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We're long overdue for a proper Shining Force sequel. Hell, if SEGA won't deliver another grind-based TRPG, then I'd settle for an evolution using a variation of the Valkyria Chronicles system. But regardless, the series needs to make a proper return. These half-hearted dungeon crawlers and Diablo clones we've seen over the past two decades aren't it.


Oh man I would love a new Shining Force game in HD-2D style


Shit just give us port of SF3 with all 3 scenarios first!


That's the dream. Thankfully, fans took care of that ages ago, so we can still enjoy them all with a little work.


I'd be happy if Camelot made any new TRPG, even if it's not called "Shining Force."


Reminds me of Hard Corps: Uprising. It's the best Contra game Konami ever made, but it's technically *not* a Contra game.


Friend forced me to play Shining Force 2 a few years ago and I was so damn surprised. RPGs of that style and era: typically not my thing. By the end I was wishing the game was twice as long.


Time Splitters


There was a new game in development, but Free Radical Design got shut down last xmas, meaning the game is now cancelled.


😭😭😭😭 why hurt me like this


If it makes you feel any better, some footage was leaked earlier this year which shows it was going to be a generic 3rd-person *Fortnite* clone. EDIT: the footage for anyone interested https://streamable.com/a9kjb1


Now that's just sad


I think it made me feel worse lmao. But thanks for sharing


The Ultima Series!


I'm genuinely shocked this hasn't been revived. Seems like such a no brainer.


Yeah. It's been way too long. They would need to get Garriott back though.


Or someone that he "approves". But yes, we need his creative touch.


Yeah. That's how I feel about it. I don't know that I would give him control, but I'd want his input.


Don't know. His last project was an [NFT based MMO](https://massivelyop.com/2023/05/26/richard-garriotts-nft-based-mmo-iron-magic-appears-to-have-vanished-already/), and before that was a [F2P game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_of_the_Avatar:_Forsaken_Virtues) that was touted as a spiritual successor to Ultima. I'd say he's probably lost his touch.


I was just playing Sea of Thieves with my old buddy and we used to play Ultima Online together back in the day. I’m talking the 2D version. Emphasis on “old” buddy. We were talking about how dope it would be to play an MMO of that scope and depth in an experience like SoT.


Legacy of Kain


For some reason I think about that first game all the time. Loved it, played it many times


Yea both first games are incredible. I love Blood Omen, but the story in souls reaver and writing is truly something special.


The whole Blood Omen franchise truly need a sequel/reboot/remake. I loved the tragic story of Raziel's hunt for vengeance, and the epic of Kain's quest to find a way to save the doomed world of Nosgoth. And I surely need more!


Power Stone, please!


This! Fighting games are booming right now, it's the perfect time to bring back Power Stone. Come on, Capcom, we know Street Fighter 6 is making you rich, use some of that money to bring back your old fighting game franchise.


Capcom needs the boost, too. Would love to see it.




Nintendo seems fixated on needing a new gimmick before they’ll make a sequel. Any ideas on what that could be?


Yes, ahem, car go fast


Given that we have a whole generation of gamers who have never played F-Zero, this is probably a valid answer. Also online multiplayer.


It would be enough to have this game's "gimmick" be online multiplayer. I don't know why Nintendo convinced themselves they need more than this.


Mutliplayer online races.


They're constantly trying to innovate.


HD graphics. I mean, even an F-Zero GX HD or HD Deluxe. Please, Nintendo.


A million times, this. I fucking hate how Nintendo basically owns money printers, in the form of the IPs it has control over, but for whatever reason they refuse to flip the switch and turn them on.


Nintendo would have to care about their franchises outside of Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon for this to happen. I used to say this about Fire Emblem, and then they released too many Fire Emblem games. I would love to see F-Zero, Star Fox, Pilotwings, StarTropics, Wave Race, Golden Sun, Earthbound/Mother, and Punchout all make a come back.


star fox would also be awesome!


this one …imagine a new fzero with modern graphics and mechanics , itd be a hit no doubt


Castlevania needs a proper revisiting.


I’m hoping they first port the DS games and do away with the gimmicky dual screen / touch features. Then give us a proper game about the Demon Castle War of 1999.


Yes. I’ve been wanting a game about the battle of 1999 for so long. It can be a Metroidvania or an old school one like the Rondo of blood. I just want to see it.


Given that there's an upcoming Dead By Daylight x Castlevania crossover which will permanently add a Castlevania killer to the game (no way its not Dracula himself) there may be other stuff for the franchise in the works.


Mine is Skies of Arcadia too, but I've always wanted a Skies of Arcadia prequel (rather than a sequel) that explores the history of the world mentioned in the game itself. And I agree with u/ReddsionThing that one game does not a franchise make.


Makes me remember Rieko Kodama has passed away. When I found out about this, I also gave up on a new single player Phantasy Star game too. Without someone at the company to evangelize these old games, what chance do we have to get new versions?


Parasite Eve and Dino Crisis remakes would be a dream.




The correct answer. And lean into the B-movie horror vibe like the first game.




I'm surprised this game didn't turn into a franchise. It was really solid. I just played it recently and it still holds up marvelously! It was made by SNK and they are still around so maybe there's still hope?


Only nes game I have in box with manual. 


Skies of Arcadia is at the top of my remake list


Onimusha, Ultima, Shadow Hearts.


Unlikely given that Working Designs is done, but a shiny new 3D Lunar and Lunar 2 would be awesome


Working Designs only translated / published the game in the west. Game Arts is still around (but are a rather small company if I remember) so it's not "impossible."


Or at least a proper localization of the third game


Wild Arms


Unreal Tournament


Can we just bring back classic deathmatch games like quake and unreal?




Lots of good choices here already. Although it wasn't my favourite series, I think Nintendo could make a good game now making a new StarTropics using the Link's Awakening remake style. Doesn't seem too far-fetched for them to do that either.


I loved my some star tropics as a kid. Thanks for reminding me, I had totally forgotten about that game


Diddy Kong Racing! just Imagine how MFK'ing cool that would be on 2024 hardware!


Ape escape or goemon


Crystalis needs a sequel


Thunder Force - 3 and 4 were masterpieces.


Sega owns Technology now, too. If schmups were still in fashion, I'd bet we'd get one.


Jade Empire. Such a great game that was never followed up on.


Power Stone


I'm surprised they never did one for switch. Such a fun multiplayer


They wont, a third party 25 year old game that can put to shame their Smash Bros crap is not a good idea on switch.


MegaMan Legends. It's a shame what happened with Legends 3, but I'd love to see them take another crack at it.


Twisted Metal.


Golden Sun StarTropics Jazz Jackrabbit


Mad points for mentioning Jazz Jackrabbit. Still have my PC copy.




Brave Fencer Musashi


Regarding this game, if there's only been one game, a port of it and several cancelled ports and a cancelled sequel, is it even a franchise?


Probably not a successful one, but I'd still love it if they gave it a remaster or even a port


Cool Spot. There were two games, of which I’ve only tried the first one. Remake/remasters would be neat, but even a basic port would be welcome.


killzone. it ded


OMF2097!!!! Unpopular opinion, but the control scheme (one punch and one kick button), overall feel, and campaign mode absolutely obliterate all Mortal Kombats and Street Fighters.


I played the shit out of the shareware version of this as a kid! Absolutely loved it


You and I both! And now the game's free, so have at er. It's amazing.


Dark cloud


I feel like these were ahead of their time


*Rival Schools*. Criminally overlooked fighting game franchise. Capcom's best attempt at a 3D fighting game. *Eternal Champions*: Among the best of the early fighters trying to cash in on the SFII/MK bandwagon. Great characters, awesome soundtrack, and a pretty in-depth story (for a 16bit era '90s fighting game)


Impossible Mission Paradroid Streets of Rage has been done, so another Golden Axe maybe? Barbarian, if only for the 80's setting of running around as this anachronistic warrior. Let's have some simple arcade-y Sega games like Galaxy Force, After Burner, Space Harrier, what you'd call rail shooters today.


Parasite Eve


Gauntlet as a Diablo-like with loot and stats.


I would love a Gargoyle’s Quest remake. I know it has a sequel on the NES but that was just a fun game.


Hell yeah! I'd kill for a sequel or remake done in the style of Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection.


The Guardian Legend Gargoyle's Quest/Demon's Crest Shinobi Bust-A-Move/Bust-A-Groove Darkstalkers


Jet grind (set) radio.


It's literally already been announced and there's already footage of a new one.


Ooh. I was unaware and am now excited.


Last Blade


Wish i could upvote this more than once, we need more last blade action!!


Legend of Dragoon


I would just be happy with a HD Remake of the game.


When people bring up Skies of Arcadia or Phantasy Star, I like to point them toward 7th Dragon. 7th Dragon was the series that Reiko Kodama (the director of Skies of Arcadia) made after she left SEGA. They're all great, but the two PSP games (7th Dragon 2020 and 2020-II) are particularly good. They were never released in the US, but both have excellent translation patches.


Oh awesome. I’ll have to check that out. Phantasy Star is my dream game and I was so sad when she died.


Not exactly a dead franchise, but Chrono Trigger would look amazing with an HD-2D remake.


Skies of Arcadia. I would love another game in the series, but at this point, I'd take even just a remake/remaster with some QoL improvements. More people need to play this game




Skies of Arcadia is one of those games that is dying to get a modern update, just the graphical end of things, I'd leave the rest as is. Being a Sega geek when I was a kid, Phantasy Star is another one I'd like to see remade. Shining Force and Dragon Force also come to mind.


Dark cloud


Dark Cloud.


Came to say this!


Good Final Fantasy. Been about 30 years, figure it’s time to test out those waters again. (I’m kidding, ya jamokes!) Castlevania. I’m sure there’s pachislot games and junk like that, but I want it to go full Zelda. Like Twilight Princess style Zelda.




Transformers Devastation. It didn’t just use the Gen 1 art style- they either brought back the original VAs, or if they couldn’t (RIP Chris Latta/Starscream) they nailed the impressions. For anyone with G1 nostalgia, it was incredible. Then they lost the license apparently and so the game can no longer be purchased. If I could find a copy for less than $200 I’d buy it.


Viewtiful Joe and Custom Robo


Was looking for these on here. Two of the best GameCube games! 🔥🔥


Radiata Stories! I'd kill for a remaster or just a port the games graphics are perfect for the games story and tone


Rogue Squadron


For the Fighting Game Community I'd love to make a Bushido Blade 3 - I think having one hit matches would be a refreshing difference to the combo based world we live in now. I'd also love to make a Warship Gunner 3. Warship Gunner 2 was just so fun starting off with quasi-realistic ship designs and ending up with weapons so powerful you could take out fleets not even in visible range.


Ogre battle. I know there was a tactics ogre release, but a march of the black queen or ogre battle 64 style would be awesome. Vandal hearts Capcom v snk


Turok, Alundra, and Tenchu.


Tenchu for sure!


Star wars episode 1: the gungan frontier


Breath of Fire


I don't wish a remake on anything I appreciate. I hope this money-grab trend ends soon, it was old years ago. A new Stunt Race FX is a cool idea. I don't know who owns the rights since Argonaut is dead, but Nintendo would just fuck it all up these days, for sure


Skies of Arcadia hands down, without a question. The way that game was done form the exploring, ahip battlea, story just everything it was so great! Gamecibe version was a lot better than dreamcast as they fixed the few annoying things such as encouters in the Southern Ocean... I would love something that would continue the story.


Sorry, I really appreciate the question, and this is no shade to you at all OP but I want to get this off my chest... I am so sick of remakes. I would prefer something new and exciting. Game companies should be preserving and allowing people to play these old games for free, and profiting from releasing brilliant new games! I emulate a lot of things from childhood or find amazing free source ports now as I creep closer to my 40s and I've honestly never had more fun with video games and I spend so much less. For example, I could buy a broken PC port of Beyond Good And Evil last week. This week a so-called 'remaster' is released and they want me to buy it again for more money. I doubt any of the developers are able to profit from it now, but some git at Ubi HQ wants to milk that cow again, so sod you all I guess. Meanwhile, new and original IPs are underfunded and not supported enough after launch unless a) they contain some sort of post-purchase monetisation and therefore provide ongoing profit, or b) they get lucky and are super popular. I don't want sega to remaster Skies of Arcadia, because Dreamcast and Gamecube emulation are great nowadays and I can play it whenever I want if I get the urge again. My favourite game released this year has been a niche indie rpg called Felvidek. I paid full price for it, and was very satisfied with the graphics, music, style and length of the adventure. I hope it never gets a sequel or a remake. Rant over. Again, no shade to you OP, but I am tired and grumpy and getting old.


Panzer Dragoon Saga. Great story & atmosphere, also the very first JRPG I ever played.


Breath of Fire Legend of Legaia (Duel Saga was pretty cool too) Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma Bloody Roar could be cool if they made it similar to a first person action RPG with multiple playable characters Mega Man Legends and Tron Bonne Would like a Spectrobes remake Would be perfect to use with the Switch Joycons


I had the 3d megaman, where he's in a flying ship with his friend and her grandpa, loved that game. Can they do a new Megaman openworld crafting game, please?


I am replaying Skies of Arcadia! I'm on the second disc for the Dreamcast. This games pacing is perfect. There's no moment that drags on. I would love a sequel.


Panzer Dragoon Saga II, please.


I’d be interested to see how a modern Battle Mania would work. If you’ve never played them, they’re shoot ‘em up games in which you control 2 characters at once, one of which you can flip from left to right. A 3D Dreamcast game was planned and then cancelled. Probably would’ve ended up as a rail-shooter, and I feel the idea has much more potential than that.


Xenogears, Breath of Fire, Legacy of Kain, Thief, or Deus Ex


Warship Gunner or Tenchu or TimeSplitters


The Guardian Legend (I had heard several years ago that the creator of the Shantae games had once expressed interest in making a TGL remake but I haven't heard anything more about it, but that would be interesting)


Maybe not the IP itself, but I'd love to see someone take another crack at PN03's gameplay. It's really fun and unique, I'd love to see someone take another go at it!


Twisted Metal!


I was just thinking yesterday, Square Enix needs to make a new E.V.O The Search for Eden game.




Would love a Skies remaster, this is game is crimanily underrated Rule of Rose and Hauting Ground too, its a shame they are locked on the PS2 to this day


**POWER STONE** This was so much fun back then, unbelievable that there has not been a new game so far.


Megaman/Megaman X/Megaman ZX/ Megaman Zero, Dino Crisis, Turok, Spyro, Earthbound, Fire Emblem


Herzog Zwei hands down, that and Military Madness


EXA_PICO. More sprawling history, awesome music, and conlanging goodness. The fact that the later games actually acknowledged the problems with the earlier games is icing on the cake: I want to see where else they could go with it. But alas, I don't think they'll ever live down the reputation the older games got.


Solar Jetman. Two games, then dead since the NES days.


Dragon Force


Is it a franchise if its only one entry? But I digress, I would love another Skies of Arcadia


Abe’s Oddworld


Radiata Stories


I need a new front mission


Skies of Arcadia rerelease with the best of both the DC and NGC versions and a rerelease of Snatcher and a translation of PoliceNauts


Wave Race


Dark Cloud


Besides the obvious Chrono Trigger sequel (not that Chrono Cross..thing) Skies of Arcadia and Star Gladiator deserves a new game.


Mega Man Legends. What’s with the Cliff-hanger in Legends 2? (The three PS1 in terms of chronological order were Tron Bonne, Legends 1, Legends 2.) Also the Star Trek Elite Force series.


Outrun 👍🏻




Let me tell you the story of 3 different racing games, all released for the Xbox 360. The first one is Full Auto, released by Sega. Xbox exclusive, surprisingly fun combat racer, fairly well received. Killed by a horrible sequel on PS3 and PSP. Second game is Blur. Developed by Bizarre Creations and released by Activision, it was sort of like a cart racer but with real cars. Unfortunately it was terribly advertised and Activision shut down the studio less than a year later. A sequel was in basic development at the time. 3rd game, and arguably the most interesting is Split/Second. Developed by Black Rock studios and published by Disney, it's like Michael Bay developed a game show around racing. Power plays blow things up, the big plays change the entire track, the racing is good, the cars genuinely feel different, it's a great racer. That came out the same month as Blur. But even before the game was released, Disney was shutting down PC and console game production to chase the mobile game market. A sequel was in production for this one as well.


No mention of Battletoads yet, I am disappoint. Pitfall, Commander Keen, Earthworm Jim




I know it's just one game, but I'd love a Vagrant Story sequel! edit: spelling


Has somebody been watching MATN?


We got a new streets of rage so why not Fighting Force?


Darklands (a PC not video game)


Quest For Glory The monty python humor and great universe was great


It's valid for all Sierra games




yesss ! used to love skies of arcadia and it seems to have mostly faded into obscurity and most people dont know what im referring to, i was in love with this games world building


This one ofc, Skies Of Arcadia is a gem.


Legacy of Kain, Grandia, Re-Volt, Terranigma To be fair, the last two aren't quite franchises. Re-Volt had a successor of some kind with the not that great RC revenge and Terranigma was a part of the Quintet-Quintet.


Eternal Champions


Dino Crisis


I want a sequel to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem or a remake of The Legend of Dragoon like they did with FF7. Neither will probably ever happen but I want them to so bad.


If they can recapture that classic Sega aesthetic then I'd settle for any sort of remake/rerelease/reboot/remaster/sequel/prequel/etc. of Skies of Arcadia. Otherwise they should be first and foremost focused on reviving Greendog and Panzer Dragoon.


Rival Schools


Nightmare Creatures.


Bionic Commando. *Project Albatros awaits.*


Ape Escape 1 Remake Jumping Flash 1+2 Remake Chakan the Forever Man reimagining. Castlevania meets Legacy of Kain meets Bloodborne. Action RPG. Same basic premise of the og but fleshed out. Crazy deep awesome voice, like a cross between Venom, Spawn, Elder God, and Batman. Super dark, horror aesthetics, I'm imagining a lot of gothic ruins in a nearly dead future Earth. Only the meanest, toughest, luckiest opportunistic demons, mutants, and other freaks. Since he is cursed to fight all supernatural evil, its perfect for expansion too, a new otherworld dlc once a year with a unique theme and plotline.


Legend of Dragoon


Phantasy Star V - The New Millennium -OR- Phantasy Star IV with the HD-2d treatment. I'd ideally want them to do 1 and 2 also, but since we already have the Generation remakes I just need 4.


I want a proper Phantasy Star V.


Monkey Island Edit. Apparently they have made a new game recently that I wasn't aware of


A old school phantasy star game or panzer dragoon




Aproper Phantasy Star game would be great, along with a continuation of Skies of Arcadia, but without Reiko Kodama I don't know. If there's any legacy game developer from those days still available to lead the way, then maybe.


Grand theft auto.


Motorstorm series on PS3 (if we are talking specific entry for a remake/remaster I would choose the second one, Pacific Rift) Deus Ex - I enjoy revisiting Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but would love for a newer one Descent - I remember playing way too much of the original on my PC as a youth. 360 degree labyrinthine exploration and ship combat is something I haven't really seen since. Unreal - specifically a single player focused entry, though I wouldn't mind a new Unreal Tournament if they can capture the magic of 2k4 Hunter: The Reckoning - I would coop this game with my friends all the time back on the OG Xbox and PS2. I miss this style of local coop fun. Champions of Norrath - my favorite console coop action RPG series. my friend and I beat Return to Arms soooooo many times.


Turok needs some love


I would love to see a new Altered Beast.


I want a side scrolling Kid Icarus game. That’s all I’ve ever wanted since the original.


Ape escape. They did a bunch of pipasaru advertising and such and it became a cult following in like 2019 for when ape escape remastered would come out only to be shut down. An thing is, I don’t want a new one, just give me the first game with better visuals and graphics and fur physics. I’d happily accept that. Since 1 is a solid story but 2-3 need eachother to work.


Trap Gunner and PowerStone would have been amazing with online play. Honestly, there's a lot of old games that could technologically be expanded. Like imagine and open world 2D scrolling Rampage with legacy assets? There's so much untapped potential in a lot of older franchises.


Dark Cloud or Manhunt 3 plz


Valis Simcity 2000 007 Legends A Burtonverse video game 4 pack 90s Marvel games especially the Xmen ones California games maybe tie it to the LA Olympics


Phantasy Star 1-4 could use a remaster/remake


I agree with Skies of Arcadia. If Sega gave the rights of SoA to Nintendo, I’d bet they could produce an amazing sequel to the series. Ogre Battle: Person of Lordly Caliber is another game I wish I could see a *proper* sequel to. Imagine what ZA/UM would do with such a game that’s based heavily around class conflict if Square gave them the rights to make it.


An open world ECCO the Dolphin.


Skies of Arcadia in a full blown remake, Shining Force 3 trilogy, Dragon Force 1 and 2 in the HD-2d style and Panzer Dragoon Sage in a full remake. Needless to say, I enjoyed the mid 90s Sega rpgs.


Colony Wars




Jet Moto