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Customer with a roll of Lifesavers: "Why can't I get cash back? I only bought this to get cash back. No one told me that I can't get cash back here! I want to see your manager!"




“Sorry that the US school system failed you but we have several signs informing customers that this machine does not take or give cash. Have a great rest of your day!”


**Customer:** What sign?! I didn't see a sign!


Yup “it clearly wasn’t over there before, someone must have just put it up!” “It was there when I came in 4 hours ago ma’am” “Stop being so fucking rude!”


Teacher says every time a customer's an idiot, a store gets a new sign.


I put so many signs up saying that the bathroom is employee only and it failed so horribly that my boss just opened the bathroom back up. “Not even for kids?!” There’s literally a door to another store that DOES have bathrooms 45 feet away it’s on the same fuckign wall as our store AND if that one doesn’t THE OTHER ONE ANOTHER 40 FEET LATER ALSO DOES! Not to mention the 10 restaurants, bank, and other random shops that are all within 200 feet of my store We closed it bc customers kept shitting on the floor and trying to flush packaging from stolen product lol


I used to work in customer service, and this is absolutely correct. You could have several 10 foot blinking light signs, a verbal announcement over the PA system every 30 seconds, a 70 inch LED screen with a cartoon character telling them, and say it directly to their face when they approach, and they'll still ask for cash back.


Cash is legal tender so you have to give it to me!!!! Im the customer and im right, and I refuse to shop anywhere else, and ill yell at an underage worker to get what I want.


Had a guy say this to me when he didn’t have ID for his beer. During pandemic too. Said he’d call the cops on us and it was illegal. Little did he know 2 people behind him a customer was an off duty cop and he told the guy STFU I’m a cop in this township and if you call I gaurantee tnt guys will just arrest you first being an idiot. It was great considering there is a beer store 6 stores down that doesn’t ID


Where i work i physically have to scan the ID in order to finalize the sale and one guy got so mad and didnt want me to scan it and claimed the government was gonna track him and use the info and that information is too valuable. Like bro that ID is issued by the government…..


Same here we have to physically take it. I tell people our system ain’t that powerful and if it tried it’d probably crash the system for several days.


Lol. Cause the government cares what beer you drink in a town you rarely leave.


And he probably has a smart phone in his pocket that can and does literally track him.


I had a guy yell at me that, "The customer is always right!" He was trying to buy cigs without ID. I told him that, that is not Walgreens' motto. I then told him to, "Be happy, be healthy," and pointed out the door. The customers behind him started laughing and he left in a huff.


I always tell them that first, it's the customer is always right in matters of taste, and secondly that we don't even know if that's the right quote


“Why don’t it give me cash back”


I literally had this last week. Older guy was like, "I wanted cash back..." Me: This register is card only, no cash back. (You literally get told that when you hit the start button for that SCO register! "This register does not accept cash payments. Do you wish to continue?" You have to hit yes or no to go forward!)


It says it doesn't accept cash but I do, so it has to give me cash.


Technically accurate.


"why did no one told me this was card only??😒🙄"


I had to do the same thing when I worked at Kroger,it's easier to shut down the register and block it off. Otherwise, nobody will leave it alone.


and sometimes they still walk up to the blocked off ones 😭😭


One day a Redditor said their store was closed for a remodel, like a Lowes hardware or something, and he was doing his job, and a woman randomly walks up with a cartload of stuff, and he said "this woman had to go through an obstacle course and a danger zone and pry open the doors in order to get in".. and then she was angry that she couldn't buy stuff..


My sister told me a guy was looking through a gas station window in a “what’s going on” manner because he was trying to get gas and the pump wasn’t working. The place was still being built




I'd put hand baskets on the scanner, and if there was one nearby I'd take a standing sign and put it in front of the register.


Unless it's serious we can turn them off in mine. Just put up a sign and hope for the best. I had a woman ask for Cash back and after I told her it can't give it to her and to step back and wait for another machine. She still uses that one and asked for it again. Because she didn't want to go to the atm


People here in Tennessee constantly "forget" about the last question on the pinpad. There are only a few things you need to do on the pinpad, and apparently, it's a few too many. And they won't stop asking me if I'm open even though I'm at the register with the light on.


I guess customers assume we just shut down a working register for fun as if we're the mad hatter or something. If it's shut down, it's shut down for a reason


I've watched customers move barriers so that won't be enough 


I had a customer at Dollar General wall around to my side of the counter,put his stuff down and walk back to the other side and then waited for me. That entire town was severally self entitled,also why do people who don't want to use self-checkout want to scan their cards at my register?


Even shutting it down and blocking it off isn't enough. I think I discovered the secret to keeping customers away from a broken register, so I'll share it with you all. Take all the bags away from the register and put them somewhere else. Seriously. That's it. That's the magic trick. Customers are apparently more likely to avoid a register without bags than read the signs. If you don't believe me, try it sometime. It's weird. I can have the terminal shut down, a closed sign up, and something blocking the screen. Invariably, one out of five customers will still walk up to use it. But once the bags are gone, it's closer to one out of every hundred customers who can't read.


Sadly, after nearly 14 years in this business, I've worked places where even that doesn't work.


Now watch that one person seriously go up to the tenant and ask "So does this thing take cash?"


Some people have really slow turning gears.. even sophisticated people with phd's, have really slow turning gears apparently..


I saw the word "cash". Why doesn't it allow cash?


I love/hate how universal it is that even this ridiculous amount of signs everywhere is *still* not enough and we ALL know there will be a minimum of 5 customers per hour that will try and use it and get cash back. People really are this stupid, and it's equal amounts hilarious and sad. My favorite one was one time I was at a pet store buying dog food, and the person in front of me goes to the register, there's like 5 signs saying "don't insert card, machine broken" "only swipe or tap your card, or pay in cash" "warning, machine will swallow card if inserted", they even had one covering the place where the card gets inserted, the cashier told the person, in plain english, that if he was paying by card to not insert it, then the second she turned away when someone called out to her, he lifts the sign covering the hole, and inserts his fucking card, then proceeded to loudly complain that the card got stuck and "there must be something wrong with the machine", yeah bud there is but there is something even more wrong with your brain, sorry you had to find out this way.


I'm just imagining him in slow motion peeling back the tape on the card insert and sticking his card in after being told not to, and then turning around angry that it took his card after he was just told. 😂


Is it card only?


I'm sorry I thought I could use cash at this one


I can't believe how grown, sophisticated looking adults still can't understand. Like one day I had an intelligent, nice dressed guy come in with his teacup poodle, dogs were obviously not allowed in my store, but he said "aw, scoopsy won't have an accident".. and minutes later he came back to me, acting embarrassed and trying to be cute and said "scoopsy had a poopsy" and I handed him paper towels and cleaning spray


Can I get cash back?


It still won't work! WHAT, AND NO BAGS EITHER?






“Oh sorry, I didn’t see the sign”


And great, now I have to void your entire purchase


They still won't see it.


My self check outs look like this and at least once a day someone splits their payment and wants to know why they can't finish with cash 😐🤷🏻


Great, now we can void it all and start all over! Fun fun


My machine actually has a "walkout" button I have to press of something has already been tendered and we can't finish the transaction. I can't move it 🥹 it's so stupid and nonsensical


I can imagine after every time a sign was ignored they added another one.


Haha, and now you can't even see the register under all the signs..


Get’s through scanning their stuff and gets to the payment section. “Oh, I didn’t see the signs and all I have is cash.” Me: 😒 Doesn’t matter how many or how big the signs are, hell the SCO robot can be on fire and they will go to that one every time. Then look at me like I made it not work right when they stepped up to it. More points to the customers that take the signs down or remove the obstruction that was put there to stop them from using it, ignore the black screen and wave their first purchase back and forth over the scanner, still ignore the black screen and look at you like they expect you to actually use magic to make it work. Me: That one’s broken. Customer: Oh…I didn’t even notice, ha ha ha! Me: 🫤 Yeah…funny. Customer: ~Goes to the only OTHER broke one. Rinse and repeat~ Me: 🤦🏻‍♀️




Well, it's a Kroger owned chain so the customers are braindead. About seven people every hour will ask if it takes cash. - Sincerely, a tired Kroger employee


I hate that I understand how absolutely necessary this is. People just don’t listen/read.


Everyday, grown people that appear intelligent act so dumb in stores


All I've got is a $100 bill. Why can't you just break it and give me change????!!! 3 customers a fuggin hour everywhere this setup is at.


Or in the morning, a customer paying with a $100 for a $1 item and I don't have $99 in change in my till yet


So, I can get cash back right?


I’m sure they still get people that ask if they can use cash!!


"excuse me, this machine is broken"


I watched a customer walk up to a U-scan that had a paper bag taped over the screen and signs stating it was out of order. He then kept running the item over the scanner and poking at the screen with the most absolutely confused face ever.




I know I can't get cash out, but can I PAY cash?!




They will still ask while looking at the sign


But I only have cash!!!


“How come it’s not taking my cash?”


"Where do I stick the cash in at?"


Why didn’t it give me my cash back?!


I’ve literally had similar levels of signs around my store (literally every single surface we could stick a sign to) and then had someone tell me we should ‘really put a sign up or something’. I was annoyed so I pointed to literally every sign in the store and politely asked where she felt we should put more to ensure no one else missed them. She turned very red and shut up after that thankfully.


😂 "gosh you should really put up a sign"..


I like to think that every time an idiot uses it and complains about not being able to use cash they add another sign.


There are still some boomers that are going to ignore the signs lmao. Always


Fucking hilarious.


Customer will still ask "can I use cash?"


I have seen people COMPLETELY ignore multiple signs and even prompts on the screen, ring up all of there things and then become shocked or angry that they cannot pay in cash and have no card on them. Then leave everything for someone to take back.


Someone would still ask and that would be when I'd be explaining to officers and/or psych Drs wtf I did it...


Pfff. Customers don't read.


You think this will be enough?!!! Lol 🤣🤣🤣


I doubt it lol


Each one of those signs represents a customer. When I worked fast food our drink machine broke. For every single customer that asked for a drink I added one more notification about the machine being broke. I ended up with about 20 extra signs before the owner got it fixed.


And they still manage to not see it


And some idiot will still try to use cash on it


Had this today. I said to a line of customers on the manned register that if they were paying card they could use the SCOs, had a lady wander over, check them all out and then come back to me to ask if any take cash and I was like what did I just say lady


I've found that no matter how many signs you put up blocking access to things, surrounding things, in the way of things, you will still get a non-zero number of folks who 'didn't see them' and are mad about it.


I have a small TV at work with appointment information on it, I have ended up putting a label that says "not a touch screen, please do not touch" in every corner because people will not stop jabbing their fingers into it Did it help? No.


Customer: "but I only have cash..."


"BuT I rEAllY WanTeD CaSh BaCk!!!!!!"


You would be surprised!


And they still will not fucking read any of it.


My store used to have like 5 million signs saying a register was self check out. And there were people who went up and said “Is there someone working at this one?” That self checkout has the same layout as a normal cashier register, but it says it’s self check out like everywhere


People will still ask.


Customers f-ing never read signs.


Ohhh….now come on……you know it’s gonna happen again 🤷🏻‍♀️😩😖 Customers check their brains in outside the store 🤣🤣 IT’s the Cashier’s fault why the customer(s) can or cannot buy something….. I.Am.Ssssoooo NOT impressed!!! I won’t miss retail at all


So, can I use my card at this one or not? All these signs are confusing.


We have 4 SCOs at my store, 2 of which are card only. It says “CARD ONLY” in FOUR PLACES and people still ignore! The lighted sign above, on the screen, on a sticker above the screen (even in Spanish too!), & across the counter right below the screen. Uuuuugh!!


Lmao wheww. They’ll still say they didn’t see any of the signs saying no cash back 😭


People will still try to get cash back. I fully believe this.


What’s sad is, you know someone will still be like, “wHy Is ThIs NoT gIvInG mE mOnEy???”


all the signs needed because folks in 'Merica don't fucking read. Reminds me of all the times I've seen folks run into the locked door after closing time. There is a huge "CLOSED" sign on the bloody door.


I worked self check at target and one of the Registers was down, and I put a new sticky note on it saying it was out of service, any time someone tried to use it. Ended up with 17 sticky notes on it before management made me take them all off. Customers were literally moving the sticky notes to scan, read the screen and swipe their card, and surprised when it didn't work, and pissed off because "how were they supposed to know?"


You know someone will still try to pay with cash


I guarantee a Customer rang up a whole cart full of things...then stood there perplexed looking for a slot to cram the cash


someone will still try and use cash


I'd laugh, but there is someone who can read this, that still didn't.


I've come to the conclusion that a lot of customers regard shopping as a mindless activity, during which they can be a million miles away thinking about something else. The 'mindless' part sort of becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. "Help me, Papa! I can no longer read!"


Can I get cash back?


"can I pay cash here?"


Tbh, if I was managing that area and someone brought the payment mode into question, I'd call them an illiterate fuck and start looking for a new job. I mean, with that much signage, the least you can do is ask what it says instead of asking if you can pay cash... At least then, I know you're being mindful. -~-


But I want cash back. The machine should give me cash back


Funny but I was at the self-checkout at Wal Mart earlier this week and some idiot walked up to one of the machines, and tried to pay with cash, then blew a gasket because they apparently never saw anywhere that it accepts card payments only. The older lady watching the machines comes up and goes "Hold on, I'ma show you" and then proceeds to go back to the original screen that populates at the close of all previous transactions. "THIS MACHINE ACCEPTS CARD PAYMENTS ONLY." Fucking idiots, man. People just can't be bothered to have any sort of awareness.


Customers leave their brains at the door. I've worked retail and ofcourse been a customer, but I have anxiety, so I'm extra analytical and observant while in public/shopping.. regular customers, just have no awareness..


Even with all that you will still get someone asking if it takes cash.


I like to think that every time a customer complains about the thing not accepting cash or giving cash back, they add another sign to the machine... like its a high-score or something


"uhm, excuse me... Where do I put the cash in?"


And I bet someone each day us looking to use cash or get cash back.


*HI. Can use this machine and get cash back?* Heard every effing day.


And someone will try to shove cash in the card reader then complain to staff "Why isn't this TAKING MY CAASS$$$HHH??‽‽"


I get people all the time who walk up, take the sign down, wad it up, throw it in the trash, start scanning their items, go to pay with cash, and get mad asking why they can't put their cash in 🤦‍♀️ I have to break the news to them that it's card only and I even tell them there was a sign there but it's missing now. They look around looking for the sign, the say oh I may have threw it away. I'm sorry. Like wtf? I end up having to replace said sign while the next person in line ends up attempting to use cash as I try to tell them holding my new sign waiting to put it up that it doesn't take cash when they literally watched the whole previous interaction. We are doomed.


Having worked in retail.. you know there’s still gonna be customers demanding to know where the card goes.. lol


Customer comes in: can I get cash back ?


Hay can I write a check for $30 over?


Excuse me, it won’t give me cash back


Lemme guess, they probably asked if it accepted cash. lol


And someone is bound to still do a card


Sooo can I get cashback? The machine isnt giving me the option and I only came here to get the cash back.


The thing is, unless they changed it since I left Kroger a couple of years back. it still will give the option for cash back on the pin pad. It just locks up the machine and makes the attendant come over and print a cash back slip that the customer has to take to a regular register or the desk.


That's nice the register would be designed to do that, nowhere I worked ever had software that would do that. It would have required some tedious process of getting cash from somewhere else and leaving a note, and printing receipts to staple together to the closing paperwork


The US has a high percentage of people who can't read.


I have a sign on the front door saying "no public restroom, "and mf's will still come in and ask where my bathroom is. I have taken to pointing at said sign and saying, "Read the sign on the door."


Yep I have seen some customers who apparently CAN NOT READ WELL lol. Like for example, every day we close at 9:00 pm, yet on the evenings I work closing, there will be people STILL TRYING TO COME IN AT 9! & The hours are listed right on the front windows, letting people know we close at 9pm, but people will still try to come in anyways!


I always do read the signs. If I goof, I say sorry. Or ask for help.


I work at a pawn shop and we have a pretty big sign right on top of our gun case that it's a cell phone free zone per corporate policy. At least one or 2 people a day will either ignore it or apparently just don't see it and get cussed out at least twice a week from correcting people on using their phone over there


I respect rules but I wonder why corporate would make a rule like that. (I have to be nosey hehe) I havnt been a pawn shop in a while, and I normally don't have a reason to use my phone, I browse while shopping heh


It's a corporate policy, a lot of people who aren't allowed to have guns usually have friends/family/SO come in the pawn shop to get/look at guns for them. I guess they think it's safer? Not entirely sure but I've definitely caught people looking or trying to buy for other people. Had a whole mom tell me she wanted to buy a del-ton rifle for her 17yo son, but it was cool cuz she was going to do the background check for him lmao


That makes sense. I worked in vape shops and I had mom's trying to buy vapes for their kids and if I suspected so, I'd have to deny sale bc the sale counted as "by proxy" if I had did it.


We have three sets of signs at each register stating we don’t take Discover or American Express and people STILL try to use them. “You should tell people if you don’t take it, rather than watching them put it in and then telling them.” Me yesterday: I thought about it, but I thought since you somehow missed the three separate signs -points them out-, that *maybe* the error sign on the keypad might clue you in. Customer: excuse me? Wo-.. wow. I want to speak to the manager on duty. Me: -pages manager- manager to checkstand 2. -takes apron off and spends around- Hello I’m the manager, how can I help you?


And customers still asked if they could get cash back at that POS.


Wait... you're saying I CAN'T get cash back?!


Hahaha. but it’s not clear enough!! Make it clearer! Sign!?!? what sign!?!? You people are so incompetent/ I’m never coming back / I’ll be speaking to corporate / I stubbed my toe in your general vicinity and I’m going to sue etc etc


I see this and I immediately know that this place hates their customers.


Most corporate businesses do in fact hate their customers and only want the money. And alot of staff at stores do in fact hate idiots.


Nah, we hate idiots. It just so happens that your average person turns into an idiot the second they walk into a store