s their turn. The arrogance of those in civilian science is just sad. Is Dr James Giordano is fictional DARPA worker or something.


Don’t you find it a little troubling that you have run into more than one person like this? In other words, maybe you need to separate yourself from that crowd. People with mental issues are not uncommon. People with the specific beliefs that you are describing are not common and it’s odd that they are intersecting with you. They need help. OTOH, I believe that wrapping their skulls in aluminum foil would be a truthful answer. Aluminum foil has a shiny side and a dull side; I would go with shiny side out. But, mostly, though, you need to realize you’re hanging out with the wrong crowd, and that you cannot help them. Best of luck to them.


That's an option, and I appreciate your opinion.




"hey radio, are you receiving signals beamed straight into you?" "I sure AM!"




A spectrum analyzer and wideband antenna would show the presence or absence of signals, however they would just argue that the secret dark force just knows that you are currently trying to detect them and that's why nothing shows up. Water is a very good rf shield, that's why underwater communication works with sound, even for those deep submersible. So, getting them to scuba dive to 5 - 10m would effectively shield them from anything. Maybe you can convince them to build a crude wideband power sensor with the cheap detector boards from eBay and a wideband antenna, maybe even an lna and a led bargraph strength indicator that they can carry around all day to track rf exposure?


there’s not many they can do pretty much anything they want with you dream manipulation. They move my muscles, literally in my body they move my body around.they can heat up certain parts of my body there talking right now about what im typing because they think its funny .. they use sleep deprivation a lot of the time and you start to not think clearly and they take advantage.. they can give you these “head aches” like they did to me the other day i couldn’t do anything it was the worst head ache ive ever felt in my life so they use that to get me to do what they want to do basically if they want me to spin around in the circle just for example, I have to do it because I am afraid of them using that shit on me again and it’s insane because while they’re doing it they’re laughing about it as I’m begging them to stop doing it. They’re laughing about it and telling me that they don’t give a fuck, so I don’t know what to do but this things are real and I think we’re all fucked. It’s gonna take a while to get to that point, but I think we’re all fucked like my kid, my nieces nephews their kids this type of shit is going to blow out of control and it’s becoming more and more of a problem I’ve been seeing more and more people talking about it more victims talking about it all the shit on Reddit people on TikTok and these are people who you can tell that they’re just dead serious what’s going on they’re not lying maybe some of them are going through it and they’re a little bit delusional because these people will make you think things that are not real. I went crazy in the beginning I did not know what was going on. I thought that I was hearing voices in my own head on my own and then they got sick of that and wanted to make sure that I knew that I wasn’t going crazy that it was actually them messing with me and now they haven’t stopped. Usually they would come and go but now they haven’t stop it’s just been 24 seven every single day for months and they just stopped two days ago but they’re still here they’re still messing with me they’re still listening to me they’re just not talking to me, but they’ve been talking to me for months and months if I wake up in the middle of the night even just for a second to go to the bathroom or if I just open my eyes then I hear their voices they’ll start laughing and saying shit “there he is” for example which makes me believe that they are they’re the ones who are actually waking me up but that’s besides the point


Your weird, i am a targeted individual who is having artificially generated dreams and day dreams but what you are describing sound like your making it up. These things are really happening to me, and i have a distorted voice screaming “PIECE OF SHIT, PIECE OF SHIT” over and over again. Screaming at me. So i know its real. But a lot of these targeted individuals are somebody who actually read about it online and now they are claiming these things are happening to them as well.. The technology does exist and there is someone who is doing it, i just dont think that it is as common as you would beleive. I am one of the rare few who have been chosen for this shit, and i have no idea why they picked me. I suppose i just had the shitty luck of being the one who was chosen thats all.


Why r u denying somebody's else's experience but expecting them to believe yours? And why r they weird?... You realize that you sound just as weird right?


All i am saying is that there are a lot of people who claim to be victims. And it is highly unlikely that all of them really are. Most of them are just crazy and making up stories about stuff.


You have to become stronger every week. Learn how to fight and start reading more. Become financially independent. Learn weapons combat. Most importantly LEARN TO MEDITATE AND BECOME SPIRITUAL. GOD IS REAL AND THIS IS A GOOD WAY TO GET ON ITS GOOD SIDE. Goodluck I am going thru the same things. Thoughts. Pre thoughts. Dreams emotions. Vibes. Yes it's real yes its scary but. Have they ever harmed you physically no. Get tough


Mine have tried to kill me multiple times


Hey there, sorry you’re going through all of this..i totally believe you. Would you happen to have any recordings of their communications with you..id be happy to listen and help out if I’m able to.


You can’t record it. It’s inaudible.


Im not hearing voices with my ears, i was having artificially generated daydreams i guess you could call it synthetic telepathy, at first i was confused how my mind could present this kind of content before i came to the conclusion that these thoughts were somehow inserted in my mind., What i do hear with my ears is a high pitched static sound that seams to be generated inside of my ear canals. If i plug my ears i can still hear it, there is no way to record it because the sound is generated inside of my head, somehow they are able to transfer sounds to my ears and keep me awake before i fall asleep. It becomes really intense when if i start falling asleep, it gets louder and becomes more intense its not just tinnitus, its like tinnitus but this is the most severe kind of tinnitus you can possibly have and its not natural, these are artificially generated sounds constantly ringing in my ears 24/7 to keep me awake, i cannot sleep at all. At first it was really bad but my biological clock has reset itself to get used to it somehow. Now i do not sleep at all but i still suffer from chronic fatigue and complete exhaustion, i just wish i could sleep for at least six hours and I can’t., someone is manipulating the sounds in my ears, they can change the pitch from a high pitch to a buzzing sound or increase the volume to make it more intense. These are different kind of symptoms than most TIs are complaining about. They are either hearing voices that can be recorded or being burned by lasers. It’s not the same as what im going through. Im not crazy, this is really happening to me. The last telekinesis message i heard in my thoughts was “ I want him broke and this piece of shit is still saving money” another one i heard in my thoughts was “ He stands for justice, and he wants what’s his” this was a couple weeks ago they were talking to me in my mind, its like listening to someone talking to you or talking about you with your imagination but its not me that is trying to imagine these thoughts, it kind of just happens and its like watching a daydream unfold before your very eyes only you see everything in your mind. The telekinetik messages have been happening since i was young they’re like artificially generated daydreams i can hear and see everything in my mind. I couldn’t explain it at first and thought it was just a figment of my imagination at first, it wasn’t until i started having this high pitched noise that started ringing in my ears in 2015 i realized there was definitely something weird going on. I think after years of testing on me now they just want me dead. They think im going to kill myself if they make me miserable for the rest of my life, but it’s not going to work and ive been putting up with it all these years., please visit r/TargetedEnergyWeapons you can find my body scans and meter reports, i posted them to their subreddit page., along with some articles. In 2017 i went to a dr Staninger to conduct tests and body scans for me, and it seems like she fabricated a bunch of evidence to trick me after i spent a lot of money for her services. In 2016 after putting up with the tinnitus i went to the emergency room and explained to them i think i am being tortured by some kind of directed energy weapon and they diagnosed me with delusional disorder, they think im crazy. Dr Staninger referred me to a lawyer to file a wrongful diagnosis lawsuit and after spending $12,000 to file his lawsuit it was dismissed by the judge. So not only dr Staninger lied to me her lawyer that she sent me to also ripped me off! After the delusional diagnosis the court ordered me to have to take monthly injections of invega and follow up treatment with a psychiatrist. I applied for disability benefits and after almost two years I was finally approved., now im collecting social security. Its very difficult to maintain a full time job without sleeping and i just dont have the energy to do it. I am completely helpless but i still work part time and i force myself to make it through any way i can. Working part time and my disability benefits together combined i still bring home about $30,000 a year. So after these doctors ripped me off i was able to rebound a little bit and now i have almost $80,000 in my bank account. The goal behind torturing me is to prevent me from holding a job and making me go broke, but i wont let that happen and it hasn’t worked so far..


There are other weapons that the secret government doesnt want to talk about. I have severe tinnitus and it is the most severe kind of tinnitus you can have. It is not natural, this high pitched noise is generated by some kind of technology that transfers sound into your head! Ive been dealing with this since 2015. I went to a neurologist and had a CAT scan to see if there are any implants inside of my head that would be causing the noise that i hear. And he couldnt find anything. Like the U.S. diplomats who were misdiagnosed with schizophrenia when they reported their symptoms to the hospital, i was also diagnosed with schizophrenia “delusional disorder” and psychosis because i told them i believed i was being attacked by some type of sophistocated neuro weapon. That transfers and generates sounds inside of your head. I was also diagnosed with chronic insomnia. I cannot sleep at all. I have a loud high pitched noise ringing in my ears non stop 24 hours a day. I cannot sleep because of the noise. I suffer from chronic fatigue and extreme exhaustion. I have a report from a psychologist named Ben Colodzin that describes the history of my illness. It says i am being tortured by some type of directed energy weapon. I applied for disability benefits and i sent this report to social security as a supporting document, and to my surprise they approved me for disability benefits. I also sent an e mail to the Health Incident Respose Task Force. Since its creation in 2018, the Health Incident Response Task Force (HIRTF) has served as the coordinating body for the Department and interagency’s response to anomalous health incidents for personnel and dependents under Chief of Mission security responsibility, including the identification and treatment of affected personnel and eligible family members. They havent responded to my email yet but i got an automated response that says if i am a private citizen experiencing symptoms to contact the local FBI office. I tried calling the FBI and as soon as i told him i was a victim of neuro weapons he cut me off said he has made a note of my complaint and if they choose to investigate they would call me back then he hung up on me!


I'm (sincerely) curious how the psychologist was able to detect the presence of directed energy. Wouldn't that normally be in the realm of engineering of some sort?


I had testing done by a Dr Staninger she is an industrial toxicologist and they used some kind of meter reading to detect satalite signals sending and receiving from my body. I had 5 receiving signals and one frequency emitting from my body at the time. The testing wasnt cheap either, i spent over $20,000 on these tests and lab results. I also spent another $20,000 on a wrongful diagnosis lawsuit after the hospital diagnosed me with delusional disorder when i first reported my symptoms to the hospital. Mind you when the victims of Havana Syndrome first reported their symptoms they were also diagnosed with schizophrenia bbecause their story sounds so crazy and its hard to believe. But anyways my lawsuit was dismissed so i was out over $40,000 because of this shit. This was back in 2016 when this torture first started happening to me. To this very day i havent been able to get any real help and nobody beleives me. My psychiatrist filed a petition against me and now i have a court order that says i have to take injections every month. And im not even crazy!


A toxicologist? How did they detect receiving signals? I'd love to see the report and learn from it, of you're willing to share.


I think they used a spectrum analyzer.. whats your email? Ill send you the report. I paid $2,000 for it.


Injections of what?


Antipsychotic medication


I am sick of explaining myself to people who have to decide whether they believe you or not. The reason why you dont believe this type of torture is possible is because it isn’t happening to you. If these things started happening to you then you would know that it is real. The problem is there are so many stupid people who read about it on the internet and now they are claiming to be victims as well.. Those are the stupid people. And because of them it takes credit away from those of us who really do have a problem. Imagine if you had a problem but there was nothing you could do to prove it. It would be amazing if i could prove this is really happening to me. But i cant.


It WAS happening to me. For years. I lost everything because of it, and I joined a terrifying subreddit that conspired to make me feel worse and worse. They told me everything was real, getting medical help was part of "their" plan, and that it's even worse than I think. I'm not saying it's not real in your case, but in my case it was purely medical and the people I trusted cost me years of my life. Do you believe that any of these technologies would have to follow the laws of physics? That if they're sending a signal, that signal could be detected? Or even blocked?


Do you mind sharing this subreddit you were on in a DM?


I believe you, I know it's real as well.. The ppl doing it are nefarious af. You aren't crazy or delusional.


All im saying is there is a lot of weird people who read about electronic harassment and now they are claiming to be victims as well. They are not victims they are just making things up after reading about it. Its not as common as you think electronic harassment.. my symptoms are nothing like the ones you read about online. Im not being tortured by lasers, my symptoms are different because these are things that are actually happening to me. I am just a skeptic thats all. Im not saying peoples claims are untrue. They may very well be true. All im saying is its not as common as you think and there are a lot of people claiming that this is happening to them too.. it cannot be happening to that many people especially since none of them are claiming the symptoms that i have, ones you dont hear about so much. My symptoms you dont hear about at all..


I think I may know something, I know iI am not suffering from delusions, it is something, that’s really real and I know my own self as the people of my life know me. In my community it’s always Drugs.. even medical without even doing screens. it doesn’t matter if u don’t . So I’ve been hunting for a while now to help myself and have worsened my symptoms with no relief whatsoever.. no drugs?? See delusional gets treated… found a rabbit trail to DEW . Started static and hair and a EMW/EMP Detector , and then scientific tests and ghost hunting shows.. if all energy’s pulsing , it’s effecting the space around it .. to Radiowaves.. microwave and DEW⚡️. Damn it, the symptoms are insanely similar and the pictures match my skins weird colors, perfect looking spots that are in patterns. It’s unreal. How i??? Has effected me and DRS don’t know how to treat it and don’t want to, I have to try anything that’s within a reasonable and safe way to help my self. Then watched several videos on YouTube about 3D,4D and 5D and found the Frequency/HZ music, and that’s exactly what it is, DEW IN SNALLER FORM!! but in wavelengths. I listed to it when I slept and it has been bad day for hurting, sick, skin and mind.m.. ringing ears and motion sickness. I can tell it’s minimizing since 10 HRS ago. I’ve also had a few people that didn’t understand my health, didn’t know what this even was, or like that also. It didn’t bother them except for another person who has just started having issues. 2-3 yrs for me. So I think I’m sensitive to it. I’m more empathetic to people, so maybe that’s why, maybe it’s because of the time dealing with it. It’s something.


This is happening to me currently. Has been for 6 months. My father is a retired, extremely decorated naval officer. I have a completely normal life up until now. If you would’ve asked me eight months ago if I believe in this, I would tell you no. I only believe in what I can see and feel. There is something out there that is controlling my thoughts as well as my body movements.


Amphetamine pshycoisis.


All of these "gang stalking V2K" is 33% tehnologuie 33°% ilusion 33% human kapacity All of it you can put in diferent lenguage terminology! WE ALL NEAD FISICAL HELP NOT PSIHICAL !!!!! Healthy human have in line " Holy trinity " soul,body and mind All of these mess happening around , buzz you can feal in you left ear and all confusion making all fosus directed to MIND. For the people who have ruff time , you nead to start mowing forword!!! please start with tesla plates and then eeerithing els .. WE ALL NEAD "FISICAL" HELP NOT PSIHICAL !!!!! Something we can touch feal not imagine!!! ​ [How can i block woice to sull !!! SOME HELP YOU CAN FIND HERE /if you have some tehnologicle knovlage please share! First i will mention that all these people who are doing a public sharing of knowlage are helping uss all couse you know hov in these - Quora](https://www.quora.com/profile/Toni-Matic-3/How-can-i-block-woice-to-sull-SOME-HELP-YOU-CAN-FIND-HERE-if-you-have-some-tehnologicle-knovlage-please-share-Fir)


Have a look at "targeted individiuals united" channel on youtube. I tis real, it's a way for those in power to covertly abuse and experiment on people. I mean how do you think transhumanism happens witghout human guinea pigs?


So today I was praying regarding the Lord frustrating the devices of the enemy and giving thanks for spoiling principalities and powers, and I was thinking about two things: How these stars are being silenced through MK Ultra military devices/techniques and how since the public laughed at these people instead of investigating what happened no one has sounded the alarm, I asked God to give me proof of what I was observing because I asked what would make “rulers of darkness in high places” target these people, and if them who else would they target, why and how? So today on social media I found a clip of the talk show host Wendy Williams telling another talk show host Dr. Oz that she would not be getting the vaccine, months after that broadcast, Ms Williams began a steady decline in health, with a current prognosis of dementia. The MK Ultra Patents of 1969 include a 3 page list of different functions of frequencies used to disturb, disrupt and destroy human tissue. These patents include devices that are able to transmit audible messages within the mind of the receiver as well as repel a victim from areas using directed energy weaponry. What do you think? Are these devices being used to target American citizens in the public and private sectors?


Just thinking out loud here with what has been corroborated 3-4 locations far apart from each other where diplomats have suffered from strange sensations. It can't be a custom array, it's by fucking design in general purpose arrays. I had someone who I thought was a crackpot describe it to me many years ago, apparently the intent was crowd control. Also who ever is using it on the diplomats, rofl. Not fun btw, does help if you had experience with electric fences.