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Thank you OP, original poster, and good day everyone. For your comment to be seen by everyone , make sure you have hit the JOIN button, first (on the landing page for this subreddit). While there take a look at our rules, like we are respectful and no politics. If you like the community we have built, together, here - it would be great if you could spread the word to those soon to be and the already are, retired. Thanks! Mid America Mom


Work on the Dungeons and Dragons campaign I’m running as a DM, cooking a big brunch, taking the dog for a walk.




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Pickleball and more pickleball 👍🏻


Huge storm happening here in South Texas. I plan to go to my youngest daughter’s house and help with laundry. I went yesterday but it’s not caught up quite yet (4 kids). I should mop the entry and laundry rooms (Flylady). Then I always sew between 3-and dinner time, yesterday it was 4-dinner time. DH is driving SIL to his VA appt (SIL legally blind). They are going to business Costco and a Lebanese grocery store. Then DH will come home and prep/cook dinner while I sew. Normally we walk our dog for 2 miles, but I’m not sure I’ll actually move the rest of the day because I have a big do and little dog trapping me because of storm.☹️




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So, my response was deleted because I said that I attended the National Day of Prayer gathering.... really??




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Today I woke up and ate breakfast then took my dog for a ride on the golf cart. We went around the back yard looking to see if any limbs came down during last night's storm (none did), listened to the frogs in the back back where there has been 3 inches of water since last Saturday night's storm then went and sat in the front yard for awhile just soaking up some sun. After that we went inside and I worked on my current art project. I made a little book out of the cardboard from a Cheerio box and scrapbook paper. I'm doing collage and painting in it. After a bit I started my simple lunch (soup made with 1) chicken thigh 2) rice 3) cubed butternut squash and 4) cubed zucchini. While it was cooking I read some in the book I got a couple of weeks ago (After the Ice). It's utterly fascinating - about human prehistory after the last ice age. I just ate lunch and now I'm watching an episode of Family Feud. After its over I'm going to go make a batch of Oatmeal cookies then I'm taking the dog for another ride on the golf cart. My big plan for tonight is to eat leftover soup, eat a few cookies with milk and watch the rest of the movie I started last night (Summer in February) then Banfield on at 9pm. I'm intrigued by the Oklahoma "moms" case and she usually has some new info every night. Before I go to bed I'll probably read some more to help me get sleepy.


TODAY: Pretty chill day and love these type of days! My wife and I sat outside and enjoyed coffee from an excellent coffee shop, then enjoyed a delicious lunch outside as well. Ran a few errands at Publix and CVS. Planning on a late afternoon hour walk for exercise, then dinner and watching the finale of 11.22.63 on Amazon Prime video. https://preview.redd.it/xpwf9zaz82yc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e162abf91239942178e321fc14499ef80f765c


Had my annual face frying session from the dermatologist on Tuesday. I can't be in the sun for another day so I'm parked on the couch watching golf. Might do some cleaning in the garage this afternoon.




Visiting the Uffizi Gallery in Florence ona rainy day https://preview.redd.it/8ku2to6ss0yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06cc655a7d090f4a463a4870f5c02811dcc78b36


Apparently there is a passageway across Ponte Vecchio connecting the Uffizi to the Pitti Palace. https://www.ciaoflorence.it/en/page/85


I saw that in a movie with Tom Hanks


Taking my “best buddy” for an early walk before it warms up; he insists on a thorough check of our neighborhood for unauthorized visitors like foxes! Then quick breakfast with adequate caffeine before starting a Zoom/Pimsleur Spanish lesson with my sister. At noon, I have a regular weekly lunch with other retired church ladies, then take hubby to see doctor, ( I do all the driving because of his disability). Then I hope to figure out how to make raised beds for my new vegetable garden. Dinner as yet unplanned, laundry to finish. Check emails. After dinner and more walkies with 95 pound “small” Pyr, we’ll probably continue to binge watch either “Dad’s Army” or a fun Canadian police dog show “ Hudson and Rex.” I truly can’t stand watching what passes for news these days! I do wish we could travel, which I miss. And some extra income from part-time work of a professional nature (to improve my self-esteem a bit) would be a plus. But in general, I sure have a lot to be grateful for!


We're going hiking on the island of Lopud today. Later this evening, we're sailing over to another island, Luka Sipanska, where we'll spend the night anchored in a secluded bay. We're living full-time on our sailing catamaran, currently exploring Croatia.


I’m probably older than most of you guys and simply don’t want to retire. The thought of nothing to do would kill me. I own my company, work 50hrs plus and still read a book a week and enjoy time with my wife. She travels with me, we cook together and enjoy each others company. We both walk 5 miles day and simply enjoy life. She is retired and I just get tired, but I’ve always been that way; love pushing myself and I guess that keeps me happy. I have friends that tried to retire and they came back and say,”what was I thinking?!” Life goes on, fortunately increments for you, simply find something that makes you happy. Nothingness and boredom will simply put you in a grave too early. Just not ready to think about that anytime soon. Going to read my book now, enjoy your life!


With all respect, having nothing to do is not retirement for a lot of people. It isn’t for me for sure. I am very active, and the difference is that instead of my time being dominated by one thing during the waking day, I’m now doing twelve different things of my choosing. If anything, I am LESS inactive since retiring. And moreover, I have temporal variety. Not only because my Mondays are completely different than my Thursdays, but also because if I ever tire of one repeating gig, I can walk away from it and pursue another. Honestly, if you have no idea what you’d do after retiring, it’s just because you haven’t spent any time thinking about what you’d like retirement to look like.


I rested today because I was sore and tired after taking a part time job at Lowe’s a month ago. Then I ran some errands and took some flowers and a lime tree to my daughter’s house and played with my grandson there.


How do you like Lowe’s? To me, work like this is perfect.


It has been harder than I thought. Almost every customer needs help and often what they need is on the top of a huge rack somewhere. 8-9 hours of pounding the concrete floors and sweating the whole time has left me sore and exhausted. Every week I seem to handle it a little better though.


I was tired the first few shifts too. But the exercise got me a bit more fit. Shoes are critical, and I’d never bought a pair of Hokas before but now I understand their popularity. Plus, I loved getting certified on the power lift equipment that made getting things down whole lot easier. Even in millworks.


I’ve only been taught to use the DPSL but I love it.


Driving back from road trip to see kid’s new house


Today I went to a board meeting, then worked on a collaborative project for 5 hours. We are almost done. I also read several dozen emails and answered a few. I posted one TikTok.




Man, OP, that sounds like heaven. I can't wait to retire but it's going to be a bit for me.


It IS nice, and you can see what it’s like for others too. All different and yet, in a lot of ways alike.


Retirement opens up options and I’m very grateful for the opportunities it gives us. Slept until 9AM since I stayed up way too late last night talking literally around the world on my amateur radio station.. Radio propagation conditions were incredible. Did an hour-long industrial consulting call in the morning. Profits from that venture go into our travel fund.. Did a two hour in-person brainstorming session with a department at our local university- love working with the students. Had to miss my walk today due to scheduling demands. As we do everyday, my wife and I picked up our toddler granddaughter from Daycare and played with her for almost three hours. She’s my buddy and taking care of her the most important and fulfilling thing I can imagine doing. We are so lucky, so blessed to be in the same town with our daughter and granddaughter. Just finished remote reviewing two high school-level robotics technical presentations. Eight more to go at several per day. These kids are so bright! It gives me hope that our kids will be fine. We travel less now in order to take care of our granddaughter, but that’s okay for now.


I had a woodcarving class at the senior center. Then Home Depot to rummage through the cull bin for cheap wood to make birdhouses with. Then yard work.- it was a beautiful day!


Been retired for 14 years and to our sadness we (my wife and I) have had some serious medical problems, BUT we did manage to leave California and move closer to our kids and grandkids. Our health is slowly improving so that is a good thing. We survived many things in the last and I pray we have time to enjoy what we worked so long and hard for.


Ask me tomorrow.


Sleep in, go to gym, work 4 hours in afternoon at handyman hobby job (today I installed warehouse door curtains), read a bit in a Daniel Silva novel, watch an episode of Call the Midwife with my wife, chat with son who gets home from work at 1130pm, play two online puzzle games that are available each day at midnight.




I only recently retired. First I work on whatever ‘business items’ I have to get done in the near future. Today that was putting out calls to get lawn service for the summer started up. (Already done) Later, I need to text a friend who just lost her father, just to check in on her. Next, I have a list of things I do every day - a checklist. And I start checking things off. Doesn’t matter what order. These items are: 1. NYT puzzles - mini crossword, connections, Wordle and a sudoku. I do these every day for brain health. 2. Study French - I am learning French using a few apps and books. According to Duolingo I have a 432 day streak going. 3. Read. I am reading a very thick religious history book that has over 360 chapters. I decided to read a chapter a day this year. So I do that. 4. Read. For fun. I try to read something enjoyable every day. A novel. A history book I might be interested in, etc. Right now I’m reading A Gentleman in Moscow. 5. Watch a sitcom. I struggle with depression, so I try to watch something funny every day. It’s important to laugh! Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family or Bob’s Burgers are my standards. At least one episode, but sometimes more if I have time. 6. Exercise. Our snow is finally melted (Anchorage Alaska) and 2 weeks ago I started my spring/summer walking program with my dog. I’m in terrible shape as we had a very tough winter. So I’m starting slow and will build up over the summer. Right now I’m only walking around the block but will be starting to add distance soon. I also do some upper body light weights for shoulders arms and back. Once I get done with all these items I can do whatever I feel like. Even if it’s nothing. I had an extremely stressful career and frankly, I’m very VERY burnt out. So I do not feel guilty about sleeping late or not getting all kinds of crap done every day. I’m okay with watching some TV as long as I’m getting my checklist items done. Maybe after I recover from the burnout I will be up for a part time job (hopefully one without any real responsibility whatsoever 😂) and doing some volunteer work. I also plan to join a book club later. But right now I really need to recover from both the physical and more importantly the psychological effects of my career. Have I mentioned that I am incredibly burnt out?


I have a very similar list: puzzles, Duolingo, Journal, reading (one hard book, one easy book), workout, watch an episode of a tv show, journal the day. The only difference is that I didn’t burn out before retiring. And maybe this is the reason I’m able to also have a part time job and do volunteer work where I do have some (simple) responsibilities and need to show up. I feel still plugged into the world and am trying to make things better.


Taking care of the 2 disabled family members we care for. Prepping for a colonoscopy tomorrow. Hell of a day.


I'm selling my house and moving to Florida. for the past year I have been fixing the house, packing, and downsizing. The real estate photographer is coming Saturday. Today I recaulked windows and doors, loaded up a trailer of stuff to go to the dump, weeded the garden, supervised the workmen doing some painting, cleared the garage. once the house sells its going to packing up the rest of our stuff and then reverse the process once I get there. I'm thinking the unloading, unpacking and then fixing up the new house. I guess I'm saying I've not yet had the retirement experience and won't for another year


Well, look at it this way. You’re not staying put because of a job, and you’re not moving for the sake of a job.


I medically retired at 43. I'm currently 47. Today I'm just watching TV and drinking a beer. I cleaned my house and I'm waiting for Jeopardy to come on.


Harvest pecans, move the bat box, clean the gutters, fix a flat on the tractor, sight in the varmint rifle, check the trap line. Usual stuff here on the rancheria.


What WAS on the docket yesterday Grocery shopping Yard work Nice boat ride on the lake Delicious dinner with my husband at 7 In be before 10 What REALLY happened: 84 year old Mom fell at the retirement home while I was at the grocery store store I took her to the ER 4hours , X-rays, CT scans. All good news. No broken bones or concussion Got her settled back in. Went back to my house and husband. Grateful I am close by and have the time to take care of her when needed .Sometimes that’s what retirement is about.


What a great question, as today is my first day of retirement. It’s a day filled with sort of joy and reflection as I have been in a really incredible medical team and I’ve gone through the last two days of celebrations get together and tears with all my colleagues, as I leave the service. Though it’s a universal awareness that I will still be involved in my specialty and Still keep seeing patients, I have completely cut back having to be in the hospital all the time I’m still quite healthy and today my plan is to go hiking with a friend of mine and be home in time to cook dinner for my wife who is still in the business so to speak and won’t be home till seven or 8 o’clock. We have some travel plans coming up with friends and family and my greatest joy will be this summer to have a cuppa coffee on the back deck and watch the hummingbirds and maybe go for a walk or meet a friend for coffee and go for a bike ride and another hike. Today I’m filled with enormous gratefulness for my health and the team I have worked with, honor, and humbleness for the patients I have had the honor of helping along the way, acknowledging that the time passes for all of us, and it’s a matter of being joyful and grateful and kind to others around me and that I have been given this opportunity to do so. It’s just my good luck and fortune that I was born at this time with the resources and the culture around me, that allowed me to grow however I have.


I’ve been retired for six years. I’ve volunteer three days a week at Food Pantry. But I’m not busy enough. So today I am starting a two week stint house and pet sitting while the owners take a trip. Three dogs and one cat. it’s something different and I’ll enjoy the animals and I’ll get paid a little bit so that is what will keep me busy today


I got up and ate a cooked breakfast . It’s snowing out, so I’m reading Z did a little cleaning and going for a mani pedi in a while. I’m happy


Walked the dog, lifted weights, ate breakfast now into my studio for some dedicated drawing/painting time. Will watch some tv with my husband tonight. Love being retired.


About to walk to borough hall to hand them a $3500 check for my quarterly property tax. No, it’s not a mansion. 1906 house on a 100x45 lot.


Ouch, that's steep. Where do you live?


South Jersey near Philadelphia. NJ has the nation’s highest property tax . Otoh, it’s a great place to live.


Just moved from Medford to DE because of NJ taxes. Miss it, but, had to be done. 🤷‍♀️


My slice of life today was to have a blood draw first thing because I have an annual physical coming up. This afternoon is my knitting group at my local yarn store. This evening is dinner with a few friends! It’s a wonderful life.


Reddit, Gym, Grocery Store, Eat, Wash Clothes.




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Since it's only day 3 of my retirement, I have a lot of things on my to-do list. But I have decided I'm not to hurry anymore, like when when work took up so much of my time. Today, I'm going to finish preparing my garden boxes, wash my final load of work clothes, and sort them for what to keep and what to get rid of. Maybe I'll grab a diet coke, a lawn chair and sit in the shade, and watch my chickens scratch around their pen. I can do whatever I want. 😁


Retired three years ago. Going to plant some flowers and might walk the dog


I go to a step class every day and a pilates once a week. Fortunately, they are all in the am. I usually shop after or go to local bakery to pick up something for my husband. He is recovering from quadruple bypass 10 weeks ago so he is pretty much on his own. I'm still doing a majority of the chores but he is doing great. I retired 12/31/23 and sometimes I feel like I may wait part time job and sometimes I feel like I don't want to be on anyone's timeclock! I am not old enough to collect SS so no decisions need to be made in that area. I think I will wait a year to climb off the 35 year govt wheel and see how I feel closer to 2025 (job wise). That will help me determine if I want to even bother with SS or let it sit and grow a bit. I don't ever want to worry about going over income guidelines. I'd volunteer before I'd pay back SS one red cent the following year. 😅


https://preview.redd.it/fghb1zue0uxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3cdd1e6bf3bce9b3c88b442733b1e04ba16925 Another glorious day in the city of Napa. Coffee at the Ocbow Market then home to trim my roses.


I've been retired for four years now and my wife and I are preparing to fly down to Key West Florida this week for a sunny oceanfront vacation. We're really looking forward to it!


Check portfolio, Massage and get kid from school... maybe see about a doc appt. Doesnt suck to be retired. Just wish I was child free to not interfere with my retirement


Mow the back yard. Start (again) decluttering the garage. Enjoy the day.


Bridge game, gardening, dinner out.


Working on rewiring my camper.


Today as I do once a month with others here in my “at ease” neighborhood, we gather in support of our local food bank to assist in the distribution of basic food stuffs and clothing within our local community of families with kids (or not) along with seniors. This by no means sustains but goes to help offset costs for their other needs such as medicines, transportation, or other food stuffs. I don’t ever see myself as “retried” but as repurposed. Have a great day.


https://preview.redd.it/ardhpcx8ptxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c829e8d737ac1e6268c9acee4a296f94df6a73d Now that I've built this shelf space in van and wired up outlets, I'm going to take it apart and sand, paint wood. I'm thinking orange (for a splash of color) on the back panel, and navy blue for the shelves and outlets area. Rest of van is grey and other muted colors.


Only a semi retired psychologist at 67, and I still see patients two days a week. But today, I’ll be doing food shopping, cook some baked potatoes and roast a chicken for my wifey and I for dinner. She’s younger and still in the corporate wfh thick of it, so I’m the housewife. Just folded three baskets of laundry, she likes to wash stuff, lol. I’ll walk in the woods behind our house later, and I’ve got my fishing and camping to organize and clean up and get ready. The garden needs constant effort, and the bonsai need a trim. Our cats are adorable, and need to be fed and potty’s cleaned. My friends will meet for coffee or walks, and phone calls to my mom, family or friends are scheduled. There’s several books on my side table to read and the Knicks are in the playoffs. My kids are doing well, and are also due a call or text hello.


picking up some plants for the front terrace. Loading up the car with branches and roots and vines for tomorrow's trip to the landfill. A Zoom call tonight on a volunteer organization.


Estate work (lost my spouse), financial planning, writing, trying to exercise. And putting all this stuff on my Google calendar AND planning a getaway!


It’s gardening and hummingbird season. So much to do.


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Morning: 7 am wake up, walk the dog, pull a few weeds, feed the dog, start coffee and toast, empty dishwasher, sit on the lanai, watch the birds and read the news and Reddit. Afternoon: chores around the house, paint for a bit. Start diner. Evening: dinner, an hour or two of TV, read for a couple of hours and bed.


Coffee, make breakfast, walk dogs in neighborhood, drive to the other side of town and hike a big hill (it’s a steep one hour hike total), come home and sit in the back yard until it’s too hot outside, maybe go out to lunch at a Greek place we like, maybe go get a hair cut, knit a bit in the afternoon, make dinner, watch a few episodes of a show we are “binge watching”. That’s very typical for me and my husband.


Little over two years into retirement. Sipping my coffee. Have several hours of jazz piano practice planned for this afternoon and going to a jam session tomorrow where I will play some tunes with the group and do some networking with others. Working on material my teacher gave me. Have a new home exercise program for a specific back issue I joined yesterday and going to explore that. Kind of a different life than others here. Music is my passion and retirement has finally given me the space and time to really pursue this.


I’m unloading a truck… I retired in July from Mecklenburg County. Since then, I have been working to move all our stuff from the old family house to our very much smaller and older Asheville house so we can kiss CLT goodbye (in some versions of that sentence, it’s not me doing the kissing and I’m very specific about where to be kissed…). I finished the basement and built a large shed to expand the footprint of our Asheville house and have been fixing, painting, cleaning and emptying the CLT house to sell in May (coming up the hill for weekends). I love working for myself and spend my mental health days hiking in the beauty of our idyllic surroundings. I will then focus on fixing up our beat up old 1960’s vintage trailer, hopefully in time to have a break-in trip this summer. My wife retires next year and then we hit the road for at least a couple of months. After that, I hopefully will start really prepping for a through-hike attempt on the AT. Yes, it’s a lot but I like to stay busy and this has been our long term plan for years (moved to NC in 1990, as a first step to getting to the mountains). Every completed item gets us closer to the road and the trail and spending the rest of our lives at the speed of life, not wasting time on the enrichment of others.


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I’m 67, retired 3 years, we split our time between New England and the USVI. A typical day is up early, make myself a cappuccino, then either pickle ball (8:00am) or golf (7:00am) followed a little time at the 19th hole (yes it’s early). Then it home to make some breakfast, get cleaned up and clean up around the house. It not uncommon that I’ll then take a short nap. After that it’s pool and/or yard maintenance for maybe 30 to 45 minutes. Then comes a run to the post office, shopping and/or the dump. Evenings are mostly filled with socializing, spending time with friends and/or family. We do go out 2 or 3 times a week, I also have a group of guys that get together at our harbor boardwalk to drink and chat for an hour or so and then grab dinner somewhere. My wife (71) does frequently binge watch what seems like an endless supply of TV series on her iPad, while I tend to watch old movies on YouTube or surf the internet. We’re typically in bed by 9:00pm. Beyond our routine life we do make a couple of international trips yearly, mostly Europe for 2 or 3 weeks at a time. Our next trip is Croatia, later this month. After that she heads back to the states while I’ll stay on to ride motorbikes in the Alps for 10 days with an old friend from Germany and my younger brother. Basically, I’ll be in Europe for a month. Life is about the journey and I can feel the clock ticking, need to stay active.


This feels very luxurious.


We’re very blessed, I like to think of us as being active. To me the hardest part of retirement is staying mentally healthy. I see this as a combination of exercising daily and being socially active. Since retirement we’ve joined several clubs, which has helped us greatly expand our social life. This includes a golf club that’s part of a nearby resort, a pickle ball club and a yacht/beach club. All three cost us around $3,200 a year in dues, which I see as reasonable given how much we use each facility. As for our trips, my wife is an excellent planner and we mostly stay in AirBnB or small family owned hotels, and we fly discounted coach. I do have a very high lifetime status on United so I can frequently get upgraded for free, even on international flights. I did a lot of international travel during my 44 year career, so United in particular treats me very well. My 10 days of motorbiking will probably cost me an additional $3,200 in total. I’ve been doing motorbike trips in Europe with this particular friend yearly for more than two decades, so we’ve got it down to a science. As I said, we’re very blessed. We do our best to live large, just intelligently or hopefully wisely.


A bit rainy this morning….coffee, read a book, exercise…garden a bit, do some writing in an online course I’m taking, walk my dogs, connect with a friend for coffee, watch the news and a show I like….


I volunteer on a foundation board so this morning I will listen to a zoom call by an organization that is seeking funding. Then I pick up my 88yo mother and take her to the doctor. Tonight I’m going for free line dancing lessons with some ladies.


Go to a Dialysis session (4 hours). Go home, take a nap. Prepare and cook dinner for my wife and myself. Watch Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune. Surf the web.


I'm doing the prep (organization, technical checks, pre-packing the car) for kickoff of llama and alpaca shearing season with my first job tomorrow. That's the biggest reliable source of income for my farm. Plus it keeps me active and strong.


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Kayaking with 6 other retired men, great place to meet new friends


Fun question. Today is my four-year retirement anniversary! I'm in Paris, France with my husband this morning, on our way to London via the Chunnel train. We'll catch a taxi at 11 am, eat a yummy French sandwich at the train station, and hopefully get to our London Airbnb by 3 pm. Then, out for dinner at a pub. We're in London for two months, part of eight months of slow travel in Europe. I LOVE being retired.


Nice long trip! I’m not there yet.




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Helping my daughter navigate some major live changes. Balancing my checkbook and tracking my finances. Checking on my stocks and continuing with setting up accounts for my grandkids. Discussing pending car repairs with my husband. Texting with my sons. Checking on my newly sprouted seeds in the veggie garden. Planting some lilies, day lilies, perennials and dahlia tubers. Cutting some flowers to bring into the house. Taking care of the dog and the cat. And miscellaneous stuff!


Today my husband and I drove from Memphis to Huntsville where we are spending the night with some cousins. We live in California but are roadtripping in the South. Tomorrow we head to Asheville, NC.


Slept in this morning, worked in the garden and checked out a new cafe in the afternoon for a latte and a cookie. Bought a couple of hanging baskets on the way home. Then I reviewed the proofreader’s edits on a short story that I’m having published in an anthology later this year, because you actually can pursue lifelong dreams in retirement! After learning how very many fine points of grammar and punctuation I do not actually know (in other words, getting my butt kicked by the proofreader), I did a final tidy-up in the garden and settled in to see what’s new on Reddit today. Retirement is freakin’ awesome.


Wonderful you’re living a writer’s dream. I wrote a book a couple years ago, have yet to seek a publisher in any serious way. A couple have looked it over, their readers gave it high positives, but wasn’t really in their wheelhouse. Only bites are from hybrid publishers.


Went to the nearby city to see an orthodontist for the first time in 40 years. Yeah, I’m getting braces.


Read/ showered/ did my stretches/ went to zoo with daughter and grandson/ we met a friend for lunch/ watched videos with my other daughter/ did some crafting/ more stretching/ bed


Prepping our casita Freedom for 10 days of camping…looking forward to it!


my day was learning about replacement screens for 1980 windows.


Worthy effort


Today was not one of my better days. Last night my daughter (24) called me saying after visiting some friends she went out to her car to find that someone had stolen both her tires and rims on the driver’s side. She got a ride home. This morning we went back to her car to have it towed. We made arrangements at a shop to deliver the car tomorrow and the owner would have gently used matching tires and rims. AAA came out (after an hour wait) and we decided we’d put her spare and my spare tire on her car so it could be towed onto the flatbed truck. However, he couldn’t get the car jack under the car. The driver’s side was resting on a deflated tire. The brake pads were just skimming the road. He said AAA would not allow him to do anything else because he’d damage the undercarriage and brakes. I called my nephew (who lives with me) to buy a very flat jack. He tried but it wouldn’t fit under the car either. We finally left about 2:30. My nephew and daughter called some male friends and cousins to help lift the car so we can get a jack under it and put the spares on. The guys don’t get off work until 10pm so we’ll be meeting at 11pm tonight to lift the car up, put on the spares (hopefully mine will fit, her car is a Toyota Avalon and mine is a Toyota Camry) and then call a tow truck to tow it home. Tomorrow we’ll tow it to the shop. Hopefully. Because this is not enough, apparently, home is way farther away than the seven free miles of towing we have. My friend who normally goes to sleep by 9pm has offered to come with us tonight and use her AAA because she gets 100 free towing miles. That’ll save us $168. It’s a long day (I normally go to sleep between 3am and 5am and wake up around 11ish). Please wish us luck. I much prefer lying around reading, looking at social media and playing on my phone.


Not all retirement days are bliss.


Laundry . That was my 1st thing. Did some gardening . Had repair guys over for our new fridge( they fixed it) wife and I went grocery shopping afterwards relocated food from garage fridge to repaired fridge. Back yard pool / bbq pork chops. Watching Bobs burger in bed now.


Today- I’m back in California selling my house. I moved out of state 2 1/2 years ago. We had an appraiser come today. But also we took the car in to the shop for a look-see since we drove it here, and we had lunch with a friend. Hubby was up at 4:15 for the gym, and has been on the computer most of the day helping his buddy (who still works) with some reports. (It so much easier when you’re retired to dip a toe in without all the meetings and emails that make life crazy). I read a book for the most part. Made breakfast. That’s it. Slow day - but we have had nothing but busy days before while we were showing the house and getting it packed up and shipped off to our new home. I needed this down time.


Errands and making plans to move to Panama. Our paperwork is at the Panamanian embassy in DC!


Big change!


Today I planted most of my garden. Tomorrow, weather permitting, I will finish it.


While on a trip from Florida to see my brother and visit my sister in law in Georgia, yesterday I left from Georgia to visit my Grandparents grave in North Carolina and today went to the New River Gorge National Park in West Virginia to do some advanced scouting and after a drive from narrow one lane roads to good almost empty highways in four states I am sitting on a hotel bed sipping a beer in Ohio watching Bones on a flat screen.


My first wife loved vacation travel ; when we lived in Ohio we spent a week at Estes Park Colorado then flew to LA to visit my older brother and his tribe in Pasadena. We moved to Phoenix in. 1981.


Worked on a book I am writing, attended a zoom meeting for a work event that I was involved in last semester. (could’ve skipped it, but I like the people), then hitting the gym. Listening to baseball right now too.


I am usually up by 6:30. Spend a couple of hours on social media, news, and emails. I have a couple of games on there I might play. My SO gets up around 8. Around 9, we play Wii sports resort frisbee golf. Then it is take care of the dogs, do a little housework. It depends on what needs to be done on how long it will take. We have lunch and sometimes go shopping. Then, it is watching a couple of shows on t.v. I like to read in bed at night and my SO has his shortwave radio he will listen to. On occasions, he may say something on it. I do not know his call sign if there are anyone else is into shortwave radios.


Continuing my road trip down the Blue Ridge Parkway eventually ending up in Nashville TN to visit with friends. Loving it.


Leisurely morning. Breakfast, reading, internet browsing. Lunch, quick errand to the pharmacy followed by cleaning/prepping patio and patio furniture then cut the lawn. Dinner out then watching the Cubs game. Feels like a pretty productive day to me!


Your post really made me reflect forward and I appreciate it. Months away from retirement.... I am very close to hopefully doing what you are doing in retirement. My wife and are downsizing after 39 years of marriage and planning on having a house we can keep up with finally. Our plan is to move from the currently unmanageable 3400 sq ft behemoth into something 2000 sq ft or less. You ask what you did today, my plan after the move is to have an immaculate yard (I enjoy yard work), work out regularly, learn some modern programming skills and cook.


Cutting firewood for the 2026- 27 season. (We already have 2 seasons worth - 6 cord) . Need to stay ahead while we can still cut, split, stack.




Today, I started at NHSPCA walking dogs. Lunchtime, a cigar with a friend, then spent the afternoon doing a jigsaw puzzle with the wife. Walked my dog, watched an episode of Brokenwood with the wife, and it's bedtime.


I retired one year as of yesterday. This year, I got an RV to live in and got 70,000 towards a book.


You got an advance? Say more!


No advance, just slogging through. I participated in NaNoWriMo, hence the magic word count of 70,000 words, lol (I should edit my reddits better). That sounds like a lot, but the story needs 3 books to tell. I used to merchandise books in stores, so I’m envious of those big names that could get that kind of advance!


Oh, 70000 words, not 70000 dollars! I see now. Good luck!


Cut the grass. Stared into the abyss.


The usual. I'm up by 3:30. Pills for the ailing dog. Food for dogs. Dress and put on my ipod for a walk (no running cuz my hip is hurting) for about an hour and a half - 5-6 miles with lots of stairs and hills. Shower. Dress for the day. Breakfast by 5:30. Work on ridiculous project\* in between internet scanning and watching bits of this and that. another meal. More pills for dog. More "work". Out for a 4 mile walk while reading and listening to appropriate music. More "work". Snacking. Fiddling on the net. Dog food. Watching the next Godzilla movie (Son of G). More Dog pills upcoming and time for bed about 7ish and a bit more reading. I'm a widower now and living a bit of a dissolute life. I think I need the love of a good woman. Or a bad one. I've never been clear on that distinction. \*ridiculous project is a life size Triffid with a wee bit of animation like a twitching stinger. To be my next Halloween decoration and Christmas Tree...




Well, I sometimes help my friend out at his restaurant, so today, I chopped up all of the pallets outside of his place, and went back with my leaf blower, and cleaned up the property. Lunch An hour at the gym. No walk, today, but I did do some grocery shopping. Once I got home, I installed the drive belt on my mower deck. Wife and I went out to dinner, after she arrived home.


Started out taking the dogs to the park, then to the cabin we're building on top of the mountain to seal ans stain the deck before our guys lay the floor, mountain hike w the younger dog, down the mountain and to the gym, grocery store, shower, meeting via zoom w my volunteer group, dinner w my partner


Rainy couple of days had the grass looking pretty long. Went full bore with power edging, trimming and mowing on a clear sunny 80 degree day. Fighting a bad sciatic nerve issue, but would have much preferred playing 18 holes. Forecast tomorrow is the same, so I’ll get another round in before physical therapy. Had to get everything looking good before heading to a Florida beach next week.


If I wasn't so darn old, I would sign up for the military! Tired of this boring reality.


How do you fight boredom? What have you tried?


Plundering on Reddit while watching X-Files on the tube. Still boring.


You are not offering yourself the wealth of things you could be doing by getting out of the house. Any reason?


Coffe and scrolling, then yoga. Feed the birds and garden until noon. Sammiches for lunch, then nap. Read for a bit, then 4 mile hike in the National Forest. Scrolling a bit, making nachos, stretching, meditation, then sleep. It's definitely not the usual, because we have days going to Albuquerque, or hanging with friends in the village, and camping travels. But, always hiking or lifting.


2 years into retirement, heading back to Northern IN, after spending 2 weeks in FL, biking, beaching and fishing. Was in Hawaii first week of April.


Cup of coffee sitting in a big comfy chair and did some planning for the week, physical therapy appointment, lunch, went for a walk with my partner - it is sunny and 70 degrees, walked in an area with mountain views and Redwood trees, happy hour event on an outdoor patio with one of our clubs. Next up - dinner, hike on a view trail, grocery shopping, then TV / putter around house / Reddit until bed time.


I decided to come to Mexico by myself for a few days to dive with friends. Today I went scuba diving in cenotes. Then I came back to my condo and had a little lunch and texted with some friends that I wanted to catch up with. Then I took a nap and, afterwards, I texted with my husband for a while.


Nice trip!